114 research outputs found

    Koordinasi Pengaturan Rambu-rambu Lalu Lintas di Kabupaten Siak

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    Traffic and road transport is part of the national transportation system must be developed to realize the potential and role of security, safety, order and the smooth traffic and road transport in order to support economic development and regional development. Transportation system must be in order and continuously refined to ensure the mobility of people and goods in order to ensure the welfare of society. Therefore to realize the implementation of traffic and road transport that is safe, safe, orderly, and well, need the support of the network and the availability of support facilities and transport traffic and good road worthy. As the result of the authors observation on the field are still many roads that the country siak not equipped with traffic signs in conformity with the needs and placement of signs that do not consider the condition of the road, the placement of signs that do not consider the condition of the road will cause hazardous conditions for the road users. Problem is this research is how to coordinate the setting of traffic signs in siak district and what are the factors that affect the coordination arrangement of traffic signs in siak district. As for the purpose of this research is to investigate the coordination arrangement of traffic signs and to determine the factors that influence the coordination arrangement of traffic signs.The concept of the theory is that researchers use is the organization, coordination, traffic signs, and traffic. This study uses qualitative research methods to study descriptive data. In data collection, the researcher used interview techniques, observation and study of literature. Using key informans as a source of information.The results of this study indicate that the coordination arrangements of traffic signs in siak district has not been efektive, it can be seen from the lack of traffic signs in siak district roads and there are many signs that the placement is not in accordance with the road conditions. Factors that affect the coordination arrangement of traffic signs is the organization of work, work methods, scheduling, and cost.Keywords: Coordination, Traffic Signs, Traffi

    Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Nomor 8 Tahun 2012 Tentang Retribusi Gangguan oleh Bpt-pm (Studi Kasus Perizinan Rumah Makan di Kecamatan Bukit Raya Pekanbaru)

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    Some problems caused by Restaurants in various cities are usually almost the same as the problem of congestion, cleanliness and the beauty of the city. This is because restaurants often tend to trade in places where they are not allowed to trade. Though buying and selling activities have been facilitated by the existence of a kiosk or permanent shelves and has met all the requirements to get the right as a market tenant whose rights are protected by law and safe from eviction.Research objectives: 1) To know and analyze the Implementation of Local Regulation No. 8 of 2012 on Levy Disturbance by BPT-PM (Case Study of Licensing Restaurant in Bukit Raya Pekanbaru Sub-district) 2) To know the obstacles that affect the Implementation of Local Regulation No. 8 of 2012 about Levy Disturbance by BPT-PM (Case Study of Licensing of Restaurants in Bukit Raya Pekanbaru Sub-district). Informants in this study are Head of BPT-PM Mr. Said Riza Fantoni ST, MT and Mr. Yausar as Head of Subdistrict Chief Bukit Raya, restaurant business actors, and representatives of buyers. Population used as informant because this research use qualitative research. Types and data sources use primary data, ie data obtained directly from respondents and secondary data, ie data obtained through reports, books and records. Techniques of collecting data using interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques by analyzing the data, then draw conclusions, and finally provide suggestions.Pursuant to result of research known Implementation of Regional Regulation of Pekanbaru City Number 8 Year 2012 About Retribution of Permit Of Disturbance Existing In Office Of Camat Bukit Raya done by doing Communication, Resource, Disposition, Bureaucratic Structure. The inhibiting factor that writer find in Implementation of Regional Regulation of Pekanbaru City Number 8 Year 2012 About Retribution Permit Existence In Office Bukit Raya Sub-district is communication, resources, disposition and Bureaucratic structure

    Implementasi Model Waterfall Pada Sistem Informasi Perekaman Data Medis Pasien Rawat Jalan (Studi Kasus : Uptd Puskesmas Semplak Bogor)

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    Pencatatan data rekam medis merupakan hal yang sangat penting, dimana setiap riwayat kesehatan dari pasien harus di dokumentasikan dengan sebaik mungkin. Jika perekaman data medis terdokumentasikan dengan baik maka akan memudahkan tenaga medis dalam mendiagnosa penyakit pasien dengan lebih cepat dan sebagai acuan bagi pemeriksaan pasien dikemudian hari. Masalah-masalah yang dihadapi saat proses perekaman data medis pasien rawat jalan diantaranya, petugas administasi mengalami kesulitan dalam proses pengolahan data dengan cara yang manual, Petugas administrasi kesulitan dalam pencarian data pasien yang dicatat dalam sebuah buku. Untuk mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi UPTD Puskesmas Semplak Bogor maka dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan sistem informasi perekaman data medis pasien rawat jalan. Sistem informasi perekaman data medis pasien rawat jalan ini dibangun dengan menggunakan metode waterfall, menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan menggunakan basis data Mysql. Diharapkan dengan adanya sistem informasi tersebut dapat mempercepat proses perekaman data medis pasien rawat jalan sehingga pelaporan datanya cepat dan akurat

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Terhadap Kinerja Perawat Dengan Motivasi Sebagai Variabel Moderasi (Studi Pada RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang)

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    Research with the title “The Effect of Training on Performance Motivation as a nurse with Variablemoderation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of training on the performance ofnurses in the RSSA, the influence of motivation on the performance of nurses in the RSSA, as well as todetermine the influence of motivation, influence the performance of nurse training in the RSSA Malang.Variables mentioned above were analyzed on several theories. Methods of research carried out bystatistical tests using SPSS to analyze the effect of training on performance, the influence of motivationon performance, as well as the role of motivation to the influence of training to performance. Theresults showed that training had a significant influence on the performance of nurses in the RSSA.While the motivation had no effect on performance and not be able to be moderating influence on theperformance of nurse training in the RSSA

