132 research outputs found

    Ludo: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools

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    In this paper we describe the Ludo case, one of the case studies of the AGTIVE 2007 Tool Contest (see [22]). After summarising the case description, we give an overview of the submitted solutions. In particular, we propose a number of dimensions along which choices had to be made when solving the case, essentially setting up a solution space; we then plot the spectrum of solutions actually encountered into this solution space. In addition, there is a brief description of the special features of each of the submissions, to do justice to those aspects that are not distinguished in the general solution space

    The EMF Model Transformation Framework

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    We present the EMF Model Transformation framework (EMT), which supports the rule-based modification of EMF models. Model transformation rules are defined graphically and compiled into Java code to be used in model transformation applications

    Application of equitable impact sensitive tool (EQUIST) in evidence informed policymaking to improve maternal and child health outcomes in Burkina Faso

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    French version available in IDRC Digital LibraryThis brief puts forward policy options and strategies towards improved health equity and access to health care services in Benin. The concept of health equity is a critical component that requires strengthening to improve maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) outcomes in Burkina Faso. UNICEF has designed the EQUitable Impact Sensitive Tool (EQUIST) to enable the global health community to improve equity in MNCH and to reduce health disparities. The brief reviews findings from a study using the EQUIST Situation Analysis of maternal and child health outcomes in Benin by sub-national categorization, wealth, and residence

    Representing First-Order Logic Using Graphs

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    Abstract. We show how edge-labelled graphs can be used to represent first-order logic formulae. This gives rise to recursively nested structures, in which each level of nesting corresponds to the negation of a set of existentials. The model is a direct generalisation of the negative application conditions used in graph rewriting, which count a single level of nesting and are thereby shown to correspond to the fragment ∃¬∃ of first-order logic. Vice versa, this generalisation may be used to strengthen the notion of application conditions. We then proceed to show how these nested models may be flattened to (sets of) plain graphs, by allowing some structure on the labels. The resulting formulae-as-graphs may form the basis of a unification of the theories of graph transformation and predicate transformation


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    RELEVANCE AND DEMAND OF THE BASIC EDUCATION CAREERRESUMENEl artículo presenta escenarios que condicionan la temporalidad de la construcción del proyecto y el rediseño de la Carrera de Educación Básica (EGB). El problema de investigación que se formuló fue: Insuficiencias en el estudio de pertinencia de la Carrera de Educación Básica de la Facultad de Ciencias y de la Educación y la demanda ocupacional. Las tareas que se derivan del problema y de sus interrogantes fueron: Establecer los problemas y necesidades de los contextos y objetivos del Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir (PNBV) que abordará la profesión; Identificar mediante la investigación documental los horizontes epistemológicos que están presentes en la profesión; Derivar del estudio realizado en la Red Nacional de Educación Básica, los núcleos básicos de las disciplinas que sustentan la profesión; Identificar los vínculos de las tecnologías de punta con los aprendizajes profesionales para garantizar respuestas válidas a los problemas que resolverá la profesión en los sectores estratégicos y de interés público; Establecer los problemas de la realidad (actores y sectores vinculados a la profesión) que integran el objeto de estudio de la profesión; Identificar las tendencias de desarrollo local y regional que están incluidas en los campos de estudio y de actuación de la profesión; Precisar los aportes que realizará el currículo a las necesidades de formación del talento humano considerando los aspectos que se detallan en el artículo 107 de la LOES, incluyendo el análisis de la demanda local; Determinar las funciones y roles de los escenarios laborales en los que actuarán los futuros profesionales. Los resultados de la investigación expresan: La metodología de investigación fue descriptiva – documental, empleando como estrategia de sistematización la operacionalización de las interrogantes cuyos constructos se organizaron analíticamente en tablas, luego esos componentes se integraron semánticamente en cada una las narrativas que describen los escenarios de la pertinencia de la carrera de la Educación Básica. Se demostró que la carrera de Educación Básica es pertinente con las necesidades y requerimientos de docentes de la provincia y Región Zonal 1, con el Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir y las Agendas de Desarrollo Provincial. Así mismo que la demanda de docentes para la Educación Básica es mucho mayor que la disponibilidad, en consecuencia se justifica la carrera.PALABRAS CLAVE: Rediseño; carrera; Educación Básica; pertinencia; demanda ocupacional.ABSTRACTThe article presents scenarios that determine the timing of project construction and redesign of the career of Basic Education. The research problem formulated was: Shortcomings in the study of relevance to justify the project design of Basic Education Career in the Faculty of Science and Education and its occupational demand. Tasks resulting from the problem and its questions were: Establish the problems and needs from the context and objectives of the National Plan for Good Living (Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir) Identify the epistemological horizons which are present in the profession by documentary research. Derive the basic core disciplines that support the profession from the study performed at the National Network of Basic Education. Identify the links of the technologies with the professional learning to ensure acceptable answers to problems to be solved by the profession in strategic sectors of public interest. Establish the problems of reality (actors and sectors linked to the profession) that integrate the object of study of the profession of public interest. Identify trends in local and regional development which are included in the fields of study and performance trends of the profession. Specify the contributions to be made by the curriculum to the training needs of human talent considering the aspects listed in Article 107 of the LOES, and including the analysis of local demand. Determine the functions and roles of labor scenarios in which future professionals will act. The results of research express that the research methodology was descriptive and documentary, using a strategy of systematizing the operationalization of the questions which constructs were organized in tables analytically, then these components were integrated semantically in each narrative that describes the scenarios of the relevance of the Basic Education Career. It was shown that the career in Basic Education is relevant to the needs and requirements of teachers in the province and Zonal Region 1, the National Plan for Good Living and the Provincial Development Agendas. Also the demand of teachers for Basic Education is much greater than availability, therefore the career is justified.KEYWORDS: Redesign; career; Basic Education; relevance; occupational demand


