475 research outputs found

    Chemical-garden formation, morphology, and composition. I. Effect of the nature of the cations

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    We have grown chemical gardens in different sodium silicate solutions from several metal-ion salts-calcium chloride, manganese chloride, cobalt chloride, and nickel sulfate-with cations from period 4 of the periodic table. We have studied their formation process using photography, examined the morphologies produced using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and analyzed chemical compositions using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) to understand better the physical and chemical processes involved in the chemical-garden reaction. We have identified different growth regimes in these salts that are dependent on the concentration of silicate solution and the nature of the cations involved

    Runaway electrification of friable self-replicating granular matter

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    We establish that the nonlinear dynamics of collisions between particles favors the charging of a insulating, friable, self-replicating granular material that undergoes nucleation, growth, and fission processes; we demonstrate with a minimal dynamical model that secondary nucleation produces a positive feedback in an electrification mechanism that leads to runaway charging. We discuss ice as an example of such a self-replicating granular material: We confirm with laboratory experiments in which we grow ice from the vapor phase in situ within an environmental scanning electron microscope that charging causes fast-growing and easily breakable palm-like structures to form, which when broken off may form secondary nuclei. We propose that thunderstorms, both terrestrial and on other planets, and lightning in the solar nebula are instances of such runaway charging arising from this nonlinear dynamics in self-replicating granular matter

    Viabilidad de los distintos sistemas de producción en porcino Ibérico

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    publishedTomo I . Sección: Sistemas Ganaderos-Economía y Gestión. Sesión: Economía I. Ponencia nº 1

    Introduction: latest advancements in audiovisual translation education

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    The consumption of audiovisual content, from the more traditional animations, documentaries, movies, and TV shows to the more recent online user-generated content found on social media platforms, including video games, has grown exponentially over the last few decades. The omnipresence of screens in society has led to transformations in audiences’ watching habits, now impatient to enjoy their programmes as soon as possible and inclined to binge watch. Recent technological advances in the production of specialist audiovisual translation (AVT) software and web-based applications have paved the way for further changes and enhancements in the ways professionals localise audiovisual content and in the nature of the services provided. This special issue sheds light on the current teaching and learning practices, methodologies and issues encountered by translator trainers specialised in AVT, with particular emphasis on pedagogical innovation, media accessibility, and translation technology

    Chemical-garden formation, morphology, and composition. II. Chemical gardens in microgravity

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    We studied the growth of metal-ion silicate chemical gardens under Earth gravity (1 g) and microgravity (μg) conditions. Identical sets of reaction chambers from an automated system (the Silicate Garden Habitat or SGHab) were used in both cases. The μg experiment was performed on board the International Space Station (ISS) within a temperature-controlled setup that provided still and video images of the experiment downlinked to the ground. Calcium chloride, manganese chloride, cobalt chloride, and nickel sulfate were used as seed salts in sodium silicate solutions of several concentrations. The formation and growth of osmotic envelopes and microtubes was much slower under μg conditions. In 1 g, buoyancy forces caused tubes to grow upward, whereas a random orientation for tube growth was found under μg conditions

    Subtitlers on the Cloud: The Use of Professional Web-based Systems in Subtitling Practice and Training

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    The bourgeoning and rapid evolution of cloud-based applications has triggered profound transformations in the audiovisual translation (AVT) mediascape. By drawing attention to the major changes that webbased ecosystems have introduced in localisation workflows, we set out to outline ways in which these new technological advances can be embedded in the AVT classroom. Along these lines, the present study sets out to explore the potential benefits of cloud platforms in AVT training curricula by exploring ways in which this technology can be exploited in subtitling training. An analysis of current subtitling practices and tools, localisation workflows, and in-demand skills in the AVT industry will be followed by an experience-based account on the use of cloud-based platforms in subtitler training environments to simulate and carry out a wide range of tasks. Our study pivots around the idea that cloud subtitling might prove useful to bridge the technological gap between academic institutions and the profession as well as to enhance the distance-learning provision of practice-oriented training in subtitling

    Study of seismic vulnerability and the damage seen in the town of Lorca after the earthquake of 2011.

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    Análisis de los factores de vulnerabilidad que mas influencia han tenido en el daño del terremoto de Lorca

    Comparación de dos métodos para la estimación de los daños por sequía en pastos de dehesa / Comparative methods for assessment of dehesa pasture drought insurance in Spain

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    El Sistema de Seguros Agrarios con el Seguro de cobertura de los daños por sequía en los pastos aprovechados por el ganado en régimen extensivo (línea de seguro 133) aplica la teledetección mediante un índice de vegetación (NDVI), con el fin de solucionar los problemas de peritación que surgen cuando se tiene que determinar la cantidad y calidad del pasto afectado por la sequía. Por ello el seguro de cobertura de los daños por sequía en pastos es el principal instrumento para hacer frente al gasto que supone la necesidad de suplemento de alimentación del ganado reproductor debido a la sequía. En las comarcas de Vitigudino, Trujillo y Valle de los Pedroches (España) se comparó la evolución del seguro de sequía en pastos desde 2006 a 2010 con un modelo matemático de crecimiento del pasto en función de las variables ecofisiológicas y ambientales. Sumadas las decenas de sequía extrema y sequía leve, el modelo matemático contabilizó un número mayor de decenas que las proporcionadas por Agroseguro. La recomendación es comparar las curvas de crecimiento del pasto con las curvas de evolución del NDVI, para ajustar ambos modelo

    Estudio de la series sísmicas ocurridas en 2010 en la costa almeriense

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    En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de las series sísmicas registradas durante los meses de julio y noviembre de 2010 en el sector noreste del mar de Alborán, cerca de Almería. La primera serie consta de, al menos, 180 terremotos registrados entre el 4 de julio y el 15 de Noviembre de 2010, con un terremoto principal de Mw =4.3 ocurrido el 5 de Julio y sentido en Almería con intensidad EMS IV. Esta serie está caracterizada por tener una fuerte alineación con dirección NW, que contrasta con la de los grandes sistemas de fallas de la zona (falla de Carboneras). La segunda serie consta de más de 27 terremotos y se extiende del 2 al 15 de Noviembre, con un sismo principal de magnitud Mw =4.1 ocurrido el día 4 de ese mes. Esta segunda serie se sitúa a unos 35 km al Este de la primera, siendo menos numerosa que ésta pero mucho más próxima a las poblaciones del Poniente Almeriense y alcanzando mayores intensidades (intensidad máxima EMS = V). El objetivo de este estudio es analizar en detalle ambas series sísmicas, examinado la distribución geográfica de los sismos que las componen, su distribución temporal y su posible interrelación con series sísmicas pasadas. Finalmente se tratará de identificar, con los conocimientos de la tectónica de la zona, la posible fuente sísmica generadora, así como analizar posibles efectos de disparo entre eventos por medio de modelizaciones de esfuerzos de Coulomb
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