6 research outputs found
The fourth paragraph at the opening of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that the Government of the Republic of Indonesia is obliged to protect the entire Indonesian nation, promote the general welfare, and educate the nation's life which is a manifestation of the responsibility of the state which is obliged to create welfare for its people fairly and equitably equally. This constitutional mandate is spelled out in the form of regulations aimed at preventing injustice from the stronger party against the weaker party so that a just and peaceful society can be created. The method used to analyze this problem is through normative and empirical mix and match. The approach used in this study is a statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. Legal protection for workers is an obligation for the fulfillment of basic rights inherent and protected by the constitution as regulated in Article 27 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The logical consequence of this mandate is the birth of the State's obligation to accommodate facilities and the widest possible opportunity for the community so that they can get a job as well as make it something worthy of humanity. Thus, the violation of basic rights guaranteed by the constitution is a violation of human rights. Protection of workers is regulated in Articles 67 to 101 of the Manpower Law, including those concerning wages and welfare. However, when faced with the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the company immediately provided a force majeure reason to avoid paying severance pay for workers/laborers affected by layoffs. The problem that occurs, in this case, is the termination of employment carried out by companies using force majeure reasons by companies in Indonesia unilaterally.
Keywords: Impact, Employees, Pandemi
Persepsi Masyarakat Kota Palembang Tentang Rekonstruksi Pasal Mengenai Pembagian Peran Antara Suami dan Istri Dalam Undang-Undang No.1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan
Sejak diberlakukannya Undang-undang No.1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan hingga saat ini telah berusia 42 tahun belum pernah sekalipun undang-undang ini mengalami amandemen atau perubahan atau pembaharuan. Rencana perubahan telah beberapa kali diajukan tetapi pertentangan akan isi pasal perubahan tersebutlah yang belum memperoleh kata sepakat. Penelitian ini berupaya mengkaji relevansi 2 pasal dalam Undang-undang No.1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan yang dihubungkan dengan kondisi masyarakat tahun 2016, kedua Pasal tersebut yaitu Pasal 31 ayat (3) dan Pasal 34, keduanya mengatur hal yang sama yaitu persoalan kesetaraan peran suami dan istri dalam rumah tangga yang masih dinyatakan dalam kelompok pengaruh kekerabatan patrilinial, dimana suami adalah kepala rumah tangga dan istri adalah ibu rumah tangga. persoalan mendasar adalah masih relefankah pengklasifikasian yang membagi perbedaan peran antara suami dan istri dalam mengurus urusan rumah tangga seperti yang dinyatakan berdasarkan Pasal 31 ayat (3) dan 34 Undang-undang No.1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan dengan kondisi masyarakat Indonesia saat ini. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa sebagian besar responden dan informan menganggap ketentuan Pasal 31 ayat (3) masih relevan dan tidak perlu mengalami perubahan, tetapi rekonstruksi terhadap Pasal 34 sepakat dilakukan mengingat isi pasal tersebut tidak sesuai lagi dengan kondisi masyarakat abad 21 yang telah mengalami pergeseran konsep pembagian peran suami-istri secara konvensional menjadi kemitraan dengan mengedepankan komunikasi dan kesepakatan bersama
Implementasi Rehabilitasi dan Reintegrasi Anak Pelaku Tindak Pidana Pada Lembaga Pembinaan Anak di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
Rehabilitasi dan reintegrasi merupakan bagian dari upaya untuk menjalankan amanah dari Undang-undang No.11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak. Upaya untuk memulihkan kembali kondisi anak agar tidak trauma dan menciptakan suasana kondusif pada saat memulangkan mereka pada keluarga atau lingkungannya melalui peningkatan kepercayaan diri si-anak dan penerimaan dengan baik oleh keluarga serta lingkungan masyarakat merupakan kunci keberhasilan pelaksanaan rehabilitasi dan reintegrasi. Pada saat anak melakukan suatu tindak pidana dan dia diputuskan bersalah serta harus menjalani hukuman, maka anak pelaku tindak pidana tersebut tidak boleh mendapatkan hukuman dalam bentuk kekerasan. Mereka harus ditempatkan pada tempat khusus untuk mendapatkan pembinaan dan pendidikan. Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA), Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas), Rumah Tahanan (Rutan), dan Balai Pemasyarakatan (Bapas) adalah beberapa tempat khusus yang melakukan proses pembinaan dan pendidikan. Pemantauan lebih mendalam mengenai Implementasi rehabilitasi dan reintegrasi yang dilakukan oleh LPKA Klas IA Palembang, Lapas Klas IIA Tanjung Raja Ogan Ilir, Bapas Klas IA Palembang, Rutan Klas IIA Baturaja, dan Lapas Klas IIB Sekayu dalam penanganan terhadap anak pelaku tindak pidana, menjadi tolak ukur dilaksanakan atau tidak amanah yang terdapat dalam Undang-undang No.11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak
Abstract: The increasing number of mixed marriages without document (nikah sirri) in Muaraenim Regency, South Sumatra Province is a main note, especially with regard to the issue of legal protection for women and children who was born from such marriages. Globalization is a major factor in increasing the number of mixed marriages. The formation of peer groups in adolescents as agents of change that can assist in providing socialization and at the same time help provide understanding and protection for their peers is one strategy that can be done to reduce the number of mixed marriages in a sirri manner. The FH-UNSRI Extension Team carried out community service with mentoring training methods for youth groups and mosque youth associations in Muaraenim. The aim is to provide an understanding and insight into the regulation of mixed marriages and the impact of mixed marriages that are more detrimental to women and children. In addition, assistance mechanisms are also provided for victims of mixed marriages who wish to claim their rights. It is hoped that this peer group can help provide socialization and protection for people who are disadvantaged in their community, especially for victims of mixed marriages. Socialization is the key to reduce the number of mixed marriages, which are mostly unknown to teenagers.
