316 research outputs found

    In vivo imaging of the degenerating and regenerating nervous system

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    6 Dendrimers as Antibacterial Agents

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    The effectiveness of preemptive thoracic epidural analgesia in thoracic surgery

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    akdogan, ali/0000-0001-7592-3844; Erturk, Engin/0000-0002-5864-1754WOS: 000333347900001PubMed: 24745020Background. the aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of preemptive thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA) comparing conventional postoperative epidural analgesia on thoracotomy. Material and Methods. Forty-four patients were randomized in to two groups (preemptive: Group P, control: Group C). Epidural catheter was inserted in all patients preoperatively. in Group P, epidural analgesic solution was administered as a bolus before the surgical incision and was continued until the end of the surgery. Postoperative patient controlled epidural analgesia infusion pumps were prepared for all patients. Respiratory rates (RR) were recorded. Patient's analgesia was evaluated with visual analog scale at rest (VASr) and coughing (VASc). Number of patient's demands from the pump, pump's delivery, and additional analgesic requirement were also recorded. Results. RR in Group C was higher than in Group P at postoperative 1st and 2nd hours. Both VASr and VASc scores in Group P were lower than in Group C at postoperative 1st, 2nd, and 4th hours. Patient's demand and pump's delivery count for bolus dose in Group P were lower than in Group C in all measurement times. Total analgesic requirements on postoperative 1st and 24th hours in Group P were lower than in Group C. Conclusion. We consider that preemptive TEA may offer better analgesia after thoracotomy

    The geochemical and geochronological properties of postcollision a-type magmatism (Keban-Elazığ-Turkey)

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    In this study, the petrographic, geochemical and geochronological characteristics of Late Cretaceous-Middle Eocene Keban igneous rocks were examined in Keban-Elazığ-Turkey. Igneous rocks in the study area are represented by syenite porphyry and quartz monzonites. Petro-graphically, the main mineral paragenesis of rocks showing holocrystalline texture are K-feldspar (Mega-phenocrystalline) + plagioclase ± amphibole ± biotite ± quartz minerals. Secondary mineral phases are represented by calcite, sericite, chlorite and epidote minerals.Accessory mineral phases consist of sphene, apatite, zircon, garnet, pyrite, fluorite and opaque minerals. According to some analysis results, SiO2 (60.09 – 64.37 wt.%), Al2O3 (15.75 – 17.96 wt.%), Fe2O3 (1.18 – 5.30 wt.%), MgO (0.09 – 0.92 wt.%) CaO (2.07 – 4.27 wt.%), Na2O (0.80 – 4.93 wt.%) , K2O (4.69 – 13.42 wt.%), TiO2 (0.22 – 0.37 wt.%), P2O5 (0.05 – 0.26 wt.%), Na2O + K2O (8.22 – 14.22), Zr (200.9 – 665.4 ppm), Hf (4.6 – 18.4 ppm), Ta (1.5 – 2.7 ppm), Nb (24 – 56 ppm) ranges between values. The chondrite normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns display enrichment of light rare earth elements (LREE) compared to the heavy rare earth elements (HREE). The primitive mantle normalized trace element patterns indicate that the large ion lithophile elements (LILE) enriched compared to the high field strength elements (HFSE). According to LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb crystallization ages ranges between 46.1 ± 0.5, 76.3 ± 0.3, 76.36 ± 0.34 and 77.4 ± 0.3 My. (Late Cretaceous-Middle Eocene). In the tectonic environment diagrams the studied rocks fall into the post-collisional fields (developing after collision). These rocks fall into the A-type granitoid areas and are of shoshonitic character. It falls into the post-collisional region (developed after collision) in the tectonic environment diagrams of the rocks studied. According to the field, petrography, geochemical and geochronological studies are evaluated together, Keban Magmatic rocks are thought to have the characteristics of post-collision developed magmatism

    The Role of Oxygen Free Radicals in Acute Renal Failure Complicating Obstructive Jaundice: An Experimental Study

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    Oxydant injury is considered to be an important mechanism in the pathophysiology of acute renal failure. It has been thought that decrease in extracellular and intracellular fluid and endotoxemia seen in obstructive jaundice may cause an increase in production of oxygen free radicals and impairment in antioxydant defense mechanism. This study is designed to investigate the possible role of oxydant injury in renal failure seen in jaundiced patients. In this study, 28 rats were divided into four groups: Control(C) (N=7); Renal ischemia (RI) (N=7); Obstructive jaundice+renal ischemia (OJ+RI) (N=7); Obstructive jaundice (OJ) (N=7). All groups were compared with each other according to renal failure findings and enzyme activities, such as Xanthine oxidase (XOD), Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Catalase in renal cortex and Glutathione Peroxidase (GSH-Px), in blood at 3rd day after ischemia and reperfusion. Renal failure findings monitored by blood urea and creatinine levels, seemed more evident in OJ+RI than RI group (p <0.05). When compared with RI, in OJ+RI group, increase in XOD activity at 3rd day was statistically significant [0.259 ±0.01 U/g (tissue) and 0.362±0.03 U/g (tissue) respectively] (p <0.05). SOD and GSH-Px activities of each ischemic group at 3rd day were decreased compared to non-ischemic groups. This fall was significant (p <0.05). But there was no statistical difference between jaundiced and non-jaundiced groups. Alterations in catalase activities also had no statistical significance

    Pencerelerde Birbirine Paralel Farklı Tabaka Halinde Hava Boşluğunun Enerji Tüketimine Etkisinin Araştırılması

