123 research outputs found

    Voltage control on long AC cable feeder with tap-changing transformer without measurements

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    Regulacija napetosti je običajno izvedena z regulacijskim transformatorjem. Transformator dobi meritve napetosti iz točke regulacije. Glede na te vrednosti napetosti nastavi pravilen prestavni odcep tako, da je napetost v določenih mejah. Kadar je razdalja med meritvami napetosti in transformatorjem dolga, obstaja možnosti, da se zaradi napake pri prenosu izgubijo podatki o napetosti. To pomeni, da prestavni odcep ni nujno pravilen. Cilj raziskave je bil, da se najde možnost regulacije v primeru izgube meritev. Pregled literature je pokazal na dva različna pristopa: kompenzacijo padca napetosti in izračun padca napetosti. Preizkusili smo tudi PQ metodo. Kompenzacija padca napetosti in izračun padca napetosti v večini primerov zanemarita kapacitivnost, kar povzroči preveliko odstopanje od želenih rezultatov. PQ metoda je prikazala natančne in primerne rezultate.Voltage control is usually performed with an on-load tap changing transformer (OLTC). The OLTC’s controller gets voltage measurement values from the regulation point. Based on those values, it sets the correct tap position, so the voltage is within limits. When the distance between voltage measurements and the transformer is long, there is a chance that a fault may occur during data transmission, so we no longer know voltage values at the regulating point. That means the controller cannot set the correct tap position. The goal of the research was to find options for voltage control when we lose the connection to measured voltage values. Literature showed two different approaches that we tried: line drop compensation and calculation of the voltage drop. We also tried the PQ method. Line drop compensation and calculation of the voltage drop neglect capacitance in most cases, which, causes too much deviation from wanted result. The PQ method showed us accurate and adequate results

    Vzpostavljanje varne navezanosti kot temelj dela s posamezniki, pari in družino

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    Theory of attachment has radically changed the way we understand human relationships and work with people today. Understanding relationships as processes of mutual affect regulation has opened the door to a new generation of approaches to clinical work, prevention and education. Therapeutic research and practical work with clients show that providing relational safety, or a secure base, is a necessary precondition for working with vulnerable populations. In the article three fundamental shifts in our understanding of therapeutic and preventive work are presented and described with the help of examples of good practice. First, a child is dependent on adult caregivers for her/his emotional and physical well-being; second, parenting starts from the inside out, and third, family relationships are an intergenerational attachment-driven system. Designing effective interventions in cases of shame- and fear-based family systems requires paying special attention to this aspect of insecure attachment.Teorija navezanosti je eden od mejnikov v raziskovanju in razumevanju dela z ljudmi. Razumevanje odnosov kot vzajemnih, torej dvostranskih, in kot razmerij, v katerih gre za regulacijo afektov, odpira povsem nov pogled na različne oblike dela z ljudmi, tako klinične kot preventivne in izobraževalne. Raziskave in dolgoletna terapevtska praksa kažejo, da je ustrezna oblika pomoči oziroma okvir za kakovostno delo z ljudmi samo tista, ki zagotavlja varnost. Torej varno zavetje, kadar posamezniki prihajajo iz nevarnih okolij in razmer ter izkušenj, in trdno izhodišče za posameznike, ki želijo razširiti, preoblikovati in na novo vzpostaviti nekatere vidike svojega življenja in odnosov. V našem prispevku bomo predstavili tri temeljne premike v pojmovanju tega dela in opisali primere konkretnih praks oziroma novih oblik dela, ki iz teh premikov izhajajo. Ti trije mejniki so: drugačno pojmovanje otroka (otrok kot odvisen od odraslih), drugačno pojmovanje starševstva oziroma na otroka usmerjeno starševstvo ali notranje starševstvo in drugačno delo z družino kot sistemom, ki ga zaznamujejo globoke vezi navezanosti, od katerih je v veliki meri odvisno, kako se bosta sistem in posameznik znotraj sistema razvijala ter kako morajo biti oblikovane intervence, kadar gre za sisteme, ki temeljijo na sramu, strahu in nevarnih obli kah navezanosti

    A numerical study of the influence from pre-existing cracks on granite rock fragmentation at percussive drilling

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    International audienceThe aim of this study is to investigate the effect of pre-existing, or structural, cracks on dynamic fragmentation of granite. Because of the complex behavior of rock materials, a continuum approach is employed relying upon a plasticity model with yield surface locus as a quadratic function of the mean pressure in the principal stress space coupled with an anisotropic damage model. In particular, Bohus granite rock is investigated, and the material parameters are chosen based on previous experiments. The equation of motion is discretized using a finite element approach, and the explicit time integration method is employed. The pre-existing cracks are introduced in the model by considering sets of elements with negligible tensile strength that leads to their immediate failure when loaded in tension even though they still carry compressive loads as crack closure occurs because of compressive stresses. Previously performed edge-on impact tests are reconsidered here to validate the numerical model. Percussive drilling is simulated, and the influence of the presence of pre-existing cracks is studied. The results from the analysis with different crack lengths and orientations are compared in terms of penetration stiffness and fracture pattern. It is shown that pre-existing cracks in all investigated cases facilitate the drilling process

