104 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Model Perilaku Perawat Dalam Pendokumentasian Asuhan Keperawatan Berbasis Theory Of Planned Behavior Di Rsd Mardi Waluyo Kota Blitar

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    Introduction: Docmnentation is one of the most important responsibilities of health care providers in the area of health services. Nurses who intensively contact with patient and most of their time to serve patients in 24 hours are required to provide nursing services in high quality standarts, and have professional behavior. The objective of this study was to develop nursing documentation behavior model based on Theory of Planned Behavior. Methods: This study used explanative survey by the cross sectional approach, at 4 wards of Mardi W aluyo Hospital. The sample was recruited using proportional random sampling technique, consisting of 50 respondents, taken according to the inclusion criteria. Research variables, were namely: background factors (age, sex, education and knowledge), attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, intentions and behavior of nursing docmnentation. Data were collected by using structured questionnaire and the observation, and they were analyzed by using Partial Least Square (PLS). Result and Analysis: The results showed that 1) attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control were affected by • background factors (knowledge), 3) intention was affected by perceived behavioral control and attitude 4) nursing docmnentation behaviors were affected by the intention and perceived behavioral control. Discuss and Conclution: The development of behavioral models of nursing docmnentation that was originally only emphasizes routine activity, should consider the background factor (knowledge), perceived behavioral control, attitude, and intentions. So in general the development of nursing docmnentation behavior model refers to theory of planned behavior. It is recommended 1) need for training, education and review about nursing docmnentation to increase the knowledge of nurses, 2) socialization and supervision are programmed, 3) the provision of reward and punishment. Suggestions for further research is it is necessary to conduct observations more than once. Key word: nursing docmnentation, Theory of Planned Behavio


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    Introduction: Incidence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) among housewife in Tulungagung reached 200 cases in 2014. Stress experienced by sufferers will be increase with family members maladaptive behaviors, there for could affect the healing process and increased mortality. This study aims to determine the factors associated with coping mechanisms of HIV-positive mothers family in Tulungagung. Methods: The design of study used was descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach. The populations were 15 families of PLHA (People Living with HIV/AIDS). Sample of 7 people were taken by purposive sampling technique. The independent variable was the level of education and family experience. The dependent variable was the coping mechanisms of HIV-positive mothers family. Data collection was done at home companion PLHA and CESMiD foundations using questionnaires. Data analysis was performed with Spearman Rho test with significance level p < 0.05. Results: The results showed that the level of education has no relation with the coping mechanisms of HIV-positive mothers family. It was evidenced by the results of correlation test showed p= 0.576 and r= 0.256, while experience families a significant result with a coping mechanisms of HIV-positive mothers family. It was evidenced by the results of correlation test showed p= 0.046 and r= 0.764. Discussion: It have been can concluded that it has no relation between level of education and coping mechanisms of HIV-positive mothers family, and it was a correlation between the family's experience with family coping mechanisms of HIV-positive mothers. Further research should provide intervention to families of PLHA in managing effective coping to reduce stressor as a result of caring for HIV-positive mothers. Keywords: education level, experiences family, coping mechanism

    Hubungan pengetahuan perawat tentang pemberian label triase dengan tindakan perawat berdasarkan label triase di IGD rumah sakit petrokimia Gresik

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    Introduction: Triage is a selection system and patient selection to determine the level of severity and handle patient priority. There is an error in sorting triage so that should be handled on an out patient poly but it handled in emergency room so that there are patients who need immediate care treatment cannot handled well. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between knowledge about labeling triage and action based on labeling Emergency Room. Methods: This study used descriptive correlation design with cross sectional method. The population was nurse in emergency room at Petrokimia Hospital Gresik. Total sampling was used in this study. The sample in this study were 12 respondents. The independent variable was knowledge about labeling triage and the dependent variable was action based on labeling emergency room. The instrument of this study used questionnaire and observation paper then analyzed using Spearman Rho statistical test with level of significant of p<0.05. Result: The results of this study showed that there was very strong relationship between knowledge about labeling triage and action based on labeling emergency room (p=0.002; r=0.802). Conclusions: From the result of this study were expected the description for nurses that so the influence of knowledge and attitude in handling emergency patients. Nurses were motivated to do better action by increasing knowledge of discussions and continuing formal educatio

    Standardized Nursing Language (SNL) Application in Diverse Nursing Practice and Documentation Settings

