12 research outputs found

    Riverine Nitrate Export Response to Hydro-climatic Variability in a Southeast China Coastal Watershed Based on Long-term Historical Data

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    气候变化对不同的自然地理区域的淡水系统,尤其是人口集中、对水资源高度依赖的近海流域的潜在影响的研究对于制定合理的水资源管理策略至关重要。本篇论文选取中尺度近海流域—九龙江流域,基于1961-2013年近53年的水文-气候与硝酸盐水质数据,评估气候变化对流域水量和水质及通量的影响。研究结果表明,在过去的50年里,九龙江北溪和西溪年径流量没有明显变化趋势,但随年降雨变化,呈自然波动。本研究开发的L-R图解法显示土地变化加强了气候变化对径流动态的影响。上世纪60年代至90年代之间,硝酸盐的浓度增加了30倍,很大程度上归因于人类活动。硝酸盐浓度的年内变化模式与水文气候的年内变异相对应。本研究发现,气候...Study on the potential impact of climate changes on freshwater system across different physiographic regions is fundamentally important in order to formulate the sound strategies for water resource management, especially in the coastal watershed where peoples heavily concentrated and relied on water resources. Climate change is projected affecting water quantity and quality, in which was further e...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与海岸带发展研究院_海岸带综合管理学号:3332013115453


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    Fraud can occur anywhere in any organization or agency. This study aims to determine the effect of spiritual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and the application of Tri Hita Karana culture in handling the tendency of fraud in the Regional Apparatus Organization of the Regency of Buleleng. The population and sample in this study were all financial employees in the Regional Apparatus Organization of the Regency of Buleleng, as many as 151 people. The technique of determining the sample using the saturated sample method. Data were tested using validity test, reliability test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple regression analysis, hypothesis test and coefficient of determination. The results showed that the variables of spiritual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and the application of Tri Hita Karana culture negative and significant influences the tendency of fraud in the Regional Apparatus Organization of the Regency of Buleleng

    Coupled effects of climate variability and land use pattern on surface water quality: An elasticity perspective and watershed health indicators.

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    Understanding the coupled effects of climate variability and land use on riverine nitrogen is essential for watershed management. The climate-water relationships for ammonium (NH4-N) and nitrate (NO3-N) were determined by an elasticity approach and then the watershed health index was estimated using the reliability, resilience, and vulnerability framework. These methods were applied to an in-situ monitoring dataset of N concentrations measured during 2010-2017 from nine sub-watersheds in the Jiulong River Watershed, China. The results showed that temperature and precipitation elasticity of NH4-N and NO3-N changed substantially among various land use patterns. The N concentrations were highly sensitive to extreme climate conditions, particularly at urban and agricultural sub-watersheds. The measure of risk indicators revealed that the watershed health index varied from good health to unhealthy status. Linear regression analysis was used to analyze the interactions among watershed characteristics, climate elasticity, and watershed health. Cropland and population had strong positive correlations with climate elasticity of NO3-N. Forest and elevation had strong negative associations with climate elasticity of NO3-N. Watershed health significantly declined with increasing proportion of cropland and population density. This study demonstrated that human-impacted watersheds were less healthy to unhealthy and tend to be more sensitive to climate variability than natural watersheds, which is useful for efforts aimed at improving watershed management


