3,396 research outputs found

    Conscription and Crime

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    The initiation in criminal activities is, typically, a young phenomenon. The study of the determinants of entry into criminal activities should pay attention to major events affecting youth. In many countries, one of these important events is mandatory participation in military service. The objective of this study is to estimate the causal relationship between mandatory participation in military service and crime. The authors exploit the random assignment through a draft lottery of young men to conscription in Argentina to identify this causal effect. Their results suggest that participation in military service increased the likelihood of developing a criminal record in adulthood (in particular, for property and weapon-related crimes).Peace&Peacekeeping,Children and Youth,Political Systems and Analysis,Politics and Government,Crime and Society

    Conscription and Crime: Evidence from the Argentine Draft Lottery

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    We estimate the causal effect of mandatory participation in the military service on the involvement in criminal activities. We exploit the random assignment of young men to military service in Argentina through a draft lottery to identify this causal effect. Using a unique set of administrative data that includes draft eligibility, participation in the military service, and criminal records, we find that participation in the military service increases the likelihood of developing a criminal record in adulthood. The effects are not only significant for the cohorts that performed military service during war times, but also for those that provided service at peace times. We also find that military service has detrimental effects on future performance in the labor market.Military Service, Violent behavior, Crime

    New and Interesting Laboulbeniales from Brazil

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    Two new species of Laboulbeniales are described: Laboulbenia parasyphraeae, parasitic on Parasyphraea sp. (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Alticinae), and L. skelleyi, parasitic on Pselaphacus rubricatus and P. signatus (Coleoptera, Erotylidae). Other recorded species are Chaetomyces pinophili, Chitonomyces aurantiacus, Corethromyces ophitis, Dimorphomyces platensis, Dioicomyces anthici, D. cf. notoxi, Hesperomyces coccinelloides, Hydrophilomyces rhynchophorus, Laboulbenia arnaudii, L. funeralis, L. pachystoma, and L. systenae. Six ‘‘morphospecies’’ of Chitonomyces (C. appendiculatus, C. hyalinus, C. prolongatus, C. simplex, C. uncinatus, and C. cf. zonatus) parasitic on a single species of Laccophilus (Dytiscidae) are also reported

    Term Length and Political Performance

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    We evaluate the effects of the duration of legislative terms on the performance of legislators. We exploit a natural experiment in the Argentine House of Representatives where term lengths were assigned randomly. Results for various objective measures of legislative output show that longer terms enhance legislative performance. We use a second experiment in the Argentine Senate to determine whether our results are specific to a particular chamber and a particular time. The results from the Senate reinforce the idea that longer terms enhance legislative productivity. Our results highlight limits to classic theories of electoral discipline (Barro 1973, Ferejohn 1986) predicting that shorter terms, by tightening accountability, will incentivize hard work by politicians. We discuss and test possible explanations. Our results suggest that the "accountability logic" is overcome by an "investment logic."

    El registro de Plutarco. Informe final

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    ABSTRACT INSTITUCIONAL Esta tesina trabaja sobre una historieta que el graduando realiza mientras cursa una materia en Artes Visuales- UNA. La ficción transcurre dentro del contexto universitario. El registro de Plutarco es una novela gráfica de 94 páginas, su temática aborda la amistad y la identidad y, su premisa son las relaciones que construyen a las personas dentro del frágil mundo contemporáneo; en particular al autor del presente. Aquí se reflejan la fragmentación actual y los lazos que modelan nuestras identidades. Involucra también los géneros costumbrista, policial y surrealista que sustentan su historia. Desde el lugar del artista-biógrafo el tesista articula un relato en el que, mediante la palabra y el dibujo, logra expresar diversas problemáticas de actualidad que, además fue compartiendo en las redes sociales nutriendo su discurso

