52 research outputs found

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    The magnetic remanence of silica microspheres with a low concentration of embedded cobalt ferrite nanoparticles is studied after demagnetization and remagnetization treatments. When the microspheres are dispersed in a liquid, alternating current (AC) magnetic susceptibility spectra reveal a constant characteristic frequency, corresponding to the rotational diffusion of the microparticles; this depends only on particle size and liquid viscosity, making the particles suitable as a rheological probe and indicating that interactions between the microspheres are weak. On the macroscopic scale, a sample with the dry microparticles is magnetically remanent after treatment in a saturating field, and after a demagnetization treatment, the remanence goes down to zero. The AC susceptibility of a liquid dispersion, however, characterizes the remanence on the scale of the individual microparticles, which does not become zero after demagnetization. The reason is that an individual microparticle contains only a relatively small number of magnetic units, so that even if they can be reoriented magnetically at random, the average vector sum of the nanoparticle dipoles is not negligible on the scale of the microparticle. In contrast, on the macroscopic scale, the demagnetization procedure randomizes the orientations of a macroscopic number of magnetic units, resulting in a remanent magnetization that is negligible compared to the saturation magnetization of the entire sample

    Coulometry and Calorimetry of Electric Double Layer Formation in Porous Electrodes

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    Coulometric measurements on salt-water-immersed nanoporous carbon electrodes reveal, at a fixed voltage, a charge decrease with increasing temperature. During far-out-of-equilibrium charging of these electrodes, calorimetry indicates the production of both irreversible Joule heat and reversible heat, the latter being associated with entropy changes during electric double layer (EDL) formation in the nanopores. These measurements grant experimental access --for the first time-- to the entropic contribution of the grand potential; for our electrodes, this amounts to roughly 25% of the total grand potential energy cost of EDL formation at large applied potentials, in contrast with point-charge model calculations that predict 100%. The coulometric and calorimetric experiments show a consistent picture of the role of heat and temperature in EDL formation and provide hitherto unused information to test against EDL models.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Thermodynamics of Water Superheated in the Microwave Oven

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    A simple visual demonstration is proposed that provokes thinking about the elementary thermodynamics of heating and boiling. Water is conveniently heated above its normal boiling point in a microwave oven in a glass microwave oven teapot. Water stops boiling soon after heating is interrupted, but subsequently added rough particles can still act as nucleation centers for a brief, spectacular burst of steam bubbles. The heat to make those steam bubbles obviously comes from the water itself, so that one can conclude that the boiling water was superheated, which is confirmed with a thermometer. Besides illustrating chemical thermodynamics, the demonstration also shows why safety precautions are usually taken in the laboratory to prevent superheating. Details of the observations are discussed by giving background on the nucleation of steam bubbles

    Становище сільського господарства Чернігівської губернії на початку XX ст.

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    Chemically responsive hydrogels with embedded magnetic nanoparticles are of interest for biosensors that magnetically detect chemical changes. A crucial point is the irreversible linkage of nanoparticles to the hydrogel network, preventing loss of nanoparticles upon repeated swelling and shrinking of the gel. Here, acrylic acid monomers are adsorbed onto ferrite nanoparticles, which subsequently participate in polymerization during synthesis of poly(acrylic acid)-based hydrogels (PAA). To demonstrate the fixation of the nanoparticles to the polymer, our original approach is to measure low-field AC magnetic susceptibility spectra in the 0.1 Hz to 1 MHz range. In the hydrogel, the magnetization dynamics of small iron oxide nanoparticles are comparable to those of the particles dispersed in a liquid, due to fast Néel relaxation inside the particles; this renders the ferrogel useful for chemical sensing at frequencies of several kHz. However, ferrogels holding thermally blocked iron oxide or cobalt ferrite nanoparticles show significant decrease of the magnetic susceptibility resulting from a frozen magnetic structure. This confirms that the nanoparticles are unable to rotate thermally inside the hydrogel, in agreement with their irreversible fixation to the polymer network

    Electric Potential of Ions in Electrode Micropores Deduced from Calorimetry

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    The internal energy of capacitive porous carbon electrodes was determined experimentally as a function of applied potential in aqueous salt solutions. Both the electrical work and produced heat were measured. The potential dependence of the internal energy is explained in terms of two contributions, namely the field energy of a dielectric layer of water molecules at the surface and the potential energy of ions in the pores. The average electric potential of the ions is deduced, and its dependence on the type of salt suggests that the hydration strength limits how closely ions can approach the surface

    Грунти як об’єкт науки

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    Висвітлюються деякі аспекти розвитку наших уявлень про ґрунтознавство як науковий напрямок природознавства та про ґрунти як об’єкт науки.Освещаются некоторые аспекты развития наших представлений о почвоведении как научном направлении природоведения и о почвах как объекте науки.The author highlights several aspects of human knowledge about soil research as a field of natural science, and about soils as a research object

    Изменчивость биомассы дождевых червей (Lumbricidae) как отклик биоты на различные экологические условия в модельных экспериментах

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    В експерименті вивчено вплив різних варіантів субстратів, які використовують у лісовій рекультивації, підстилок із листя деревних порід та зволоження на представників грунтових сапрофагів (Lumbricidae). Встановлено достовірний вплив субстратів, підстилок та зволоження на збільшення біомаси дощових черв'яків.Influence of various soil blends used in forest rehabilitation, leaf litters of trees, and humidity levels on soil saprophages (Lumbricidae) is experimentally studied. Significant influence of substrates, litters, and humidity levels on the increase of earthworms' biomass has been determined