406 research outputs found

    A mucin-like peptide from Fasciola hepatica instructs dendritic cells with parasite specific Th1-polarizing activity

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    Fasciolosis is a trematode zoonosis of interest in public health and cattle production. We report here the immunostimulatory effect of a 66 mer mucin-like peptide from Fasciola hepatica (Fhmuc), which synergizes with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to promote dendritic cell (DC) maturation, endowing these cells with Th1-polarizing capacity. Exposure of DCs to Fhmuc in presence of LPS induced enhanced secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and expression of co-stimulatory molecules by DCs, promoting their T cell stimulatory capacity and selectively augmenting IFN- secretion by allogeneic T cells. Furthermore, exposure of DCs to Fhmuc augmented LPS-induced Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 expression on the cell surface. Finally, Fhmuc-conditioned DCs induced parasite specific-adaptive immunity with increased levels of IFN-gamma secreted by splenocytes from vaccinated animals, and higher parasite-specific IgG antibodies. However, DC-treated Fhmuc conferred modest protection against F. hepatica infection highlighting the potent immuno-regulatory capacity of the parasite. In summary, this work highlights the capacity of a mucin-derived peptide from F. hepatica to enhance LPS-maturation of DCs and induce parasite-specific immune responses with potential implications in vaccination and therapeutic strategies.Fil: Noya, Verónica. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Brossard, Natalie. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Rodríguez, Ernesto. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Dergan Dylon, Leonardo Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Carmona, Carlos. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Rabinovich, Gabriel Adrián. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Freire, Teresa. Universidad de la República; Urugua

    Glycans from Fasciola hepatica modulate the host immune response and TLR-Induced maturation of dendritic cells

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    Helminths express various carbohydrate-containing glycoconjugates on their surface, and they release glycan-rich excretion/secretion products that can be very important in their life cycles, infection and pathology. Recent evidence suggests that parasite glycoconjugates could play a role in the evasion of the immune response, leading to a modified Th2-polarized immune response that favors parasite survival in the host. Nevertheless, there is limited information about the nature or function of glycans produced by the trematode Fasciola hepatica, the causative agent of fasciolosis. In this paper, we investigate whether glycosylated molecules from F. hepatica participate in the modulation of host immunity. We also focus on dendritic cells, since they are an important target of immune-modulation by helminths, affecting their activity or function. Our results indicate that glycans from F. hepatica promote the production of IL-4 and IL-10, suppressing IFNγ production. During infection, this parasite is able to induce a semi-mature phenotype of DCs expressing low levels of MHCII and secrete IL-10. Furthermore, we show that parasite glycoconjugates mediate the modulation of LPS-induced maturation of DCs since their oxidation restores the capacity of LPS-treated DCs to secrete high levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-12/23p40 and low levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. Inhibition assays using carbohydrates suggest that the immune-modulation is mediated, at least in part, by the recognition of a mannose specific-CLR that signals by recruiting the phosphatase Php2. The results presented here contribute to the understanding of the role of parasite glycosylated molecules in the modulation of the host immunity and might be useful in the design of vaccines against fasciolosis.Fil: Rodriguez, Ernesto. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Noya, Verónica. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Cervi, Laura Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Chiribao, Maria Laura. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Brossard, Natalie. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Chiale, Carolina. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Carmona, Carlos. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Giacomini, Cecilia. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Freire, Teresa. Universidad de la República; Urugua

    Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in rheumatic diseases

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    The aim of this article is to review rheumatological diseases that are associated with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis or fractures and to perform a critical analysis of the current guidelines and treatment regimens. The electronic database MEDLINE was searched using the date range of July 1986 to June 2009 and the following search terms: osteoporosis, bone mineral density, fractures, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, vasculitis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and juvenile dermatomyositis. Osteopenia and osteoporosis respectively account for 1.4 to 68.7% and 5.0 to 61.9% of adult rheumatological diseases. Among juvenile rheumatological disorders, the frequency of low bone mass ranges from 38.7 to 70%. In general, fracture rates vary from 0 to 25%. Although glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis has a high rate of prevalence among rheumatic diseases, a relatively low number of patients on continuous glucocorticoid treatment receive adequate diagnostic evaluation or preventive therapy. This deficit in patient care may result from a lack of clear understanding of the attributed risks by the patients and physicians, the high complexity of the treatment guidelines and poor patient compliance

