580 research outputs found

    Vacuum energy and spectral function sum rules

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    We reformulate the problem of the cancellation of the ultraviolet divergencies of the vacuum energy, particularly important at the cosmological level, in terms of a saturation of spectral function sum rules which leads to a set of conditions on the spectrum of the fundamental theory. We specialize the approach to both Minkowski and de Sitter space-times and investigate some examples.Comment: 11 pages, revtex4, no figures, version to be published on PR

    Management accounting of agricultural production: improving planning and standardization of costs in the management information system

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    The problems of organizing effective management accounting of agricultural production through the widespread use of economic methods, both production management and accounting and management methods and the development of their information functions, are very relevant and necessary. Management accounting in modern times is a universal integrated mechanism for the accounting and management activities of an agricultural organization. The management accounting information system should be oriented towards solving complex issues and making managerial decisions quickly. The purpose of the study is the rationale for rationing, planning and management accounting of costs, their control and analysis of production results in the agricultural management information system. The subject of the study is management accounting, while principles are formulated and new methods for rationing labor, material and biological costs of agricultural production are proposed. A unified nomenclature of cost items has been developed for planning, managerial accounting, analysis and control, both for individual production, accounting and planning objects, as well as for self-supporting units (responsibility centers) and the organization as a whole. For the organization of rationing, planning and management accounting of production costs, the sequence of implementation of special procedures is defined, a unified nomenclature of cost items is developed based on the basic conditions of requirements, which include classification attributes, degree of cost participation in the creation of new products, cost control by hierarchical levels of management. It is concluded that by comparing the actual and planned costs for the production of a particular object of planning and accounting, it is possible to analyze their cause and effect deviations, deviations of the actual marginal income and operating profit of the production of these products from their normative values ​​by changing each specific cost item

    On analyzing the results of empirical research into the life-purpose orientations of adults of various ethnic identities and religious affiliati.

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    The research in question investigates life-purpose orientations and values of various groups of a population living in a multicultural area with a variety of ethnic and religious communities. Members may have different attitudes to one and the same set of values due to their specific cultural traditions and religious guidelines. A common set of life-purpose orientations and values as well as distinctly different ones were identified in the research. It employed an ethno-psychological questionnaire designed specifically to that end and psychometric instruments aimed at identifying the values of the adults of various ethnic identities and religious affiliations. Residents of a multi-cultural area in the south of Russia who belong to different denominations were surveyed. It is stated that there is a substantial difference between the sets of values held by Baptists and Buddhists and representatives of other ethnic and religious groups (Muslims and Christians) participating in this investigation. The survey found that all of the Baptist and Buddhist respondents were described by a high-to-medium level of civil identity. Indifference to ethnic standards and a failure to accept the culture of their own people were found among all of the respondents; it was displayed by a small proportion of Orthodox Christians, whereas all of the Buddhists under investigation had a positive ethnic identity, and a certain proportion of Muslims and Catholics as well as a tiny proportion of Orthodox believers reported that they placed a priority for ethnic rights over human rights. Among all of the denominations surveyed, the majority of respondents surveyed have a positive attitude towards both their own nation and other nations

    Resonant enhancement of the jump rate in a double-well potential

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    We study the overdamped dynamics of a Brownian particle in the double-well potential under the influence of an external periodic (AC) force with zero mean. We obtain a dependence of the jump rate on the frequency of the external force. The dependence shows a maximum at a certain driving frequency. We explain the phenomenon as a switching between different time scales of the system: interwell relaxation time (the mean residence time) and the intrawell relaxation time. Dependence of the resonant peak on the system parameters, namely the amplitude of the driving force A and the noise strength (temperature) D has been explored. We observe that the effect is well pronounced when A/D > 1 and if A/D 1 the enhancement of the jump rate can be of the order of magnitude with respect to the Kramers rate.Comment: Published in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37 (2004) 6043-6051; 6 figure

    Finished plasma strengthening and restoration of fuel equipment details

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    © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved. The results of the investigation of the physical and mechanical properties of diamond-like coatings of the DLCPateks type (a-C: H / a-SiOCN) obtained on friction surfaces by transporting the atomic and molecular flux of vapor particles of liquid chemical compounds by a plasma jet of an arc plasma torch of atmospheric pressure are presented. The layer formed on the working surfaces is a non-metallic amorphous multilayer coating with a low coefficient of friction, increased microhardness, chemical inertness, hydrophilicity, high heat resistance and dielectric characteristics. To minimize the possible defectiveness of the main material, it is proposed to apply thin-film coatings to them at the final stage of manufacturing fuel equipment parts

    The Equivalence Postulate of Quantum Mechanics

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    The Equivalence Principle (EP), stating that all physical systems are connected by a coordinate transformation to the free one with vanishing energy, univocally leads to the Quantum Stationary HJ Equation (QSHJE). Trajectories depend on the Planck length through hidden variables which arise as initial conditions. The formulation has manifest p-q duality, a consequence of the involutive nature of the Legendre transform and of its recently observed relation with second-order linear differential equations. This reflects in an intrinsic psi^D-psi duality between linearly independent solutions of the Schroedinger equation. Unlike Bohm's theory, there is a non-trivial action even for bound states. No use of any axiomatic interpretation of the wave-function is made. Tunnelling is a direct consequence of the quantum potential which differs from the usual one and plays the role of particle's self-energy. The QSHJE is defined only if the ratio psi^D/psi is a local self-homeomorphism of the extended real line. This is an important feature as the L^2 condition, which in the usual formulation is a consequence of the axiomatic interpretation of the wave-function, directly follows as a basic theorem which only uses the geometrical gluing conditions of psi^D/psi at q=\pm\infty as implied by the EP. As a result, the EP itself implies a dynamical equation that does not require any further assumption and reproduces both tunnelling and energy quantization. Several features of the formulation show how the Copenhagen interpretation hides the underlying nature of QM. Finally, the non-stationary higher dimensional quantum HJ equation and the relativistic extension are derived.Comment: 1+3+140 pages, LaTeX. Invariance of the wave-function under the action of SL(2,R) subgroups acting on the reduced action explicitly reveals that the wave-function describes only equivalence classes of Planck length deterministic physics. New derivation of the Schwarzian derivative from the cocycle condition. "Legendre brackets" introduced to further make "Legendre duality" manifest. Introduction now contains examples and provides a short pedagogical review. Clarifications, conclusions, ackn. and references adde

    Backlund transformations for many-body systems related to KdV

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    We present Backlund transformations (BTs) with parameter for certain classical integrable n-body systems, namely the many-body generalised Henon-Heiles, Garnier and Neumann systems. Our construction makes use of the fact that all these systems may be obtained as particular reductions (stationary or restricted flows) of the KdV hierarchy; alternatively they may be considered as examples of the reduced sl(2) Gaudin magnet. The BTs provide exact time-discretizations of the original (continuous) systems, preserving the Lax matrix and hence all integrals of motion, and satisfy the spectrality property with respect to the Backlund parameter.Comment: LaTeX2e, 8 page