131 research outputs found

    The role of BCAR4 in tamoxifen resistant breast cancer

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    LSTperiod software: spectral analysis of multiple irregularly sampled time series

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    Irregularly sampled time series are common in several different areas, such as astronomy, meteorology, biology, oceanography, cy- clostratigraphy, and others. The periodogram is a primary tool to extract meaningful information from irregularly spaced and noisy time series. It is an element of decision theory, meaning the periodogram usually transforms the data, and its ordinates are subsequently sub- mitted to a statistical test compared to a population originating from a known stochastic model (white Gaussian noise). If some ordinate f0 (usually a local maximum, a peak) fails in this test, we declare that it is a ‘periodicity’ at a frequency f0. Besides its full usage, this method until now suffer from numerous theoretical difficulties in adapting to real case situations and shows lack of usefulness for very poorly sam- pled and high noise cases. All of it implies low usefulness for applying in most sedimentary sequences at our disposal nowadays. The LSTperiod is an application, written in Matlab, conceived to perform spectral analysis of multiple irregularly sampled time series. It com- bines information from Lomb-Scargle periodogram estimates over different time series sampling the same phenomenon, enabling the re- covering of signals from very poorly sampled and noisy time series. The software comprises a set of four Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) that allow the user to: 1) Have broad choices of the frequency-domain range and density for spectral estimation; 2)Select possible spectral features (i.e., pick “T”) for testing as a model [∗sin(2 –)] through the visualization of severalgoodness-of-fit statistics; 3) Visualize the fitting residuals in the time domain, for each time series, for the chosen sinusoidal model. These tools help the user to identify and analyze any suspected feature in the estimated spectra through its related linear system responses. All estimated parameter can be saved on worksheets and the visualizations in several different figure formats. We illustrate the use of the software with a set of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) data series that show long-period Milankovitch-related spectral features and demon- strate its performance using synthetic time series

    The Early Triassic magmatism of the Alto ParaguayProvince, Central South America: Paleomagneticand ASM data

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    Abstract A paleomagnetic studystudywork was carriedout on the Alto Paraguay Province (APP), a belt of alkalinecomplexes that parallel the Paraguay river for morethan 40 km at the border of Brazil and Paraguay. Theprovince is well dated by 40Ar/39Ar method giving ages inthe range 240–250 Ma with a preferred age of 241 Ma. Intrusiverocks are predominant but the stocks may be toppedby lava flows and ignimbrites. Paleomagnetic work onstocks, dikes and flows of the APP identified normal andreversed magnetic components which are carried mainlyby titanomagnetites. The calculated paleomagnetic polelocated at 319ºE 78ºS (α95 = 6º; k = 23) is in agreementwith other South American poles of Permo-Triassic age.Most of the sampling sites showed large variations in rockmagnetization, but similar patterns in the variation of thewithin-site magnetizations, mainly in dikes, suggest geomagneticpolarity transition records. The magnetizationdata along with the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibilitydeterminations suggested that the South and North areasof the province have different evolution characteristics

    Gestión de la carrera profesional en una empresa de servicios de tecnologías de información

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    110 p.El desarrollo de la carrera profesional al interior de una organización, se traduce en generar un diseño lógico sobre el crecimiento personal y profesional de sus integrantes, equilibrando intereses individuales y organizativos. El tema se lleva a cabo al interior de Synapsis, empresa dedicada al desarrollo e implantación de soluciones en el ámbito de las tecnologías de información, perteneciente al grupo Enersis. El mayor activo para este tipo de empresas son sus trabajadores y por lo tanto es de alta importancia gestionar sobre ellos. En el presente estudio luego de hacer un análisis de la organización, se introduce el concepto de competencias, se señala la importancia que toman en la gestión del capital humano y como van de la mano con la calidad de los productos. La gestión por competencias, en conjunto con los requisitos técnicos y desarrollo académico, constituyen la base de la gestión de la carrera profesional. El capítulo cuarto materializa el desarrollo del modelo de gestión de carrera profesional, donde se determinan: el modelo de competencias a utilizar, las competencias genéricas organizacionales y los niveles de desarrollo que presentan ellas, tanto en los cargos como en las personas. Todo esto, sumado a los requisitos técnicos y desarrollos académicos nos permite identificar los distintos niveles organizativos, los costos de promociones, y en definitiva establecer la carrera profesional. Otro aspecto de interés abordado en el estudio, es el hecho de determinar la asignación óptima de los trabajadores de Synapsis en los puestos que esta empresa les ofrece, basado en los costos de capacitación y desarrollo que se derivan de la gestión de la carrera profesional. Lo que se busca es asignar a las personas indicadas en los puestos indicados, sujeto a restricciones de costos. Esto se logra a través del desarrollo del modelo de asignación, que se enmarca dentro del ámbito de la investigación operativa y que entrega como resultado cuarenta y cuatro cambios en la actual distribución

