206 research outputs found

    EEG microstate architecture does not change during passive whole-body accelerations

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    Background and aim!#!The extent of penumbra tissue and outcome in stroke patients depend on the collateral cranial vasculature. To provide optimal individualized care for stroke patients in the emergency room setting we investigated the predictive capability of a stringent evaluation of the collateral vessels in ischemic stroke on clinical outcome and infarct size.!##!Methods!#!We retrospectively studied uniform clinical and radiological data of 686 consecutive patients admitted to the emergency department with suspected acute ischemic stroke. Cranial collateral vasculature status was graded using the initial CT-angiography. Outcome was measured by mRS, NIHSS and final infarct size at hospital discharge. All data were used to build a linear regression model to predict the patients´ outcome.!##!Results!#!Univariate and multivariate analyses showed significant effects of the whole brain collateral vessel score on all outcome variables. Atherosclerosis and piale collateral status were associated with the final infarct volume (FIV). Atherosclerosis and age were associated with the NIHSS at discharge. The presence of atherosclerosis, glucose level on admission and age were associated with the mRS at discharge. The multivariate models were able to predict 29% of the variance of the mRS at discharge, 24% of the variance in FIV and 17% of the variance of the NIHSS at discharge. The whole brain collateral status and the presence of atherosclerosis were the most relevant predictors for the clinical and radiological outcome.!##!Conclusion!#!The whole brain collateral vasculature status is clearly associated with clinical and radiological outcome but in a multivariate model seems not sufficiently predictive for FIV, mRS and NIHSS outcome at discharge in non-preselected patients admitted to the emergency department with ischemic stroke

    Intestinale Stomata: Komplikationen und stomabezogene Morbidität von 934 Patienten nach abdominalchirurgischen Eingriffen

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    Intestinale Stomata werden in der kolorektalen Chirurgie für viele verschiedene Zwecke eingesetzt. In der Literatur wird für die Anlage eines Stomas oft eine hohe Komplikationsrate beschrieben, die zu erhöhter Morbidität führt und die Lebensqualität der betroffenen Patienten beeinträchtigt. In dieser retrospektiven Studie mit 934 Patienten, die zwischen Januar 2000 und Dezember 2011 am Universitätsklinikum Regensburg operiert wurden, konnten wir zeigen, dass die stomabezogene Morbidität weiter hoch bleibt. Unmittelbar postoperativ auftretende Komplikationen sind jedoch meist lokal begrenzt und gut behandelbar, v.a. Hautläsionen spielen hier eine Rolle. Im weiteren Verlauf waren die am häufigsten auftretenden Komplikationen parastomale Hernien, Fisteln bzw. Abszesse und Retraktionen. Deshalb ist es wichtig, für eine engmaschige Nachsorge mit Kontrolle des Lokalbefunds zu sorgen, damit Komplikationen früh diagnostiziert und gegebenenfalls behandelt werden können. In Bezug auf das protektive Ileostoma deuten unsere Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass dessen Anlage eine sinnvolle Maßnahme zum Schutz einer distalen Anastomose darstellt. Schwere Anastomoseninsuffizienzen traten nur in geringer Zahl auf, die Auflösung der geschützten Anastomose war sehr selten. Des Weiteren konnte ein Großteil der angelegten protektiven Ileostomata in einem Eingriff mit geringer Morbidität zurückverlagert werden. Bei endständigen Stomata war der Anteil an Patienten, deren Darmkontinuität wiederhergestellt werden konnte, wesentlich geringer. Die Ergebnisse bezüglich Morbidität und Mortalität einer Hartmann-Wiederanschluss Operation bestätigten die Angaben in der Fachliteratur, wonach dies ein schwerwiegender Eingriff mit einer hohen Komplikationsrate ist. Für die Zeit zwischen Primäreingriff und Rückverlagerung kann den Ergebnissen dieser Studie zufolge keine eindeutige Empfehlung ausgesprochen werden. Es gilt vielmehr, dass der richtige Zeitpunkt von Allgemeinzustand und Rekonvaleszenz des Patienten abhängig gemacht und individuell festgelegt werden sollte. Im zeitlichen Verlauf steigen die beobachteten Komplikationen jedoch an, sodass unnötige Verzögerungen vermieden werden sollten