    Implementing of HIV/AIDS Cadre Partnership to Reduce Stigma on People Living with HIV/AIDS: A Case Study

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    The performance of HIV/AIDS cadres playing a role in the wider community is still low. The capacity of cadres needs to be improved through partnerships with stakeholders. The purpose is to explain the implementation of the partnership of HIV/AIDS cadre with stakeholders as an effort to reduce stigma among people living with HIV/AIDS in Kudus Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The research method used a holistic multiple-case design, with a focus on PLWHA and HIV/AIDS cadres in two locations are Kandangmas and Rejosari villages, Dawe sub-district, Kudus district. A total of 40 participants were recruited through purposive sampling with inclusion criteria. Data analysis using thematic and document analysis. The results showed that after training HIV/AIDS cadres felt more empowered, knew their roles and carried out partnerships with stakeholders. The partnership strategy addresses the critical challenges of health human resources in this region. HIV/AIDS cadres with their transformative role have the potential to improve services in the community to reduce the stigma of PLWHA so as to achieve the goal of HIV elimination

    Analisis Sentimen Persepsi Publik Mengenai PPKM Pada Twitter Berbasis SVM Menggunakan Python

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    Covid-19 merupakan penyakit menular melalui mulut dan hidung seseorang yang terinfeksi saat sedang berbicara, batuk maupun bersin dan menyebar secara luas didunia sehingga ditetapkan sebagai pandemi. Banyak upaya pemerintah yang dilakukan untuk menekan penyebaran Covid-19, salah satunya adalah penerapan PPKM untuk wilayah Jawa dan Bali. Pemberlakuan PPKM ini menimbulkan pro-kontra antar masyarakat, ada yang setuju dan ada yang tidak setuju diberlakukannya PPKM. Oleh sebab itu peneliti melakukan penelitian sentimen masyarakat terhadap pemberlakuan PPKM wilayah Jawa dan Bali. Komentar masyarakat diambil dari media sosial yaitu twitter berupa komentar positif dan negatif, kemudian data diolah menggunakan text editor Jupyter dan bahasa pemrograman Python serta menggunakan algoritma SVM. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan apakah algoritma SVM dapat menjadi pengklasifikasi teks yang baik untuk analisis sentimen pemberlakuan PPKM, membandingkan Kernel pada SVM antara Kernel Linier dengan Kernel RBF, serta menilai apakah penerapan PPKM untuk wilayah Jawa dan Bali terbukti berhasil menekan angka penyebaran virus Covid-19. Algoritma SVM dengan kernel linier terbukti menjadi algoritma pengklasifikasi text yang baik pada analisis sentimen pemberlakuan PPKM wilayah Jawa dan Bali dengan nilai akurasi sebesar 86%. Serta Dilihat dari hasil analisis sentimen penerapan PPKM untuk wilayah Jawa dan Bali terbukti berhasil menekan angka penyebaran Covid-1


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    Baby massage is a direct contact therapy with the body that can provide a feeling of security andcomfort to babies. Regular baby massage will increase catecholamine hormones (epinephrine andnorepinephrine) which can stimulate growth and development because they increase appetite, gainweight, and stimulate the development of brain structure and function. One of the massage therapy is the common cold massage therapy which is very effective for babies or children who have a common cold. After efforts to improve skills, it is expected that cadres in the Gambirsari Community Health Center work area can carry out common cold massage therapy as a teaching material for mothers in BKB (family development for toddlers). Implementation method with demonstration and discussion. The media used uses phantom babies, baby oil, LCD, laptop, and projector. The implementation of health education is carried out in posyandu activities, namely in September 2019-February2020 The matter of community service is that 90% of cadres can do the common cold massage therapy independently. As well as from the results of monitoring and evaluation by meeting again at the Tanggul Asri Posyandu, 90% of the cadres gave demonstrations of common cold massage therapy to mothers who had babies and toddlers. Based on the implementation of community service, it can be concluded that there is an increase in the knowledge and skills of cadres about common cold massage therapy at the Tanggul Asri Posyandu in the Gambirsari Community Health Center, Surakarta City


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    Pertambahan Jumlah penduduk dan perubahan fungsi tanah dengan maraknya pemukiman baru menyebabkan semakin sempitnya lahan pertanian sehingga masyarakat pedesaan semakin sulit memperoleh lapangan kerja yang memadai. Alternatif yang dilihat membawa dampak ekonomi menarik adalah bekerja sebagai karyawan atau buruh bangunan ke luar kota atau masyarakat lokal menyebutnya Boro. Konsekuensinya adalah meninggalkan istri selama beberapa bulan bahkan sampai bertahun-tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengalaman seksual penderita HIV/Aids sebelum dan sesudah terinfeksi virus HIV. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan studi kasus melalui wawancara mendalam digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman perilaku seksual penderita HIV/Aids. Hasil penelitian menemukan faktor penularan HIV/Aids pada pekerja migran Boro adalah hubungan seksual berisiko: kekerasan Seksual, Hubungan seksual dengan orang yang terinfeksi HIV tanpa pelindung, Mendatangi Lokalisasi/komplek PSK dan Membeli seks. Budaya masyarakat kelas bawah tidak menstigma dan diskriminasi penderita HIV/Aids. Penerimaaan ini sangat mendukung upaya care support and treatment (CST). Perlu dilakukan komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi tentang kesehatan reproduksi dan sosialisasi HIV/Aids pada angkatan kerja pemula khususnya pekerja migranBoro.Kata kunci:Perilaku seksual, Pekerja MigranBoro, HIV/ Aids
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