40 research outputs found


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    TITLETHE DIFFERENCE OF PH SALIVA IN WOMEN RINSED WITH TEA BAG AND CRUSHED IN PKK KELURAHAN MUKTIHARJO KIDULABSTRACTTea is an herbal product that has the ability to increase salivary pH and has an antibacterial effect. Tea has antibacterial and anticariogenic effects that can decrease saliva and plaque acidity so that it is effective in preventing caries. Almost half of the PKK mothers had moderate tooth decay. Every day they consume tea either tea bag or tea tubruk. The aim of this research is to know the difference of change of mouthwash of tea bag and tea tubruk to saliva pH.Type of research used is Experiment. The research method used in this research is Quasi Eksperiment or often called quasi experiment is a research with the existence of a treatment to the sample group but there is no control group (all groups of samples get treatment). The design of this study using two groups of subjects namely pretest and posttest. Sample used as many as 24 people. Sampling technique that will be used in this research is total sampling that is entire population used as sample. Data analysis used in this research is descriptive quantitative.The results showed changes in salivary pH before and after rinsing tea bags and tea tubruk before rinsing tea showed average salivary pH 6.6, after rinsing tea dye showed average salivary pH 7.6 with difference of 1.0 and before rinsing tea tubruk average saliva pH is 6.8, after rinsing tea tubruk average saliva pH is 7.4 with difference 0,6. From this study it can be concluded that gargling tea can increase saliva pH higher than tubruk tea, so it is advisable to rinse / consume tubruk tea in order to cope with the increase of high salivary pH. Key words : Tea Bag, Tea Tubruk, pH of Saliv

    Pengaruh Berkumur Ekstrak Daun Salam (Eugenia Polyantha Wight) Terhadap Pembentukan Plak Gigi

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of bay leaf extract mouthwashes on plaque formation. This type of research was experimental with pretest and posttest control group design. The number of samples was 30 students of class V SDN Meteseh, Tembalang, Semarang. The samples were divided into two groups, group I were rinsed with salam leaf extract and group II distilled water rinse. Plaque was measured using the plaque index by PHP before and after rinsing leaves extract. Analysis of the data used is the Independent Sample t - Test. The test results showed that the value of p = 0,000 which means a decrease in plaque index occurs significantly in the control and treatment groups. Independent Sample t - Test showed that the value of p = 0,005 so there was a significant difference between the control group rinsed with distilled water rinse treatment group to the salam leaf extract (Eugenia polyantha Wight). It can be concluded that gargling salam leaf extract could reduce the formation of dental plaque

    Perbedaan Ph Saliva Terhadap Pemakai Kontrasepsi Hormonal Pil dan Suntik pada Wanita Usia 20-40 Tahun di Kelurahan Gedawang Kota Semarang

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    Hormonal contraception is one of the contraceptive tools that many interested by family planning participants. Hormonal contraceptive methods consist of pills, injections, and implants. The use of hormonal contraceptive pills and injections may alter hormonal conditions in the periodontal tissues of contraceptive users who may cause gingival inflammation. The content of estrogen and progesterone contained in hormonal contraceptives will affect salivary pH. The purpose of this study was to observe the difference of salivary pH to users of hormonal contraceptive pill and injection in women aged 20-40 years in gedawang semarang. This study used analytical descriptive method withapproach cross sectional. The number of samples in this study are as many as 40 people with purposive sampling sampling technique. Data analysis was done by univariate and bivariate analysis. To know the difference using thetest mann-Whitney.statistical results Mann-Whitney showed that there was a significant difference between salivary pH of users of hormonal contraceptive pill and injection in women aged 20-40 years, with p-value 0,000 (p 0.005). This is due to the estrogen and progesterone content that gives effect to the costostics contained in hormonal contraceptive pill while in contraceptive hormonal inject only estrogen alone. The results of this study indicate a difference in salivary pH in users of hormonal contraceptive pills and injections. Users of hormonal contraceptive pills have an average pH of neutrality compared to users of acid-induced injectable hormonal contraceptives.    

