732 research outputs found

    Improvements to the Froissart bound from AdS/CFT

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    In this paper we consider the issue of the Froissart bound on the high energy behaviour of total cross sections. This bound, originally derived using principles of analyticity of scattering amplitudes, is seen to be satisfied by all the available experimental data on total hadronic cross sections. At strong coupling, gauge/gravity duality has been used to provide some insights into this behaviour. In this work, we find the subleading terms to the so-derived Froissart bound from AdS/CFT. We find that a (lnss0)(\ln \frac{s}{s_0}) term is obtained, with a negative coefficient. We see that the fits to the currently available data confirm improvement in the fits due to the inclusion of such a term, with the appropriate sign.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, 2 table

    Algunas danzas representativas de Alava

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    En número dedicado a: Alav

    Linschmann-Aresti legea Goierriko testuetan barrena

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    Gradu amaierako lan honetan, Linschmann-Aresti legea Goierriko eskualdean aztertu da; horretarako, XVIII. eta XIX. mendeko testuetan oinarritu gara. XVIII. mendea baino lehenago gipuzkeraz zenbait lekukotasun dauden arren, lehendabiziko lekukotasun zabala 1713. urtean Otxoa Arinen doktrinarekin aurkitzen dugu. Guztira lanean zehar 5 autore eta 6 obra aztertu dira: Otxoa Arin (1713), Zegamako doktrina (1741), Amundarainen sermoi-sorta (1824), Iztuetaren Gipuzcoaco dantza gogoangarrien condaira edo historia (1825) eta Gipuzkoako probintziaren kondaira edo historia (1847), eta, bukatzeko, Lardizabalen Testamentu Berriko Kondaira edo Historia (1855). Idazle-sorta honen artean bi multzo bereizi beharrean gaude. Batetik, Larramendi aurreko garaikoak, hau da, Otxoa Arin (1713) eta Zegamako doktrina (1741), eta bestetik, Larramendiren ostekoak, Amundarain (1824), Iztueta (1824) / (1847) eta Lardizabal (1855). Izan ere, Larramendiren Hiztegi Hirukoitzaren (1745) eragina hautematen da XIX. mendeko obra batzuetan, eta bere morfologiaren kutsua ere nabarmena da autore askorengan. Era berean, pertsona izenordainak direla eta, euren arteko bilakaera azaltzea helburuetako bat izan da. Izan ere, XVIII. eta XIX. mendeetan zenbait bilakaera hauteman dira. XVIII. mendeko bi lanen inguruko taula zehatzak egin dira. Bertan LA legearen betetze eta hauste-kasuen kopuruen eta portzentajeak eman dira. XIX. mendean, aldiz, pertsona izenordainen forma asko orokortu egin dira, eta jadanik ez dugu neutro eta indartu bereizketaz hitz egiten. Horregatik, mende honetan taula zehatzik ez da egin. Hau guztia bukaerako ondorioetako taulan biltzen saiatu naiz. Era berean, LA legeari dagokionez, XVIII. mendean gertatzen ez ziren urraketa batzuk XIX. menderako gertatzen hasten dira, hala nola, 3. pertsona singularrean. Beraz, honelako fenomenoak ere azaldu eta aztertu dira

    The Neo-Schumpeterian Model of Economic Development in the Basque Country: The role of Social Economy

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    In this paper we analyse the neo-schumpterian model of economic development applied to the economy of the Basque Country during the last few years and the three pillars that account for the development of a region following this model are rooted in the Basque economy in which there are company organizations that promote competition, financial institutions prepared to run risks and public authorities geared towards modernising and boosting the economy by means of tax incentives and other types of aid. However, we firmly believe that, apart from the three pillars established by the neo-schumpterians, another two should be added to this model: innovation and worker participation both in capital and profits and in management. Worker participation in enterprise is another factor which accounts for economic development in the Basque Country. In short, the cooperatives are a model of the integration of innovative and participative culture and commercial companies could apply certain elements of these cooperatives with a view to becoming more dynamic and more social.Cooperatives, innovation, management, neo-schumperian model, participation.

    Analysis and Evaluation of a Wired/Wireless Hybrid Architecture for Distributed Control Systems With Mobility Requirements

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    Wireless communications offer significant benefits over wired communications, which has increased their popularity in industrial applications. Nevertheless, the existing wireless standard technologies do not satisfy the requirements demanded by the most critical industrial applications and thus, wired communications cannot be directly replaced by wireless solutions. Moreover, the inclusion of movable nodes in the network brings new challenges, such as the handover mechanism. In this paper, a hybrid wired/wireless architecture designed for industrial control applications is proposed. To control the wired network, a time-sensitive network (TSN) is used and to control the wireless network a medium access control (MAC) protocol is designed. In order to communicate both networks, a bridge that acts as a deterministic access point (AP) with real-time features is also proposed. One of the fundamental parts of the proposed architecture is that it can be used in applications with mobility requirements. Hence, a soft-handover algorithm is designed which guarantees uninterrupted communication during its execution without the need for a second radio interface and with reduced growth in network overhead. The proposed architecture is evaluated in order to assess its performance. This paper extends our previous work, including both a theoretical analysis to determine the delay bounds of the proposed architecture and a comparison between the performances of the proposed handover algorithm with other algorithms proposed in the literature. The evaluation has been carried out through OMNeT++ simulations. The results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed handover algorithm compared with other state-of-the-art solutions

    Engine performance of a single cylinder direct injection diesel engine fuelled with blends of Jatropha Curcas oil and stardard diesel fuel

