33 research outputs found

    The Future of the European Social Policy Model and perceptions of immigration

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    Organización de la protección social en España: Problemas y políticas

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    Durante las últimas décadas se debate en Europa la relación entre recursos de servicios sociales y sanitarios, dentro de un marco general de descentralización de la gestión pública. Se pone de moda también la complementariedad de recursos públicos y privados en el ancho campo de la protección social. En el caso de España es una sorpresa que el desarrollo económico coexiste con amplios niveles de desigualdad social. Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX se cree a pies juntillas que el desarrollo económico va a eliminar muchos de los problemas sociales previos: pobreza, prostitución, infancia abandonada o maltratada, alcoholismo, chabolismo, delincuencia, violencia, etc. La realidad es que ninguno de esos fenómenos supuestamente de sociedades tradicionales y poco desarrolladas desaparece. A veces se transforman... pero permanecen e incluso se incrementan. A pesar de la creciente tolerancia de la sociedad española la marginación social sigue existiendo

    A Response to Back to the Future?

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    “Muddled writing is muddled thinking,” wrote my professor, challenging me to revise one of my first essays in graduate school. Indeed, the process of reconciling writing and thinking is a lifelong challenge for writers. The challenge is even more daunting as you try to teach others how to communicate ideas effectively on paper. As I grade my student papers, I am continuously pondering how I can encourage my students to engage their sociological imagination, encourage them to be mindfully skeptical citizens, while addressing the ‘correctness’ and ‘basic skills’ of writing. Grant argues for the need to re-couple writing to its more rhetorical/analytical traditions. That is, to appreciate writing as more than a composition of grammatically correct sentences and paragraphs, taught in mandatory writing courses, but rather, as bound up to “ contingencies of audience, purpose and context” (p.1). Grant defines rhetoric “as effective use of language, irrespective of whether or not it is grammatically proper or correct” (p.6). This is music to the ears of those of us who see writing (and re-writing) as an intimate intellectual process, but also as a contextual skill that can be learned. It is also very relevant for those who have had to relearn the craft in a second language or as part of one’s professional development as one acquires the language of a new discipline

    Noves aportacions al coneixement de les aus nidificants a Menorca (Illes Balears) 1997-2011

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    Noves aportacions al coneixement de les aus nidificants a Menorca (Illes Balears) 1997-2011. Es donen a conèixer noves dades de reproducció per a l’ornitofauna a l’illa de Menorca (illes Balears) al període 1997-2011, corresponents a 12 espècies noves no citades anteriorment a la bibliografia i es revisa el seu estatus: àneda blanca Tadorna tadorna, àneda griseta Anas strepera, ànec de bec vermell Netta rufina, rabassot Aythya ferina, paó Pavo cristatus, soterí gros Podiceps cristatus, suís Ixobrychus minutus, esplugabous Bubulcus ibis, gall faver Porphyrio porphyrio, tórtora turca Streptopelia decaocto, busqueret de garriga Sylvia cantillans moltonii i estornell negre Sturnus unicolor. Es tracten també dues espècies ja citades a la bibliografia i que han criat a l’illa durant aquest període: falconet Falco subbuteo i mussol reial Asio otus. S’analitza l’aportació per Ordres i les possibles implicacions en la gestió d’hàbitats.New contributions to the breeding birds of Menorca (Balearic Islands) 1997-2011. new reproduction details of the avifauna of the island of Menorca (Balearic islands) are presented for the 1997-2011 period for 12 new species not quoted previously in literature, thus revising their status: common ShelduckTadorna tadorna, Gadwall Anas strepera, red-crested Pochard Netta rufina, common Pochard Aythya ferina, indian Peafowl Pavo cristatus, Great crested GrebePodiceps cristatus, Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus, cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis, Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio, collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto, Moltoni’s (Subalpine) Warbler Sylvia cantillans moltonii and Spotless Starling Sturnus unicolor. two species previously quoted in literature which bred on the island during the study period are also cited: Hobby Falco subbuteo and Long-eared Owl Asio otus. the contribution of new species by Order is analysed, as are the possible implications for habitat management

    Les campanyes d’anellament indiquen que el busqueret sard Sylvia [sarda] sarda (Temminck, 1820), és un migrant primaveral escàs però regular a l’illa de l’Aire, Menorca (illes Balears)

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    Ringing campaigns indicate that Marmora’s warbler Sylvia [sarda] sarda is a scarce but regular spring migrant on Aire island, Menorca (Balearic Islands). We cite the first ringing captures for Spain of the Marmora’s Warbler Sylvia [sarda] sarda. A total of 9 birds have been captured during the spring ringing campaign conducted in the Aire island (Menorca, Balearic islands) between 1993 and 2011 as part of the Piccole Isole project. the species was captured in 7 of the 19 study years (37 % of years) and in all years (n = 3) with coverage for the second half of March. these results indicate the Marmora’s Warbler to be a rare but regular spring migrant in Menorca

    Gender gaps in educational outcomes among children of new migrants: the role of social integration from a comparative perspective.

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    This article reviews current research on gender gaps in educational outcomes among children of new migrants (first, 1.5, and second generation) from a comparative cross-national perspective. The article, examines the relevance for the educational sociology literature the potential explanations for why gendered differences in educational outcomes among immigrants (vis-à-vis non-migrants) continue to occur, focusing on individual, schooling and institutional factors. For example, while gender gaps in expectations and aspirations as well as some cognitive outcomes are increasing (reading ability is considerably higher among females) and shrinking in specific subjects (e.g. math and science ability is slightly higher among boys), that process often has been less explored within and across immigrant vis-à-vis non-immigrant students. We show that, in some countries, gender gaps among disadvantaged ethnic minorities (in relation to other groups) continue to persist and are exacerbated by institutional factors. These disadvantages vary not only across different educational systems and at different rates over time, but are also based on students' social background. Overall, we argue that these educational inequalities are key to understand not only the socio-economic and future political adaptation of migrants and their children but also future social policy developments in the European Union contex

    La consciència del prestigi lingüístic entre els joves. Una aportació a l'estudi descriptiu de la inseguretat lingüística formal al País Valencià

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    En aquest article presentem els resultats d’una investigació a gran escala sobre la Inseguretat Lingüística Formal o laboviana (ILF). La mostra és representativa de l’univers estudiat —els joves valencians dels dos darrers cursos de l’ensenyament obligatori— i està formada per 2190 estudiants entre 14 i 16 anys de 31 centres d’educació secundària de les localitats del País Valencià on es parla la llengua catalana. La ILF és un índex de la percepció que tenen els parlants de la distància que hi ha entre els seus usos lingüístics i les formes lingüístiques més prestigioses. En l’article es presenten els resultats de la ILF en l’ús de tretze variables fonètiques, morfològiques i lèxiques. S’hi descriu el fenomen de la inseguretat lingüística formal, l’abast que té entre els joves i les tendències que presenta en relació a altres variables sociolingüístiques rellevants com són la primera llengua dels enquestats i la tipologia lingüística del programa educatiu que segueixen. L’article demostra l’interés de la descripció de la ILF i de les tendències en què es manifesta com una eina valuosa per a l’anàlisi de l’evolució del model de llengua, la planificació lingüística, l’establiment de la llengua estàndard o l’ensenyament escolar de les llengües