875 research outputs found


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    English as a foreign language has been taught since the fourth grade of primary school. Mass \ud media such as radio as an electronic media has given great attention to the development of \ud English. A campus radio English program such as UMM FM for instance, is a medium that can \ud be used by its listeners to practice their English communicatively. This program, by assumption, \ud may help its listeners to develop their listening and speaking abilities. \ud To see whether the program was actually good to develop the listening and speaking abilities, \ud this research was conducted. The questions to be answered were; what are the general \ud descriptions of the UMM FM English program, what are the strengths of the program, what are \ud the weaknesses of the program, what are the benefits of the program? \ud In conducting the study, the writer employed a descriptive qualitative method. The data were \ud mainly obtained through observation. Yet, interview with the announcer and the listener were \ud also conducted. \ud After conducted this study, the writer found that the general description of the UMM FM English \ud program consists of the objective, the content, the organization, the level of difficulty of the \ud program, the activity and materials that applied, and the ways the materials are presented. The \ud program is affordable, interesting and challenging. It gives equal opportunities to its listeners to \ud practice English. It functions as a natural language laboratory. It also trains its listeners to be \ud imaginative. The program, however, has been identified to be “lack of preparation and \ud organization” and has never been evaluated. Besides, there are some mispronunciations and \ud grammatical mistakes made by announcers and participants. Despite the weaknesses, the \ud program has been found beneficial for its listeners. The listeners have a medium to practice their \ud listening and speaking ability. Besides, they get more partners to practice English with, courage \ud to use English communicatively, English vocabulary and improve their grammar. It is concluded \ud that the program needs revision. It is suggested that the program should be prepared well before \ud it is on-aired and the kinds of the topics is used must be broadened. Besides, the time of the \ud activity should be made longer to give its listeners more opportunity to practice their ability


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    PENINGKATAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR MATEMATIKA MELALUI PELATIHAN MANAJEMEN WAKTU PADA SISWA KELAS VIII B DI SMP NEGERI 4 WATES Oleh : Erli Setyowati 07104244048 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar matematika melalui metode pelatihan manajemen waktu pada siswa kelas VIII B di SMP Negeri 4 Wates. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subyek penelitian yaitu siswa kelas VIII B di SMP Negeri 4 Wates sebanyak 32 siswa. Teknik pengambilan subyek dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala motivasi belajar matematika dan observasi, sedangkan instrumen yang digunakan adalah skala motivasi belajar matematika dan pedoman observasi. Penelitian dimulai dari uji coba instrumen, pelaksanaan pre test, pelatihan manajemen waktu, dan post test. Untuk teknik analisis data digunakan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan motivasi belajar matematika siswa melalui pelatihan manajemen waktu. Tindakan pelatihan manajemen waktu yang dilakukan dalam satu siklus meliputi 4 tindakan dengan 3 kali pertemuan. Tindakan 1 peneliti memberikan penjelasan tentang manajemen waktu dan memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan serta memberikan permainan yang berkaitan dengan manajemen waktu sebagai gambaran mengenai manajemen waktu, tindakan 2 menjelaskan mengenai prioritas kegiatan, mengarahkan siswa untuk mengingat kembali kegiatan pada hari sebelumnya dan mengelompokannya berdasarkan prioritas kegiatan, tindakan 3 memberikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan manajemen waktu dan mendiskusikan dalam kelompok, tindakan 4 memberi tugas untuk mengaplikasikan manajemen waktu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan pembuatan jadwal kegiatan berdasarkan prioritas. Peningkatan tersebut dibuktikan dengan perolehan rata-rata pre test sebesar 81,9 dengan kategori sedang menjadi 116 pada post test dengan kategori tinggi dan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 34,1. Pelatihan manajemen waktu dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar matematika siswa karena pada saat sebelum tindakan siswa tidak teratur dalam belajar matematika karena malas, kemudian setelah tindakan siswa lebih tekun dalam belajar matematika, siswa lebih teratur dalam belajar matematika, tidak menunda-nunda dalam mengerjakan tugas ataupun tidak menunda-nunda dalam belajar untuk mempersiapkan ulangan atau ujian dan lebih aktif dalam mengikuti pelajaran matematika. Kata kunci: manajemen waktu, motivasi belajar matematik

    The Instruments for the Implementation of Territorial Plans and Land Management by the Public Administration.

