99 research outputs found

    Belediyeler ve bağlı kuruluşlarında sözleşmeli personelin istihdamına yönelik düzenlemeler

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır

    A visual-verbal attempt

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    The purpose of this study is to provide a description of the preparation process and works in my master thesis exhibition ‘A visual - verbal attempt’. As an artist book, the works examined in the thesis can be seen as a critique of deviance caused by changes in everyday life. Such a deviance, which focuses on the deviance in language and culture may be defined as an incidence of transformation of language and culture, which is deprived of semantic legitimacy or form in everyday urban life. In this respect, the basic criticism in the thesis dwells on the indifference shown against the afore-mentioned deviance, which turns into a kind of disturbance. Through an examination of visual and verbal approaches, this study aims to present an experience and observation of everyday urban life, language, history, public conscience, knowledge, and their possible impacts on one another in the format of a book

    Genetic Animal Heritage of Anatolia: Short-beaked Pigeon Genotypes

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    This study aimed to determine the morphological and morphometric characteristics of Bango, Mısıri and Baska pigeons, which have been preferred to breed as ornamental and diver pigeons in Anatolia. The ages of the pigeons were classified into four groups: 12-24 months of age (age group I), 25-36 months of age (age group II), 37-48 months of age (age group III), and 48 months of age and over (age group IV). These three pigeon genotypes were included in the bird group with short beak and small body structure. There were statistically significant differences among the genotypes in terms of body weight, head length-width, beak length-depth, chest depth-width, thoracic perimeter, tail and body length, wing span-length, tarsus diameter (p?0.01). Considering the body plumage color of pigeons, Mısıri and Bango pigeons show more similar appearance, however Baska pigeons has a different appearance from both genotypes. However, it is thought that it would be appropriate to evaluate morphological data together with genetic analysis. We think that these three pigeon genotypes should be taken under immediate protection in order to protect the domestic gene resources of Turkey.

    Türkiye?in yerli gen kaynağı, muradiye dönek güvercinlerinin morfolojik özellikleri]

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    This study was conducted to investigate the morphological characteristics of Muradiye Dönek pigeon. It is a local animal genetic resource and cultural heritage and has an important place among the genotypes of domestic pigeons in Turkey. The animal material of this study consisted of 100 pigeons (50 females and 50 males) from seven pigeon enterprises. In the study, morphological characteristics were evaluated and morphometric measurements were determined. Body plumage colors of pigeons were determined as black (70%), red (16%) and blue (14%) galaca. In some birds, the yellow beaks and nails may bear black spots, which pigeon breeders refer to as ‘zikir’. The term ‘biyik’ (mustache) is used when black feathers appear among the white feathers on the head, and the term ‘kemer’ (belt) is used when black feathers appear in the tail. The differences between the mean values of body weight and wingspan (P<0.001), chest depth (P<0.05) values were statically significant for age groups, which were reported to affect flight characteristics in birds. As a result, when the morphological characteristics obtained in Muradiye Dönek pigeons are compared with other researchers, it is thought that the selection of these birds were carried out by the breeders in terms of the game behavior such as rotation movement during the diving and landing. Although the data obtained in the study support the hypothesis that Muradiye Dönek pigeons should be defined as a different breed, further studies with DNA analysis are required to confirm this situation. © 2021, Chartered Inst. of Building Services Engineers. All rights reserved.17,138This work is supported by the Scientific Research Project Fund of Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University under project number 10.GA.17.138 (NKUBAP, Tekirdağ, Turkey).This work is supported by the Scientific Research Project Fund of Tekirda? Nam?k Kemal University under project number 10.GA.17.138 (NKUBAP, Tekirda?, Turkey)

    The morphological and morphometric characteristics of Alabadem pigeons

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    This study aimed to determine the morphological and morphometric characteristics of Alabadem pigeons, which are grown as ornamental pigeons in Edirne province, and to determine mutual traits with other indigenous pigeon breeds in Turkey by comparing with previous studies. Body weight (P < 0.001), head length (P < 0.01), head width (P < 0.05), beak length (P < 0.001), and tarsus diameter (P < 0.05) of age group III were higher than those of other age groups; however, the wingspan of age group II was greater than that of other age groups in Alabadem pigeon. Compared to other indigenous genotypes in Turkey, the Alabadem pigeon is a small-sized genotype. Alabadem pigeons were similar to Edremit butterfly pigeons and Thracian tumbler pigeons in terms of crested and blackeyed pigeons. On the other hand, the irregularly shaped mark (almond) on the head in Alabadem pigeons was similar to the wide-long irregular shaped mark on the neck of Edremit butterfly pigeons. Some basic plumage colors (black, yellow, and red) and intermediate colors (chickpea and scarlet) were identical to Alabadem pigeons and Thrace roller pigeons. Since Alabadem pigeons have many mutual characteristics with Edremit butterfly pigeons and Thracian roller pigeons, genetic studies may be recommended to determine the degree of relationship among these breeds.Tekirdag Namik Kemal University Scientific Research Project Coordination Unit [NKUBAP.10, 17.138]This study was funded by Tekirdag Namik Kemal University Scientific Research Project Coordination Unit (Project No: NKUBAP.10.GA.17.138)