    Inhibitory Power Solution Against Bacteria Leaf Beluntas Staphylococcus Aureus

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the inhibition of leaf beluntas concentration of 5 % , 10 % , and 20 % against Staphylococcus aureus . With Staphylococcus aureus as the subjects, this quasi experimental study was conducted using 4 cup petri divided into 4 sections, then these were incubated for 24 hours. The data were analyzed descriptively and presented in a graphical form to see the difference in inhibition zone diameter of each concentration using One Way Anova test. The results shows a concentration of 5 % and 10 % with mean difference : 0.92 and p value = 0.003 means that there is a significant difference in this. Concentration differences of 5 % and 20 % of 3.2 with p value = 0.199, means that there is a significant difference between the inhibitory concentration. Concentration differences of 10 % and 20 % average of 0.6 means that there is a significant difference between the inhibitory concentrations. In conclusion, leaf beluntas solution are effective to inhibit the growth of staphylococcus aureus

    Pengaruh Berkumur Ekstrak Daun Salam (Eugenia polyantha Wight) terhadap Pembentukan Plak Gigi

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of bay leaf extract mouthwashes on plaque formation. This type of research was experimental with pretest and posttest control group design. The number of samples was 30 students of class V SDN Meteseh, Tembalang, Semarang. The samples were divided into two groups, group I were rinsed with salam leaf extract and group II distilled water rinse. Plaque was measured using the plaque index by PHP before and after rinsing leaves extract. Analysis of the data used is the Independent Sample t - Test. The test results showed that the value of p = 0,000 which means a decrease in plaque index occurs significantly in the control and treatment groups. Independent Sample t - Test showed that the value of p = 0,005 so there was a significant difference between the control group  rinsed with distilled water rinse treatment group to the salam leaf extract (Eugenia polyantha Wight). It can be concluded that gargling salam leaf extract could reduce the formation of dental plaque


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    TITLEThe causative factors of dental caries in students of SD Sambiroto 02 SemarangABSTRACTTooth is part of the masticatory apparatus of the digestive system in the human body. Based on the preliminary study found 45% of students of Sambiroto 02 Elementary School have fixed dental caries, 15% had dental caries milk and 40% have bad oral hygiene. The main problem of oral health in students of Sambiroto 02 Elementary School is dental caries. Dental caries is an infectious disease caused by demineralization of enamel and dentine that is closely related to the consumption of cariogenic foods. Generally, children entering school age have a high risk of caries. This study aims to determine the factors that cause dental caries in students at Sambiroto 02 Elementary School Semarang.This type of research is quantitative descriptive case study method. Data retrieval is done by checking caries (DMF-T) OHIS, Plaque Index, pH Saliva, Viscosity Saliva, Saliva Hydration, as well as the questionnaire for behavioral variables (knowledge, attitudes, practices). Priority problems using odd ratio test showed that the factors causing the most dominant is the practice (p value = 65.0), OHIS (p value = 20.43), and plaque index (p value = 17.0).The results showed that the factor of the practice 50% of respondents with bad category, 62% of respondents with OHIS bad category, and 62% of respondents who had a plaque with bad category. The problem solving are a revitalization program UKGS, cariogenic diet control, brushing teeth together, topical application fluoride / CPP-ACP, dental health education, training of cadres, and filling cavities. Advices to students are expected to increase knowledge as a basis for understanding the attitude and behavior are good on prevent dental care that are not easily affected by caries, and suggestions presented to the teachers to always give motivation to students to always maintain dental health. Keywords : Caries, students Primary School Sambiroto

    Inhibitory Power Solution Against Bacteria Leaf Beluntas Staphylococcus Aureus

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the inhibition of leaf beluntas concentration of 5 % , 10 % , and 20 % against Staphylococcus aureus . With Staphylococcus aureus as the subjects, this quasi experimental study was conducted using 4 cup petri divided into 4 sections, then these were incubated for 24 hours. The data were analyzed descriptively and presented in a graphical form to see the difference in inhibition zone diameter of each concentration using One Way Anova test. The results shows a concentration of 5 % and 10 % with mean difference : 0.92 and p value = 0.003 means that there is a significant difference in this. Concentration differences of 5 % and 20 % of 3.2 with p value = 0.199, means that there is a significant difference between the inhibitory concentration. Concentration differences of 10 % and 20 % average of 0.6 means that there is a significant difference between the inhibitory concentrations. In conclusion, leaf beluntas solution are effective to inhibit the growth of staphylococcus aureus