    Glucocorticoid‐induced osteoporosis in rheumatic diseases

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    The aim of this article is to review rheumatological diseases that are associated with glucocorticoid‐induced osteoporosis or fractures and to perform a critical analysis of the current guidelines and treatment regimens. The electronic database MEDLINE was searched using the date range of July 1986 to June 2009 and the following search terms: osteoporosis, bone mineral density, fractures, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, vasculitis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and juvenile dermatomyositis. Osteopenia and osteoporosis respectively account for 1.4 to 68.7% and 5.0 to 61.9% of adult rheumatological diseases. Among juvenile rheumatological disorders, the frequency of low bone mass ranges from 38.7 to 70%. In general, fracture rates vary from 0 to 25%. Although glucocorticoid‐induced osteoporosis has a high rate of prevalence among rheumatic diseases, a relatively low number of patients on continuous glucocorticoid treatment receive adequate diagnostic evaluation or preventive therapy. This deficit in patient care may result from a lack of clear understanding of the attributed risks by the patients and physicians, the high complexity of the treatment guidelines and poor patient compliance

    Effects of the coloring plants into the production and their components in maize population ESALQ VD2- SI82

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    Foi efetuado um estudo para obter informações sobre a possível vantagem seletiva da cor antocianina das plantas quanto à adaptação ao inverno. Durante as estações de inverno de 1983 e 1984, em Piracicaba, São Paulo, 150 plantas de milho (Zea mays L.) foram escolhidas a cada ano, de acordo com suas colorações (de verde a roxo intenso) e avaliadas quanto à produção de espigas e outros caracteres. Dentre as tonalidades de cores o roxo pareceu ser o mais vantajoso e o roxo intenso o menos adequado para adaptação ao inverno. A study was carried out to obtain information on the possible selective advantage of the anthocyanin plant color for winter adaptation. During the winter season of 1983 and 1984 in Piracicaba, São Paulo State, Brazil, 150 plants of maize (Zea mays L.) were recorded each year according their plant color (from green to purple) and evaluated for ear yield and other characters. The dilute purple plant color was found to be the most favorable color for winter adaptation, being the purple color plant less effective

    Avaliação de populações de milho selecionadas para adaptação ao inverno

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    A maize (Zea mays L.) improvement program for winter cropping in Central-South Brazil has been conducted at the Department of Genetics of the ESALQ/USP. The main goal of the program is the development of normal as well as brachytic populations suitable to be grown in the winter for "green corn" consumption. Initially the anthocyanin plant color character (A-B-Pl-genes) was introduced into the ESALQ VD2 and Piranão VD2 populations, which possess broad genetic basis and are well adapted to summer cropping. The derived populations have been subjected to cycles of mass selection during winter seasons. Mass selection for yield was effective in improving ear production and adaptation of Piranão VD2 SI and ESALQ VD2 SI populations to winter cropping. Grain color, number of rows/ear, number of kernels/row, lodging resistance, plant color and cob color were also improved through mass selection. The anthocyanin plant color character was effective for improving winter adaptation in the populations studied, with no detrimental effects on the other characteristics under evaluation. O programa de melhoramento do milho (Zea mays L.) para adaptação às condições típicas de inverno da região Centro-Sul do Brasil, vem sendo desenvolvido no Departamento de Genética da ESALQ/USP, com o objetivo principal de obter populações de porte normal e braquítico adequadas à exploração sob a forma de milho verde. Inicialmente, o caráter planta colorida de antocianina (genes A-B-Pl), foi introduzido nas populações ESALQ VD2 e Piranão VD2, as quais possuem base genética ampla e são bem adaptadas ao cultivo no verão. As populações derivadas foram submetidas a ciclos de seleção massal durante as estações de inverno. A seleção massal para produtividade foi eficiente na melhoria da produção de espigas e adaptação das populações Piranão VD2-SI e ESALQ VD2-SI, às condições de inverno. A maioria das características consideradas nas avaliações visuais foi efetivamente modificada pelos ciclos de seleção massal, incluindo a cor dos grãos, número de fileiras/espiga, número de grãos/fileira, cor das plantas e dos sabugos. O caráter planta colorida de antocianina melhorou a adaptação das populações às condições de inverno e não induziu a nenhum efeito detrimental nos caracteres avaliados nesta pesquisa.