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    The territorial planning and the management of urban development in Albania was one of the greatest challenges of the administration, both at the central and local level. The planning, until after the proclamation of independence, has been an important element, in the administration’s hands, used in the context of the organisation of the new Albanian state, especially in Tirana. 2009 marks an important reform in the urban legislation with the introduction of the law “For Territorial Planning" and the regulations adopted for its application. The reform sign a change in the notion of territorial planning, passing by the concept of urban planning, as definition of the general rules for the location and architecture of the buildings in all the Albanian territory, in a concept of territorial planning as a whole, organised into four levels clearly defined. The law defines the new instruments to be used by the administration, in the planning and management of the territory, where a particular importance remain the special instruments to monitor the land development. The drafting of planning instruments, and especially of the plans and regulations, is followed by their implementation in a specific territory. This last phase has presented particular issues after the 90s as, regarding the regulatory plans of municipalities. The expropriation for public interest, as an instrument used for the construction of infrastructure and services in implementation of territorial plans will be subject of analysis, focusing also in other instruments of the legislation for territorial planning. The study has as objective to analyse the instruments provided by the law for territorial planning, the way in which they can be used by the local administration during the drafting and especially during the implementation of territorial plans

    The influence of the Chinese hukou system in motivating and shaping the geography of Chinese international student mobility

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    The hukou system (household registration system) is a long-established and significant institutional barrier to population movement within China and, accordingly, has been the subject of a great deal of research. What has received scant attention, however, is the influence that this system has on the considerable phenomenon of Chinese international student mobility (ISM). This paper is based on an analysis of 50 semistructured interviews with Shanghai-based returnee students. Utilising the notions of institutional barriers to migration and middle-category migration, it illustrates the important role that the hukou system plays in motivating nonelite Chinese students to study abroad and how this institutional barrier shapes their strategic decision making across various temporal phases of the ISM process. These findings are of significance as they highlight the largely unacknowledged role of hukou in the Chinese ISM system. Conceptually, they emphasise the importance of sufficiently accounting for institutional barriers to internal and international mobility in the experiences of international students in migration studies.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Kearifan Lokal dalam Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: Upaya Melestarikan Budaya Bangsa

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    Sastra lisan merupakan salah satu bentuk produk budaya yang diciptakan dan diwarisi secara lisan dan turun-menurun melalui alat pengingat (memonic devices). Bentuk sastra ini terus hidup dalam tradisinya dan berkembang menyesuaikan perkembangan masyarakatnya. Sastra lisan sangat beragam bentuknya, mulai dari bahasa rakyat, ungkapan tradisional (pepatah dan peribahasa), pertanyaan tradisional (teka-teki), puisi rakyat (pantun, syair, bidal, dll), dan prosa rakyat, mite (myth), legenda, (legend), dan dongeng (folktale), serta nyanyian rakyat. Jenis sastra ini dalam masyarakat Nusantara bisa menjadi identitas karena di dalamnya terkandung pelbagai kearifan lokal (local wisdom). Prosa rakyat yang lebih dikenal dengan cerita rakyat tersebar di seluruh Nusantara. Sebagai kekayaan budaya, melalui cerita rakyat dapat digali berbagai kemajemukan identitas nasional Indonesia. Dalam masa sekarang kearifan lokal bisa menjadi salah satu cara dalam mewujudkan aspek positif arus globalisasi. Kearifan lokal banyak terdapat dalam cerita rakyat seperti cerita Malin Kundang, Bawang Merah Bawang Putih, Sangkuriang, Pulo Kemaro, Anak Durhaka, dan lain sebagainya. Cerita rakyat tersebut mengandung pesan moral seperti sopan santun, saling menyayangi, suka menolong orang lain, dan lain sebagainya. Keanekaragaman cerita daerah inilah kemudian melahirkan apa yang disebut multikulturalisme. Dengan menempatkan kebangsan sebagai benang merah akan terlihat keberagaman budaya etnis dan pluralitas sebagai budaya dalam ”kebhineka tunggalikaan”

