11 research outputs found

    Операционализация шкалы чувствительности (Highly Sensitive Person Scale) на российской выборке

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    The aim of the present study was to operationalize a Russian version of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale (HSPS). The empirical data were collected in two ways: active, through oral advertising and inviting those who wish to take part in the study (snowball technique) and passive (placement of ads about taking part in a research in social networks VKontakte and Facebook). As a result, 350 university students (117 men, 233 women, an average age of 18,2 (± 1,7) applied to a research laboratory and filled out the HSPS questionnaire, and another 510 respondents (380 women, 130 men, average age 22,6 ( ± 7,9) filled the HSPS online. The results of the study did not confirm the one-dimensional model of the construct, proposed by Aron & Aron (1997), as well as the most commonly used in the English-language studies three-factor solution. The hierarchical claster and confirmatory analyses used in the operationalization procedure allowed us to conclude that the variance of the Russian version of HSPS is best described in the framework of a two-factor model including the two separate subscales: Ease of Excitation (EOE), Low threshold of sensitivity (LTS). Sensory Processing Sensitivity may be defined as an increased susceptibility to external and internal stimuli, realized through negative emotional responses and deep susceptibility (distress) to excessive stimulation.Целью настоящего исследования была операционализация русскоязычной версии «Шкалы чувствительности» (Highly Sensitive Person Scale (HSPS) (Aron, Aron, 1997). Эмпирические данные собирались двумя путями: активным, через устную рекламу и приглашение желающих принять участие в исследовании студентов (техника снежного кома) и пассивным (размещение объявления о наборе желающих принять участие в исследовании в социальных сетях ВКонтакте и Фейсбук). В исследовании приняли участие 860 респондентов: 350 студентов-добровольцев университета (117 мужчин, 233 женщины, средний возраст (18,2 ± 1,7) лет), и 510 пользователей социальных сетей (380 женщин, 130 мужчин, средний возраст (22,6 ± 7,9) лет). Результаты исследования не подтвердили предложенную E.N. Aron & A. Aron (1997) одномерную модель конструкта, также как и наиболее распространенное в англоязычных исследованиях трехфакторное решение. Использованные в процедуре операционализации иерархический кластерный и конфирматорный анализы позволили заключить, что чувствительность обработки сенсорной информации (SPS) может быть описана в рамках двухфакторной модели, включающей субшкалы «Легкость возбуждения», «Низкий порог чувствительности» и определяется как повышенная восприимчивость к внешним и внутренним стимулам, реализующаяся через негативные эмоциональные реакции и глубокую восприимчивость (дистресс) к чрезмерной стимуляции


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    The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the psychological well-being of a person suffering from drug addiction. A theoretical review of the literature on the problems of psychological well-being in domestic and foreign psychology, as well as the results of our own empirical research, are given. The study revealed significant differences in the psychological well-being of drug-addicted subjects and non-drug dependent subjects. The results will help clarify the scientific understanding of the peculiarities of the psychological well-being of this category of persons.Статья посвящена исследованию особенностей психологического благополучия личности, страдающей наркоманией. Приведен теоретический обзор литературы по проблематике психологического благополучия в отечественной и зарубежной психологии, а также результаты собственного эмпирического исследования. В процессе исследования были выявлены значимые различия психологического благополучия наркозависимых испытуемых и испытуемых, не имеющих наркотической зависимости. Полученные результаты помогут уточнить научные представления об особенностях психологического благополучия рассматриваемой категории лиц

