9 research outputs found

    Potential Estimination of Medical Plant in Jompi Forest Muna District

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    Medicinal plants are all plant species that produce one or more active components used for health care and treatment or all plant species known or believed to have medicinal properties. The purpose of this research are as follows: 1) Analyzing the diversity of plant species of tree berhabitus medicinal in Hutan lindung Jompi and 2) Assessing and predicting the potential of superior medicinal plants. The research method used is vegetation analysis method, with plot size 100 x 100 m2. In addition, interviews were conducted with community leaders who understood the benefits of medicinal plants. The importance of medicinal plants is seen based on the number of people using and medicinal plants that have been identified on a national scale. The results show that the total number of 76 species diversity is the most widely used by the community of 24 species. Part of medicinal plants used are root, bark, seeds, sap and the most dominant used is the leaves. To treat diseases such as fever, cough, diabetes, antiseptic, abdominal pain and mouth ulcers. It has been identified and has a market value on a national scale. The main conclusions of this study are Jompi\u27s protected forests have a high diversity, diversity of benefits and habitus diversity. This is based on the diversity of species that commercially potential local communities have exploited


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    Ernikawati dengan Judul Skripsi "Persepsi lbu Rumah Tangga Terhadap Kenaikan Harga Jual Minyak Goreng di Kecamatan Syiah Kuala Kota Banda Aceh, dengan Pembimbing utama Bapak Drs. Ibrahim Saleh dan Pembimbing kedua Bapak Ir. Azhar A. Gani, M.Sc.Permasalahan dalam penelitian adalah bagaimana persepsi rumah tangga atas kebijakan pemerintah tentang kenaikan Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) terhadap harga jual minyak goreng di kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Syiah Kuala Kota Banda Aceh. Lokasi penelitian ini dilaksanakan di tiga desa yang di pilih yaitu Lamgugob, Kopelma Darussalam, dan Kampung Pineung.Adapun objek penelitian ini adalah ibu rumah tangga yang terdapat di 3 desa dalam Kecamatan Syiah Kuala Kota Banda Aceh dengan ruang lingkup penelitian yaitu pada masalah persepsi para ibu rumah tangga terhadap kenaikan harga minyak goreng. Metode pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode (simple random sampling) (sampel acak sederhana) sebesar 2% dari total populasi sebanyak 1.312 rumah tangga yaitu sebesar 25 rumah tangga.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi rumah tangga atas kebijakan pemerintah tentang kenaikan Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) terbadap harga jual minyak goreng di Kota Banda Aceh. Penentuan kecamatan terhadap harga jual minyak goreng di Kota Banda Aceh. Penentuan kecamatan sampel dilakukan secara purposive ( sengaja ) yaitu Kecamatan Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh, kemudian ditentukan lagi sebanyak 3 desa yang ada di Syiah Kuala dengan cara Simple Random Sampling.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi ibu rumah tangga terhadap kenaikan harga minyak goreng memberikan dampak yang nyata terhadap penggunaan minyak goreng, dimana rata-rata penggunaan minyak goreng mengalami penurunan. Kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia dalam menaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) telah menyebabkan naiknya harga-harga barang untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga seperti minyak makan. Selain itu seperti kita ketahui babwa minyak makan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok penduduk di Indoensia.Kepada kaum ibu rumah tangga untuk mampu memilih jenis makanan yang menggunakan minyak makan, sehingga jumlah kebutuhan minyak makan dapat dikurangi selain itu diharapkan adanya upaya dari kaum ibu rumah tangga untuk mencari makanan penggant

    Thinning on the Growth of Red Jabon Trees (Anthocephallus Macrophyllus) in the Industrial Plantation Forest Area

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    This study aims to observe the growth of red jabon (Anthocephalus macrophyllus) plants at various thinning intensities. Red jabon is a native Indonesian plant species that have the potential to develop forest plantations and reforestation ex-mining land. The research measured stem diameter and plant height at each thinning intensity. The study results are expected to provide information on the potential of red jabon cultivation and become a recommendation for red jabon wood farmers to improve the quality of company and farmer income. This research is expected to contribute to the development of thinning activities in improving the quality of red jabon tree stands, as well as providing a better understanding of this plant's cultivation and potential benefits. The thinning intensity applied 6 months the growth of Red Jabon trees in the Industrial Plantation Forest Area of PT. Global Citra Lestari showed a significant effect on stem diameter increment, 40% intensity treatment has a promising potential to enhance both stem diameter and height growth

