24 research outputs found

    Understanding the emotional difficulties in agriculture succession : are there different emotional priorities?

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    Uppsatsen handlar om att hitta skillnader i hur personer känner inför ett generationsskifte i lantbruket jämfört med de som har genomgått ett. Genom att belysa känslor som kan uppstå i ett generationsskifte så ska det underlätta för kommande generationer att förstå emotionella svårigheter som kan uppstå. Faktorer som undersöktes i studien var hur de deltagande personerna uppfattade sina relationer till olika närstående och olika moment man ställs inför som familjeföretagare. I studien har semi-strukturerade intervjuer använts som hjälpmedel vid personliga möten och via telefon. Resultatet som studien genererat visar på att det finns skillnader mellan de som står inför ett generationsskifte och de som genomfört ett. En skillnad som observerats är att de emotionella svårigheterna skjuts från relationen med familjen till att handla om känslor kring den ekonomiska situationen efter generationsskiftet. En annan tydlig skillnad är att de som står inför ett generationsskifte tror att den äldre generationen ska släppa taget om företaget lättare än vad de som genomgått har upplevt att de faktiskt gjort.The essay is about finding differences in how people in agricultural family business feel about going into a succession compared to those who already have gone thru a succession. By locating the emotions that incurred in a succession it should be easier for future generations to understand the emotional difficulties that may occur. Factors investigated in the study were how the participating persons perceived their relationships with various related parties and different moments faced by family businesses owners. In the study, semi-structured interviews were used as a tool in personal meetings and phone calls. The study result concluded that there are differences between those who are facing a succession and those who already gone thru a succession. The largest difference observed is that emotional problems are changing from the relationship with the family to deal with feelings about the economic situation for those who have gone thru a succession. Another clear difference is that those who are facing a succession think that the older generation will let go easier than what they actually had according to those that have made a succession

    Demonstrating the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Variable Compression Ratio, Alvar-Cycle Engine

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    This paper is a direct continuation of a previous study that addressed the performance and design of a variable compression engine, the Alvar-Cycle Engine [1]. The earlier study was presented at the SAE International Conference and Exposition in Detroit during February 23- 26, 1998 as SAE paper 981027. In the present paper test results from a single cylinder prototype are reviewed and compared with a similar conventional engine. Efficiency and emissions are shown as function of speed, load, and compression ratio. The influence of residual gas on knock characteristics is shown. The potential for high power density through heavy supercharging is analyzed

    Performance Analysis of a Reciprocating Piston Expander and a Plate Type Exhaust Gas Recirculation Boiler in a Water-Based Rankine Cycle for Heat Recovery from a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine

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    The exhaust gas in an internal combustion engine provides favorable conditions for a waste-heat recovery (WHR) system. The highest potential is achieved by the Rankine cycle as a heat recovery technology. There are only few experimental studies that investigate full-scale systems using water-based working fluids and their effects on the performance and operation of a Rankine cycle heat recovery system. This paper discusses experimental results and practical challenges with a WHR system when utilizing heat from the exhaust gas recirculation system of a truck engine. The results showed that the boiler’s pinch point necessitated trade-offs between maintaining adequate boiling pressure while achieving acceptable cooling of the EGR and superheating of the water. The expander used in the system had a geometric compression ratio of 21 together with a steam outlet timing that caused high re-compression. Inlet pressures of up to 30 bar were therefore required for a stable expander power output. Such high pressures increased the pump power, and reduced the EGR cooling in the boiler because of pinch-point effects. Simulations indicated that reducing the expander’s compression ratio from 21 to 13 would allow 30% lower steam supply pressures without adversely affecting the expander’s power output

    Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis og öndunarfærasýkingar í sjúklingum með langvinna öndunarfærasjúkdóma

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenMoraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis is a member of the normal microbial flora of the upper respiratory tract, and has in recent years emerged as a significant pathogen in patients with chronic lung diseases, otitis media and sinusitis. The purpose was to study the prevalence of the organism in patients with chronic lung diseases. The study was both prospective and retrospective and all sputum cultures and case notes of 179 patients, at the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Vifilsstadahospital, were studied. Out of 335 sputum cultures, 149 were considered positive, thereof 37 (25%) with M. catarrhalis. M. catarrhalis was the second most common cause of pneumonia in these patients, and was significantly more common in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease, than in patients with bronchial asthma. Almost 90% of the strains produced β-lactamase. M. catarrhalis is a significant cause of lower respiratory tract infections in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease and most of the strains produce β-lactamase.Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis er hluti eðlilegrar örveruflóru efri loftvega mannsins. Komið hefur í ljós að hún getur valdið ýmsum sýkingum, einkum lungnabólgum hjá sjúklingum með langvinna lungnasjúkdóma, skúta- og eyrnabólgum. Ákveðið var að kanna tíðni bakteríunnar í hrákasýnum frá sjúklingum með langvinna lungnasjúkdóma og hve oft hún teldist orsök neðri loftvegasýkinga hjá þeim. Rannsóknin var bæði afturvirk og framvirk og var farið yfir ræktanir og sjúkraskrár 179 sjúklinga á lungnadeild Vífilsstaðaspítala. Frá þessum sjúklingum voru tekin 335 hrákasýni til ræktunar og voru 149 þeirra jákvæð, þar af 37 (25%) með M. catarrhalis. M. catarrhalis var önnur algengasta orsök lungnabólgu hjá þessum sjúklingum, auk þess sem hún var algengari hjá sjúklingum með langvinna lungnateppu en astmasjúklingum. Næstum 90% stofnanna mynduðu β-laktamasa. M. catarrhalis er mikilvæg orsök lungnasýkinga hjá sjúklingum með langvinna lungnateppu og flestir stofnanna mynda β-laktamasa