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    Background: Effective communication in healthcare is crucial, and Standardized Nursing Language (SNL) has emerged as a powerful tool to enhance nursing practice and documentation. However, disparities in SNL awareness and knowledge pose challenges to its effective implementation. This systematic review aims to synthesize research on SNL application in nursing practice across diverse settings, utilizing a comprehensive database search and predefined criteria for study selection.   Methods: Comprehensive searches were conducted across databases like PubMed, Scopus, ProQuest, and Web of Science. This systematic review adhered to the updated guidelines provided by PRISMA 2020. Three independent reviewers assessed study eligibility based on predefined criteria, resolving discrepancies through discussion. A narrative synthesis approach categorized and thematically analyzed the data, focusing on SNL's impact in diverse healthcare settings. Data was retrieved after the studies were subjected to quality assessment and risk of biases.   Results: The review included twelve studies spanning various healthcare systems and regions. While SNL demonstrated potential benefits, disparities in awareness, knowledge, and utilization were evident among participants. Challenges such as complex documentation processes and feasibility concerns were raised.   Conclusion: SNL plays a pivotal role in enhancing nursing practice, improving documentation, and facilitating effective communication. Addressing education gaps and providing ongoing training opportunities are essential to overcome implementation challenges. Collaboration among healthcare institutions, educators, and regulatory bodies is crucial to fully leveraging SNL's benefits for better patient care and healthcare outcomes


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    Introduction Burns can be treated either chemically or naturally. Purslane is one of the herbs that are useful for healing wound because it has a lot of advantages like antimycrobacterium, increasing fibroblast cell proliferation and collagen synthesis. Aim this research to explain the effect of giving crude extract of purslane to accelerate the second grade of burn wound healing process in guinea pigs. Method This research using a true-experimental design by 20 samples, 3 months old-male guinea pigs, divided into two groups, 1 treatment group and 1 control group. This classification was done randomize. Data obtained from the observation of the signs both of inflammatory and proliferation phase. Mann-Whitney statistical test used to analyze erythema and edema inflammatory phase. While wound fluid, wound granulation, and wound side using non-parametric statistical test namely Kruskal-Wallis. Result Result showed that there were differences between crude extract of purslane and control group in erythema (p=0.028), wound granulation (p=0.057) and wound side (p=1.000) at 3rd day, erythema (p=0.028), wound granulation (p=0.028) and wound side (p=1.000) at 5th day, and erythema (p=1.000), wound granulation (p=0.027) and wound side (p=0.029) at 7th day. Discussion In conclusion, crude extract of purslane was proven to be more effectives in accelerated burn wound grade 2nd healing, increasing fibroblast cell proliferation and reduce any infection risks. For further research, microscopic observation of collagen, PMN-cell (neutrophile), MN-cell (Lymphocyte and monocyte) is needed. Keyword: purslane, Portulaca oleracea L., burn wound healin

    Resiliensi dan Kondisi Psikologis Masyarakat di Masa Pandemi COVID-19

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    This study aims to identify the factors that influence the formation of community resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used is a systematic review by identifying articles from four data based ScienceDirect, Scopus, Ebsco, and PubMed in 2020-2022. Articles were selected with PRISMA based on predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria, using the keywords psychology, resilience, society, and COVID-19. The results showed that there were 4973 articles consisting of 802 ScienceDirect articles, 1179 Scopus articles, 1856 Ebsco articles, and 1136 PubMed articles. Based on the analysis, 16 full-text articles met the inclusion criteria for review. The study's results classify factors that affect community resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic into internal and external factors. Good stability in individuals can minimize the psychological impact and increase the positive effects in everyday life. In conclusion, the resilience formed by internal and external factors makes people able to survive the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, adapt, overcome psychological problems, and remain active in creative activities

    Foot Massage To Treat Pain In Patients Post Laparatomy Surgery

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    Introduction: Foot massage is a published modulation of pain modulation mechanisms to inhibit pain and to block the transmission of pain impulses resulting in analgesics and pain perceived after surgery is expected to decrease. Methods: This pretest–posttest design study, thirty eligible participants (57% male and 43% female) aged 17 to 50 were randomly divided into 2 groups (group intervention: n = 15; group control: n = 15) to participate in foot massages during 30 minutes. Immediately before and after each intervention/controlsession, participants had their pain measured. An Intention To Treat framework wasapplied to the analyses. Individual qualitative interviews were also undertaken to explore participants’ perceptions of the intervention. Results: The results of the study were primary education (19), junior high (31), high school (44 ), Colleges (6), 69% percent had never undergone surgery and 31% had undergone surgery. The results obtained before and after the foot massage the value of VAS decreased significantly in the intervention group. Conclusion: The evaluated study showed that foot massage intervention was effective in reducing pain both in post-surgical patients in laparatomi