    Las fuentes gráficas para el estudio y restauración de la Casa Consistorial de Sevilla

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    The aim of this study is to outline the use of antique plans and photographs of the 19th century of Seville City Hall, in order to learn about the shape of its decorative motifs before being restored. By doing so, the most advisable and suitable restauration patterns have been selected in the various restoration stages. Up to now, seven restoration projects have been carried out. The two firsts inside the building itself: the 16th century Sala Capitular Baja and the renaissance stairs; additionally, five different projects of both the renaissance and neorenaissance facade

    Relación entre dimensiones motivacionales y satisfacción académica en estudiantes de tercer ciclo de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Cuenca, en el período 2022-2023

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    La motivación y la satisfacción académica son variables esenciales dentro del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. De forma general, se han realizado diferentes investigaciones en el ámbito universitario, en las que demostraron que la motivación y la satisfacción académica mantienen un comportamiento dinámico, también se constató que los estudiantes se sienten más motivados intrínsecamente. Entonces, esta investigación plantea como objetivo general determinar la relación entre las dimensiones motivacionales y satisfacción académica en estudiantes de tercer ciclo de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Cuenca, en el período 2022-2023, además se pretende describir las dimensiones de la motivación e identificar los niveles de satisfacción académica. La presente investigación se realizó bajo un enfoque cuantitativo con un diseño no experimental, transversal y de alcance descriptivo- correlacional. Se trabajó con una población de 134 estudiantes de tercer ciclo de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Cuenca. Los instrumentos de investigación se aplicaron digitalmente y fueron el MAPE 3-M para medir las dimensiones motivacionales y ESA para la satisfacción académica. La investigación obtuvo como resultados que la dimensión predominante fue la ansiedad facilitadora del rendimiento con un 59% de estudiantes que mostraban un nivel alto, además se encontró que el nivel de satisfacción académica es medio alto con un 69,4%. También, se determinó que no existe correlación entre las dimensiones motivacionales y la satisfacción académica. Así mismo, se realizó una base de datos que aportará información actualizada, lo cual puede servir para futuras investigaciones y proyectos que permitan realizar estrategias de intervención en diferentes áreas.Motivation and academic satisfaction are essential variables in the teaching-learning process. In general, different investigations have been carried out in the university environment, in which they demonstrated that motivation and academic satisfaction maintain a dynamic behavior, it was also found that students feel more intrinsically motivated. So, this research proposes as a general objective to determine the relationship between the motivational dimensions and academic satisfaction in third cycle students of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Cuenca, in the period 2022-2023, in addition it is intended to describe the dimensions of motivation and identify levels of academic satisfaction. The present investigation was carried out under a quantitative approach with a non-experimental, cross- sectional design and descriptive-correlational scope. We worked with a population of 134 third- cycle students from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Cuenca. The research instruments were applied digitally and were the MAPE 3-M to measure motivational dimensions and ESA for academic satisfaction. The research obtained as results that the predominant dimension was performance facilitating anxiety with 59% of students showing a high level, it was also found that the level of academic satisfaction is medium high with 69.4%. Also, it was determined that there is no correlation between motivational dimensions and academic satisfaction. Likewise, a database was created that will provide updated information, which can be used for future research.0000-0002-8614-9265Licenciado en Psicología / Psicólogo EducativoCuenc

    Modulation of Dendritic Cell Maturation by Fasciola hepatica: Implications of Glycans and Mucins for Vaccine Development

