163 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Mekanisme Corporate Governance Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Badan Usaha-Badan Usaha Yang Terdaftar Di Bei Periode 2005-2007

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    Nowdays, most researches in corporate governance field are conducted by researchers based on rising of many firms to become public corporation. According to this situation, they have to separate their functions on ownership and control of the firm. As result, it will arise agency conflict between owners and managers. The corporation enable solve the problem by apply the corporate governance mechanism optimally. This research is a replication research is conducted by Sanda et al (2005). It's explained the specific study about the impact of corporate governance mechanism include managerial ownership, board size, outside directors, ownership concentration, and debt toward financial performance that measured by ROA, ROE, PER, and TOBINS'Q. The samples of this research are all corporations which listed at Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) by all sectors that delivered financial statement on time by regulation. The period of time in this research determined on 2005-2007. The model is extended by quadratic of managerial ownership, quadratic of board size, quadratic of ownership concentration, CEO foreign and firm size as control variables, and sectoral dummy. The result of this research explained that corporate governance mechanism simultaneously influence to ROA and ROE significantly. On partially, ROA is influenced by CEO foreign, debt, and firm size significantly. And ROE is inluenced by CEO foreign, firm size, and sector of basic industry significantly

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kebijakan Dividen

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    This research aims to analyze factors which influence dividend policy. Variables include company life cycle, investment opportunity set, earnings, size, managerial ownership and institutional ownership. This research is used quantitative approach by using multiple linear regression. For samples is the manufacturing company that allocated dividend for period 2004-2008 which listed on PT Bursa Efek Indonesia. The number of observation are equal to 125. Research finding indicates that size, earnings and managerial ownership doesn't affect significantly to dividend policy. Company life cycle gives significantly negative affect to dividend policy, investment opportunity set and institutional ownership significantly positive affect to dividend policy


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    Artikel menguraikan konsep pelayanan prima yang diterapkan pada unit dokinfopus agar mampu memuaskan pengguna, meningkatkan daya saing, dan pengakuan dari induk organisasi. Uraian meliputi pengenalan konsep pemasaran, pelayanan prima, dukungan teknologi informasi dan disertai contoh produk pelayanan prima seperti kartu multifungsi elektronik, kios informasi, layanan internet, dan keberadaan petugas yang andal. Dijelaskan etos kerja pustakawan dan cara rekruitmen yang seharusnya dilaksanakan oleh suatu unit dokinfopus


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    This article presents information technology written on the country reports tharhave been submitted to FIDICAO I 3th Congress and Assembly on Strategic use of Information Systems in Asia and Pacific Countries, held in Jakarta on 6- 8 June 1995. The presentation of applied information technology is divided into Pacific countries that are represented by Australia, Georgia, and Papua New Guinea; while Asian countries are indicated by reports from India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand

    Perilaku Pencarian Informasi dan Kemampuan Mahasiswa Menulis Pendahuluan Penelitian: Studi Kasus Mata Kuliah Chinese Scientific Writing

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    Article clarified students' behaviors in seeking and searching information to support their researches, especially in formulating topics, problems, and goals of researches. Qualitative method was applied to forty three students from the Chinese Departments as respondents. They took Chinese Scientific Writing subject in BINUS University at the odd semester in 2010-2011. The observation of students' behavior to access information was conducted in one week because it is a preliminary research for the advanced one. Analysis was done by evaluating students' assignments on their proposals that was submitted at the end of semester, especially on the formulation of researches' topics, problem formulation, and goals of researches. It is concluded that only twenty students (46.51 %) who are able to compose background of research properly, it means that they are able to express their interest on the researches' topics, and this abilities have a positive correlation on their ability in formulating researches' problems and goals

    Manajemen Literatur Kelabu sebagai Pendukung Penelitian dan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah

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    Article explores the role of grey literature in supporting research and the writing of scientific articles in Indonesia. The discussion covers introduction of grey literature terminology, forms, causes, sources, level of confidentiality, users' view, and ts development. It is concluded that the grey literature have not been well managed by its institutions; The Indonesia government has paid much attention to the collection, management, and documentation of grey literature; Internet development help the dissemination of grey litearature information in which users can easily access through the website; And the publication of local e-Content in some universities are still in the process of development due to the copy right and facilities problems

    Associations of Self-efficacy, Family Support, Peer Support, and Posyandu Facility, with Mothers Visit to Posyandu in Karanganyar, Central Java

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    Background: Integrated service delivery has been defined as the organization and management of health services so that people get the care they need, when they need it, in ways that are user-friendly, achieve the desired results and provide value for money. In Indonesia, the integrated service delivery at the village level is called as posyandu (integrated health post) with the support of community health workers working together with formal primary health care workers. This study aimed to examine the associations of self-efficacy, family support, peer support, and posyandu facility, with mothers visit to posyandu in Karanganyar, Central Java.Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional design. The study was conducted at 25 posyandus in Karanganyar, Central Java, from April 16 to May 15, 2018. A sample of 200 mothers was selected by simple random sampling. The dependent variable was mothers visit to posyandu. The independent variables were self-efficacy, family support, peer support, and posyandu facility. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by a multilevel logistic regression using Stata 13 program.Results: Mothers visit to posyandu was positively associated with self-efficacy (b= 1.90; 95 CI= 0.43 to 3.36; p= 0.011), family support (b= 2.24; 95% CI= 0.81 to 3.67; p= 0.002), peer support (b= 1.98; 95% CI= 0.63 to 3.34; p= 0.004), and posyandu facility (b= 3.86; 95% CI= 1.93 to 5.80; p<0.001). Posyandu had a contextual effect on mothers visit to posyandu with ICC 24.79%.Conclusion: Mothers visit to posyandu is positively associated with self-efficacy, family support, peer support, and posyandu facility. Posyandu has a considerable contextual effect on mothers visit to posyandu.Keywords: integrated health post, mothers visit, self-efficacy, family support, multilevel analysisCorrespondence: Ernawati. Vocational High School of Empat Lima Surakarta, Nursing Academy Insan Husada Surakarta. Email: [email protected] of Maternal and Child Health 2018, 3(3): 233-241https://doi.org/10.26911/thejmch.2018.03.03.0

    Komparasi Pengaruh Peubah-Peubah Ekonomi Makro Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Emiten-Emiten Yang Berisiko Tinggi Dan Emiten-Emiten Yang Berisiko Rendah Di PT Bursa Efek Jakarta Periode Juli 1997-Desember 2000

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    Basically, stock price is influenced by many factors. Those can be categorized into internal factors such as projected earnings per share, timing of earning stream, riskiness of the projected earning, use of debt, dividend policy, and external factors that include macroeconomic variables and political factors. Gross domestic product, employment, inflation, interest rate, budget deficit, exchange rate, current account, and sentiment are the macro economic variables. This research is purposed to study the effect of macro economic variables to the stock price and comparing the magnitude of the effect between high risk group of issuing companies and the low one. The macroeconomic variables that is studied in this research are interest rate, exchange rate, and inflation rate. The result proof that macroeconomic variables influence the stock price either in high risk group of issuing company or in the low one
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