2,592 research outputs found

    Filogenia de la alianza genérica de Malva: un enfoque molecular

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología. Fecha de lectura: 19-9-200

    Advanced production practices and performance: empirical evidence from Spanish plants

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    This paper presents an empirical study that analyses the effect of applying three Advanced Production Practices (APPs) (Total Quality Management-TQM, Just in Time-JIT, and Total Productive Maintenance-TPM) on business performance measured with financial and non-financial (or operational) indicators. The study was conducted on a sample of Spanish companies in the automotive components, electronics and 2 machinery sectors that took part in the 3rd Round of the High Performance Manufacturing (HPM) Project. The results of an analysis using Partial Least Squares (PLS) show that only two of the nine implementation indicators for the APPs being analyzed (process emphasis in TQM, and JIT delivery by suppliers) are positively related with non-financial performance. No significant relationship was found with financial performance, or between operating and financial performance. However, it should be borne in mind that the small size of the sample used in this study only enables strong relationships to be detected; a larger sample would be required to detect moderate or weak relationships.En este trabajo se presenta un estudio empírico que analiza el efecto de la aplicación de tres Prácticas Avanzadas de Producción, PAPs (Total Quality Management-TQM, Just in Time-JIT- y Total Productive Maintenance-TPM), sobre el rendimiento empresarial, medido a través de indicadores financieros y no financieros (u operativos). El estudio se ha realizado en una muestra de empresas españolas de los sectores de componentes de automoción, electrónica y maquinaria, participantes en la III Ronda del Proyecto High Performance Manufacturing (HPM). Los resultados del análisis con Partial Least Squares (PLS) muestran que solo dos de los nueve indicadores de implantación de las PAPs analizadas (enfoque en procesos, de TQM, y entregas JIT de proveedores) están positivamente relacionados con el rendimiento no financiero. No se ha encontrado ninguna relación significativa con el rendimiento financiero, y tampoco entre el rendimiento operativo y el financiero. No obstante, hay que tener en cuenta, que el reducido tamaño de la muestra empleada en este estudio solo permite detectar relaciones fuertes; para relaciones moderadas o débiles sería necesaria una muestra mayorMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI-2009-11148Junta de Andalucía P08-SEJ-0384

    Production and identification of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptides from Mediterranean fish discards

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    The production of peptides exhibiting Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory activity from discarded Mediterranean fish species such as sardine, horse mackerel, axillary seabream, bogue and small-spotted catshark was studied. The evolution of the ACE-inhibitory activity with the degree of hydrolysis (DH) of protein hydrolysates was also investigated. Hydrolysates of horse mackerel and small-spotted catshark, both obtained with the simultaneous addition of subtilisin and trypsin, showed the highest antihypertensive activity (IC50 of 279 and 302μg/mL, respectively). For horse mackerel hydrolysate, fraction B (130-2350Da) exhibited the highest ACE-inhibitory activity (IC50=85μg/mL). In the case of small-spotted catshark hydrolysate, fraction D (<470Da) presented the lowest IC50 value (27μg/mL). In addition, 14 novel ACE-inhibitory peptides were identified in horse mackerel and small-spotted catshark hydrolysates. The peptide VAMPF, identified in fraction D of small-spotted catshark hydrolysate, is one of the most promising peptides according to its low IC50 value obtained by the QSAR-model (IC50=0.44μM)Spanish National Plan I + D + i (CTQ2011-23009)Andalusian Government (project P12-AGR-1993)

    Association between vertical and horizontal force-velocity-power profiles in netball players

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    Netball is a collective sport characterized by intermittent high-intensity actions. Therefore, the players must develop high levels of relative bilateral and unilateral strength and power for both improve performance and also reduce injury risk. The purpose of this study was (i) to provide a reference about the mechanical outputs obtained in the vertical (jumping) and horizontal force-velocity-power (FVP) profile and (ii) observe their relationship, besides the performance in jumping and sprinting in amateur female netball players (age = 24.3 ± 3.2 years, BM = 64.5 ± 5 Kg, height = 172.5 ± 6.2 cm). The variables for both FVP profiles (theoretical maximal force (F0), theoretical maximal velocity (V0) and theoretical maximal power output (Pmax)) were measured with two scientifically validated apps for iOS (My Jump 2 and My Sprint). Our results in regards to the vertical FVP suggest that netball players have low force deficit (36.2 ± 14.6%) and individualized training based on F-V profiling could be beneficial to address their deficit. The moderate correlations found for performance, V0 and Pmax suggest that the improvement in one of the skills (jumping or sprinting) may produce some positive adaptation to the other. However, no association was found in the force production (F0) of the lower limbs for both FVP. Therefore, we recommend that netball players must train specifically ballistic actions in the vertical (jumping) and horizontal direction (sprinting) due to the specificity of both skills and the consequent impact of them on netball performance.Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure of the Junta de Extremadura through the European Regional Development Fund. A way to make Europe. (GR18129)