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    TITLEUTILIZATION OF FRUIT EXTRACT GENDOLA (BASELLA RUBRA LINN) AS AN MATERIAL  OF ALTERNATIVE DETECTION PLAQUE ( INVITRO TEST)ABSTRACTGendola fruit (Basella Rubra Linn) is one of the fruits that contain anthocyanin (red dye). In dental hygiene, to see the plaque necessary dyes whose color contrasts with the color of teeth. The material often used to see the plaque is Disclosing solution. The purpose of this study was conducted to test the in vitro gendola fruit extracts as an ingredient of plaque detection.This type of research was Experimental Research. The research design used was Posttest Only Control Group Design. The sample was 32, as many as 16 teeth spilled with a few drops of  extracts of fruit gendola, and as many as 16 teeth spilled with Disclosing solution. Prior spilled fruit extracts gendola, the teeth soaked in saliva for 6 hours. Statistical analysis of test data used independent t-test.Results of research by independent t-test test showed that value of significancy 0.08 (p 0.05), which means that the  gendola fruit extract has least the same ability with disclosing solution to detect the presence of plaque. The Gendola fruit extracts can be used  as an alternative to detect of plaque by a simple


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    ABSTRACT The role of mother in the maintenance of oral health includes the removal of plaque and debris on the teeth that can be done every day with a toothbrush, supervise child's diet, eliminating bad habits and check their child's teeth or facilities to health facilities is a factor that plays a role in preventing caries teeth in children. Dental caries is one form of tooth decay is most often experienced by children of school age. The incidence of dental caries in primary school students in the District of Sumowono Jubelan 02 is the average def-t 8.1 and DMF-T 1.6. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the mother in the maintenance of oral health on the incidence of dental caries in first grade primary school students Jubelan 02 District of Sumowono 2014. This research is a descriptive cross sectional design research. The population in this study were for 24 student, all students in first class of Primary School of Jubelan 02 Sumowono, Semarang. Analisis is doing descriptively by cross tabulation. Measures used was a questionnaire. The results showed that all the mother's role in the maintenance of oral health is Most of the categories, but the incidence of caries included in the high category in the amount of 75%. The results showed that no influence of the mother's role in the maintenance of oral health on the incidence of caries incidence in children of primary school age.Key words :  Role Mommy, Maintenance Dental and Oral Health, Dental Caries Genesi


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    TITLEExternal factors associated with causative of dental caries in pre-school children in PAUD Strowberry RW 03, Bangetayu Wetan, Semarang City in 2016ABSTRACTDental Caries is a disease that attacks the dental tissue by damaging the tissue starts from the tooth surface and spread to pulp. Some external factor provokes dental caries are the environment, behaviour, heath care and heredity. 71% preschoolers at PAUD Strowberry have dental karies. This research is to understand the factor that causes dental caries towards preschoolers at PAUD Strowberry.This research uses quantities descriptive with cross sectional to write the essay. Using totalsampling method for searching the sample includes the sum of the preschoolers at PAUD Strowberry that are infected by dental caries. There are 34 preschoolers that have dental caries. Using questionnaire method to the preschooler’s parents to gather the information for the research we need. The validation and the reliability of the information from the questionnaire has been testedby 20 of the preschooler’s parents at PAUD KasihIbu RW 02. The method to analysis the information using Odds ratio.The result showed the ignorance about dental caries is 76%, bad attitude while brushing teeth is 65%, bad action about causes dental caries is 76%, unhealthy environments for the family is 62%, the ignorance of health care about curing is 68%, and unhealthty heredity about dental caries is 65%. It can be concluded from this research is the knowledge of the disease it the main element that cause dental caries towards preschoolers at PAUD Strowberry. So, the parents should take care therekids teethby brushing their teeth twice a day. Key words : Dental Caries, External Factors, Childre