    Особенности проявления интернет зависимости у наркозависимых лиц

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    This article is devoted to the study of the features of the manifestation of Internet addiction in drug addicts. The study involved 98 drug addicted individuals (49 men, 49 women, average age 31,5 ± 7,2) and 98 non drug dependent respondents (average age 29,9 ± 7,3). For comparative analysis, the following methods were used: Chen’s Internet addiction scale, questionnaires. The results showed differences in the manifestation of Internet addiction in a person with a drug addiction and a person not suffering from drug addiction.Статья посвящена исследованию особенностей проявления интернет зависимости у наркозависимых лиц. В исследовании приняло участие 98 лиц, страдающих наркотической зависимостью (49 мужчин, 49 женщин, средний возраст 31,5 ± 7,2 года), и 98 респондентов, не имеющих наркотической зависимости (средний возраст 29,9 ± 7,3 года). Для сравнительного анализа были использованы следующие методы: Шкала интернет зависимости Чена, анкетирование. Полученные результаты показали различия проявления интернет зависимости у личности с наркотической зависимостью и личности, не страдающей наркотической зависимостью

    Операционализация шкалы чувствительности (Highly Sensitive Person Scale) на российской выборке

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    The aim of the present study was to operationalize a Russian version of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale (HSPS). The empirical data were collected in two ways: active, through oral advertising and inviting those who wish to take part in the study (snowball technique) and passive (placement of ads about taking part in a research in social networks VKontakte and Facebook). As a result, 350 university students (117 men, 233 women, an average age of 18,2 (± 1,7) applied to a research laboratory and filled out the HSPS questionnaire, and another 510 respondents (380 women, 130 men, average age 22,6 ( ± 7,9) filled the HSPS online. The results of the study did not confirm the one-dimensional model of the construct, proposed by Aron & Aron (1997), as well as the most commonly used in the English-language studies three-factor solution. The hierarchical claster and confirmatory analyses used in the operationalization procedure allowed us to conclude that the variance of the Russian version of HSPS is best described in the framework of a two-factor model including the two separate subscales: Ease of Excitation (EOE), Low threshold of sensitivity (LTS). Sensory Processing Sensitivity may be defined as an increased susceptibility to external and internal stimuli, realized through negative emotional responses and deep susceptibility (distress) to excessive stimulation.Целью настоящего исследования была операционализация русскоязычной версии «Шкалы чувствительности» (Highly Sensitive Person Scale (HSPS) (Aron, Aron, 1997). Эмпирические данные собирались двумя путями: активным, через устную рекламу и приглашение желающих принять участие в исследовании студентов (техника снежного кома) и пассивным (размещение объявления о наборе желающих принять участие в исследовании в социальных сетях ВКонтакте и Фейсбук). В исследовании приняли участие 860 респондентов: 350 студентов-добровольцев университета (117 мужчин, 233 женщины, средний возраст (18,2 ± 1,7) лет), и 510 пользователей социальных сетей (380 женщин, 130 мужчин, средний возраст (22,6 ± 7,9) лет). Результаты исследования не подтвердили предложенную E.N. Aron & A. Aron (1997) одномерную модель конструкта, также как и наиболее распространенное в англоязычных исследованиях трехфакторное решение. Использованные в процедуре операционализации иерархический кластерный и конфирматорный анализы позволили заключить, что чувствительность обработки сенсорной информации (SPS) может быть описана в рамках двухфакторной модели, включающей субшкалы «Легкость возбуждения», «Низкий порог чувствительности» и определяется как повышенная восприимчивость к внешним и внутренним стимулам, реализующаяся через негативные эмоциональные реакции и глубокую восприимчивость (дистресс) к чрезмерной стимуляции

    A psychometric evaluation of the highly sensitive person scale: The components of sensory-processing sensitivity

