18 research outputs found

    Može li se pomoću pozitivnoga razmišljanja predvidjeti pozitivno ponašanje pri učenju kod djece predškolske dobi?

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of the Positive Thinking Program with Multidimensional Perspectives on the learning behavior of preschool children (5 years old) and the teachers\u27 evaluation of the program. The approaches of Positive Psychology and Philosophy for Children (P4C) were used as a basis in the development of the Positive Thinking Education activities with multidimensional perspectives. Practices of positive thinking with multidimensional perspectives are easily applied to pre-schoolers in the context of activities in science and nature, mathematics, art, music, stories, etc. Five preschool teachers and 160 children were involved in the research group (80 in the experimental group and 80 in the control group). The explanatory sequential design, one of the mixed research designs, was used as a method in the study. The quantitative data study was conducted as a quasi-experiment with a pretest-posttest control group. On the other hand, qualitative data were collected at the end of the educational process through face-to-face interviews with teachers about their evaluation. As a result of the study, it was found that the program had significant effects on the learning behavior. The teachers\u27 assessments of the program were discussed in detail.Cilj je ovoga istraživanja ispitati utjecaj koji Program pozitivnoga razmišljanja s višedimenzionalnim perspektivama ima na ponašanje tijekom učenja kod djece predškolske dobi (5 godina starosti) te evaluaciju programa prema mišljenju odgajatelja. Pristupi koji se primjenjuju u Pozitivnoj psihologiji i filozofiji za djecu (P4C) poslužili su kao osnova pri osmišljavanju aktivnosti u Programu pozitivnoga razmišljanja s višedimenzionalnim perspektivama. Prakse pozitivnoga razmišljanja s višedimenzionalnim perspektivama lako se primjenjuju u radu s djecom predškolske dobi u kontekstu aktivnosti u prirodi i u području znanosti, matematike, umjetnosti, glazbe, u pričama itd. Skupina ispitanika sastojala se od petero odgajatelja koji rade u ustanovama za predškolski odgoj i 160 djece (80 ih je uvršteno u eksperimentalnu, a 80 u kontrolnu skupinu). U istraživanju je korišten eksplanatorni sekvencijalni nacrt, kao jedan od nacrta mješovitoga istraživanja. Provedena je analiza kvantitativnih podataka u obliku kvazieksperimenta s predtestom i posttestom u kontrolnoj skupini. S druge strane, kvalitativni podatci prikupljeni su na kraju obrazovnoga procesa kroz intervjue uživo s odgajateljima, u kojima su odgajatelji evaluirali program. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je program imao značajan utjecaj na ponašanje pri učenju. Detaljno su obrazložene evaluacije programa prema mišljenju odgajatelja

    The Effect of Nasal Functions on the Integrity of Grafts after Myringoplasty

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    Objective:We aimed to evaluate the effects of nasal functions for the integrity of grafts after myringoplasty.Methods:In our study 78 patients who underwent myringoplasty operation between 2011-2013 were included. Group I was defined as the group with an intact tympanic membrane following surgery. Group II was defined as the group with a tympanic membrane perforation following surgery. Group I consisted of 44 and Group II consisted of 34 patients. Subjective and objective measurements of nasal functions, Eustachian tube function (ETF), and allergic status were performed using nasal obstruction symptom evaluation (NOSE) scale, visual analog scale (VAS), and the score for allergic rhinitis (SFAR) questionnaires and acoustic rhinometry and saccharin test. It was investigated whether there was any difference between these two groups in terms of these parameters.Results:There was statistically no significant difference between groups according to the age, sex and the presence of tubal dysfunction and allergic rhinitis (p>0.05). In the group of intact tympanic membranes, the likelihood of right ear being the operated one was significantly higher compared to the group of myringoplasty failures (p=0.037). The VAS and NOSE scales did not show any significant difference between groups in terms of successful outcome of myringoplasty (p>0.05). The nasal congestion index (NCI) and the mucociliary clearance (MCC) did not show any significant difference between groups in terms of successful outcome of myringoplasty (p>0.05).Conclusion:This study has shown that nasal functions measured by objective and subjective methods had no effects on the success of myringoplasty