    Ethnopharmacology Potentials of Mangrove Bulalo, North Gorontalo

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    Ethnopharmacology is the study of the practical utilization of mangrove plants which have been used as a source of traditional medicine by people living in certain areas since ancient times for generations. This study aims to determine the diversity of mangrove species as the ethnopharmacology of Bulalo, Kwandang District, North Gorontalo. The research was conducted from March to May 2023. The method used in this study was semi-structured interviews. The results showed that species that have the potential for ethnopharmacology are widely used by local people as traditional medicines. Based on the results of interviews with the local community, of the 14 ethnopharmacological species found in Bulalo Village, 7 species have medicinal properties and have been used as traditional medicines by the community for generations, such as Avicennia alba, Bruguiera gymnorriza, Ceriops decandra, Rhizophora apiculate, Rhizophora mucronate, Rhizophora stylosa, and Sonneratia casseolaris, which has been used as a medicine containing phytochemical compounds such as alkaloids, saponins, terpenoids, flavonoids, and phenols. The parts used in traditional medicine are the fruit, leaves, and sap. The ways to use it include hypertension, hepatitis, asthma, flatulence, recovering energy after giving birth, mouth sores, malaria, dysentery, ulcers, cholera, sore eyes, itching, internal injuries, boils, healing burns, and bruises

    Potential Estimination of Medical Plant in Jompi Forest Muna District

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    Medicinal plants are all plant species that produce one or more active components used for health care and treatment or all plant species known or believed to have medicinal properties. The purpose of this research are as follows: 1) Analyzing the diversity of plant species of tree berhabitus medicinal in Hutan lindung Jompi and 2) Assessing and predicting the potential of superior medicinal plants. The research method used is vegetation analysis method, with plot size 100 x 100 m2. In addition, interviews were conducted with community leaders who understood the benefits of medicinal plants. The importance of medicinal plants is seen based on the number of people using and medicinal plants that have been identified on a national scale. The results show that the total number of 76 species diversity is the most widely used by the community of 24 species. Part of medicinal plants used are root, bark, seeds, sap and the most dominant used is the leaves. To treat diseases such as fever, cough, diabetes, antiseptic, abdominal pain and mouth ulcers. It has been identified and has a market value on a national scale. The main conclusions of this study are Jompi's protected forests have a high diversity, diversity of benefits and habitus diversity. This is based on the diversity of species that commercially potential local communities have exploited. Keywords: medicinal plants, protected forest, species diversity


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    Mangroves are tropical coastal vegetation communities dominated by several unique tree species that can be affected by tides. Damage to mangrove forests can be caused by two main factors, namely human activity factors and natural factors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the structure of mangrove vegetation by looking at density, frequency, Impact Value Index (IVI) and species diversity (H ') on the coast of Dambalo Village, Tomilito Sub-district, North Gorontalo District. The method used is a combination of the path method and the checkered line method so that measuring squares are created within the paths. The results showed that the number of mangrove diversity was 11 species, with the Importance Value Index at the tree level of the Rhizophora apiculata species having the highest value of 61.28% and the seedling phase with the same species Rhizophora apiculata having the highest index of importance of 29.80%. The main conclusion from this research is that the mangrove vegetation structure has an abundant level of species diversity. This shows that the index of species diversity in mangrove vegetation is H '= 2.2692 that species diversity is abundant


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    Karakteristik pengguna tumbuhan obat oleh masyarakat hutan lindung Jompi dikenal sebagai bahan obat-obatan tropis yang dapat menyembuhkan barbagai macam penyakit. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengkaji karakteristik pengguna tumbuhan obat berdasarkan tingkat umur, pendidikan, pendapatan, jumlah tanggungan keluarga, pengetahuan lokal dan mata pencaharian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu wawancara terhadap 30 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa karakteristik responden berdasarkan umur produktif dewasa madya berjumlah 14 orang atau 46.67%, pendidikan (tamat SD) berjumlah 17 orang atau 43.33%, pendapatan sebanyak 17 orang atau 56.67, jumlah tanggungan keluarga berjumlah 8 orang atau (26.67%),  pengetahuan lokal yaitu masyarakat lokal berjumlah 20 orang atau (66.67%) serta berdasarkan mata pencaharian yaitu petani berjumlah 15 orang atau 50%. Simpulan utama dari penelitian ini bahwa karakteristik responden pengguna tumbuhan obat sangat berkaitan erat dengan  memanfaatkan tumbuhan obat