44 research outputs found

    Prehistoric Humans and Elk (cervus Canadensis) in the Western Great Lakes: A Zooarchaeological Perspective

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    This thesis examines the relationship between humans and elk (Cervus canadensis) in the western Great Lakes region from prehistoric through early historic times, with a focus on Wisconsin archaeological sites. It takes a social zooarchaeological perspective, drawing from archaeological, ecological, biological, historical, and ethnographic sources. I also use optimal foraging theory to examine subsistence-related decisions. Based on my review of 34 Wisconsin archaeological sites or site components, elk diminished in relative dietary importance in prehistoric times as subsistence strategies shifted. The use of their bones, especially scapulae and antlers, in tool production increased. Other roles, as markers of group and personal identity, holders of spiritual power, images to invoke magic or provide instruction, and figures in stories, are less straightforward to track over time but no less relevant. Modern human-elk relationships can be enriched by a greater understanding of the past, especially through museums and other forms of public education

    Stable isotopic indicators of population structure and natal habitats of Asian carps threatening to invade the Great Lakes

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    Understanding early-life habitats is crucial for managing non-indigenous large river fishes such as silver carp that are threatening to invade the Great Lakes and may significantly impact economically valuable Great Lakes fisheries. Silver carp inhabiting the upper Illinois River directly below the electrical deterrent barrier (installed on a canal in the Chicago area that connects the Illinois River with Lake Michigan) possess the greatest potential to invade the Great Lakes. However, adult silver carp inhabiting this reach of the Illinois River may have originated from many points throughout the Mississippi River basin (e.g., Illinois River or Middle Mississippi River), and the relative importance of these potential origination locations is unknown. As such, this study was used to identify natal habitats of adult silver carp in the upper portion of the Illinois River. Based on the stable oxygen and stable carbon isotopes of otoliths (earstones) from individual fish, we have determined that silver carp inhabiting the area below the electric barrier originated from within the Illinois River itself, the Middle Mississippi River, and floodplain lakes along the lower Illinois River valley. Because of the geographically widespread points of origin for individual fish, management efforts for eradication or control of silver carp in the upper Illinois River should be directed at a similarly broad geographic scale. While potentially challenging to implement, large-scale removal of silver carp and the closely related bighead carp in the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers could greatly reduce the probability of these species breaching the electrical barriers and entering the Great Lakes

    Influence of the Carbidized Tungsten Surface on the Processes of Interaction with Helium Plasma

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    This paper presents the results of experimental studies of the interaction of helium plasma with a near-surface tungsten carbide layer. The experiments were implemented at the plasma-beam installation. The helium plasma loading conditions were close to those expected in the ITER divertor. The technology of the plasma irradiation was applied in a stationary type linear accelerator. The impact of the helium plasma was realized in the course of the experiment with the temperatures of ~905 °C and ~1750 °C, which were calculated by simulating heat loading on a tungsten monoblock of the ITER divertor under the plasma irradiation at the load of 10 MW/m2 and 20 MW/m2, respectively. The structure was investigated with scanning microscopy, transmitting electron microscopy and X-ray analysis. The data were obtained showing that the surface morphology changed due to the erosion. It was found that the carbidization extremely impacted the plasma–tungsten interaction, as the plasma–tungsten interaction with the carbide layer led to the carbon sputtering and partial diffusion towards to the depth of the sample. According to these results, WC-based tungsten carbide is less protected against fracture by helium than W and W2C. An increase in temperature leads to much more extensive surface damage accompanied by the formation of molten and recrystallized flanges

    Employer Branding e o Comprometimento Organizacional

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    A estratégia de Employer Branding foca-se em práticas para atrair pessoas e comprometê-las, pois com profissionais mais eficazes e eficientes é possível otimizar as competências da equipa de trabalho, bem como a oportunidade de trabalhar na organização passa a ser vista com um significado diferente, tantos pelas vantagens oferecidas como pela identificação com os valores da organização. Os profissionais de recursos humanos investem de forma prioritária na satisfação dos colaboradores, tentam compreender a perceção existente sobre a marca e o seu desenvolvimento, em termos da consolidação da cultura, sistemas de benefícios, remuneração, formação e outras práticas. Ao satisfazer as necessidades dos colaboradores e contar com o contributo dos melhores profissionais, a organização torna-se mais competitiva. Os talentos são essenciais para lidar com o mercado volátil dos dias de hoje e estabelecer condições favoráveis para o crescimento.N/

    The Effect of the Emerald Ash Borer

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    Throughout both the United States and Canada, a single invasive species is wreaking havoc on the ecosystem. This species is a beetle known as the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). In the midwest alone, millions of ash trees have already died, and in Canada studies showed that up to 99% of all ash trees were killed within 10 years of EAB infesting the first tree in an area. The Illinois government has tried to combat the insect by cutting down all trees as soon as they become infested, as well as by passing a law which requires people to have a permit in order to import and export firewood. However, this only slowed the spread of EAB, and in just 10 years it had spread throughout the country. To help gain awareness of the effect similar situations could have on our own IMSA students, we would plan to host a GA that talked about the importance of trees in an individual\u27s everyday life. At this GA, we could bring up topics of what trees produce for us that we use in our everyday life, and how students can help combat the loss of trees themselves, possibly by attending a tree planting event. In addition, at these events we also plan to discuss how IMSA students can help to decrease the EAB population through environmentally friendly means

    Environmentally friendly organic synthesis using bismuth compounds. Bismuth(III) bromide catalyzed synthesis of substituted tetrahydroquinoline derivatives

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    The bismuth bromide catalyzed synthesis of a range of substituted tetrahydroquinoline derivatives via a three component coupling reaction between substituted anilines and enol ethers is reported. Bismuth compounds are attractive for use as catalysts because of their remarkably low toxicity. Bismuth bromide is relatively inexpensive and easy to handle, and hence preferable to other corrosive catalysts previously used for synthesis of tetrahydroquinoline derivatives