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    Blends of Jatropha Curcas oil and standard diesel fuel were evaluated (without pre-heating). The engine tests for the blends were performed in a Petter single cylinder direct injection diesel engine under steady state conditions at high loads. Engine speeds between 1300-1700 rpm were selected for the engine tests. Torque, power output, specific fuel consumption, in cylinder pressure, ignition delay, rate of heat released and exhaust composition were evaluated. The tested blends between 10-20% of oil shown lower effective torque and power output joint to a higher specific fuel consumption related to the lower heating value of Jatropha oil compared to diesel fuel. Lower pressure peaks and rates or pressure rises were observed when Jatropha blends are used. A decrease in the rate of heat released and shorter ignition delay were observed for the blends. Decreases in HC and CO emissions were observed for blends compared to diesel fuel. Both alternatives assessed shown that the differences observed compared to diesel fuel, can be partially restored with engines regulation. The use of Jatropha oil in order to be a partial or full alternative to the use of diesel fuel for energy production was achieved

    Lehen Hezkuntzako ikasleen antsietate maila ingeles hizkuntzaren ikaskuntzan

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    [EUS] Ikerketa lan honen helburua ingeleseko klaseetan zehar ematen diren egoera ezberdinen aurrean ikasleen antsietate maila aztertzea izan da. Betiere, generoak eta irakasleen irakasteko moduek eraginik duten eta antsietate mailaren eta hizkuntza ohituren artean erlaziorik dagoen ikertu da. Horretarako, Durangoko hiru ikastetxe ezberdinetako 185 ikaslek betetako galdetegien bitartez, ingeleseko klaseak abiapuntu izanik, ikasleen antsietate maila eta hizkuntza ohituren inguruko datuak jaso dira. Era berean, parte hartu duten ikasleen ingeleseko irakasleek ere galdetegi bat bete dute, irakasteko moduen inguruko informazioa eskuratu ahal izateko. Emaitzei dagokienez, ikasleek antsietate egoerekiko adierazten duten adostasun maila tartekoa da.[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es examinar el nivel de ansiedad ante las diferentes situaciones que se dan durante las clases de inglés. En cualquier caso, investigando si el genero o los modos de enseñanza de los profesores tienen influencia o si existe alguna relación entre el nivel de ansiedad y los hábitos del lenguaje. Para ello, partiendo de las clases de inglés, se han recogido datos sobre el nivel de ansiedad y los hábitos del lenguaje a tráves de cuestionarios rellenados por 185 alumnos de tres escuelas diferentes de Durango. Asimismo, los profesores de inglés de los alumnos participantes también han rellenado un cuestionario para poder obtener información sobre los modos de enseñanza. En cuanto a los resultados, el nivel de conformidad que expresan los alumnos frente a ciertas situaciones de ansiedad es intermedio.[EN] The aim of this research work has been the study of the anxiety levels of students in different situations that can occur in English classes. It has been taken into account if the gender and the way of teaching of the teacher, as well as the level of anxiety and the language habit are related. With this idea in mind, and using an inquiry done to 185 students from three schools of Durango, the level of anxiety and language habits of students have been compilated. In the same way, in order to get information about the way of teaching, another inquiry has been done by the teachers of those students. According to the results, the anxiety level demostrated by the student is medium

    Challenges and opportunities for the regeneration of multinational worker cooperatives: Lessons from Mondragon Corporation. A case study of the Fagor Ederlan Group

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    Organisations with alternative structures have been forced to grow internationally in order to remain competitive in the current global context. Some of the industrial cooperatives that belong to the Mondragon Corporation have since the 1990s followed internationalisation strategies that have increased their competitiveness, the number of their employees and their ability to create wealth. However, these moves have also called into question the founding nature of these enterprises. Recently, the Corporation itself has adopted a discourse based on strengthening workers’ participation in capitalist subsidiaries, but to date, the initiatives taken by its multinational cooperatives have been few and the results not particularly impressive. This article investigates this disconnect, delving into the problems of replicating the cooperative model in these subsidiaries and seeking solutions. It focuses on the case of Fagor Ederlan (Mondragon Corporation), examining the efforts to transform capitalist subsidiaries, especially the ‘cooperativisation’ of the Fagor subsidiary in Tafalla (Spain), which is the biggest regeneration project in Mondragon’s Industrial Division. This work also contributes to the broader field of organisational theory by analysing the tensions and opportunities for regeneration in worker-owned organisations under the current globalised context

    Tensiones y oportunidades en las multinacionales coopitalistas de Mondragón: el caso de Fagor Electrodomésticos, sdad. coop.

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    Las cooperativas de Mondragon, de acuerdo con su misión, reflejan el esfuerzo de combinar los objetivos de las organizaciones empresariales que compiten a nivel internacional con la creación de empleo, la utilización de métodos democráticos de gestión y el compromiso con el entorno. La multinacionalización de las cooperativas trae consigo nuevas contradicciones, paradojas y dilemas al mundo de la democracia económica. En este artículo se analiza el caso de la cooperativa-multinacional “Fagor Electrodomésticos S. Coop.” de la Corporación Mondragon. Tras años de expansión internacional mediante la inversión directa extranjera, debido a la crisis ha tenido que acometer procesos radicales de restructuración del empleo, tanto en las plantas de la matriz de Mondragón, como en sus empresas filiales extranjeras: la empresa francesa Fagor-Brandt y la antigua empresa comunista polaca Fagor Mastercook. El análisis de las medidas adoptadas para reducir el empleo en Fagor nos servirá de base para profundizar en el conocimiento de las características organizativas de las multinacionales de Mondragon y para reflexionar sobre las posibilidades de extender el modelo cooperativo a las filiales