6 research outputs found

    Chronological analysis of textual corpus: extraction of the issues and following the evolution

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    The aim of this thesis is to study the temporarily evolution of the fundamentals of law dictated by the Spanish Supreme Court in sentences related with murders between 1979 and 1995. We are going to analyze the data with three different points of view to demonstrate we have statistical evidences to admit the existence of the evolution in the fundamentals of law in these sentences. The different analysis give us some information and each one have positive and negative technical details we are going to discuss in this thesis. Finally, we conclude these differences exist and the fundamentals of law are becoming more procedurals and objectives than years ago, as we expect if we are thinking in the Supreme Court. We suspect these differences exist for generational changes in the judges of the Supreme Court

    Estudio sobre la calidad percibida en clientes de seguros de particulares. Aplicación de la función Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

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    Aquesta investigació estudia els elements relacionats amb la qualitar perçebuda en assegurançes de particulars així com les accions de les companyies d’assegurançes per incrementar la qualitat de servei global , relacionant les expectatives dels consumidors amb les accions de la compañía mitjançant la metodología del Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Adicionalment, s’ha desenvolupat un conjunt específic d’elements de qualitat de servei que constitueixen l’escala SIQUAL (Spanish Insurance Quality). Amb tot això, s’ha desenvolupat la ISQFD (Insirance Service Quality Function Deployment), una eina específica per a orientar les accions de les companies d’assegurançes amb l’objectiu d’incrementar la qualitat perçebuda en els clients d’assegurançes de particulars. Adicionalment, s’ha analitzat la relació entre la qualitat de servei global amb elements clau per al desenvolupament de les companyies asseguradores tals com la lleialtat dels clients, la probabilitat que recomanin la seva companyia i, per últim, s’estudien relacions amb les dimensions de valor perçebut així com aspectes de millora i d’imprescindibles, fent especial ènfasi en la xarxa de mediadors , de vital importancia en el negoci assegurador de l’estat Espanyol i relacionant-los mitjançant la ISQFD amb accions per part de les companyies d’assegurançes. Per dur a terme aquesta investigació, s’han aconseguit 305 enquestes a clients d’assegurançes així com entrevistes a 17 experts del sector amb experiència consolidada. En la mostra d’experts hi ha representades les compañies d’assegurançes, organismes públics, docents i investiadors, m’embres d’entitats formatives específiques en assegurançes i organismes públics. S’han determinat els aspectes més rellevants a millorar per part de les companyies d’assegurançes per incrementar la qualitat de servei perçebuda pels seus clients i s’ha estudiat la relació entre qualitat de servei, lleialtat, sensibilitat al preu i recomenació a tercers.La presente investigación estudia los elementos relacionados con la calidad percibida en seguros de particulares así como las acciones de las compañías aseguradoras para incrementar la calidad de servicio global, relacionando las expectativas de los consumidores con las acciones de la compañía mediante el uso de la metodología del Quality Function Deployment. Además, se desarrolla un conjunto específico de elementos de calidad de servicio que componen la escala SIQUAL (Spanish Insurance Quality). Con todo esto, se ha desarrollado el ISQFD (Insurance Service Quality Function Deployment), una herramienta específica para orientar las acciones de las compañías aseguradoras con el objetivo de incrementar la calidad percibida en los clientes de seguros de particulares. Adicionalmente, se analiza la relación entre calidad de servicio global con elementos claves para el desarrollo de negocio de las compañías aseguradoras tales como la lealtad de los clientes y la probabilidad que éstos recomienden su actual compañía y, por último, se estudian elementos relacionados con el valor percibido así como aspectos de mejora y elementos imprescindibles, haciendo especial énfasis en la red de mediación, de gran importancia en el sector asegurador español, relacionándolos mediante el ISQFD con posibles acciones de las compañías aseguradoras. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se han conseguido 305 encuestas validadas a clientes de seguros de particulares así como entrevistas con 17 expertos de diferentes ámbitos del sector asegurador en el estado español. En la muestra de expertos están representadas las compañías aseguradoras, organismos públicos, docentes e investigadores, miembros de entidades docentes específicas en seguros y mediadores de seguros. Se han determinado los aspectos clave a mejorar por parte de las compañías aseguradoras para incrementar la calidad de servicio percibida y se ha estudiado la relación entre calidad de servicio, lealtad, sensibilidad al precio y recomendación a terceros.The aim of this research is to study the elements involved in service quality perception in property and casualty insurance business and how insurance companies should improve their resources in order to achieve or improve the service quality levels by the application of the Quality Function Deployment methodology. Moreover, a specific set of service quality expectations has been defined and the SIQUAL scale (Spanish insurance Quality) scale has been developed. Combining the previous elements, the ISQFD (Insurance Service Quality Function Deployment) tool has been developed and tested successfully, providing insurance companies and service quality researchers with a powerful tool in order to increase the service quality perception by improving business actions. Additionally, key elements for the insurance business such as retention, recommendation and future intentions (pricing sensitivity). Furthermore, elements which relate to perceived value and specific points for improvement and mandatory elements, being the insurance brokers an important point for the research, have been analyzed by the application of the ISQFD obtaining a set of actions for the insurance companies in order to improve the service quality. In order to do this research, 305 validated surveys were analyzed and because of the contribution of 17 insurance experts from different sources of the insurance business (companies, researchers, members of public institutions, brokers,…) taking into consideration some insurance products are mandatory in Spain. Because of this, we can ensure that most of the insurance business is being represented. This research has determined the key elements for improving perceived service quality in insurance companies and its correlation between loyalty, price sensitiveness and recommendation