    Del martillo de las brujas al caso Belén

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    Aquest article parteix de l'existència d'una íntima relació entre la manera de definir l'il·lícit penal i el procediment que s'estableix per a la seva persecució. Des d'aquesta perspectiva, s’hi analitza les previsions del Malleus Maleficarum (“Martell de les Bruixes”) per a la tortura d'una dona acusada de bruixeria. A continuació, s’hi estudia la continuïtat entre el Malleus i el procés penal del cas Belén, amb referències a l'ús del llenguatge en la doctrina jurídica argentina sobre l'abús sexual i altres delictes. Finalment, s’hi plantegen diferents interrogants en quant al significat subjacent a la punició de l'avortament que regeix a l'Argentina.The present article originates in the existence of an intimate relationship between the way in which crime is defined, and the procedure prescribed for its prosecution. From this perspective, it begins with an analysis of the guidelines provided in the Malleus Maleficarum (“Hammer of Witches”) for the torture of a woman charged with witchcraft. Then, it explores the connections between the content of the Malleus and the criminal prosecution of “Belen`s case”, focusing on the use of language in Argentinian doctrine about sexual abuse and other crimes. Finally, it poses questions about the underlying significances meanings in the prosecution of abortion, which still prevails in Argentinian current law.El presente texto parte de la existencia de una íntima relación entre el modo de definir lo ilícito y el procedimiento que se establece para su persecución. Desde esa perspectiva, analiza las previsiones del Malleus Maleficarum (“Martillo de las Brujas”) para la tortura de una mujer acusada de brujería. Luego explora las continuidades entre el Malleus y el proceso penal del caso “Belén”, con referencias al uso del lenguaje en la doctrina jurídica argentina en referencia al abuso sexual y otros delitos. Por último, plantea interrogantes en cuanto a los significados subyacentes de la punición del aborto que aun rige en la Argentina

    A Review of Significant European Foodborne Outbreaks in the Last Decade.

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    ABSTRACT Foodborne diseases remain a global public health challenge worldwide. The European surveillance system of multistate foodborne outbreaks integrates elements from public and animal health and the food chain for early detection, assessment, and control. This review includes descriptions of the significant outbreaks that occurred in Europe in the last decade. Their significance and relevance to public health is derived from the changes, improvements, and novelties that pushed toward building a safer food system in the European Union, certainly driven by the One Health approach. In 2011, a point source monoclonal outbreak of infections caused by Escherichia coli serotype O104:H4 in sprouted seeds resulted in hundreds of cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome and several fatalities. In 2015, a prolonged outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes infections caused by contamination of frozen corn in Europe resulted in 47 cases and nine deaths. In 2016, a persistent polyclonal outbreak of Salmonella Enteritidis was linked to the consumption of eggs and was associated with hundreds of cases. The outbreak evaluations highlight the importance of rapid sharing of data (e.g., sequencing and tracing data) and the need for harmonizing bioinformatics outputs and computational approaches to facilitate detection and investigation of foodborne illnesses. These outbreaks led to development of a legal framework for a European collaboration platform for sharing whole genome sequence data and enabled the enforcement of existing hygiene and food safety provisions and the development of new hygiene guidelines and best practices. This review also briefly touches on the new trends in information technologies that are being explored for food traceability and safety. These technologies could enhance the traceability of food throughout the supply chain and redirect the conventional tracing system toward a digitized supply chain. HIGHLIGHT

    Super-stoichiometric Ratios between Ion Movements and Electron Transport in Rat Liver Mitochondria

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    Abstract The number of Ca++ ions accumulated per pair of electrons passing through each energy-conserving site of the respiratory chain during Ca++-induced respiratory jumps in isolated rat liver mitochondria (i.e. the Ca++: ∼ ratio) is normally approximately 2.0 when the suspending medium contains 80 mm KCl or NaCl at pH 7.4, but no permeant anion. However, when the concentration of impermeant salts is raised to as high as 240 mm, or when the pH is raised to above 8.0, the Ca++ ∼ ratio increases to values exceeding 4.0 to 5.0, primarily because of a decrease in the amount of extra oxygen uptake evoked by addition of Ca++. The ratio H+ ejected: ∼ also increases in proportion to the Ca++: ∼ ratio. Increase in sodium chloride concentration does not influence the adenosine diphosphate to oxygen ratio of oxidative phosphorylation. Such super-stoichiometric ratios of Ca++ uptake are almost completely dependent on electron transport, and occur in the presence of high concentration of impermeant anions such as chloride, bromide, iodide, and thiocyanate, but not when such salts are replaced with sucrose. In the presence of permeant anions, such as phosphate, the Ca++: ∼ ratio remains constant at about 2.0. The possible causes of the apparently "flexible" stoichiometry of Ca++ uptake and H+ ejection with electron transport in the absence of phosphate are discussed

    Evasive Maneuvers in Space Debris Environment and Technological Parameters

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    We present a study of collisional dynamics between space debris and an operational vehicle in LEO. We adopted an approach based on the relative dynamics between the objects on a collisional course and with a short warning time and established a semianalytical solution for the final trajectories of these objects. Our results show that there are angular ranges in 3D, in addition to the initial conditions, that favor the collisions. These results allowed the investigation of a range of technological parameters for the spacecraft (e.g., fuel reserve) that allow a safe evasive maneuver (e.g., time available for the maneuver). The numerical model was tested for different values of the impact velocity and relative distance between the approaching objects