    Evaluation of the Physical and Oxidative Stabilities of Fish Oil-in-Water-in-Olive Oil Double Emulsions (O1/W/O2) Stabilized with Whey Protein Hydrolysate

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    This work studied the physical and oxidative stabilities of fish oil-in-water-in-olive oil double emulsions (O1/W/O2), where whey protein hydrolysate was used as a hydrophilic emulsifier. A 20 wt.% fish oil-in-water emulsion, stabilized with whey protein hydrolysate (oil: protein ratio of 5:2 w/w) and with a zeta potential of ~�����40 mV, only slightly increased its D4,3 value during storage at 8 C for seven days (from 0.725 to 0.897 m), although it showed severe physical destabilization when stored at 25 C for seven days (D4,3 value increased from 0.706 to 9.035 m). The oxidative stability of the 20 wt.% fish oil-in-water emulsion decreased when the storage temperature increased (25 vs. 8 C) as indicated by peroxide and p-anisidine values, both in the presence or not of prooxidants (Fe2+). Confocal microscopy images confirmed the formation of 20 wt.% fish oil-in-water-in-olive oil (ratio 25:75 w/w) using Polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR, 4 wt.%). Double emulsions were fairly physically stable for 7 days (both at 25 and 8 C) (Turbiscan stability index, TSI < 4). Moreover, double emulsions had low peroxide (<7 meq O2/kg oil) and p-anisidine (<7) values that did not increase during storage independently of the storage temperature (8 or 25 C) and the presence or not of prooxidants (Fe2+), which denotes oxidative stability.the I+D+i projects CTQ2017-87076-R and PID2020-114137RBI00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Encapsulation of Bioactive Peptides by Spray-Drying and Electrospraying

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    Bioactive peptides derived from enzymatic hydrolysis are gaining attention for the production of supplements, pharmaceutical compounds, and functional foods. However, their inclusion in oral delivery systems is constrained by their high susceptibility to degradation during human gastrointestinal digestion. Encapsulating techniques can be used to stabilize functional ingredients, helping to maintain their activity after processing, storage, and digestion, thus improving their bioaccessibility. Monoaxial spray-drying and electrospraying are common and economical techniques used for the encapsulation of nutrients and bioactive compounds in both the pharmaceutical and food industries. Although less studied, the coaxial configuration of both techniques could potentially improve the stabilization of protein-based bioactives via the formation of shell–core structures. This article reviews the application of these techniques, both monoaxial and coaxial configurations, for the encapsulation of bioactive peptides and protein hydrolysates, focusing on the factors affecting the properties of the encapsulates, such as the formulation of the feed solution, selection of carrier and solvent, as well as the processing conditions used. Furthermore, this review covers the release, retention of bioactivity, and stability of peptide-loaded encapsulates after processing and digestion.I+D+i project PID2020-114137RBI00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Tipificación del nombre Lavatera triloba subsp. pallescens (Moris) Nyman y revaluación de L. minoricensis Cambess. (L. triloba subsp. minoricensis comb. nov.)

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    The taxonomic identity of two poorly known taxa of the Lavatera triloba aggregate (Malvaceae) is clarified. The name L. triloba subsp. pallescens (Moris) Nyman is reassessed, and a new combination, L. triloba subsp. minoricensis, is proposed. Both taxa were originally described as species, and later either regarded as synonymous or alternatively subsumed as mere formae within subsp. pallescens. The extreme rarity of the plants led to insufficient knowledge and subsequent misinterpretation of the basionyms, L. minoricensis Cambess. from Minorca (Balearic Islands, Spain) and L. pallescens Moris from southwestern Sardinia (Italy). The combination L. triloba subsp. pallescens (Moris) Nyman was used to refer the Minorcan plants despite their clear differences in morphology and ecology. The rediscovery of two Sardinian populations of L. triloba subsp. pallescens in nature, after more than 110 years without reports or collections, has allowed for re-evaluation and typification of the misused names.El presente artículo clarifica la identidad de dos táxones escasamente conocidos pertenecientes al complejo Lavatera triloba (Malvaceae). Se tipifica el nombre Lavatera triloba subsp. pallescens (Moris) Nyman y se propone una combinación nueva, Lavatera triloba subsp. minoricensis. Ambos táxones fueron originalmente descritos como especies, para posteriormente ser considerados sinónimos o ser incluidos como meras formas dentro de la subespecie pallescens. La extrema rareza de estas plantas en la naturaleza y la consiguiente falta de materiales para su estudio ha obstaculizado la correcta interpretación de los basiónimos, L. pallescens Moris de Cerdeña (Italia) y L. minoricensis Cambess. de Menorca (Islas Baleares, España). La combinación L. triloba subsp. pallescens se ha usado habitualmente para referir tanto las plantas sardas como las menorquinas, pese a la existencia de diferencias morfológicas y ecológicas sustanciales entre ellas. El redescubrimiento de dos poblaciones de L. triloba subsp. pallescens Moris en Cerdeña, tras más de 110 años sin referencias ni recolecciones, ha permitido la reevaluación y tipificación de estos dos nombres malinterpretados