    Análisis de la mejora de los resultados de una asignatura inicial de programación tras cambiar la planificación de actividades

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar que los cambios introducidos en la planificación de actividades de evaluación continua de una asignatura de introducción a la programación han sido el factor determinante en la mejora de los resultados de los estudiantes. La evaluación continua pasó de tres entregas en el semestre a distribuir semanalmente los mismos contenidos y tareas en diez entregas. Aunque un análisis descriptivo de los datos muestra una mejora importante en la tasa de rendimiento tras el cambio, los estudiantes de cada semestre pueden tener perfiles distintos, circunstancia que puede influir también en los resultados. Así, se ha aplicado la técnica de análisis cuasi experimental Propensity Score Matching para poder comparar los resultados en estas poblaciones potencialmente distintas y comprobar si la mejora se debe efectivamente a la nueva planificación de actividades. Además, se han analizado varios modelos de regresión logística para intentar explicar la influencia del cambio de la planificación en la mejora de los resultados de la asignatura. A la vista del estudio realizado, se concluye que la temporalización semanal de las actividades ha supuesto un cambio positivo en los resultados de la asignatura.The aim of this project is to prove if the planification changes done in the continuous evaluation for the programming course is the key factor that explains the increase in the student’s results. The continuous evaluation of this introductory programming course went from having three deliveries in the semester in the past to distribute the same contents and tasks in ten weekly deliveries. Although the descriptive analysis of the data shows a significant improvement in the performance rate after the change, the students in each semester could have different profiles that also influenced the results. The quasi-experimental analysis technique Propensity Score Matching has been applied to be able to compare the results in these potentially different populations and check if the improvement is due to the new planning of activities. In addition, some logistic regression models have been analysed to explain the influence in the planification changes and its relationship with the results improvement. According to the obtained results, it is concluded that the weekly timing of the activities has led to a positive result in the students’ performance

    Chronological analysis of textual corpus: extraction of the issues and following the evolution

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    The aim of this thesis is to study the temporarily evolution of the fundamentals of law dictated by the Spanish Supreme Court in sentences related with murders between 1979 and 1995. We are going to analyze the data with three different points of view to demonstrate we have statistical evidences to admit the existence of the evolution in the fundamentals of law in these sentences. The different analysis give us some information and each one have positive and negative technical details we are going to discuss in this thesis. Finally, we conclude these differences exist and the fundamentals of law are becoming more procedurals and objectives than years ago, as we expect if we are thinking in the Supreme Court. We suspect these differences exist for generational changes in the judges of the Supreme Court

    Chronological analysis of textual corpus: extraction of the issues and following the evolution

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    The aim of this thesis is to study the temporarily evolution of the fundamentals of law dictated by the Spanish Supreme Court in sentences related with murders between 1979 and 1995. We are going to analyze the data with three different points of view to demonstrate we have statistical evidences to admit the existence of the evolution in the fundamentals of law in these sentences. The different analysis give us some information and each one have positive and negative technical details we are going to discuss in this thesis. Finally, we conclude these differences exist and the fundamentals of law are becoming more procedurals and objectives than years ago, as we expect if we are thinking in the Supreme Court. We suspect these differences exist for generational changes in the judges of the Supreme Court

    A Hybrid Machine-Learning Ensemble for Anomaly Detection in Real-Time Industry 4.0 Systems

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    Detecting faults and anomalies in real-time industrial systems is a challenge due to the difficulty of sufficiently covering an industrial system’s complexity. Today, Industry 4.0 makes it possible to tackle these problems through emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things and Machine Learning. This paper proposes a hybrid machine-learning ensemble real-time anomaly-detection pipeline that combines three Machine Learning models–Local Outlier Factor, One-Class Support Vector Machine, and Autoencoder–, through a weighted average to improve anomaly detection. The ensemble model was tested with three air-blowing machines obtaining a F1{F}_{{1}} -score value of 0.904, 0.890, and 0.887, respectively. The results of the ensemble model showed improved performance metrics concerning the individual metrics. A novelty of this model is that it consists of two stages inspired by a standard industrial system: i) a manufacturing stage and ii) an operation stage