    Robust LCA: Metodval för robust miljöjämförelse med livscykelanalys (LCA) - introduktion för nyfikna

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    Målet med projektet robust LCA är att belysa hur LCA kan utföras med olika metodansatser i olika bedömningssituationer. Syftet är att ge förslag på metoder, anvisningar och handledning för hur LCA kan anpassas för att uppnå en ökad jämförbarhet mellan alla slags produkter, inklusive byggnader och andra konstruktioner. Med andra ord är ambitionen att utveckla och beskriva hur LCA kan göras mer entydig. Det skulle stärka dess användbarhet vid produktjämförelse och som ett verktyg i offentlig upphandling, i miljöklassningssystem med mera. En sådan utveckling bör gynna och stimulera en ökad användning av LCA på markanden. På samma sätt kan konkurrenskraften stärkas för de innovativa företag som ser miljöaspekter som en konkurrensfördel. Projektet är indelat i två delprojekt där denna rapport tillsammans med rapporten ”Typologi över LCA-metodik – två kompletterande systemsyner” (IVL rapport B2122), utgör avrapporteringen från projektets första del. Dessa underlagsrapporter vänder sig till en icke-LCA-expert såväl som till experten. Denna del av projektet utgör en introduktion till vad LCA är, dess historia, dess kopplingar till andra kommunikationsprodukter och en beskrivning av viktiga metodval som görs i en LCA och som påverkar resultatet. Den andra delen av projektet vänder sig till LCA-experten och har resulterat i en ”PCR-guide ...” med detaljerade metodanvisningar av sådant som är otydligt eller som vi anser behöver förbättras i de LCA-standarder som idag används i bygg- och fastighetssektorn (EN 15 804 och EN 15978) (IVL rapport B2101). För att beskriva resultatet av konsensusprocessen kommer styrgruppen att arbeta fram ett dokument som omfattar ett antal konkreta ställningstaganden, kopplat till användning av LCA i sektorn, med titeln; ”Policy-sammanfattning: Robust användning av LCA”. Projektet har bedrivits i dialogform med flera workshops där avsikten har varit att nå samsyn om en gemensam robust LCA-metodik som gör att den går att användas för att jämföra produkter, byggnadsverk med mera

    Product category rules (PCR) for building products on an international market - A draft based on life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology in compliance with ISO 14025

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    The objective of this product category rules (PCR) project is two-fold: to develop an international common operational methodology for building products environmental declarations (ED), and to identify aspects that are not yet agreed upon. This PCR cover technical aspects relevant for the declaration of building products based on a life-cycle assessment (LCA) covering the 'cradle-to-gate' perspective. The PCR also include specifications to develop a PCR on building products' applications that account for a full life cycle (cradle-to-grave). Only when the LCA covers a full life cycle is it, in theory, possible to use the result for supporting decision-making in comparative purpose, provided that a common functional unit can be established. The development of EDs also makes the type III declaration a useful tool to aid consumers in decision-making. To comply with the ISO 14025 standard for EDs, this PCR has to be complemented by administrative rules that are relevant to a program operator and the environmental declaration type III program that is specified by this program body. For implementation on the Swedish market, the PCR developed here will be complemented with such administrative issues defined in the type III program 'Requirements for Environmental Product Declarations', hosted by the Swedish Environmental Management Council (MSR).The objective of this product category rules (PCR) project is two-fold: to develop an international common operational methodology for building products environmental declarations (ED), and to identify aspects that are not yet agreed upon. This PCR cover technical aspects relevant for the declaration of building products based on a life-cycle assessment (LCA) covering the 'cradle-to-gate' perspective. The PCR also include specifications to develop a PCR on building products' applications that account for a full life cycle (cradle-to-grave). Only when the LCA covers a full life cycle is it, in theory, possible to use the result for supporting decision-making in comparative purpose, provided that a common functional unit can be established. The development of EDs also makes the type III declaration a useful tool to aid consumers in decision-making. To comply with the ISO 14025 standard for EDs, this PCR has to be complemented by administrative rules that are relevant to a program operator and the environmental declaration type III program that is specified by this program body. For implementation on the Swedish market, the PCR developed here will be complemented with such administrative issues defined in the type III program 'Requirements for Environmental Product Declarations', hosted by the Swedish Environmental Management Council (MSR)

