87 research outputs found

    Correlating activity and defects in (photo)electrocatalysts using in-situ transient optical microscopy

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    (Photo)electrocatalysts capture sunlight and use it to drive chemical reactions such as water splitting to produce H2. A major factor limiting photocatalyst development is their large heterogeneity which spatially modulates reactivity and precludes establishing robust structure-function relationships. To make such links requires simultaneously probing of the electrochemical environment at microscopic length scales (nm to um) and broad timescales (ns to s). Here, we address this challenge by developing and applying in-situ steady-state and transient optical microscopies to directly map and correlate local electrochemical activity with hole lifetimes, oxygen vacancy concentration and the photoelectrodes crystal structure. Using this combined approach alongside spatially resolved X-Ray absorption measurements, we study microstructural and point defects in prototypical hematite (Fe2O3) photoanodes. We demonstrate that regions of Fe2O3, adjacent to microstructural cracks have a better photoelectrochemical response and reduced back electron recombination due to an optimal oxide vacancy concentration, with the film thickness and carbon impurities also dramatically influencing activity in a complex manner. Our work highlights the importance of microscopic mapping to understand activity and the impact of defects in even, seemingly, homogeneous solid-state metal oxide photoelectrodes

    Impact of Oxygen Vacancy Occupancy on Charge Carrier Dynamics in BiVO4 Photoanodes

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    Oxygen vacancies are ubiquitous in metal oxides and critical to performance, yet the impact of these states upon charge carrier dynamics important for photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic applications remains contentious and poorly understood. A key challenge is the unambiguous identification of spectroscopic fingerprints which can be used to track their function. Herein, we employ five complementary techniques to modulate the electronic occupancy of states associated with oxygen vacancies in situ in BiVO4 photoanodes, allowing us to identify a spectral signature for the ionization of these states. We obtain an activation energy of ∼0.2 eV for this ionization process, with thermally activated electron detrapping from these states determining the kinetics of electron extraction, consistent with improved photoelectrochemical performance at higher temperatures. Bulk, un-ionized states, however, function as deep hole traps, with such trapped holes energetically unable to drive water oxidation. These observations help address recent controversies in the literature regarding oxygen vacancy function, providing new insights into their impact upon photoelectrochemical performance

    Simultaneous Genome-Wide Inference of Physical, Genetic, Regulatory, and Functional Pathway Components

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    Biomolecular pathways are built from diverse types of pairwise interactions, ranging from physical protein-protein interactions and modifications to indirect regulatory relationships. One goal of systems biology is to bridge three aspects of this complexity: the growing body of high-throughput data assaying these interactions; the specific interactions in which individual genes participate; and the genome-wide patterns of interactions in a system of interest. Here, we describe methodology for simultaneously predicting specific types of biomolecular interactions using high-throughput genomic data. This results in a comprehensive compendium of whole-genome networks for yeast, derived from ∼3,500 experimental conditions and describing 30 interaction types, which range from general (e.g. physical or regulatory) to specific (e.g. phosphorylation or transcriptional regulation). We used these networks to investigate molecular pathways in carbon metabolism and cellular transport, proposing a novel connection between glycogen breakdown and glucose utilization supported by recent publications. Additionally, 14 specific predicted interactions in DNA topological change and protein biosynthesis were experimentally validated. We analyzed the systems-level network features within all interactomes, verifying the presence of small-world properties and enrichment for recurring network motifs. This compendium of physical, synthetic, regulatory, and functional interaction networks has been made publicly available through an interactive web interface for investigators to utilize in future research at http://function.princeton.edu/bioweaver/
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