16 research outputs found

    Modelling Dynamics in Collaboration: An Extension to the Collaborative Network Relationship Analysis

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    Abstract. This is a concept paper which introduces a dynamic extension to a collaborative network relationship analysis approach. The extension is based on the MetaMatrix approach known from the Dynamic Network Analysis field. Several entity classes representing agents, tasks, resources and knowledge are introduced and possible relations between entities of the different classes are analysed. All entity classes and relation classes are attributed with time related data which allows dynamic changes the system. Finally, some illustrative examples of typical collaborative interactions are introduced and explained

    Gestaltung von Innovationsprozessen in Virtuellen Organisationen durch Kooperationsorientierte Netzwerkanalyse

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    Distributed innovation processes are considered as a new option to handle both the complexity and the speed in which new products and services need to be prepared. Indeed most research on innovation processes was focused on multinational companies with an intra-organisational perspective. The phenomena of innovation processes in networks - with an inter-organisational perspective - have been almost neglected. Collaborative networks present a perfect playground for such distributed innovation processes whereas the authors highlight in specific Virtual Organisation because of their dynamic behaviour. Research activities supporting distributed innovation processes in VO are rather new so that little knowledge about the management of such research is available. With the presentation of the collaborative network relationship analysis this gap will be addressed. It will be shown that a qualitative planning of collaboration intensities can support real business cases by proving knowledge and planning data

    Managing distributed innovation processes in virtual organizations by applying the collaborative network relationship analysis

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    Distributed innovation processes are considered as a new option to handle both the complexity and the speed in which new products and services need to be prepared. Indeed most research on innovation processes was focused on multinational companies with an intra-organisational perspective. The phenomena of innovation processes in networks - with an inter-organisational perspective - have been almost neglected. Collaborative networks present a perfect playground for such distributed innovation processes whereas the authors highlight in specific Virtual Organisation because of their dynamic behaviour. Research activities supporting distributed innovation processes in VO are rather new so that little knowledge about the management of such research is available. With the presentation of the collaborative network relationship analysis this gap will be addressed. It will be shown that a qualitative planning of collaboration intensities can support real business cases by proving knowledge and planning data

    Nuevo mecanismo informal para controlar la aplicación por parte de los gobiernos de las recomendaciones de la ONU sobre población desplazada

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    Gracias a algunos informes publicados con la colaboración de organizaciones civiles nacionales, el Observatorio de Desplazamiento Interno (IDMC, por sus siglas en inglés) ha diseñado un mecanismo informal de control de la aplicación de las recomendaciones que realiza el Representante del Secretario General de Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos de los Desplazados Internos

    Virtual Enterprise Environments (VEEs) to Enable Innovation in Collaborative Networks – Initial Modelling Approach

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    Part 20: Co-innovation and CompetitivenessInternational audienceThis paper describes the terminology of Virtual Enterprise Environments as a construct to enable the combination of spaces for open innovation and Virtual Enterprises. This shall contribute towards better management of innovation processes in collaborative networks. Consequently this includes the Business Innovation Space and the Value Production Space, which are shared by the collaborating enterprises. Initial attempts are made to characterize the schematics of these spaces and their interactions

    La clasificación de la población desplazada: nuevas orientaciones

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    La falta de información fidedigna sobre los desplazados internos ha mermado durante mucho tiempo la eficacia de las respuestas a las situaciones de desplazamiento interno. La Guía de Clasificación de los Desplazados Internos es una nueva herramienta diseñada para ayudar a los agentes humanitarios a realizar encuestas sobre esta población

    Modelling Dynamics in Collaboration: An Extension to the Collaborative Network Relationship Analysis

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    Part 10: Behavioral AspectsInternational audienceThis is a concept paper which introduces a dynamic extension to a collaborative network relationship analysis approach. The extension is based on the MetaMatrix approach known from the Dynamic Network Analysis field. Several entity classes representing agents, tasks, resources and knowledge are introduced and possible relations between entities of the different classes are analysed. All entity classes and relation classes are attributed with time related data which allows dynamic changes the system. Finally, some illustrative examples of typical collaborative interactions are introduced and explained