3,426 research outputs found

    Multiscale Fractal Descriptors Applied to Nanoscale Images

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    This work proposes the application of fractal descriptors to the analysis of nanoscale materials under different experimental conditions. We obtain descriptors for images from the sample applying a multiscale transform to the calculation of fractal dimension of a surface map of such image. Particularly, we have used the}Bouligand-Minkowski fractal dimension. We applied these descriptors to discriminate between two titanium oxide films prepared under different experimental conditions. Results demonstrate the discrimination power of proposed descriptors in such kind of application

    Characterization of nanostructured material images using fractal descriptors

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    This work presents a methodology to the morphology analysis and characterization of nanostructured material images acquired from FEG-SEM (Field Emission Gun-Scanning Electron Microscopy) technique. The metrics were extracted from the image texture (mathematical surface) by the volumetric fractal descriptors, a methodology based on the Bouligand-Minkowski fractal dimension, which considers the properties of the Minkowski dilation of the surface points. An experiment with galvanostatic anodic titanium oxide samples prepared in oxalyc acid solution using different conditions of applied current, oxalyc acid concentration and solution temperature was performed. The results demonstrate that the approach is capable of characterizing complex morphology characteristics such as those present in the anodic titanium oxide.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication Physica

    Correlation between functional capacity and health-related quality of life in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patient

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    Poster presented at the 3rd International Congress of CiiEM - "Research and Innovation in Human and Health Sciences. 20-22 June 2018, Campus Egas Moniz, Monte de Caparica, PortugalN/

    Functional capacity and health status in patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Functional capacity and health status in patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Poster presented at the 4th International Congress of CiiEM - "Health, Well-being and Ageing in the XXI Century." 2-5 June 2019, Campus Egas Moniz, Caparica, PortugalN/

    Anurans from Barra de la Laguna de Rocha (Rocha, Uruguay)

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    We present a list of amphibian species from the protected area Barra de la Laguna de Rocha (BLR), Uruguay. Fifteen monthly three-day field trips were conducted between September 2011 and March 2013. During each field trip, active searches of individuals and auditive samplings were performed at seven selected sites. We recorded 19 species of amphibians belonging to five families: Bufonidae (4 especies), Hylidae (5), Leptodactylidae (7), Microhylidae (1) and Odontophrynidae (2). Comparing these data with historical records (obtained from cientific collections and literature), eight species represented new records for the study site. The species richness in the area represents 39.6% of the total richness recorded for Uruguay. We highlight the presence of Melanophryniscus montevidensis (Philippi, 1902), a Critically Endangered (CR) species at national level, and globally Vulnerable (V). Information on BLR's amphibian species composition could help in the implementation of the management plan for this conservation unit, as well as to stimulate future studies in the area

    Stent for life initiative in Portugal: progress through years and Covid-19 impact

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    Background: During Stent for Life Initiative in Portugal lifetime, positive changes in ST elevation myocardial infarction treatment were observed, by the increase of Primary Angioplasty numbers and improvements in patients' behaviour towards myocardial infarction, with an increase in those who called 112 and the lower proportion attending non primary percutaneous coronary intervention centres. Despite public awareness campaigns and system educational programmes, patient and system delay did not change significantly over this period. The aim of this study was to address the public awareness campaign effectiveness on peoples' behaviour facing STEMI, and how Covid-19 has affected STEMI treatment.Methods: Data from 1381 STEMI patients were collected during a one-month period each year, from 2011 to 2016, and during one and a half month, matching first lockdown in Portugal 2020. Four groups were constituted: Group A (2011); Group B (2012&2013); Group C (2015&2016) and group D (2020).Results: The proportion of patients who called 112, increased significantly (35.2% Group A; 38.7% Group B; 44.0% Group C and 49.6% Group D, p = 0.005); significant reduction was observed in the proportion of patients who attended healthcare centres without PPCI (54.5% group A; 47.6% Group B; 43.2% Group C and 40.9% Group D, p = 0.016), but there were no differences on groups comparison. Total ischemic time, measured from symptoms onset to reperfusion increased progressively from group A [250.0 (178.0-430.0)] to D [296.0 (201.0-457.5.8)] p = 0.012, with statistically significant difference between group C and D (p = 0.034).Conclusions: During the term of SFL initiative in Portugal, patients resorted less to primary health centres and called more to 112. These results can be attributed the public awareness campaign. Nevertheless, patient and system delays did not significantly change over this period, mainly in late years of SFL, probably for low efficacy of campaigns and in 2020 due to Covid-19 pandemic.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Imaging for radiofrequency ablation