    Serology-based approach in the clinical evaluation of neonatal viral eye diseases in kittens: calicivirus, herpesvirus and panleukopenia virus

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    This study aimed to examine the distribution of feline calicivirus (FCV), feline herpesvirus (FHV), and feline panleukopenia virus (FPLV), which cause neonatal feline viral diseases in kittens aged one to three months, using a Dot-ELISA bases antibody test kit. The studied parameters included the animals" sex, clinical signs and the Dot-ELISA test kit values. Twenty kittens had eye lesions and 20 were without eye lesions. Basic ophthalmologic examinations were performed, including pupil, corneal, palpebral and menace response reflexes, direct ophthalmoscopy, and fluorescein staining. The study population consisted of 40 kittens (25 female and 15 male); 3 of them are British shorthaired and the rest is 37 tabby kittens. In half of the 20 kittens with eye lesions, the lesions were bilateral and the most common clinical lesions were conjunctivitis, mucopurulent discharge, and blepharospasm. Other notable clinical findings were iris staphyloma, corneal opacity, symblepharon, and panophthalmitis. A higher rate of seropositive results was determined against Calicivirus in kittens. The severity and appearance of the cases could vary depending on the virus accompanying the lesions. In conclusion, the Feline Calicivirus was the most frequently detected virus in 1 to 3-month-old kittens in this study and the clinical presentation may change according to the accompanying virus titers

    Predicting mortality and morbidity of geriatric femoral fractures using a modified frailty index and perioperative features: a prospective, multicentre and observational study

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    Introduction: Femoral fracture is associated with high geriatric mortality. Frailty is the increased vulnerability to stressors resulting from aging-associated decreases in physiological reserve. We aimed to predict 30-365-day postoperative mortality and morbidity rates using modified frailty index and perioperative characteristics in geriatric femoral fractures. Materials and Method: Using a prospective observational design, data were collected from patients >65 years undergoing femoral fracture surgery from 13 different hospitals in 2016 and 2017. Post-discharge follow-up periods were 30, 90, 180, and 365 days. Age, sex, modified frailty index and anaesthesia types used during surgery were recorded. Renal markers, troponin I and haemoglobin levels were examined preoperatively and postoperatively at 24 and 72 hours. Results: We included 392 patients in this study. The age of the patients were between 65 and 101 (mean, 79 +/- 11.9). Median modified frailty index was 5 (interquartile range, 2-7). Increase in modified frailty index increased mortality rate. Mortality rate at postoperative 30 days was 9.8%, while overall study mortality rate was 23%. Spinal anaesthesia was administered in 205 patients (52.3%, most frequent), followed by general in 110 (28.1%), peripheral nerve blocks in 21 (5.4) and spinal-epidural in 43 (11%). Anaesthesia type affected both intensive care unit (p<0.001) and total hospitalization (p<0.012) duration. A logistic regression model revealed that frailty index, preoperative creatinine and centre type were independent mortality predictors. Conclusion: Increased modified frailty index was associated with higher postoperative mortality risk, thus providing an additional way for improving risk stratification. Preoperative creatinine increase and centre types are determining factors in mortality

    The Acute Effects of Normobaric Hypoxia on Strength, Muscular Endurance and Cognitive Function: Influence of Dose and Sex