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    Currently, Portunus sanguinolentus is one of the fishery commodities that has experienced a decline in population due to exploitation pressures and habitat or environmental damage. This has an impact on changes in the population structure and reproductive strategy of P. sanguinolentus, with parameters that can change, among others, the size of the first gonad becoming smaller, changes in spawning areas and seasons, and changes in the balance of the sex ratio. This study aims to determine the population dynamics of P. sanguinolentus in Pati Regency, Central Java, and whether it is useful for the processing industry to make a new product. Data and information were obtained through observation, interviews, and enumeration, which were carried out at each fish landing site. Collecting data from catches in fishing areas below 12 miles with a maximum depth of 15 m for 5 months. The FISAT II software was used to analyze the growth parameters, mortality rate, and exploitation rate. Obtained weight data of 7.72 kg with a total sample of 107 ind. Detailed data were obtained for 46 females with an average width of 106.24 mm and 61 males with a width of 103.95 mm, and the average weight of the entire sample was 74.26 g.Saat ini Portunus sanguinolentus merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan yang mengalami penurunan populasi akibat tekanan eksploitasi dan kerusakan habitat atau lingkungan. Hal ini berdampak pada perubahan struktur populasi dan strategi reproduksi P. sanguinolentus, dengan parameter yang dapat berubah antara lain ukuran gonad pertama yang mengecil, perubahan daerah dan musim pemijahan, serta perubahan keseimbangan rasio jenis kelamin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dinamika populasi P. sanguinolentus di Kabupaten Pati Jawa Tengah dan bermanfaat bagi industri pengolahan untuk menghasilkan suatu produk baru. Data dan informasi diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, dan pencacahan yang dilakukan di setiap tempat pendaratan ikan. Pengumpulan data hasil tangkapan dilakukan di daerah penangkapan ikan kurang dari 12 mil dengan kedalaman maksimal 15 m selama 5 bulan. Perangkat lunak FISAT II digunakan untuk menganalisis parameter pertumbuhan, tingkat kematian, dan tingkat eksploitasi. Diperoleh data berat badan sebesar 7,72 kg dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 107 ind yang terdiri dari 46 ekor betina dengan rata-rata lebar 106,24 mm dan 61 ekor jantan dengan lebar 103,95 mm, serta rata-rata berat seluruh sampel 74,26 g


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    Kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) merupakan salah satu dari beberapa jenis produksi ikan dominan dari perairan pantai Karangsong, Kabupaten Indramayu. Namun demikian, upaya pengelolaan kepiting bakau di perairan tersebut belum dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga pertumbuhan kepiting bakau sebagai dasar dalam pengelolaan biota tersebut di perairan Karangsong. Pengambilan contoh dilakukan tiap bulan berdasarkan hasil tangkapan nelayan dengan manggunakan bubu, selama 4 bulan di perairan tersebut (Juni-September 2013). Lebar karapas dan bobot tubuh diamati, sebagai dasar penentukan sebaran frekuensi, pola pertumbuhan dan pertumbuhan. Pendugaan pertumbuhan kepiting dihitung dengan menggunakan persamaan Von Bertalanffy. Pada pengamatan ini menunjukkan abhwa lebar karapas kepiting bakau berkisar 60-138 mm (jantan), dan 74-139 mm (betina). Pola pertumbuhan kepiting bakau di perairan Karangsong bersifat allometrik negatif, yaitu: W = 0.0003L2.8793 (jantan) dan W = 0.003L2.3210 (betina). Melalui analisis pendugaan parameter pertumbuhan, didapatkan persamaan sebagai berikut: Lt = 157.35 [1-e(-0.39(t+0.26)] (jantan), dan Lt = 147.99 [1-e(-0.42(t+0.24)] (betina).Mudcrab (Scylla serrata Forskal) is one of several dominant species in the fish production from Karangsong coastal waters, Indramayu Regency. However, effort to manage the mudcrab in the waters is still limited. This study aimed to estimate a growth of the mudcrab as a base for crab management at the waters. Monthly sampling of the crab in the study area was conducted according to fisherman catch using bamboo trap for 4 months (Juni-September 2013). Carapace width and weight were employed for calculating frequency distribution, growth pattern, and growth. Growth estimation of the crab was calculated using Von Bertalanffy equation. This study revealed that the carapace width of the mudcrab ranged of 60-138 mm (male), and 74-139 mm (females). Crab’s growth patterns of the mud crab was negative allometric, W = 0.0003L2.8793 (male) dan W = 0.003L2.3210 (female). Through analysis of growth parameter estimation, it was obtained the following equatiosn: Lt = 157.35 [1-e(-0.39(t+0.26)] (male), and Lt = 147.99 [1-e(-0.42(t+0.24)] (female)