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    Fasciola hepatica is a worldwide distributed helminth pathogen that causes great economic losses in sheep andcattle. This parasite is able to regulate the host immune response, producing high levels of IL-5 and low levels ofIFNγ, as well as modulating the function of dendritic cells (DCs), mast cells or macrophages, among others.Moreover, TLR-mediated maturation of DCs can be suppressed by F. hepatica derived components. Here, weinvestigated the role of glycans in the modulation of LPS-induced maturation of DCs, as well as in the production ofIL-5 and IFNγ by splenocytes from infected mice. We show that F. hepatica induces the recruitment to theperitoneum of semi-matured DCs, as judged by a down-regulation of MHC class II molecule expression and anincrease of CD80 and CD86 expression of DCs in the peritoneum of infected animals. Furthermore, we provideevidence indicating that glycan structures from F. hepatica are responsible, at least in part, for inhibiting LPS-induced DC maturation and production of IFNγ by splenocytes from infected animals. On the other hand, we showthat a mucin-like non-glycosylated peptide highly expressed in NEJ (Fhmuc) is able to synergize with LPS ininducing DC-maturation, and that it induces a T cell response specific for F. hepatica, both alone or in combinationwith DCs. Our data highlight the role of F. hepatica glycans in modulating the host immune response and mightcontribute to the design of vaccines against fasciolosis.Fil: Noya, Veronica. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Rodriguez, Ernesto. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Cervi, Laura Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Giacomini, Cecilia. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Brossard, Natalie. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Chiale, Carolina. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Carmona, Carlos. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Freire, Teresa. Universidad de la República; Urugua

    Lean body mass changes within 12 months of bariatric surgery

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    OBJETIVO: O objetivo da pesquisa foi determinar a perda de massa corporal magra em pacientes após cirurgia bariátrica. MÉTODOS: O estudo retrospectivo foi conduzido com 17 prontuários de mulheres obesas submetidas à Derivação Gástrica em Y de Roux com anel de contenção gástrica, incluindo dados obtidos no período pré-operatório imediato e no 1º, 3º, 6º e 12º meses após a cirurgia. Os dados obtidos no prontuário incluíram a idade, medidas de peso, de altura e massa corporal magra e gorda, calculados pela impedância bioelétrica. RESULTADOS: A média de idade das pacientes foi de 43,1, DP=7,7 anos e durante o seguimento houve diminuição significativa do índice de massa corporal [51,2 (40,2-74,1) para 33,7 (24,8-53,4)kg/m²] e da massa corporal gorda [67,5 (51,2-67,4) para 32,1 (16,4-61,9)kg] em 12 meses de seguimento. No primeiro mês após a cirurgia, houve diminuição da massa corporal magra (M=65,3, DP=7,6 para M=59,7, DP=8,1kg), que representou 8,5% em relação aos valores iniciais, sendo que a partir daí, os dados mantiveram-se constantes. CONCLUSÃO: A perda de massa corporal magra pode refletir uma alteração no metabolismo proteico durante o pós-operatório imediato da cirurgia bariátrica, que pode implicar em evolução clínica e nutricional desfavoráveis.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine changes in lean body mass after bariatric surgery. METHODS: This retrospective study reviewed 17 medical records of obese women who underwent banded Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The medical records contained data collected immediately before and 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery. The data included age, weight, height and lean and fat body mass determined by bioelectrical impedance analysis. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 43.1 years (SD=7.7). Body mass index decreased significantly within 12 months of the surgery, going from 51.2 (40.2-74.1) to 33.7 (24.8-53.4)kg/m², as did fat body mass, going from 67.5 (51.2-67.4) to 32.1 (16.4-61.9)kg. In the first month after surgery, lean body mass decreased from M=65.3 (SD=7.6) to M=59.7 (SD=8.1kg), representing a decrease of 8.5%. Lean body mass remained constant after this period. CONCLUSION: Loss of lean body mass may indicate a change in protein metabolism immediately after bariatric surgery, which may result in an unfavorable clinical and nutritional course