    The role of BCAR4 in tamoxifen resistant breast cancer

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    Investigação da continuidade do enxame de diques máficos sob as dunas da Joaquina usando magnetometria terrestre

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    Um levantamento magnético terrestre foi realizado numa área do centro-leste da Ilha de Santa Catarina, para verificar a continuidade dos diques em subsuperfície na área das dunas da praia da Joaquina. Medidas de gradiente vertical em 1880 estações não revelaram nenhum sinal relacionado com anomalias magneticas produzidas por diques em subsuperfície. Quatro perfis localizados ao norte e sul da área principal de estudo detectaram a assinatura magnética de vários diques, alguns aflorantes (perfis-norte) mas também alguns em subsuperfície (perfis-sul). Estes resultados sugerem que os diques eram rasos e truncados e foram erodidos juntamente com o embasamento cristalino.A ground magnetic survey in a Central-East area of the Santa Catarina Island tested the continuity of the Cretaceous mafic dykes beneath the aeolic sediments of the Joaquina plain. Vertical gradient measurements taken in 1880 stations did not detect any magnetic anomaly related to subsurface dykes. Four magnetic profiles located to the north and south of the main area showed the magnetic signature of various dykes some of them already mapped (north profiles), but also some in subsurface (south profiles). These results suggest that the dykes probably were shallow and truncated, and were already eroded along with the crystalline basement

    The Late Cretaceous alkaline magmatism in the SE Brazilian coast: new paleomagnetic data and age constraints

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    Abstract Alkaline dikes from the Santos-Rio de Janeiro coast, SE Brazil, mainly from São Sebastião and Búzios islands, yielded a Late Cretaceous paleomagnetic pole (SR) located at 319.7°E 81.2°S (N = 44, A95 = 3.0°, k = 44). This pole includes some sites of alkaline stocks from São Sebastião Island of the same age and supersedes the previous pole for this island. To match the available radiometric ages and the prevailing normal polarity remanence of the rocks with the geomagnetic polarity time scale, the SR pole is placed at 84 Myr. Another group of alkaline rocks, dikes located mainly in Rio de Janeiro, was assigned an age of less than 70 Myr. The ages of the Poços de Caldas, Itatiaia, and Passa Quatro paleomagnetic poles are also discussed based on available radiometric data. Assuming a rigid plate, the SR pole indicates the southward movement of about 7° with virtually no rotation between 100 and 84 Myr. From approximately 84 to 70 Myr, a clockwise rotation of 8° is postulated, with slight variation in latitude

    Age constraints on the Paleozoic Yaguarí-Buena vista succession from Uruguay: Paleomagnetic and paleontologic information

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    The Yaguarí and the Buena Vista formations from Uruguay are historically correlated to the Brazilian Rio do Rasto and Sanga do Cabral formations, respectively, as they have some lithostratigraphic similarities, indicating a Permo-Triassic or even Triassic age of the Yaguarí-Buena Vista succession. However, they differ in the fossil indexes that characterize the faunistic communities present in both countries. A paleomagnetic work was carried out on some sections of the Buena Vista and the Yaguarí formations, as well as on some layers of bentonites, underlying the Buena Vista sediments. The alternating field and thermal demagnetization procedures revealed both normal and reversed magnetization components, but the samples showed evidence of secondary magnetic minerals and possibly remagnetizations. The calculated paleomagnetic pole for the Yaguarí-Buena Vista Formation plots near to the poles for the Choiyoi magmatism that is believed to be responsible for the bentonite accumulation; it is also in agreement with other Permian paleomagnetic poles for South America. Based on the paleomagnetic results, the available radiometric data for the bentonites, and the fossiliferous content, a Late Permian (Lopingian) age is assigned to the Yaguarí-Buena Vista rocks.Fil: Ernesto, Marcia. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Núñez Demarco, Pablo Andrés. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Ciencias; Uruguay. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Xavier, Pedro. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Sanchez, Leda. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Ciencias; UruguayFil: Schultz, Cesar. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Piñeiro, Graciela. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Ciencias; Urugua

    Millennial-scale climate cycles in Permian-Carboniferous rhythmites: Permanent feature throughout geologic time?

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    Two late Paleozoic glacial rhythmite successions from the Itarare Group (Parana Basin, Brazil) were examined for paleoclimate variations. Paleomagnetic (characteristic remanent magnetization, ChRM) and magnetic susceptibility (K(z)) measurements taken from the rhythmites are interpreted as paleoclimatic proxies. Ratios of low-frequency components in the K(z) variations suggest Milankovitch periodicities; this leads to recognition of other, millennial-scale variations reminiscent of abrupt climate changes during late Quaternary time, and are suggestive of Bond cycles and the 2.4 k.y. solar cycle. We infer from these patterns that millennial-scale climate change is not restricted to the Quaternary Period, and that millennial forcing mechanisms may have been prevalent throughout geologic time.Brazilian agency FAPESP [02/06480-0]Brazilian agency CAPES [2603-07-1]Brazilian agency FAPERJ [E-26/102.033/2009