212 research outputs found

    Improvements to the Froissart bound from AdS/CFT

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    In this paper we consider the issue of the Froissart bound on the high energy behaviour of total cross sections. This bound, originally derived using principles of analyticity of scattering amplitudes, is seen to be satisfied by all the available experimental data on total hadronic cross sections. At strong coupling, gauge/gravity duality has been used to provide some insights into this behaviour. In this work, we find the subleading terms to the so-derived Froissart bound from AdS/CFT. We find that a (lnss0)(\ln \frac{s}{s_0}) term is obtained, with a negative coefficient. We see that the fits to the currently available data confirm improvement in the fits due to the inclusion of such a term, with the appropriate sign.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, 2 table

    Engine performance of a single cylinder direct injection diesel engine fuelled with blends of Jatropha Curcas oil and stardard diesel fuel

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    Blends of Jatropha Curcas oil and standard diesel fuel were evaluated (without pre-heating). The engine tests for the blends were performed in a Petter single cylinder direct injection diesel engine under steady state conditions at high loads. Engine speeds between 1300-1700 rpm were selected for the engine tests. Torque, power output, specific fuel consumption, in cylinder pressure, ignition delay, rate of heat released and exhaust composition were evaluated. The tested blends between 10-20% of oil shown lower effective torque and power output joint to a higher specific fuel consumption related to the lower heating value of Jatropha oil compared to diesel fuel. Lower pressure peaks and rates or pressure rises were observed when Jatropha blends are used. A decrease in the rate of heat released and shorter ignition delay were observed for the blends. Decreases in HC and CO emissions were observed for blends compared to diesel fuel. Both alternatives assessed shown that the differences observed compared to diesel fuel, can be partially restored with engines regulation. The use of Jatropha oil in order to be a partial or full alternative to the use of diesel fuel for energy production was achieved

    International Manufacturing Networks Supply Strategy Design Aided by Simulation Tools: An Empirical Study in the Wind Sector

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    [ENG] In the last decades, many manufacturing companies are suffering a trend toward multisite location and greater fragmentation of theirs productive and logistic processes. This fact out lights that the open of boundaries in Eastern Europe and the irruptions of countries in the global trade economy, have forced to develop value added activities such as engineering, purchasing, manufacturing and assembly in different places, even in different countries

    Improving Picking Productivity by Redesigning Storage Policy Aided by Simulations Tools

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    [ENG] Order picking is defined as the process of clustering and scheduling orders, assigning stock on location to order lines, releasing orders to the floor, picking the articles from storage locations and the disposal of the picked articles. Picking is the most labour- intensive operation in warehouses with manual systems and a very capital-intensive operation in warehouses with automated systems so it is therefore a key process in warehouse design as it has a significant impact on capital and operating costs. Coyle et al. (2003) state that this activity’s contribution could arise a 65% of total operating costs of a common warehouse. According to Malmbor and Al-Tassan (2000), there are three operation rules that influence the order picking system operating performance: storage locations assignment, batching and routing. To implement cost-effective solutions, some ideas have being proposed. One of these ideas is to use ABC analysis in order to cluster items into storage classes, resulting a successful way of both reducing the picking cycle time and maximizing the throughput of the system Manzini et al. (2006). In addition, according to De Koster et al. 2007, there is a potential for improving picking productivity by picking a group or batch of orders in a unique picking tour. This paper presents a case study where order picking process is improved by implementing class-based storage policy. Within-aisle storage and across-aisle storage are also compared employing archival demand information. Once the best storage policy is determined, batching is analyzed. The results are obtained building a Discrete Event simulation model that emulates three different demand scenarios: low, medium and high demand

    La comprensión lectora: análisis en torno a variables y constantes.

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    En este artículo tratamos de adentrarnos en algunos de los mecanismos que subyacen a la actividad lectora por medio del análisis de un corpus. El corpus se compone de un original en inglés y un conjunto de traducciones al español. Así, pues, de la asociación lectura-traducción partimos para estudiar -utilizando un conjunto de constantes y variables- el comportamiento del lector nativo español. La base teórica de la que partimos es la teoría de la relevancia y en particular su forma de explicar el proceso de la asignación de referentes. Hemos podido precisar que dicho proceso será más o menos exhaustivo dependiendo de los beneficios obtenidos

    Reading and reflecting on experiential accounts of hospital patients to foster a person-centered care approach: A novel educational method

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    Background Innovative teaching methods are needed to ensure end-of-life care is provided by nurses through a person-centered approach. Aims This study was designed to (a) explore the self-identified impact of reading dying patient experiential narrative accounts on undergraduate nursing students; and (b) explore the teaching usefulness of patient experiential narrative accounts for enhanced undergraduate nursing student awareness of the need to provide person-centered end-of-life care. Methods Qualitative descriptive study, with 31 undergraduate nursing students reading experiential narrative accounts of dying patients and reflecting on them. A thematic analysis was carried out on the written student reflections. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize student socio-demographic data and their answers to questions on a reaction response sheet designed to assess how useful this activity had been from their perspective. Findings Three main themes were identified: (1) gaining an insightful understanding of the relationship between the nurse and the person with advanced-terminal illness; (2) gaining awareness of themselves as nurses in their clinical practice; (3) pointing out how nurses should behave and what they should do to place the person living with advanced-terminal illness at the center of nursing practice. Among all respondents, 87.09% of students thought this was a useful learning activity. Conclusions Reflecting on patient experiential accounts is an innovative teaching method, which help with nursing students value and gain insight into person-centered end-of-life care

    Respuesta ciudadana a la propuesta inclusiva de la Unión Cívica de Córdoba

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    En el trabajo se analiza el crecimiento y el consiguiente protagonismo que permite al movimiento inicial de la Unión Cívica, surgido en mayo de 1890 en la ciudad de Córdoba, convertirse en un partido político, la Unión Cívica Radical de Córdoba. Dando lugar, de este modo, a un proceso político inclusivo de distintos sectores sociales. Este movimiento al generar expectativas de cambio y anhelos de participación política, expande la movilización a un número mayor de esa ciudadanía excluida, motivando la participación de los extranjeros, de las mujeres cordobesas de distintos estratos sociales, de los jóvenes y de los obreros y artesanos, que se sienten identificados con el ideario de la U.C. Este proceso permite la conformación, de manera acelerada, de numerosos clubs o comités que adhieren a la causa de la U.C., tanto en la capital de la provincia como en toda la extensión de su geografía. El movimiento con el transcurso del tiempo va depurándose y sumando adeptos hasta dar lugar a la Unión Cívica Radical de Córdoba

    Dignity models in healthcare.A review of the literature

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    Errasti-Ibarrondo, M.B., Carvajal-Valcarcel, A., Martinez-Garcia, M., Arantzamendi-Solabarrieta, M., "Dignity models in healthcare.A review of the literature", Tipo de participación: Póster del congreso: 8th World research congress of the european association for palliative care, celebrado en Lérida, del 5 al 7 de junio de 2014