    Težave z imaginarnim

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    In the article Lacan’s Seminar XX, Encore, is considered from the viewpoint of two conceptions of imaginary, a simple one which stemms from the concept of discourse, and a twofold one which is developed in the triangular scheme of the Seminar. It is argued that, unfortunately, in the Seminar the distinction between the two conceptions is not presented explicitely, which explains the dangerous pertinacy of the dualism between the ex-timate phallic enjoyment and the jouissance of the Other. In the article Lacan’s two formulas of sexuation are interpreted in a way which neither excludes nor affirms the possibility of sexual relation.V članku avtor analizira Lacanov seminar Še z vidika dveh pojmovanj imaginarnega in ugotavlja, da ločnica med njima v seminarju ni izpeljana dosledno. Trdi, da šele stroga, dvostopenjska definicija imaginarnega, kot je razvidna iz trikotniške sheme, omogoča, da presežemo nevarni dualizem subjekta in objekta ter ekstimno vzajemnost faličnega uživanja in užitka Drugega. Svoje pojmovanje neke nove, nezrcalne in neimaginarne relacije avtor opre na formule seksuacije in pojem kompaktnosti

    The Privilege of a Traveller

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    The process of formation of belief is the central topic of the article, which is based on the fundamental distinction dividing the Humean world of Nature, between natural and artificial imagination. Although belief, as opposed to faith, goes beyond what is given to the mind through sensation, it remains within the boundaries of experience and habit. The purpose of philosophical speculation, defied by scepticism and common life, is to train the imagination in order to support the causal thinking of our beliefs. In Hume the formation of imagination gets the immediate expression in the relationship between philosophy on one hand and literature and historiography on the other as presented in the short essay entitled A Dialogue and the famous appendix to the third chapter in An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. This modus of direct formation of imagination which is defined in the article as overt deception, is supplemented by Hume with the relationship of covert deception enabling the subject of formation to take a distinct stance as well as disabling him from ever taking notice of the deception.Formiranje prepričanja v Humovi filozofiji je glavna tema članka, ki izhaja iz temeljnega razlikovanja med naravno in nenaravno domišljijo v Humovem svetu Narave. Za razliko od vere prepričanje pri Humu prestopa meje zaznave v smeri skritih vzrokov, a vendar ostaja v okvirih izkustva in navade; naloga filozofije, ki je razpeta med skepticizem in vsakdanje življenje, je formiranje domišljije, na katero se opira vzročno sklepanje v prepričanjih. Formiranje domišljije se pri Humu neposredno izrazi v razmerju filozofije na eni strani in literature ter zgodovinopisja na drugi, kot gaje mogoče zaznati v kratkem spisu A Dialogue in nadaljevanja tretjega poglavja Raziskovanja človeškega razuma. To obliko neposrednega formiranja domišljije, ki jo opredeljuje razmerje odkrite prevare, Hume dopolni z razmerjem prikrite prevare, ki subjektu formiranja hkrati omogoča distanco in onemogoča, da bi se prevare zavedal

    Izgubljeno sočutje

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    In his short essay, which resembles more a philosophical programme or a manifesto, the author reflects upon the loss of compassion in philosophy and uncovers some fatal consequences of the loss in the social and individual sphere of the modern man. The author claims that this repression of compassion is caused by a reciprocal degradation between thought and its other and indicates that if thought is to become a person, we should prepare ourselves for surprise and compassion which accompany the arrival of the third.V kratkem eseju, ki spominja na program ali manifest, avtor razmišlja o izgubljenem sočutju v filozofski misli in odkriva pogubne posledice te izgube v družbenem in individualnem prostoru. Vzroke za potlačitev oziroma izrinjenje sočutja pripisuje vzajemnemu popredmetenju mišljenja in njegovega drugega in nakaže, da se mišljenje lahko poosebi samo, če pusti, da ga preseneti prihod tretjega

    LLVM backend for SIC/XE

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    The LLVM compiler framework can be used as a compiler backend that supports generating machine code for multiple computer architectures. In this thesis we implemented an LLVM backend for the SIC/XE architecture, which is used for teaching system software. This enables generation of SIC/XE machine code from every language that can be compiled to LLVM’s intermediate representation. We also added SIC/XE support to the Clang compiler, which is used for compiling C-family programming languages. We demonstrated our work with compilation of three different C programs and compared the amount of instructions with different optimization levels

    LLVM backend for SIC/XE

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    The LLVM compiler framework can be used as a compiler backend that supports generating machine code for multiple computer architectures. In this thesis we implemented an LLVM backend for the SIC/XE architecture, which is used for teaching system software. This enables generation of SIC/XE machine code from every language that can be compiled to LLVM’s intermediate representation. We also added SIC/XE support to the Clang compiler, which is used for compiling C-family programming languages. We demonstrated our work with compilation of three different C programs and compared the amount of instructions with different optimization levels