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    Ikan belanak (Planiliza subviridis) merupakan salah satu dari beberapa jenis ikan yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis tinggi di Perairan pantai Karangsong. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 6 bulan (Desember 2012-Mei 2013), bertujuan untuk mengetahui biologi reproduksi ikan tersebut yang tertangkap di perairan pantai Karangsong. Ikan contoh diambil dari hasil tangkapan nelayan dengan menggunakan gill net ukuran mata jaring 0,5-1,5 inchi (n=336 ekor). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa rasio ikan belanak jantan dan betina tidak seimbang yaitu 1:2,0. Ikan belanak betina lebih kecil mengalami matang gonad dibandingkan dengan ikan jantan, dengan ukuran pertama kali matang gonad sebesar 114 mm (ikan jantan) dan 102 mm (ikan betina). Puncak musim pemijahan ikan belanak di Perairan pantai Karangsong diduga terjadi pada bulan Februari. Jumlah telur ikan belanak cukup besar yaitu sebesar 9.691-173.335 butir telur. Diameter telur ikan tersebut berkisar antara 0,18-0,75 mm dengan modus penyebaran dua puncak yang mengindikasikan pemijahan secara parsial.Greenback mullet (Planiliza suviridis) is ones of several fish that has a high economic value in Karangsong coastal water of Indramayu. The study was conducted for 6 months (December 2012-May 2013), aims to reveal a reproductive biology of the fish caught in Karangsong coastal waters. Fish samples were taken from the catch of fishermen using a gill net with a mesh size of 0.5-1.5 inches (n=336 individuals). The results shows that the sex ratio between males and females was 1:2,0. Greenback mullet females mature was smaller than females with mature gonad size was 114 mm (for male) and 102 mm (for female). Peak spawning season of the fish in the Karangsong coastal waters was thought to occur in early February. Fecundity of greenback mullet was quite large in the amount of 9.691 to 173.335 eggs. Eggs diameter distribution of the fish ranged from 0,18 to 0,75 mm with two modes indicating a partial spawner


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    The current research was conducted to investigate the effect of light on growth of soft coral Lobophytum strictum. This species was transplanted and reared in two different ponds, uncovered pond (with light penetration) and covered pond (no light penetration. A total of 16 coral fragments was placed on each pond. Both, the survival rate and the growth rate were significantly different on the effect of light (P<0.05). The soft coral on the uncovered pond was survive up to 12 weeks (100%), followed with increased length (from 5,95 to 10,04 cm) and width (from 5,27 to 6,84 cm) of the transplanted coral fragments. Conversely, the soft coral in the covered ponds showed survival rate of 62,5% (up to 8th week), with decreased length (from 8,25 to 5,25 cm) and width (from 9,14 to 4,86 cm) of each fragments during the period of study.Penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh cahaya terhadap pertumbuhan karang lunak Lobophytum strictum hasil transplantasi dilakukan dengan pemeliharaan karang lunak pada dua buah kolam, yaitu kolam terbuka (cahaya) dan kolam tertutup (tanpa cahaya). Pada masing-masing kolam ditempatkan 16 fragmen karang lunak yang sudah ditransplantasikan. Kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan karang lunak berbeda signifikan antar perlakuan cahaya (P<0,05). Karang lunak yang dipelihara di kolam terbuka mampu bertahan hidup 100% (12 minggu), dengan disertai peningkatan panjang (5,95-10,04 cm)  dan lebar (5,27-6,84 cm) fragmen karang. Hal yang berbeda ditunjukkan karang lunak yang dipelihara di kolam tertutup, hanya mampu bertahan hidup hingga minggu ke-8 (62,5%). Hal ini disertai dengan penurunan panjang (8,25-5,25 cm) dan lebar (9,14-4,86 cm) fragmen setiap minggunya