    Nystrom methods for high-order CQ solutions of the wave equation in two dimensions

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    An investigation of high order Convolution Quadratures (CQ) methods for the solution of the wave equation in unbounded domains in two dimensions is presented. These rely on Nystrom discretizations for the solution of the ensemble of associated Laplace domain modified Helmholtz problems. Two classes of CQ discretizations are considered: one based on linear multistep methods and the other based on Runge-Kutta methods. Both are used in conjunction with Nystrom discretizations based on Alpert and QBX quadratures of Boundary Integral Equation (BIE) formulations of the Laplace domain Helmholtz problems with complex wavenumbers. CQ in conjunction with BIE is an excellent candidate to eventually explore numerical homogenization to replace a chaff cloud by a dispersive lossy dielectric that produces the same scattering. To this end, a variety of accuracy tests are presented that showcase the high-order in time convergence (up to and including fifth order) that the Nystrom CQ discretizations are capable of delivering for a variety of two dimensional single and multiple scatterers. Particular emphasis is given to Lipschitz boundaries and open arcs with both Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions

    Upaya Meningkatkan Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Musik Nusantara Melalui Pendekatan Apresiasi Pada Siswa Kelas VIII C SMP Negeri 5 Pemalang

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    There are still many students of Pemalang Junior High School 5who consider art and culture subject as an unimportant lesson compare with other subjects being tested in the national exam and that it is a mere complementary subject. This can be observed through the fact that there are many students who scored below schools academic standard, which is 75, and teachers have not applied the approach and effective teaching approaches to improve students achievement. The purpose of this research are (1) to find out the improvement of students' motivation in learning national music through appreciationapproach, and (2) to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes in learning national music through appreciation approach.The approach used in this research is classroom action research with four stages: (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, (4) analysis and reflection. Results were analyzed by quantitative descriptive techniques to describe the data and compare the findings with predetermined indicators. The research results shows that the process of learning national music through appreciation approach can improve students' motivation and learning outcomes. These improvements are influenced by the activities of students in the learning process derived from the observations using the observation sheet, interviews, documentation, and performance of the students in singing, as well as the score of their daily tests. By the end of the second cycle, thestudents activity improvements increase from 50% to 70%


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    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh perbedaan nilai nutrisi kemplang dengan bahan tambahan lemi rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) pada konsentrasi yang berbeda. Parameter yang diuji meliputi kadar : protein, lemak, abu, air, dan karbohidrat. Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimental, dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dan 4 perlakuan penambahan lemi rajungan : K (0%), A (25%), B (30%), C (35%), masing-masing 3 kali ulangan. Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA (Analysis of Varians) dengan uji F. Data hasil penelitian diperoleh perbedaan yang sangat nyata (P<0.01) di antara perlakuan pada kadar protein, lemak, abu, karbohidrat. Nilai masing-masing perlakuan: protein (11.4%; 14.7%; 16.5%; 17.7%), lemak (1.188%; 1.244%; 1.320%; 1.312%), abu (0.55%; 0.71%; 0.79%; 0.87%), karbohidrat (76.54%; 72.94%; 71.19%; 69.89%). Tidak terdapat perbedaan nyata (P<0.05) pada kadar air dengan nilai masing-masing perlakuan : 10.26%; 10.33%; 10.12%; 10.14%. Nilai nutrisi terbaik pada perlakuan C (35%)
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