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    DergiPark: 73083ejovocStress, which is one of the well known topics that everybody can come up with in their daily lives, is defined as "situation of tension and pressure that someone feels". The things that someone experiences in their daily lives can cause stress positively or negatively. Students who attend university newly encounter stress while they endeavour to adjust their new environment, while they get new friends, while they endeavour to get used to live away from their families; students who orientate university life encounter stress while they endeavour to be successful as they were expected; students who are about to graduate encounter stress while they plan their career. Stress encountered causes some negative situations due to students personality and point of view about life sometimes. Sometimes stress, when it’s coped with properly, gives energy to student to be successful and fires student so it causes some positive situations. This study examines university students’ methods of coping stress on the scope of Nazilli Vocaitonal School. In this study, data collected by random sampling from Nazilli Vocational School analysed and result and suggestions are expressedGünlük yaşantımızda en sık karşılaştığımız kavramlardan bir tanesi olan stres, “kişinin üzerinde hissettiği baskı ve gerginlik durumu olarak” tanımlanmaktadır. Kişinin hayatında yaşadığı her değişiklik, olumlu veya olumsuz biçimde strese neden olmaktadır. Üniversiteye yeni başlayan öğrenciler, yeni ortamlarına uyum sağlamaya çalışırken, yeni arkadaşlar edinirken, ailelerinden ayrı yaşamaya alışmaya çalışırken; üniversite hayatına alışan öğrenciler kendilerinden beklenen “başarılı olma” ödevini yerine getirmeye çalışırken; mezun olma aşamasına gelmiş olan öğrenciler ise kariyer planlama çalışmalarını yaparken belirli düzeylerde stresle karşı karşıya kalmaktadırlar. Karşı karşıya kalınan stres, öğrencinin kişilik yapısı ve hayat görüşüne bağlı olarak zaman zaman olumsuz birtakım durumların ortaya çıkmasına yol açar. Kimi zaman da stres, uygun şekillerde başa çıkıldığı zaman, öğrenciye başarılı olmak için enerji vererek, öğrenciyi harekete geçirerek olumlu durumların ortaya çıkmasına yol açar. Bu çalışma, üniversite öğrencilerinin stresle başa çıkma yöntemlerini Nazilli MYO örneğinde incelemektedir. Çalışmada Nazilli MYO öğrencilerinden, tesadüfi örnekleme yoluyla toplanmış veriler analiz edilerek, sonuç ve öneriler ortaya konulmuştu

    Positive Thinking Schools: Projects From Teachers

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    This study was carried out within the scope of the Art of Happiness, Positive Thinking, and Subjective Well-Being Project. Within the scope of the project, 8-session pre-training was provided to teachers to inform them on the scope of positive thinking and in order to support their subjective well-being. Within the scope of positive thinking applications at schools, which formed the second stage of the project, teachers developed and applied their own projects at their schools. In the study, teachers' views on the scope of the projects they applied at schools and the project application process were analyzed. As the study design, the case study design was applied. The study group consisted of 28 voluntary teachers who received positive thinking training in the first stage of the project and were entitled to get a certificate of achievement. Within the scope of the study, teachers planned their projects and reported on the process. In addition, they kept researcher diaries regarding their applications and noted down their observations. In the research process, 28 teachers at 15 different schools developed and applied 17 different projects. The teachers' views were analyzed in the context of interviews, reports, and diaries. In the study, teachers' observations and evaluations regarding positive thinking education realized in the COVID-19 process were discussed

    Paradoxical Air Microembolism Induces Cerebral Bioelectrical Abnormalities And Occasionally Headache In Patent Foramen Ovale Patients With Migraine

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    Background Although controversial, paradoxical embolism via patent foramen ovale (PFO) may account for some of the migraine attacks in a subset of migraine with aura (MA) patients. Induction of MA attacks with air bubble injection during transcranial Doppler ultrasound in MA patients with PFO supports this view. It is likely that cerebral embolism in patients with right-to-left shunt induces bioelectrical abnormalities to initiate MA under some conditions. Methods and Results We investigated changes in cerebral bioelectrical activity after intravenous microbubble injection in 10 MA patients with large PFO and right-to-left cardiac shunt. Eight PFO patients without migraine but with large right-to-left shunt and 12 MA patients without PFO served as controls. Four MA patients with PFO were reexamined with sham injections of saline without microbubbles. Bioelectrical activity was evaluated using spectral electroencephalography and, passage of microbubbles through cerebral arteries was monitored with transcranial Doppler ultrasound. Microbubble embolism caused significant electroencephalographic power increase in MA+PFO patients but not in control groups including the sham-injected MA+PFO patients. Headache developed in 2 MA with PFO patients after microbubble injection. Conclusions These findings demonstrate that air microembolism through large PFOs may cause cerebral bioelectrical disturbances and, occasionally, headache in MA patients, which may reflect an increased reactivity of their brain to transient subclinical hypoxia–ischemia, and suggest that paradoxical embolism is not a common cause of migraine but may induce headache in the presence of a large PFO and facilitating conditions.PubMedWoSScopu