8,157 research outputs found

    Urgensi Perlindungan Pulau-Pulau Terluar dalam Kaitan Integritas Teritorial Indonesia

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    A territory is an essential element and most important for a country. Territory become important for the country with respect .for state sovereignty within the limits of the jurisdiction of the state that can be implemented. Archipelagic State is one type of state based on territorial coverage. Indonesia as a large Archipelagic State should be able to maintain the integrity of its territory. There are about 17,506 islands owned by Indonesia, the number of outer islands there is a direct border with neighboring Indonesia. The condition become urgent in an integrated management of the outer islands, with the aim to demonstrate the integrity of the Unitary of Republic of Indonesia. This is due to the importance of the islands, in general there are three points of view ie as a function of defense and security, economic, and ecological functions

    Model Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mentawai melalui Penguatan Kelembagaan Lokal di Pulau Siberut

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    Penelitian ini didasarkan pada premis bahwa kriteria dan ukuran rumah tangga miskin harus dikembalikankepada masyarakat. Masyarakat memiliki kriteria dan ukuran sendiri, yang dipengaruhi oleh sistemnilai yang berakar pada daya dukung budaya, agama dan lingkungan. Kelembagaan lokal yang dimilikimasyarakat jika diperkuat dan diberdayakan akan dapat menjawab permasalahan yang dihadapi menurutbudaya masyarakat itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis kriteria dan indikatorrumah tangga miskin dalam pandangan publik. (2) untuk menganalisis strategi rumah tangga miskin untukmemanfaatkan pada sumber daya ekonomi, alokasi tenaga kerja dalam rumah tangga. (3) untuk menganalisisprofil program, pola implementasi yang telah dan sedang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah dan organisasi nonpemerintah.(4) Menganalisis energi sosial kreatif yang mencakup sistem nilai, norma, dan kepemimpinankelembagaan dan modal sosial dapat digunakan untuk mewujudkan potensi inovatif kesejahteraan umum,baik di tingkat unit kekeluargaan atau unit lokalitas masyarakat terpencil adat. Penelitian ini menggunakanpendekatan Antropologi, metode dan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif; observasi, wawancara dan FocusGroup Discussion (FGD). Informan terdiri dari: kepala desa atau sekretaris desa, kepala pertemuan desadan kepala desa, sedangkan informan biasa sebanyak 30 kepala keluarga yang termasuk dalam kategoripenilaian masyarakat miskin. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (a) Masyarakat Mentawai memilikikriteria dan ukuran sendiri tentang kemiskinan dani rumah tangga miskin. (b) Kelembagaan berbasiskekerabatan (suku) memiliki peran strategis, jika diberdayakan untuk memecahkan masalah kemiskinan.(c) Masyarakat Mentawai memiliki modal/energi sosial sosial untuk mengatasi masalah kemiskinan,yang didasarkan pada (i) Tanah sebagai aset komunal yang belum digunakan dan dikelola untuk usahaproduktif. (ii) Solidaritas sosial yang kuat (saling percaya, tolong menolong dan kerjasama yang salingmenguntungkan) di tingkat keluarga dan masyarakat, dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pangan dan Perumahan.Model pemberdayaan yang dapat dilakukan, antara lain dengan revitalisasi pertanian lokal (pertanianorganik) kekerabatan kelembagaan berbasis (suku). Pemerintah Daerah diharapkan membangun pasartradisional, lembaga keuangan mikro atau koperasi dan membuka isolasi desa dengan membuka sarana danprasarana jalan yang menghubungkan desa-desa di pedalaman Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai

    Reformulation of the LDA+U method for a local orbital basis

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    We present a new approach to the evaluation of the on-site repulsion energy U for use in the LDA+U method of Anisimov and collaborators. Our objectives are to make the method more firmly based, to concentrate primarily on ground state properties rather than spectra, and to test the method in cases where only modest changes in orbital occupations are expected, as well as for highly correlated materials. Because of these objectives, we employ a differential definition of U. We also define a matrix U, which we find is very dependent on the environment of the atom in question. The formulation is applied to evaluate U for transition metal monoxides from VO to NiO using a local orbital basis set. The resulting values of U are typically only 40-65% as large as values currently in use. We evaluate the U matrix for the e_g and t_{2g} subshells in paramagnetic FeO, and illustrate the very different charge response of the e_g and t_{2g} states. The sensitivity of the method to the choice of the d orbitals, and to the basis set in general, is discussed.Comment: 6 figure

    First direct observation of a torsional Alfvén oscillation at coronal heights

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    Context. Torsional Alfvén waves are promising candidates for the transport of energy across different layers of the solar atmosphere. They have been predicted theoretically for decades. Previous detections of Alfvén waves so far have however mostly relied on indirect signatures. Aims. We present the first direct observational evidence of a fully resolved torsional Alfvén oscillation of a large-scale structure occurring at coronal heights. Methods. We analysed IRIS imaging and spectral observation of a surge resulting from magnetic reconnection between active region prominence threads and surrounding magnetic field lines. Results. The IRIS spectral data provide clear evidence of an oscillation in the line-of-sight velocity with a 180° phase difference between the oscillation signatures at opposite edges of the surge flux tube. This together with an alternating tilt in the Si IV and Mg II k spectra across the flux tube and the trajectories traced by the individual threads of the surge material provide clear evidence of torsional oscillation of the flux tube. Conclusions. Our observation shows that magnetic reconnection leads to the generation of large-scale torsional Alfvén waves

    Dipolar Interactions in Superconductor-Ferromagnet Heterostructures

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    We consider a simple model for a superlattice composed of a thin magnetic film placed between two bulk superconductors. The magnetic film is modelled by a planar but otherwise arbitrary distribution of magnetic dipoles and the superconductors are treated in the London approximation. Due to the linearity of the problem, we are able to compute the magnetic energy of the film in the presence of the superconductors. We show that in the case of small wavenumbers compared to the inverse London penetration depth, the magnetic energy resembles the energy of a distribution of magnetisation in a two dimensional space. Possible experimental applications of these results are discussed.Comment: RevTeX, 29 pages, 3 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. B. Changes were made (including adding fig. 3), to conform with the referee's report. Reference 54 was also adde

    Finite element modeling of electromagnetic fields and waves using NASTRAN

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    The various formulations of Maxwell's equations are reviewed with emphasis on those formulations which most readily form analogies with Navier's equations. Analogies involving scalar and vector potentials and electric and magnetic field components are presented. Formulations allowing for media with dielectric and conducting properties are emphasized. It is demonstrated that many problems in electromagnetism can be solved using the NASTRAN finite element code. Several fundamental problems involving time harmonic solutions of Maxwell's equations with known analytic solutions are solved using NASTRAN to demonstrate convergence and mesh requirements. Mesh requirements are studied as a function of frequency, conductivity, and dielectric properties. Applications in both low frequency and high frequency are highlighted. The low frequency problems demonstrate the ability to solve problems involving media inhomogeneity and unbounded domains. The high frequency applications demonstrate the ability to handle problems with large boundary to wavelength ratios

    Enhanced Diffusion of a Needle in a Planar Course of Point Obstacles

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    The transport of an infinitely thin, hard rod in a random, dense array of point obstacles is investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. Our model mimics the sterically hindered dynamics in dense needle liquids. The center-of-mass diffusion exhibits a minimum, and transport becomes increasingly fast at higher densities. The diffusion coefficient diverges according to a power law in the density with an approximate exponent of 0.8. This observation is connected with a new divergent time scale, reflected in a zig-zag motion of the needle, a two-step decay of the velocity-autocorrelation function, and a negative plateau in the non-Gaussian parameter.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let