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    Bu çalışmada Ege Bölgesindeki sekiz il(Manisa, İzmir, Kütahya, Uşak, Afyon, Aydın, Denizli, Muğla) için belirlenen optimum hava tabakası kalınlığı hesaplanmıştır. Hesaplanan optimum hava tabakası baz alınarak  düşey konumda iki cam plaka arasına 1’er  mm kalınlığında pleksiglass şeffaf malzeme konularak iki tabaka, üç tabaka, dört tabaka  optimum hava boşluğu oluşturarak pencerelerdeki ısı kaybı araştırılmıştır.Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; Muğla ili için iki cam plaka arasına optimum hava tabakası konulduğunda toplam ısı transfer katsayısı 1.19 , ısı transferi 16.48 , iki cam plaka arasına 1 mm şeffaf pleksiglassla iki tabaka optimum hava kalınlığı oluşturulduğunda toplam ısı transfer katsayısı 0.72, ısı transferi 9.97, üç tabaka optimum hava tabakası oluşturulduğunda toplam ısı transfer katsayısı 0.51 ,, ısı transferi 7.11, dört tabaka optimum hava tabakası oluşturulduğunda toplam ısı transfer katsayısı 0.4, ısı transferi 5.53 olarak bulunmuştur. İki cam plaka arasında iki tabaka hava katmanı olması durumunda %38-40’ lık bir enerji tasarrufu, üç tabaka hava katmanı olması durumunda %56-58’lik bir enerji tasarrufu ve dört tabaka hava katmanı olması durumunda ise %65-67’ ye varan bir enerji tasarrufu olduğu bulunmuştur

    Clopidogrel responsiveness in chronic kidney disease patients with acute coronary syndrome

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    Objective: Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). There is conflicting evidence about effect of CKD on clopidogrel responsiveness. We aimed to evaluate the clopidogrel responsiveness in CKD patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Methods: A total of 101 patients; 55 with moderate to severe CKD and 46 with normal renal function or mild CKD, hospitalized with ACS were included in our study. Multiplate test was used to determine clopidogrel responsiveness. Platelet aggregation results were presented as aggregation unit (AU)*min and values over 470 AU*min were accepted as clopidogrel low responders. Results: The 101 patients (mean age 64.76±8.67 years; 61 [60.4%] male) were grouped into the two study groups as follows: group 1; 55 patients with eGFR<60 ml/min/1.73 m2 and group 2; 46 patients with eGFR>60 ml/min/1.73 m2. 35 patients (34.7%) of the study population were found to have low response to clopidogrel (16 [34.8%] patients in group 1 and 18 [33.3%] patients in group 2, p=0.879) . There was no significant difference between group 1 and 2 for Multiplate test results (414.67±281.21 vs 421.56±316.19 AU*min, p=0.909). Clopidogrel low responsiveness were independently related to Multiplate test results of aspirin responsiveness (OR=1.004, CI 1.002–1.007, p=0.001) and hemoglobin (OR=0.727, CI 0.571–0.925, p=0.010). Multiplate results were also independently related to Multiplate test results of aspirin responsiveness (β=0.402, p<0.0001) and hemoglobin (β=-0.251, p=0.007). Conclusion: Platelet response to clopidogrel does not differ between patients with eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 and eGFR>60 ml/min/1.73 m2

    Determination of Yield and Quality Characteristics of Lavandula Cultivars in the Kahramanmaras Region

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    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in herbal remedies for therapeutic purposes. Aromatic plants have become a significant source of raw materials for the fragrance, food, and cosmetics industries. Additionally, the emergence of new applications and the trend towards natural nutrition and alternative healing methods, often referred to as "going natural," have increased the interest in medicinal and aromatic plants in our country, as well as in other countries around the world. In this study were investigated to determine yield and quality characteristics of seven different lavender (Lavandula intermedia Emeric ex Loisel. = L. hybrida L.) (Grasso, Süper-A, Seguret, Dutch, Abrial, Akmeşe, English) cultivars under dry and irrigated cultivation in Kahramanmaraş conditions between 2019 and 2020. The research was carried out in a randomized block design with 4 replications. Fresh stem flower yield was the highest variety Grasso(672.81kg/da). The lowest fresh stem flower yield was found in Seguret variety with 611.33kg/da The highest dry stemless flower yield was determined in Grasso variety with 59,66 kg/da. There were significant differences determined between cultivars the end of 2 years. The highest average fresh stem flower yield (693.067 kg/da) and the highest average dry branched flower yield (252.588 kg/ha) were measured in GRASSO variety

    Whole Brain Vessel Graphs: A Dataset and Benchmark for Graph Learning and Neuroscience (VesselGraph)

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    Biological neural networks define the brain function and intelligence of humans and other mammals, and form ultra-large, spatial, structured graphs. Their neuronal organization is closely interconnected with the spatial organization of the brain's microvasculature, which supplies oxygen to the neurons and builds a complementary spatial graph. This vasculature (or the vessel structure) plays an important role in neuroscience; for example, the organization of (and changes to) vessel structure can represent early signs of various pathologies, e.g. Alzheimer's disease or stroke. Recently, advances in tissue clearing have enabled whole brain imaging and segmentation of the entirety of the mouse brain's vasculature. Building on these advances in imaging, we are presenting an extendable dataset of whole-brain vessel graphs based on specific imaging protocols. Specifically, we extract vascular graphs using a refined graph extraction scheme leveraging the volume rendering engine Voreen and provide them in an accessible and adaptable form through the OGB and PyTorch Geometric dataloaders. Moreover, we benchmark numerous state-of-the-art graph learning algorithms on the biologically relevant tasks of vessel prediction and vessel classification using the introduced vessel graph dataset. Our work paves a path towards advancing graph learning research into the field of neuroscience. Complementarily, the presented dataset raises challenging graph learning research questions for the machine learning community, in terms of incorporating biological priors into learning algorithms, or in scaling these algorithms to handle sparse,spatial graphs with millions of nodes and edges. All datasets and code are available for download at this https UR