61 research outputs found

    Katalüsaatorite toime lämmastikoksiidide oksüdeerimisel plasmaühenditega

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneÕhureostus on tihedalt asustatud piirkondades kasvav probleem ja seda põhjustav oluline saasteainete klass on lämmastikoksiidid – NO ja NO2. Nende gaaside üks tähtsamaid allikaid on kütuste põlemisprotsessid ja atmosfääri sattudes võivad nad tekitada happevihmasid ning avaldada otsest kahjulikku mõju inimeste tervisele. Seetõttu on vajalik nende ühendite eemaldamine gaasivoogudest enne atmosfääri jõudmist. Üks võimalus selleks on eemaldamine plasma abil, mis väldib mõningaid laiemalt kasutusel olevate meetodite puudusi. Plasmaga eemaldamise efektiivsust saab omakorda parandada katalüsaatorite abil ning sellele aspektile on pühendatud käesolev doktoritöö. Uuringute käigus leiti, et kogu gaasivoo otse läbi plasmareaktori juhtimise asemel on kasulikum plasma rakendamine osooni tekitamiseks ja sellega saastunud gaasivoo töötlemine. Uuritud katalüsaatoritest andis parima tulemuse raudoksiid Fe2O3, mis ühelt poolt suurendas protsessi efektiivsust kuni kolm korda ja teiselt poolt lagundas ülejäävat osooni, vältides selle õhku paiskamist. Katalüsaatori toime seisnes selle pinnal täiendavate ühendite ja reaktsioonikanalite tekkimises, mis parandasid kogu protsessi efektiivsust.Air pollution is a growing problem in densely populated areas and an important class of compounds that contribute to the pollution is nitrogen oxides – NO and NO2. A major source of these gases is fuel combustion and upon reaching the atmosphere they can be the precursors of acid rains and have direct adverse health effects. Because of this it is important to remove nitrogen oxides from exhaust gases before they enter the atmosphere. A possibility for that is removal by plasma, which avoids some drawbacks of more widely used methods. Removal by plasma can in turn be improved by catalysts and this aspect is dealt with in the current thesis. It was found that plasma is best used only for the production of ozone, instead of directing the whole polluted gas stream through the plasma reactor. Of the catalysts that were investigated, iron oxide (Fe2O3) lead to the best results, increasing the efficiency of the process up to three times and at the same time decomposing excessive ozone, which prevented its emission into the atmosphere. The effect of the catalysts was caused by additional compounds and reaction pathways on their surfaces, which improved the efficiency of the whole process.https://www.ester.ee/record=b524282

    Brief Note What You Need to Know About SARS

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    Author Institution: Department of Infectious Diseases and Department of Research Administration, Summa Health System ; Akron City Health Departmen

    NO oksüdeerimine osooniga ja reaktsioonisaaduste adsorptsioon TiO2 pinnal

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    International project financing as contractual risk minimization arrangements

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    Aineisto on Keskustakampuksen kirjaston digitoimaa ja kirjasto vastaa aineiston käyttöluvista

    Plasma and catalyst for the oxidation of NO<sub>x</sub>

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    Community Service Activities (PKM) conducted by this writing team are the "Training of Trainner" (TOT) method, namely Communication Training for High School BK Teachers in the Socialization of HIV AIDS Prevention in Paluh sibaji. This is important because the BK teacher (Counseling Guidance) is a communicator who handles the psychological problems of students in high school. Therefore, this PKM activity is packaged by conducting communication training to BP SMA teachers in order to socialize the prevention of HIV AIDS in Paluh sibaji. This PKM activity has the following benefits and objectives: (1) to increase the awareness of high school BK teachers about the importance of socializing the prevention of HIV AIDS to students in high school; (2) providing knowledge about the ability to communicate in the socialization of HIV AIDS prevention for students in high school; (3) practice the communication skills that have been given to disseminate the prevention of HIV AIDS to high&nbsp; school&nbsp; students. &nbsp

    Crack Assessment on a Residential Building Due to Peat Soil Settlement at Ayer Hitam, Muar

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    Frequent problems in structure that build on the peat soil is cracking. This is due to the settlement that occurred by the peat soil as it has low in bearing capacity. The crack occurred on the residential building have become the main concern as crack happened on building showed the earliest sign of degradation. The increasing number of visible cracks at residential building with varies in length and width has a doubtful taught either the residential building is safe or not to be used. Apart from cracking, the concrete strength of the residential building is a concerned as the crack occurred may reduce the concrete strength. A single-storey residential building at Kompleks Penghulu Mukim Ayer Hitam, Muar is used to perform field measurement with respect to the cracking and concrete strength. 25 number of visible cracks with different length and width has been detected while monitoring the building. The crack length and size were measured using ruler and measuring tape. For measuring the concrete strength, a non-destructive testing (NDT) was used using Schmidt Rebound Hammer and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV). The total 15 point was tested on column and wall inside the residential house by using two modes of transmission for UPV testing which was semi-direct and indirect transmission. The result of both rebound number and UPV has been analyze using statistical evaluation. The result is then being compared with the previous researcher that using the same regression mode of linear and non-linear mode when doing the analysis. From the result, it is found that the regression model for rebound hammer is more reliable to be used as the regression coefficient value got is nearly to one. For overall cracking and concrete strength quality, it is also found that the residential building needs proper maintenance as the settlement still happened and it is affected the residential building’s safety

    Threshold effects in the relationship between inflation and growth: a new panel-data approach

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    In this paper we use a new approach to throw light on the old question of the super-neutrality of money. Recent theoretical results suggest a threshold model instead of super-neutrality. To ascertain whether or not there is a threshold level of inflation above which the effect of inflation on long-run growth changes, we apply new econometric methods for estimation and inference in non-dynamic, fixed-effects, panel-data models that may contain threshold effects. In the full sample of 138 countries over the period 1950–2000, we find that there is one threshold that is well identified by the data; the estimated value of the threshold is 19.16%. For the industrialized sample, our results indicate that there are two threshold points at 2.57% and 12.61%. In the full sample, if the initial inflation rate is below 19.16%, increases in inflation do not have a statistically significant effect on growth. In contrast, when the initial inflation is above 19.16%, further increases in inflation will decrease long-run growth

    The Investigation of Cracks and Repairing Methods on Residential Building: Case Study at Kompleks Penghulu Ayer Hitam, Muar

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    Malaysia is among one of the development countries that growing rapidly in all sectors which include the sector in construction. Nevertheless, some of the new buildings are poorly constructed. The aim of this study is to investigate the residential house wall cracks on the residential building at Kompleks Penghulu Ayer Hitam, Muar, to inspect the crack occurred on the residential building, to conduct a statically analysis to compare the relationship between ultrasonic pulse velocity and crack repair method and to propose efficient method for reducing the cracks problem. There are 52 number of visible cracks with different length and width has been detected. For measuring the concrete strength, a non-destructive testing (NDT) was used using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV). The total 3 point was tested on column and wall inside the residential house by using one modes of transmission for UPV testing which was indirect transmission. The result of UPV has been analyse using statistical evaluation. From the result, it is found that the epoxy injection can cure the crack while seal using OPC and silicone seal does not help much. For overall cracking and concrete strength quality, it is also found that the residential building needs proper maintenance as the settlement still happened, and it is affected the residential building’s safety