    Bahasa Inggris

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    Rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) tersebar luas di perairan daerah penangkapan ikan sebagai sumber tangkapan nelayan di Selat Tiworo. Kawasan pesisir Selat Tiworo mempunyai potensi rajungan yang banyak. Oleh karena itu, lokasi ini dijadikan sebagai salah satu lokasi percontohan proyek pengelolaan rajungan berkelanjutan dari Asosiasi Pengelolaan Rajungan Indonesia (APRI). Pertumbuhan, kematian total, kematian alami, kematian penangkapan, dan laju eksploitasi merupakan parameter populasi rajungan yang perlu diketahui agar pengelolaan perikanan dapat dilakukan secara berkelanjutan. Telah dilakukan kajian parameter populasi rajungan di Selat Tiworo berdasarkan data frekuensi lebar karapas yang dikumpulkan pada bulan Juli hingga Desember 2021 dan dianalisis menggunakan FISAT (FAO-Iclarm Stock Assessment Tool) II. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 7.809 sampel, dimana jumlah rajungan jantan sebanyak 3.295 sampel dan betina sebanyak 4.514 sampel. Rata-rata ukuran lebar karapas rajungan yang ditangkap adalah 107,57 mm untuk jantan dan 110,65 mm untuk betina. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan laju pertumbuhan (K) sebesar 1,01/tahun, laju kematian total (Z) sebesar 0,67/tahun, laju kematian alami (M) sebesar 1,25/tahun, dan laju kematian penangkapan ikan sebesar 0,58/tahun. tahun. Tingkat eksploitasi (E) rajungan sebesar 0,86 menunjukkan gejala eksploitasi berlebihan, sehingga pengelolaan berkelanjutan atas rajungan di perairan tersebut harus dilakukan untuk menjaga ketersediaan dan keberlanjutan stok sumber daya rajungan. Kata Kunci: rajungan, kepiting, lebar, berat, Selat TiworoThe blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) has a wide distribution in the fishing ground waters for fishermen's activity in the Tiworo Strait. The coastal area of Tiworo Strait has quite a lot of crab potential. Therefore, it is used as one of the pilot locations for sustainable crab management projects of the Indonesian Blue Swimming Crab Association (APRI). Growth, total mortality, natural death, fishing mortality, and the exploitation rate were the population parameters of crabs that need to be known so that management can be carried out in a sustainable manner of fisheries. A study on the population parameters of crabs has been conducted in the Tiworo Strait, based on carapace width frequencies data collected from Juli to December 2021 and analyzed using FISAT (FAO-Iclarm Stock Assessment Tool) II. The total sample is 7,809 samples, where the number of male blue swimming crabs is 3,295 samples and 4,514 females. The average size of the blue swimming crab carapace width caught was 107.57 mm for males and 110.65 mm for females. The results of the study showed that the growth rate (K) was 1.01/year, the total mortality rate (Z) was 0.67/year, the natural death rate (M) was 1.25/year, and the fishing mortality rate was 0.58/year. The exploitation rate (E) of blue swimming crab was 0.86, which showed symptoms of over–exploitation, so the management of crabs in these waters must be carried out more carefully to sustain the availability of crab resource stocks. Keywords: blue swimming crab, width, weight, Tiworo Strai

    Some Oceanographic Features of Pelabuhanratu Bay, West Java, Indonesia

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    Pelabuhanratu Bay plays a big role for the flow of nutrients from the land to the sea of Sothern-Java. This study was conducted in Pelabuhanratu Bay, Sukabumi, West Java, in March 2012. The aim of this study is to measure the oceanographic parameters (physical and chemical) of Pelabuhanratu Bay i.e. tides, waves, current, temperature, salinity, depth, density, dissolved oxygen (DO), total suspended solids (TSS), turbidity, pH and nutrients. The bay directly faces the Indian Ocean, during the surveyed we found mean angle of wave refraction was about ~4.3° ± 1.5°, with left side wind direction. Overall the current direction has an irregular trend. The tidal cycle of the bay is diurnal, with the temperature decrease into the deep layer. Only the surface exhibits a slightly lower salinity compared to the rest of the water column. Some parameters (i.e. TSS, DO) found in high concentration but declining following the depth. Other chemical concentrations (e.g. ortho-phosphate, silicate) also showed diminished after 10-15 depth measurement

    Reproductive aspects of the Japanese threadfin bream,

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    This study describes the reproductive biology of the Japanese threadfin bream, Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch, 1791) captured from the Southern Java Waters (FMA-RI 573). Fish monthly sampling collection was conducted from July to December 2022 at three fish landing ports: PPI Ciwaru, PPN Palabuhanratu, and PPI Binuangeun. Overall, 951 individuals consisting of 469 males (49.32%) and 482 females (50.68%), with a size range of 92-300 mm and a weight range of 10–344 g were collected. The sex ratio is balanced (1:1.10), with fecundity ranging from 10,079 to 82,650 eggs. The length at first maturity is 146 mm for males and 141 mm for females. The Japanese threadfin bream is a total spawner. Spawning occurs throughout the sampling period, with a peak in October-November. The length-based spawning potential ratio (LBSPR) measures the sustainability of fish stocks, indicating that Japanese threadfin bream in southern Java is in an overexploited condition