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    The aim of this study was to examine the acute effects of different levels of hypoxia on maximal strength, muscular endurance, and cognitive function in males and females. In total, 13 males (mean ± SD: age, 23.6 ± 2.8 years; height, 176.6 ± 3.9 cm; body mass, 76.6 ± 2.1 kg) and 13 females (mean ± SD: age, 22.8 ± 1.4 years; height, 166.4 ± 1.9 cm; body mass, 61.6 ± 3.4 kg) volunteered for a randomized, double-blind, crossover study. Participants completed a one repetition strength and muscular endurance test (60% of one repetition maximum to failure) for squat and bench press following four conditions; (i) normoxia (900 m altitude; FiO2: 21%); (ii) low dose hypoxia (2000 m altitude; FiO2: 16%); (iii) moderate dose hypoxia (3000 m altitude; FiO2: 14%); and (iv) high dose hypoxia (4000 m altitude; FiO2: 12%). Heart rate, blood lactate, rating of perceived exertion, and cognitive function was also determined during each condition. The one repetition maximum squat (p = 0.33) and bench press (p = 0.68) did not differ between conditions or sexes. Furthermore, squat endurance did not differ between conditions (p = 0.34). There was a significant decrease in bench press endurance following moderate (p = 0.02; p = 0.04) and high (p = 0.01; p = 0.01) doses of hypoxia in both males and females compared to normoxia and low dose hypoxia, respectively. Cognitive function, ratings of perceived exertion, and lactate were also significantly different in high and moderate dose hypoxia conditions compared to normoxia (p < 0.05). Heart rate was not different between the conditions (p = 0.30). In conclusion, high and moderate doses of acute normobaric hypoxia decrease upper body muscular endurance and cognitive performance regardless of sex; however, lower body muscular endurance and maximal strength are not altered

    Validity and reliability study of the Moral Distress Questionnaire in Turkish for nurses

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    Objetivo: determinar a validade e a confiabilidade da versão em idioma turco do Moral Distress Questionnaire para enfermeiros. Método: estudo metodológico cuja amostra foi composta por 200 enfermeiros atuantes nas clínicas de medicina interna e cirurgia de um hospital universitário. Os dados foram coletados por meio do formulário de informações pessoais e do Moral Distress Questionnaire para enfermeiros. Resultados: na Análise de Componentes Principais, os itens foram agrupados em três fatores. Resultados da análise fatorial confirmatória: qualidade do ajuste do qui-quadrado: 2,28, índice de qualidade do ajuste: 0,88, índice de ajuste comparativo: 0,88, índice de ajuste não normatizado: 0,86, raiz quadrada da média do erro de aproximação: 0,07. O coeficiente alfa de Cronbach foi de 0,79 como resultado da análise realizada para testar a consistência interna da escala. Observou-se que esses três fatores explicaram 44,92% da variância total. Conclusão: neste estudo, a versão turca do Moral Distress Questionnaire foi considerada válida e confiável para a sociedade turca. Recomenda-se que o Moral Distress Questionnaire para enfermeiros seja utilizado em estudos futuros a serem conduzidos, com esses profissionais, para investigar questões de dilema ético.Objective: to determine the validity and reliability of the Turkish language version of the Moral Distress Questionnaire for nurses. Method: methodological study whose sample consisted of 200 nurses working in the internal medicine and surgery clinics of a university hospital. Data was collected using the personal information form and the Moral Distress Questionnaire for nurses. Results: in the Main Components Analysis, the items were grouped under three factors. Findings regarding confirmatory factor analysis: chi-square goodness: 2.28, goodness of fit index: 0.88, comparative fit index: 0.88, non-normed fit index: 0.86, root mean square error of approximation: 0.07. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was found to be 0.79 as a result of the analysis conducted in order to test the internal consistency of the scale. It was seen that these three factors explained 44.92% of the total variance. Conclusion: in this present study, the Turkish version of the Moral Distress Questionnaire was found to be valid and reliable for the Turkish society. It is recommended that the Moral Distress Questionnaire for nurses should be used in future studies to be conducted with nurses in order to investigate of issues of ethical dilemma.Objetivo: determinar la validación y confiabilidad de la versión en idioma turco del Moral Distress Questionnaire para enfermeros. Método: estudio metodológico cuya muestra estuvo conformada por 200 enfermeras que trabajaban en clínicas médicas y de cirugía internas de un hospital universitario. Los datos se recopilaron utilizando el formulario de información personal y el Cuestionario de Estrés Moral para enfermeros. Resultados: en el Análisis de Componentes Principales, los ítems se agruparon en tres factores. Resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio: calidad de ajuste de chi-cuadrado: 2,28, índice de bondad de ajuste: 0,88, índice de ajuste comparativo: 0,88, índice de ajuste no normalizado: 0,86, raíz cuadrada del error de aproximación promedio: 0.07. Se determinó que el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,79 como resultado del análisis realizado para comprobar la consistencia interna de la escala. Se observó que estos tres factores explicaban el 44,92% de la varianza total. Conclusión: en el presente estudio, la versión turca del Cuestionario de Estrés Moral resultó ser válida y confiable para la sociedad turca. Se recomienda que el Cuestionario de Estrés Moral para enfermeros se utilice en futuros estudios, con estos profesionales, para investigar cuestiones de dilema ético