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    Many solid tumors have a poor response to systemic chemotherapy, local radiotherapy or surgical recession. They are responsible for premature morbidity and decreased patient survival. The radiofrequency ablation is an emerging technique, and is now becoming more widespread throughout the world because it is minimally invasive, image guided, which offers the possibility of an effective and less costly approach. The procedure can be performed percutaneously, guided by several imaging modalities as Ultrasound, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance. This article pretends to demonstrate the state-of-the-art of this technique focusing in the technical aspects and application of radiofrequency ablation.Muitos tumores sólidos têm uma fraca resposta à quimioterapia sistémica, recessão cirúrgica ou radioterapia local. São responsáveis por morbilidade prematura e diminuição da sobrevida dos pacientes. A termoablação por radiofrequência (ARF) é uma técnica emergente, minimamente invasiva, guiada por imagem, que oferece a possibilidade de uma abordagem eficaz e menos dispendiosa. O procedimento pode ser realizado por via percutânea ou cirúrgica, guiado por várias modalidades imagiológicas tais como a Ecografia, Tomografia Computorizada e Ressonância Magnética. O presente artigo pretende demonstrar o estado-da-arte desta técnica, centrando-se em aspectos técnicos e aplicações da ablação por radiofrequência

    Validade da técnica de foto-identificação para analisar marcas naturais em Melanophryniscus montevidensis (Anura: Bufonidae)

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    Individual identification is useful for answering a variety of biological questions about animal life histories. Most of the techniques used to mark amphibians are invasive and can cause negative effects, compromising individual survivorship and biasing studies. Photo-identification consists in the identification of specimens based on photographic records of unique color-design patterns. This technique has been used with success in several amphibian species. Melanophryniscus montevidensis is an endangered anuran species inhabiting the Uruguayan Atlantic coast. The general pattern of coloration is black with red and yellow blotches on the belly. In this study, we validated the technique of photo-identification assisted by software for individual recognition in M. montevidensis using natural markings. Field trips were performed over 16 months during which, the ventral color pattern of specimens was photographed. The photos were edited and analyzed with the Wild-ID 1.0 software for photographic reconnaissance. An efficiency of 100% was obtained in the visual recognition and 90% in the detection of recaptures using the software. The use of photo-identification using natural marks is an effective technique in this species, because the color pattern of the belly was highly variable among individuals and remained unchanged in individuals over the 16 month period. In this evaluation the use of software for photo-identification was necessary for the treatment of large databases.La identificación individual de animales es muy útil para responder diversas preguntas biológicas relacionadas con su historia de vida. La mayoría de las técnicas utilizadas para marcar anfibios son invasivas y pueden causar efectos negativos sobre los individuos, comprometiendo su sobrevivencia y los resultados de las investigaciones. La fotoidentificación consiste en identificar especímenes en base a registros fotográficos, usando patrones de diseño-coloración únicos para cada animal. Esta técnica ha mostrado resultados exitosos en varias especies de anfibios. Melanophryniscus montevidensis es un anuro presente en la costa atlántica uruguaya cuya conservación se encuentra comprometida. El patrón general de coloración es negro con manchas rojas y amarillas en el vientre. En este estudio se valida la técnica de fotoidentificación asistida por software para el reconocimiento individual en M. montevidensis, utilizando marcas naturales. Se realizaron salidas durante 16 meses en las que se registró fotográficamente el patrón ventral de coloración de los ejemplares. Las fotografías fueron editadas y se utilizó el software de reconocimiento fotográfico Wild-ID 1.0. Se obtuvo una eficacia del 100% en el reconocimiento visual y 90% en la detección de recapturas empleando el software. El uso de la fotoidentificación a partir de marcas naturales es una técnica efectiva en esta especie, ya que el patrón de coloración analizado resultó altamente variable entre individuos e invariable en un mismo individuo a través del tiempo. Es importante utilizar un software para asistir la tarea de fotoidentificación, ya que hace viable el tratamiento de grandes base de datos.A identificação individual é útil para responder uma variedade de questões biológicas sobre a história de vida dos animais. A maioria das técnicas usadas na marcação de anfíbios é invasiva e pode provocar efeitos negativos, comprometendo a sobrevivência e introduzindo viéses nos estudos. A foto-identificação consiste na identificação dos indivíduos baseada em registros fotográficos de padrões individuais de coloração ou de desenho. Essa técnica tem sido usada com sucesso em diversas espécies de anfíbios. Melanophryniscus montevidensis é um anuro ameaçado de extinção que habita a costa atlântica uruguaia . O padrão geral de coloração é preto com manchas vermelhas e amarelas no ventre. Neste estudo, validamos a técnica de fotoidentificação auxiliada por software para o reconhecimento individual M. montevidensis usando marcas naturais. Viagens de campo foram feitas ao longo de 16 meses, durante as quais foi fotografado o padrão de coloração ventral dos indivíduos. As fotografias foram editadas e analisadas com o auxílio do software Wild-ID 1.0 para reconhecimento fotográfico. Obtivemos uma eficiência de 100% no reconhecimento visual e de 90% na detecção de recapturas usando o software. O uso de foto-identificação usando marcas naturais mostrou-se uma técnica eficaz para essa espécie, pois o padrão de coloração ventral é altamente variável entre os indivíduos e permanenceu inalterado ao longo do período de 16 meses. Em nossa avaliação, o uso de software é necessário para o tratamento de grandes bases de dados