98 research outputs found

    Salt content in herring – How the salt content in herring changes during capture and catch handling

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    Brazil applies a threshold limit value for the amount of salt that is accepted in natural herring, namely 134 mg sodium per 100 g fillet. Compared with the salt content values found in the relevant literature, and the measurements that are routinely performed in Norway, this is a low value that would be difficult to fulfil. RSW (Refrigerated Sea Water) is a quick and appropriate agent for chilling large catches – of herring, for example. However, when fish are stored in RSW after capture, they may assimilate salt from the cooling medium. Another factor that can increase the salt content in herring is stress. When herring are subjected to stress, as happens during capture, the salt content in their blood will increase. All in all, the threshold limit value set for salt content in Brazil is considered to be unrealistically low, taking into account how catches are handled in Norwegian pelagic fisheries. * The original report is in Norwegian and the reference is: 8/2023, ISBN 978-82-8296-743-3Salt content in herring – How the salt content in herring changes during capture and catch handlingpublishedVersio

    Arbeidskultur i oppdrettsnæringen. En studie om driftsleders styringsform og dens innvirkning på arbeidskultur for matfisklokaliteter

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    Forskning knyttet til ledelse og innvirkning den har på organisasjoner gjennomføres nesten daglig verden over, og er blitt en tematikk som rettes mye fokus både i arbeidslivet og i akademia. Forskning knyttet direkte opp til ledelse i oppdrettsnæringen virker derimot å være mer eller mindre fraværende. Dette på tross av at det er en ansvarstynget rolle, innen et næringssegment som for fremtiden spås stor utvikling. Med grunnlag i personlig interesse og manglende forskning på området har jeg valgt å rette denne masteroppgaven mot ledelse i oppdrettsnæringen, hvor driftsleders styringsform og dens innvirkning på arbeidskultur er fokusområdet. Formålet med denne oppgaven er gjennom tre forskningsspørsmål prøve å fastslå hvorvidt driftsleders styringsform har innvirkning på arbeidskulturen for en matfisklokalitet. 1) I hvilken grad kan driftsleders styringsform plasseres i et kontinuum fra ekstremt kontrollerende til ekstremt delegerende, 2) Hvordan påvirker driftsleders styringsform faktorer som arbeidsinnsats, selvstendighet, prosedyrer og rutiner, og 3) Er driftsleder en nødvendig for at en matfisklokalitet skal lykkes over tid? For å besvare presenterte forskningsspørsmål, og dermed problemstilling, er den metodiske tilnærmingen basert på triangulering. Observasjon, intervju, spørreundersøkelse og litteraturgjennomgang vil være grunnlag for studien. Gjennom feltarbeid, hvor driftsleder og ansatte ved tre lokaliteter er blitt observert og intervjuet, har man tilegnet seg en unik innsikt i de enkelte lokaliteters hverdag. Resultatene munnet ut i en beskrivelse av driftsledernes lederstiler basert på atferdstrekk, hvor man kunne kategorisere på et kontinuum for ekstremt kontrollerende til ekstremt delegerende. Videre antyder funn at driftsleders styringsform og holdninger har innvirkning på studerte faktorer knyttet til de ansattes utøvende atferd, hvor bruk av sikkerhetsutstyr, oppstartstidspunkt og pauser er de mest utslagsgivende faktorene. Gjennom å sammenfatte de funn som er avdekket i denne oppgaven og tidligere studier har man gjort seg opp formeningen at driftsleder er en nødvendighet for at matfisklokaliteter skal lykkes over tid. I tillegg til funn rettet direkte mot forskningsspørsmålene ble det gjort funn knyttet til driftsleders innvirkning på lokaliteters subkultur. Studien kan vise til en driftsleder som infiltrerer subkulturen på en av lokalitetene, og gjennom sin innvirkning på enhetens normer og holdninger påvirker deres atferd også når han ikke er til stede

    Montana Kaimin, November 14, 1978

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    Student newspaper of the University of Montana, Missoula.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/7828/thumbnail.jp

    Determination of pH in pre rigor fish muscle - method matters

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology on 06.04.2020, available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/10498850.2020.1748781.The determination of post mortem muscle pH are often carried out in studies on how pre-slaughter handling influences the development of rigor mortis and the quality of the fish products. The analysis might be performed by inserting a pH-electrode into the intact flesh or using a suspension containing a minced muscle sample. Although it has been known for a long time that mincing muscle tissue accelerates glycolysis and breakdown of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), more recent studies quite commonly determine pH after mincing pre rigor muscle without including an enzyme inhibitor that arrests glycolysis. This may have resulted in anomalously low pre rigor muscle pH. The aim of the present work was to compare the two methods of pH determination in pre rigor fish muscle and to highlight the importance of including the enzyme inhibitor when homogenizing pre rigor fish muscle prior to pH analysis

    PENGARUH TINGKAT INTELIGENSI DAN PENGETAHUAN AWAL SISWA TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR PADA MATA PELAJARAN EKONOMI (Kasus Pada Siswa Kelas X IIS di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Laboratorium Percontohan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kota Bandung