    Towards an integrated proposal for performance measurement indicators in Advanced Production Practices

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    Starting with an analysis of the financial and operational indicators that can be found in the specialised literature, this study aims to contribute to improvements in the performance measurement systems used when the unit of analysis is the manufacturing plant. For this a search was done in the highest impact Journals of Production and Operations Management and Management Accounting , with the aim of determining the financial and operational indicators used to evaluate performance when Advanced Production Practices have been implemented, more specifically when the practices implemented are Total Quality Management, JIT/Lean Manufacturing and Total Productive Maintenance. This has enabled us to obtain a classification of the two types of indicators based on how much each is used. For the financial indicators we have also prepared a proposal that can be adapted to manufacturing plants- accounting features. In the near future we will propose a model that links practices implementation with financial and operational indicators and these two last with each other. We aim to will test this model empirically with the data obtained in the High Performance Manufacturing Project.Junta de Andalucía (PAIDI Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación de Andalucía Plan Proyectos de excelenciaP08-SEJ-03841Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia DPI 2009-1114

    Structure of whey protein hydrolysate used as emulsifier in wet and dried oil delivery systems: Effect of pH and drying processing

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    The secondary structure of whey protein concentrate hydrolysate (WPCH), used as an emulsifier in oil delivery systems, was investigated using Synchrotron Radiation Circular Dichroism (SRCD). The effect of pH on the conformation of peptides in solution and adsorbed at the oil/water interface, as well as the thermal stability of the systems was studied. Furthermore, oil-loaded microcapsules were produced by spray-drying or electrospraying to investigate the influence of encapsulating agents (glucose syrup, maltodextrin) and drying technique on the secondary structure of WPCH at the oil/water interface. Enzymatic hydrolysis resulted in peptides with a highly unordered structure (~60% turns and unordered regions) in solution. However, WPCH adsorption onto the oil/water interface increased the α-helical content resulting in an improved thermal stability. The encapsulating agents and spray-drying process did not modify the conformation of WPCH at the oil/water interface. Nonetheless, electrospraying affected the SRCD spectra obtained for WPCH adsorbed at the oil/water interface.I + D + i project CTQ2017-87076-R MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 PRE2018-084861 730872European Commissio

    Peptides and protein hydrolysates exhibiting anti-inflammatory activity: sources, structural features and modulation mechanisms

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    Inflammation is the response of the immune system to harmful stimuli such as tissue injury, infection or toxic chemicals, which has the aim of eliminating irritants or pathogenic microorganisms and enhancing tissue repair. Uncontrolled long-lasting acute inflammation can gradually progress to chronic, causing a variety of chronic inflammatory diseases that are usually treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, but most of them are inadequate to control chronic responses and are also associated with adverse side effects. Thus, many efforts are being directed to develop alternative and more selective anti-inflammatory therapies from natural products. One main field of interest is the obtaining of bioactive peptides exhibiting anti-inflammatory activity from sustainable protein sources like edible insects or agroindustry and fishing by-products. This work highlighted the structure–activity relationship of anti-inflammatory peptides. Small peptides with molecular weight under 1 kDa and amino acid chain length between 2 to 20 residues are generally the most active because of the higher probability to be absorbed in the intestine and penetrate into cells when compared with the larger size peptides. The presence of hydrophobic (Val, Ile, Pro) and positively charged (His, Arg, Lys) amino acids is another common occurrence for anti-inflammatory peptides. Interestingly, a high percentage (77%) of these bioactive peptides can be found in alternative sustainable protein sources such as Tenebrio molitor or sunflower, apart from its original protein source. However, not all of these peptides with anti-inflammatory potential in vitro achieve good scores by the in silico bioactivity predictors studied. Therefore, it is essential to implement current bioinformatics tools, in order to complement in vitro experiments with prior prediction of potential bioactive peptides.I + D + i project from the Regional Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of Andalusia (Spain) PY20_0002