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    RELEVANCE AND DEMAND OF THE BASIC EDUCATION CAREERRESUMENEl artículo presenta escenarios que condicionan la temporalidad de la construcción del proyecto y el rediseño de la Carrera de Educación Básica (EGB). El problema de investigación que se formuló fue: Insuficiencias en el estudio de pertinencia de la Carrera de Educación Básica de la Facultad de Ciencias y de la Educación y la demanda ocupacional. Las tareas que se derivan del problema y de sus interrogantes fueron: Establecer los problemas y necesidades de los contextos y objetivos del Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir (PNBV) que abordará la profesión; Identificar mediante la investigación documental los horizontes epistemológicos que están presentes en la profesión; Derivar del estudio realizado en la Red Nacional de Educación Básica, los núcleos básicos de las disciplinas que sustentan la profesión; Identificar los vínculos de las tecnologías de punta con los aprendizajes profesionales para garantizar respuestas válidas a los problemas que resolverá la profesión en los sectores estratégicos y de interés público; Establecer los problemas de la realidad (actores y sectores vinculados a la profesión) que integran el objeto de estudio de la profesión; Identificar las tendencias de desarrollo local y regional que están incluidas en los campos de estudio y de actuación de la profesión; Precisar los aportes que realizará el currículo a las necesidades de formación del talento humano considerando los aspectos que se detallan en el artículo 107 de la LOES, incluyendo el análisis de la demanda local; Determinar las funciones y roles de los escenarios laborales en los que actuarán los futuros profesionales. Los resultados de la investigación expresan: La metodología de investigación fue descriptiva – documental, empleando como estrategia de sistematización la operacionalización de las interrogantes cuyos constructos se organizaron analíticamente en tablas, luego esos componentes se integraron semánticamente en cada una las narrativas que describen los escenarios de la pertinencia de la carrera de la Educación Básica. Se demostró que la carrera de Educación Básica es pertinente con las necesidades y requerimientos de docentes de la provincia y Región Zonal 1, con el Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir y las Agendas de Desarrollo Provincial. Así mismo que la demanda de docentes para la Educación Básica es mucho mayor que la disponibilidad, en consecuencia se justifica la carrera.PALABRAS CLAVE: Rediseño; carrera; Educación Básica; pertinencia; demanda ocupacional.ABSTRACTThe article presents scenarios that determine the timing of project construction and redesign of the career of Basic Education. The research problem formulated was: Shortcomings in the study of relevance to justify the project design of Basic Education Career in the Faculty of Science and Education and its occupational demand. Tasks resulting from the problem and its questions were: Establish the problems and needs from the context and objectives of the National Plan for Good Living (Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir) Identify the epistemological horizons which are present in the profession by documentary research. Derive the basic core disciplines that support the profession from the study performed at the National Network of Basic Education. Identify the links of the technologies with the professional learning to ensure acceptable answers to problems to be solved by the profession in strategic sectors of public interest. Establish the problems of reality (actors and sectors linked to the profession) that integrate the object of study of the profession of public interest. Identify trends in local and regional development which are included in the fields of study and performance trends of the profession. Specify the contributions to be made by the curriculum to the training needs of human talent considering the aspects listed in Article 107 of the LOES, and including the analysis of local demand. Determine the functions and roles of labor scenarios in which future professionals will act. The results of research express that the research methodology was descriptive and documentary, using a strategy of systematizing the operationalization of the questions which constructs were organized in tables analytically, then these components were integrated semantically in each narrative that describes the scenarios of the relevance of the Basic Education Career. It was shown that the career in Basic Education is relevant to the needs and requirements of teachers in the province and Zonal Region 1, the National Plan for Good Living and the Provincial Development Agendas. Also the demand of teachers for Basic Education is much greater than availability, therefore the career is justified.KEYWORDS: Redesign; career; Basic Education; relevance; occupational demand