Abstrak: Meningkatnya jumlah perkawinan campuran secara sirri di Kabupaten Muaraenim Provinsi Sumatera Selatan menjadi catatan tersendiri, khususnya berkaitan dengan persoalan perlindungan hukum bagi para wanita dan anak-anak yang dilahirkan dari perkawinan tersebut. Globalisasi menjadi faktor utama dalam peningkatan jumlah perkawinan campuran sirri. Pembentukan peer group pada remaja sebagai agen perubahan yang dapat membantu dalam memberikan sosialisasi dan sekaligus membantu memberikan pemahaman dan perlindungan bagi teman sebayanya merupakan salah satu strategi yang dapat dilakukan untuk menekan jumlah perkawinan campuran secara sirri. Tim Penyuluh FH-UNSRI melaksanakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan metode pelatihan pendampingan kepada kelompok remaja karang taruna dan ikatan remaja masjid di Muaraenim. Tujuannya memberikan pemahaman dan wawasan mengenai pengaturan perkawinan campuran dan dampak perkawinan campuran sirri yang lebih banyak merugikan wanita dan anak-anak. Selain itu juga diberikan mekanisme pendampingan bagi korban perkawinan campuran sirri yang ingin menuntut haknya. Harapannya peer group ini dapat membantu memberikan sosialisasi dan perlindungan bagi orang-orang yang dirugikan dalam lingkungan masyarakat mereka, khususnya bagi korban perkawinan campuran. Sosialisasi menjadi kata kunci untuk menekan jumlah perkawinan campuran sirri yang sebagian besar tidak diketahui dampaknya oleh para remaja
Impact On Employees During Pandemic Base On Labor System Perspective
The fourth paragraph at the opening of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that the Government of the Republic of Indonesia is obliged to protect the entire Indonesian nation, promote the general welfare, and educate the nation's life which is a manifestation of the responsibility of the state which is obliged to create welfare for its people fairly and equitably equally. This constitutional mandate is spelled out in the form of regulations aimed at preventing injustice from the stronger party against the weaker party so that a just and peaceful society can be created. The method used to analyze this problem is through normative and empirical mix and match. The approach used in this study is a statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. Legal protection for workers is an obligation for the fulfillment of basic rights inherent and protected by the constitution as regulated in Article 27 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The logical consequence of this mandate is the birth of the State's obligation to accommodate facilities and the widest possible opportunity for the community so that they can get a job as well as make it something worthy of humanity. Thus, the violation of basic rights guaranteed by the constitution is a violation of human rights. Protection of workers is regulated in Articles 67 to 101 of the Manpower Law, including those concerning wages and welfare. However, when faced with the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the company immediately provided a force majeure reason to avoid paying severance pay for workers/laborers affected by layoffs. The problem that occurs, in this case, is the termination of employment carried out by companies using force majeure reasons by companies in Indonesia unilaterally.
Keywords: Impact, Employees, Pandemi
The Paradigm of Pluralism in Indonesia: Communal VS Legal State
Indonesia with all of its diversities in which law and culture live side by side and become part of state law regularity. Centralistic view contends that the only institution which plays role in creating social regularity is the country through the law formed and determined by the country. In its reality, there are many ‘other forces' that do not come from the state such as customary law, religion law, habits, trade agreement across country and so on. Those forces also have the ability to regulate the community actions bound in it even sometimes the member or the community in the society prefers to obey the rules formed by their group compared to the state law regulations. The research method used was sociological approach with moral, ethic, and religious approach. Traditional communities are groups of individuals who live from generation to generation in a certain geographical territory and are bind by cultural identities, strong relationships with their indigenous land, regions, and natural resources. Their value system determines their economic, political, and legal institutions. Indigenous peoples are groups of individuals who live from generation to generation in a certain geographical territory and are bind by cultural identities, strong relationships with their indigenous land, regions, and natural resources. Their value system determines their economic, political, and legal institutions arranged by customary institutions that have the authority to govern