    Kooperatives Lernen in Videokonferenzen

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    Videoconferencing is expected to become increasingly important for tele-learning environments. This study investigates how to foster cooperative learning through videoconferencing. The selected learning environment was a peer-teaching scenario, which required the learners to teach one another theories. In this study the effects of different types of support for this cooperation were investigated. The main focus is on how both (1) content schemes and (2) cooperation scripts enhance the construction of shared external representations and foster learning outcomes. The results indicate that content schemes as well as cooperation scripts foster the construction of shared external representations. Furthermore, the learners with a cooperation script had higher learning outcomes than those learners without a cooperation scriptVideokonferenzen werden in Telelernumgebungen zunehmend wichtiger. Im Rahmen dieser Studie wird untersucht, wie man kooperatives Lernen in Videokonferenzen unterstützen kann. Als Lernumgebung wurde ein Peer-Teaching Szenario gewählt, bei dem es die Aufgabe der Lernenden war, sich gegenseitig eine Theorie zu vermitteln. Dabei werden die Auswirkungen einer Unterstützung durch die Faktoren (1) Wissensschemata und (2) Kooperationsskripts auf die Erstellung einer gemeinsamen externalen Repräsentation und auf den Lernerfolg untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sowohl Wissensschemata als auch Kooperationsskripts positive Effekte auf die Erstellung der gemeinsamen externalen Repräsentation haben. Lernende mit Kooperationsskript wiesen zusätzlich einen höheren Lernerfolg auf als Lernende ohne Kooperationsskrip

    Semi-Supervised Time Point Clustering for Multivariate Time Series

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    Semi-Supervised Time Point Clustering for Multivariate Time Series

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    Resting - State EEG Indicates Unstable Microstates in Visual Snow Syndrome

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    Background: EEG microstates account for a significant amount of the variance in resting-state EEG activity and are considered the basic building blocks of human neurological processes. We analyzed the characteristics of EEG microstates in patients with visual snow syndrome (VSS) with and without migraine and compared these results with those of a matched control group. VSS is a syndrome characterized by a spectrum of visual symptoms, including photophobia, and enhanced entoptic phenomena. The main symptom of VSS is the perception of flickering dots throughout the visual field, described as looking through a snowy television screen. Cause and pathophysiology of VSS are still unknown. Method: Resting-state EEG recordings were selected from a cohort of 21 subjects with visual snow syndrome (VSSP, 8 females, 33 ± 9.56 years) and 21 control patients (8 females, 33 ± 11.1 years). Matching was based on diagnosed VSS, age, sex, and migraine status. A comparative analysis of microstate (MS) parameters between these two groups was performed. The calculation involved the four widely accepted canonical microstate classes, namely A (auditory & visual processing, arousal), B (visual processing), C (self-reflection, salience), and D (dorsal attention network). Results: We found significant differences between groups and between microstates in resting-state EEG in the life span and amplitude of microstates. VSSP showed an overall shorter duration and lower mean global field power (GFP) of microstates compared to controls. In addition, we found an aberrant syntax of microstate class A. Compared to controls, microstate A changed more often to class B and less frequently to microstate class C in VSSP. Conclusion: By examining resting-state EEG microstate features, we were able to investigate neurobiological mechanisms indicative of altered cortical excitability and aberrant shifts between neural networks in VSSP. Therefore, abnormalities in sensory and cognitive processing are suspected. However, to gain deeper insight into the pathophysiology of VSS, further studies with subjects with homogenous comorbidities are indicated

    Modulating cortical responsiveness by tACS in visual snow syndrome - a case report

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    Background: Studies have shown that migraineurs have an enhanced photic-drive response when exposed to a visual chirp compared to healthy controls. Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS) is associated with migraines, but patients have continuous visual symptoms indicating dysfunction in visual processing. For this reason, we want to determine whether VSS patients show a similar reaction as migraineurs when exposed to visual chirp stimulation. Additionally, we want to see whether t-ACS stimulation lowers their reaction significantly. Method: One VSS patient (female, 37) with comorbid migraines was exposed to visual chirp stimulation (5.55 – 60 Hz) in a dimly lit room in front of a PC monitor (50 cm). There were 66 flashes per trial, totaling 792 flashes. A 64-electrode EEG grid was used for the measurement, with the occipital electrodes used for analysis. Power spectral density was calculated for stimulus responses and corrected for baseline. A wavelet transformation was applied before averaging the data. The patient received a total of 9 t-ACS stimulations over a period of 5 days between measurements. Results: The VSS patient showed a high occipital response to visual chirp stimulation pre-t-ACS stimulation and a lower occipital response to visual chirp stimulation post-t-ACS stimulation across all frequencies. Conclusion: This study shows that visual chirps could serve as a potential biomarker for VSS and that t-ACS stimulation over an extended period of time might be able to lower the photic-drive response, which could represent a novel treatment approach for VSS
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