    Policy dialogue to support maternal newborn child health evidence use in policymaking : the lessons learnt from the Nigeria research days first edition

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    The Department of Family Health (Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria) initiated and organized the first Nigeria Research Days (NRD) as a platform for exchange between researchers and policymakers towards improving maternal, new-born and child health (IMNCH). Participants supported the content and format of the meeting and were willing to implement recommendations of the final communiqué. To enhance the translation of research to policy, policy dialogue appears to be an effective mechanism for researcher-policymaker collaboration. This paper describes the conceptualization, implementation and facilitation of the first edition of "Nigeria Research Days,” including a guide for panel discussions

    Influence of women’s empowerment indices on the utilization of skilled maternity care : evidence from rural Nigeria

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    This study assessed the association between indices of women’s empowerment and utilization of skilled antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal maternity care in two rural Local Government Areas in Edo State, Nigeria. Findings indicate that female education is a strong predisposing factor for utilization of maternal health services in the study area. Survey respondents’ education and participation in payment for their own health care positively predicted use of all three levels of skilled maternal care. Women who made decisions alone about major household purchases were twice as likely to use all three levels of services than when decisions were made by their partners or others.Global Affairs Canada (GAC)Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR

    Swimming pool thermal energy storage, an alternative for distributed cooling energy storage

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    © 2020 The Author(s) The rise in distributed renewable energy generation creates a growing need to find viable solutions for energy storage to match energy demand and supply at any time. This paper evaluates the possibility of using swimming pools as a long-term cooling energy storage solution, i.e., Swimming Pool Thermal Energy Storage (SPTES). This technology allows a small building to store solar energy for cooling purposes in a yearly cycle, by filling the pool with ice slurry in winter and using that ice to cool the house in the summertime. Additionally, the pool can be used as a heat sink for a heat pump to heat the house during the winter. Results show that the energy storage cost of 0.078 USkWhe1issubstantiallysmallerwhencomparedwithbatteries(125US kWhe−1 is substantially smaller when compared with batteries (125 US kWhe−1). This makes SPTES a good alternative to support the development of 100% renewable energy systems in locations where the climate has a highly seasonal variation in temperature and the cooling demand is high in summer

    Decline in vaccine-type human papillomavirus prevalence in young men from a Midwest metropolitan area of the United States over the six years after vaccine introduction

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine changes in human papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence among young men from a Midwest metropolitan area over the six years after vaccine introduction, including HPV prevalence in men overall, in vaccinated men to examine vaccine impact and in unvaccinated men to examine herd protection. An exploratory aim was to examine associations between number of vaccine doses and HPV prevalence. Methods: Men aged 14–26 years reporting male-female and/or male-male sexual contact were recruited from a primary care clinic, sexually transmitted disease clinic, and community setting during two waves of data collection: 2013–2014 (N = 400) and 2016–2017 (N = 347). Participants completed a questionnaire and were tested for penile, scrotal and anal HPV. Changes in prevalence of any (≥1 type) and vaccine-type HPV (HPV6, 11, 16, and/or 18) were examined using propensity score weighted logistic regression. Associations between number of doses and HPV infection were determined using chi-square tests and logistic regression. Results: The proportion of men with a history of ≥1 HPV vaccine doses increased from 23% to 44% (p < 0.001) from waves 1 to 2. After propensity score weighting, infection with ≥1 vaccine-type HPV significantly decreased among all men (29% to 20%; 31% decrease; odds ratio [OR] = 0.62, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.44–0.88) and unvaccinated men (32% to 21%; 36% decrease; OR = 0.56, 95%CI = 0.34–0.86); there was a non-significant decrease (21%) among vaccinated men. Associations between number of doses and HPV prevalence were not statistically significant. Conclusions: Prevalence of vaccine-type HPV decreased among all, vaccinated, and unvaccinated men six years after HPV vaccine recommendation, supporting vaccine impact and herd protection. Decreases in vaccine-type HPV in all men appear to be due to decreases in unvaccinated men, suggesting that the full impact of vaccination has yet to be realized. Continued monitoring and efforts to vaccinate men prior to sexual initiation are warranted