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    Introduction:High cholesterol level is a trigger of degenerative diseases for elder people. Several factors contribute to the increasing cholesterol level, including cholesterol metabolic process, especially cholesterol excretion process. Garlicas a cultivated herbal plant contains several compounds that can reduce cholesterol level such as dialyldisulfide, ajoene and allysin. This study was to analyze the effect of garlic consumption with 10 gram dose (once a day) and 15 gram dose (twice a day) as a comparative of cholesterol’s changing level and both may provide different effect for elderly. Method:This study used Quasy experiment design and samples were taken from the elderly who have cholesterol level >200mg/dl in Sumengko village District of Gresik. Independent variables was 10 gram dose and 15 gram dose garlic where filtered. The Dependent variable was cholesterol level. The Sampling technique was purposive sampling and patients who are willing to participate totaled 14 people, divided by 7 respondents in the treatment group (10 gram) and 7 respondents in the comparison group (15 gram). Result:Statistical result using T-paired test showed that there werea significant effect from consumption 10 gram garlic (once a day) p=0,01 but at the same time consumption 15 gram garlic (twice a day) didn’t give any different affect to influence of cholesterol level p=0,26. The result test which uses Independent Sample Test showed there was no significant differences between treatment group and comparing group in the cholesterol level. There was no significant difference between consumption 10 gram garlic (once a day) and 15 gram garlic (twice a day). Conclussion:Nurse may recomend 10 gram garlic consumption as a complementary theraphy for hipercholesterolemia treatment. For further study, it is important to explore the various method to serving garlic in order preserve essential component of the garliuc and also may having a better number of participants . Key words: elderly, garlic, cholesterol leve

    Family Support Improves Hypertensive Patient Drug Compliance

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    Family support is one of the support types with the aim of achieving optimal blood pressure control for patients with high blood pressure. This study aimed to analyze the relationships between family support, adherence to taking medication and blood pressure control in patients with hypertension in the RSUD. Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes Kupang. The design of this study was descriptive correlational through a cross-sectional approach. The population was the hypertensive patients in the hospital of Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes Kupang. The sample consisted of 200 respondents recruited using simple random sampling. The independent variable was family support while the dependent variables were compliance with taking medication and blood pressure. The data was collected using a questionnaire and observation checklists. The data was analyzed using Spearman Rho with a significance level of α = 0.05. The results showed that there were relationships between family support and medication adherence (p = 0,000), adherence to taking medication and systolic blood pressure (p = 0,000) and medication compliance with diastolic blood pressure (p = 0,000). It can be concluded that family support correlates with the patients’ compliance when taking medication and blood pressure. Further research is recommended to examine the causes of poor medication adherence among patients with good family support. Keywords: Family support, medication adherence, hypertensive patients, blood pressur


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    Pemeriksaan endoskopi penting dilakukan, namun memiliki dampak negatif yang menjadi permasalahan seperti kecemasan, nyeri dan perubahan status hemodinamik yang dapat menyebabkan kegagalan diagnosis hingga mengancam nyawa. Dampak negatif ini dapat dihindari dengan memberikan penyiapan psikologis (psychological preparation) yang menyeluruh dan dapat diterima oleh pasien, salah satu pendekatan yang digunakan adalah hipnocaring. Tuntutan pasien saat ini mengharapkan perawat memberikan persiapan yang lengkap, jelas dan dapat diterima. Penelitian pendahuluan yang telah dilakukan pada bulan Maret-Juli 2019 menjelaskan bahwa pasien memerlukan penyiapan yang lengkap untuk meningkatkan kesiapan pasien. Namun penelitian yang terkait dengan psychological preparation yang dikombinasikan dengan hipnocaring belum pernah dilakukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menguji pengaruh psychological preparation dengan pendekatan hipnocaring terhadap kecemasan, nyeri dan status hemodinamik. Penelitian pada tahun 2021 adalah menggunakan quasy experiment dengan control group design besar sampel dihitung dengan berdasarkan analisis kekuatan untuk regresi model sebanyak 60 pasien endoskopi (masing-masing 30 pasien pada kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan) dengan menggunakan purposive sampling dari pasien endoskopi di unit endoskopi di 3 rumah sakit di Provinsi Jawa Timur (RSUD dr Abdoer Rahem Situbondo dan RSU Dr. H Koesnadi Bondowoso serta RSU Ibnu Sina Gresik). Instrument penelitian terdiri dari empat bagian: lembar demografi, kuoisener keyakinan menjalani endoskopi (Endoscopy Confidence Questionaire). Visual Analog Scale, dan Lembar observasi tindakan. Uji laik etik sudah didapatkan dari komite Etik Fakultas Keperawatan Unair. Data diuji dengan Mann Whitney karena data tidak memenuhi syarat untuk dilakukan uji MANOVa, uiji digunakan untuk menguji pengaruh intervensi yang diberikan terhadap kecemasan, nyeri dan hemodinamik. Luaran wajib yang ditargetkan pada tahun ini adalah 3 book chapter, dan Kategori penelitian ini berupa penelitian desentralisasi dengan skema Penelitian Dasar Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi berupa SBK riset dasar dengan target akhir TKT sejumlah 1 teknologi sudah dapat diterapkan
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