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    Objective: Aron and Aron (1997) developed the Highly Sensitive Person Scale (HSPS) to measure individual differences in sensory-processing sensitivity (SPS). Their experiments showed that sensitivity is a one-dimensional construct characterized by high susceptibility to both external (e.g. light, noise) and internal (hunger, pain) stimuli (Aron 2013), later studies which were conducted using the HSPS, disagreed their concept. Further studies of the SPS construct are justified by the following: a Russian version of HSPS questionnaire has not yet been developed; the inner structure of the construct has not yet been conclusively defined (Aron and Aron, 2012), a different method of statistical data analysis may be required; the vast majority of studies, were using small homogeneous groups for sampling. Thus, the purpose of the present study was the psychometric evaluation of the Highly sensitive person scale using Russian data samples. Method: Two approaches – active and passive – were employed to collect the field data. The active approach used verbal advertising among undergraduate university students, i.e. the ‘snowball method’, whereas the passive approach relied on social media advertisements in Facebook and VK.com. 860 respondents participated in the study: 350 undergraduate university student volunteers (117 males, 233 females, average age 18.2) and 510 social media users (380 females, 130 males, average age 22.6). Results: The results of this study did not confirm the one-dimension model of sensitivity suggested in Aron and Aron (1997), nether was the three-factor model suggested by others. The hierarchical cluster and confirmatory analyses employed for the operationalization procedure suggest that sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) can be described in a two-factor model consisting of ‘Ease of Excitation’ and ‘Low Sensory Threshold’ subscales. The “Aesthetic Sensitivity” factor was identified during hierarchical cluster analysis, but showed very low correlation with the other factors “Ease of Excitation” and “Low Sensory Threshold”. This result encourages us to look deeper into the conceptual model of HSPS developed in Aron and Aron (1997). Conclusion: The operationalization of the Russian version of HSPS confirmed that the SPS is multidimensional construct. The precise number of subscales remains open. The term sensitivity has many meanings in modern psychology, a more rigorous definition of the sensitivity construct is required. © 2018 by the authors; licensee Modestum Ltd., UK

    The Proterozoic evolution of northern Siberian Craton margin: a comparison of U–Pb–Hf signatures from sedimentary units of the Taimyr orogenic belt and the Siberian platform

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    Identifying the cratonic affinity of Neoproterozoic crust that surrounds the northern margin of the Siberian Craton (SC) is critical for determining its tectonic evolution and placing the Craton in Neoproterozoic supercontinental reconstructions. Integration of new U–Pb–Hf detrital zircon data with regional geological constraints indicates that distinct Neoproterozoic arc-related magmatic belts can be identified within the Taimyr orogen. Sedimentary rocks derived from 970 to 800 Ma arc-related suites reveal abundant Archean and Paleoproterozoic detritus, characteristic of the SC. The 720–600 Ma arc-related zircon population from the younger Cambrian sedimentary rocks is also complemented by an exotic juvenile Mesoproterozoic zircon population and erosional products of older arc-related suites. Nonetheless, numerous evidences imply that both arcs broadly reworked Siberian basement components. We suggest that the early Neoproterozoic (ca. 970–800 Ma) arc system of the Taimyr orogen evolved on the active margin of the SC and probably extended along the periphery of Rodinia into Valhalla orogen of NE Laurentia. We also suggest the late Neoproterozoic (750–550 Ma) arc system could have been part of the Timanian orogen, which linked Siberia and Baltica at the Precambrian/Phanerozoic transition

    Bryozoans of the Latorp and Volkhov horizons (Lower-Middle Ordovician) of the Leningrad Region

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    Clinical guidelines have long been one of the working tools of the modern doctor, helping him quickly navigate the most effective proven methods of treatment and prevention of various diseases, and also to adapt these methods to the specific tasks of their patients and to achieve maximum personalization of treatment. Clinical practice guidelines are drawn up by professional non-profit associations and are approved by the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, while often one recommendation is prepared by two or even three associations. The peculiarity of the recommendations offered to your attention is that not only endocrinologists, but also therapists, cardiologists, gynecologists, gastroenterologists, and experts of many other specialties are involved in the prevention and treatment of obesity. The Multidisciplinary Working Group presents this a project in a multidisciplinary journal to bring together the efforts of several professional associations that associated with the need to pay attention not only to obesity itself but also to comorbid conditions. We are looking forward to constructive criticism and a comprehensive discussion of the problem on the pages of our journal. © 2021 Russian Association of Endocrinologists. All rights reserved