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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah hasil belajar siswa kelas X IIS SMA Laboratorium Percontohan UPI Bandung yang rendah pada mata pelajaran ekonomi yang dilihat dari nilai Ulangan Akhir Semester di Semester Genap tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh inteligensi terhadap hasil belajar siswa dan pengaruh pengetahuan awal terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksplanatori dengan menggunakan data sekunder dan tes pengetahuan awal sebagai alat pengumpul data. Sample dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X IIS yang berjumlah 123 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa inteligensi dan pengetahuan awal berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar siswa, artinya, semakin tinggi tingkat inteligensi maka akan semakin tinggi hasil belajar, dan semakin tinggi tingkat pengetahuan awal maka akan semakin tinggi juga hasil belajar siswa. Oleh karena itu, guru hendaknya sering melatih siswa agar mampu mengoptimalkan hasil belajar siswa, dan siswa harus menambah pengetahuan melalui kegiatan membaca sehingga memiliki wawasan yang luas. ----------The main problem of this research is the final value (mark) for the final exam of economic subject at the end of semester of the student grade 10 at Laboratorium Percontohan UPI Senior High School. This research have an aim: to know the influence of intelligence and entry behavior to the final result. For knowing those aims, it is a method explanatory by using secondary data and entry behavior test as a tool for collect the result. Those objects are 123 students at social class grade 10 which been the respondents. Its outcome shows that intelligence and entry behavior are positively usefull for the final value. It means, the higher level of intelligence and entry behavior it will be increase final result. Because that, the teachers should be often train students to be able to optimize the final value, and students must improve their knowledge through the act of reading

    Evaluation of Morphological and Quality Parameters in Adult Male Red King Crabs (Paralithodes camtschaticus) Raised to Commercial Weight from Juveniles

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    Red king crab (RKC) has become a valuable resource, and most of this fishery operates in a quota-regulated area (QRA) east of 26°E. West of the QRA, a free fishery area (FFA) is established to limit further migration. Today, juvenile RKCs from the FFA are not utilized. This study investigated morphological and quality parameters in adult RKCs (≥800 g) after live holding (LH) of 23 months starting from juveniles (on average 500 g). During the LH, the RKCs were kept in two separate tanks, one at ambient seawater temperature (AST) and one at elevated seawater temperature (AST-E). The RKCs were fed ad libitum. Both tanks were divided into two sections, one with a sand tray. After 23 months, the RKCs were processed and analyzed. The hepatosomatic index, abdomen index, meat content, cluster yield, moisture, whiteness index, and instrumental chewiness differed significantly () between the wild RKCs and the RKCs from one or both LH groups. The availability of sand indicated improved habitat conditions as several parameters were positively affected. Also, lower variation in morphology and quality parameters of the processed muscle was observed in RKCs from the subgroups with access to sand than those without sand.Evaluation of Morphological and Quality Parameters in Adult Male Red King Crabs (Paralithodes camtschaticus) Raised to Commercial Weight from JuvenilespublishedVersio

    Development of early life gut resistome and mobilome across gestational ages and microbiota-modifying treatments

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    Background: Gestational age (GA) and associated level of gastrointestinal tract maturation are major factors driving the initial gut microbiota composition in preterm infants. Besides, compared to term infants, premature infants often receive antibiotics to treat infections and probiotics to restore optimal gut microbiota. How GA, antibiotics, and probiotics modulate the microbiota\u27s core characteristics, gut resistome and mobilome, remains nascent. Methods: We analysed metagenomic data from a longitudinal observational study in six Norwegian neonatal intensive care units to describe the bacterial microbiota of infants of varying GA and receiving different treatments. The cohort consisted of probiotic-supplemented and antibiotic-exposed extremely preterm infants (n = 29), antibiotic-exposed very preterm (n = 25), antibiotic-unexposed very preterm (n = 8), and antibiotic-unexposed full-term (n = 10) infants. The stool samples were collected on days of life 7, 28, 120, and 365, and DNA extraction was followed by shotgun metagenome sequencing and bioinformatical analysis. Findings: The top predictors of microbiota maturation were hospitalisation length and GA. Probiotic administration rendered the gut microbiota and resistome of extremely preterm infants more alike to term infants on day 7 and ameliorated GA-driven loss of microbiota interconnectivity and stability. GA, hospitalisation, and both microbiota-modifying treatments (antibiotics and probiotics) contributed to an elevated carriage of mobile genetic elements in preterm infants compared to term controls. Finally, Escherichia coli was associated with the highest number of antibiotic-resistance genes, followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae and Klebsiella aerogenes. Interpretation: Prolonged hospitalisation, antibiotics, and probiotic intervention contribute to dynamic alterations in resistome and mobilome, gut microbiota characteristics relevant to infection risk. Funding: Odd-Berg Group, Northern Norway Regional Health Authority

    Effect of the T90-codend on the catch quality of cod (Gadus morhua) compared to the conventional codend configuration in the Barents Sea bottom trawl fishery

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    The aim of this study was to compare the catch quality of Northeast Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Barents Sea bottom trawl fishery caught using the conventional configuration (a sorting grid followed by a diamond mesh (T0) codend) and a T90° turned mesh codend (T90) without a grid. Twenty hauls were conducted, consisting of 10 hauls with the conventional configuration and 10 hauls with the T90-codend. The catch quality was assessed using the catch-damages-index (CDI) and a newly developed method using VIS/NIR hyperspectral imaging to estimate the residual blood abundances in the fish muscle. The probability of obtaining fish with no damage was 23.4% (CI: 16.3–31.1%) for cod captured by the conventional configuration, and 21.2% (CI: 15.4–27.2%) for cod captured by the T90-codend. The average blood abundance (in arbitrary unit) was 0.86 (CI: 0.85–0.87) for cod captured by the conventional configuration and 0.88 (CI: 0.87–0.88) for cod captured by the T90-codend. Catch quality of the hauls obtained using the two gears did not differ significantly in terms of catch damage or residual blood levels in the cod. Hence, this study demonstrated that T90-codends do not compromise catch quality compared to regular diamond meshed codends.publishedVersio