    Stories of transmission and gradual resolution of trauma-related shame in three generations of Slovenian families

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     In this paper, we will present a study into the dynamics of the transmission of emotional traumatic in three families of victims of World War II and post-war communist oppression. This study is taken from a broader research project in which we investigated the experiences of nonclinical families that managed to survive through three generation, and in which post-traumatic growth is present, i. e. the ability to integrate traumatic experiences and provide greater security for future generations. The main focus will be on how emotional content is transmitted and transformed through generations and how to recognise it in various forms of behaviour, thinking and emotions, that appear in each of the generations. As we follow the transformation of traumatic content, we will also follow the the signs that show how traumatic content has integrated and begun to bring new, deeper emotional and mental insights. The emotional depth of the traumatic experience is what burdens the victim the most and slows down the dynamics of trauma processing. It appears in the form of symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome, insecurity and mistrust. This is found even in victims who have articulated the trauma sufficiently to rise above intimidation, managed to develop emotionally strong and connecting interpersonal relationships, maintain faith in the future, and form a coherent narrative of their traumatic past. The most interesting result of the research was that all three families, regardless of their diversity, are similar in term of processing the trauma. They were all able to speak openly about their traumatic experiences. In all three families there there was a great deal of discussion and searching for the social framework and personal truth of historical events, and the desire to present and describe the events that left such deep wounds in such a way that they would be clear, reworked and accessible to future generations as a document of the reality of some tragic and difficult times. Another source of trauma processing was religious faith, which allowed all the participants in this study to look at trauma and life more deeply, through relationships and connections between people and through a deeper understanding of human history embedded in a broader and deeper spiritual flow. Faith helped these families to find the courage to make decisions, to face life’s challenges, and to endure even the most severe of life's trials. A third source that facilitates the processing and integration of a traumatic experience is secure interpersonal relationships and compassionate parenting. Despite the fact that the whole question of parenting was demanding and full of challenges for our interviewees, the quality of parenting has been improved from generation to generation, and sincere affection for children and gratitude for children were present everywhere. The ability to follow the new generation and its initiatives while maintaining a connection to its roots is a dynamic that characterises all three families. There is also a lot of thinking and conscious effort in establishing and maintaining good marital relationships in these families. For the recovery from trauma this study shows the importance of talking about it and also talking about it in a safe relationship until it takes a form that is genuine and at the same time clear, coherent and thus suitable for the general public. That’s when the traumatic story ceases to be traumatizing and becomes a story of courage, perseverance, and truth. &nbsp

    IMPORTANCE OF PARENTING IN THE PROCESS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIALITY (perceived security theory of childhood attachment and taking religious values​​)

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    Oblikovanje vjerskoga stava, shvaćanja i vjerskih vrijednosti cjeloživotni je proces. Ipak, sve više istraživanja ukazuje na činjenicu da se osnova na kojoj će se oblikovati vjernost u razdoblju odraslosti uglavnom uspostavlja već u ranom razdoblju čovjekova života. U tome značajnu ulogu imaju odnosi dijete - roditelji. Kakvoća kontakta u ovim odnosima značajan je čimbenik koji utječe na činjenicu hoće li djeca preuzeti (vjerske) vrijednosti i shvaćanja roditelja ili će se od njih udaljiti ili ih čak odbijati. U našem istraživanju, u kojem je sudjelovalo 120 sudionika iz različnih vjerskih skupina, pokazalo se da je kod sudionika sa sigurnom privrženošću svojim roditeljima u djetinjstvu značajno više sukladnosti između ocjene dubine vlastite vjere te vjere roditelja. Ujedno smo otkrili značajnu povezanost između sigurnosti privrženosti sudionika roditeljima u djetinjstvu i sukladnosti preuzetih religioznih standarda, odnosno vrijednosti. Činjenicu da je kakvoća odnosa (posebice njihov emocionalni vid) djece prema svojim roditeljima značajan mehanizam moramo uzeti u obzir kada govorimo o prenošenju religioznih vrijednosti unutar obitelji.Abstract Fonnation of religious attitudes, beliefs and values is a lifelong process. However, more and more research points to the fact that the foundation on which the adult faith is to be formed is laid in the early years of life. The most important part here is played by parent-child relationships. The quality of these relationships determines whether children will adopt parental (religious) values and beliefs or reject them and distance themselves from parents. In our study in which 120 participants from various religious Catholic groups reported on the congruity between their faith and faith of their parents and their perceived attachment style to each parent the positive link between security of attachment and religious congruity was established. Furthermore, a significant relation between secure attachment and socialization-based religiosity was found. This is an indicator that quality of relationships (especially their emotional aspect) between children and their parents is an important mechanism in the context of transmission of religious values inside the family