    Product category rules (PCR) for building products on an international market - A draft based on life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology in compliance with ISO 14025

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    The objective of this product category rules (PCR) project is two-fold: to develop an international common operational methodology for building products environmental declarations (ED), and to identify aspects that are not yet agreed upon. This PCR cover technical aspects relevant for the declaration of building products based on a life-cycle assessment (LCA) covering the 'cradle-to-gate' perspective. The PCR also include specifications to develop a PCR on building products' applications that account for a full life cycle (cradle-to-grave). Only when the LCA covers a full life cycle is it, in theory, possible to use the result for supporting decision-making in comparative purpose, provided that a common functional unit can be established. The development of EDs also makes the type III declaration a useful tool to aid consumers in decision-making. To comply with the ISO 14025 standard for EDs, this PCR has to be complemented by administrative rules that are relevant to a program operator and the environmental declaration type III program that is specified by this program body. For implementation on the Swedish market, the PCR developed here will be complemented with such administrative issues defined in the type III program 'Requirements for Environmental Product Declarations', hosted by the Swedish Environmental Management Council (MSR).The objective of this product category rules (PCR) project is two-fold: to develop an international common operational methodology for building products environmental declarations (ED), and to identify aspects that are not yet agreed upon. This PCR cover technical aspects relevant for the declaration of building products based on a life-cycle assessment (LCA) covering the 'cradle-to-gate' perspective. The PCR also include specifications to develop a PCR on building products' applications that account for a full life cycle (cradle-to-grave). Only when the LCA covers a full life cycle is it, in theory, possible to use the result for supporting decision-making in comparative purpose, provided that a common functional unit can be established. The development of EDs also makes the type III declaration a useful tool to aid consumers in decision-making. To comply with the ISO 14025 standard for EDs, this PCR has to be complemented by administrative rules that are relevant to a program operator and the environmental declaration type III program that is specified by this program body. For implementation on the Swedish market, the PCR developed here will be complemented with such administrative issues defined in the type III program 'Requirements for Environmental Product Declarations', hosted by the Swedish Environmental Management Council (MSR)

    Robust LCA: Typologi över LCA-metodik - två kompletterande systemsyner

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    Användningen av livscykelanalys (LCA) kan delas in i utvärderingar av enskilda produkter och utvärderingar av sammansatta system med flera produkter. I det första fallet talar vi i detta projekt om en bokförings-LCA och i det andra fallet om en konsekvens-LCA . I båda fallen tillämpas ett livscykeltänkande. I en bokförings-LCA ingår bara direkta effekter inom den studerade produktens livscykel, medan en konsekvens-LCA även inkluderar effekter på angränsande produkter. Systemperspektiven kompletterar med andra ord varandra. Notera att i en LCA används begreppet produkt för alla nyttigheter som en process genererar oavsett om det är en tjänst, ett enskilt material, eller en komplex produkt såsom ett byggnadsverk. En bokförings-LCA kännetecknas av ambitionen att den beräknade miljöbelastningen för alla världens produkter ska kunna summeras och stämmer då med de globala utsläppen, det vill säga den så kallade 100%-regeln. I en konsekvens-LCA gäller inte detta utan här ges en beskrivning av vad som händer vid en förändring och vilka konsekvenser detta har på ett bredare, mer sammansatt system och dess miljöbelastning. I projektet och tidigare vetenskapliga studier konstateras det att dessa två systemsyner svarar på olika frågor och därmed kan existera parallellt, givet att det är tydligt vilken systemsyn som använts. Följande rekommendationer om användningen av de två systemsynerna, baseras på det arbete som gjorts i projektetet Robust LCA, och kan sammanfattas enligt nedan: Bokförings-LCA lämpar sig för att utvärdera och jämföra produkter där det är viktigt att entydiga svar erhålls och att miljöbelastning som beskrivs stämmer med de utsläpp som beslutsfattarna kan relatera till. Konsekvens-LCA inkluderar indirekta effekter och lämpar sig för att ge beslutsfattare insikt i hur deras beslut kan påverka samhällets miljöbelastning. I den LCA-typologi som tagits fram delas bokförings-LCA in i tillämpningsfall som här benämns Produkter respektive Material . På motsvarande sätt delas konsekvens-LCA delas in i Undvikna emissioner och Korg av funktioner . Sedan kan dessa varianter, beroende på vilken typ av konsekvenser som analyseras, utföras med en Antagen marginal , Driftsmarginal , Utbyggnadsmarginal eller Komplex marginal

    Astroglial Responses to Amyloid-Beta Progression in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by amyloid-beta (A beta) deposition, hyperphosphorylation of tau, and neuroinflammation. Astrocytes, the most abundant glial cell type in the nervous system, respond to neurodegenerative disorders through astrogliosis, i.e., converting to a reactive inflammatory state. The aim of this study was to investigate how in vivo quantification of astrogliosis using positron emission tomography (PET) radioligand deuterium-l-[C-11]deprenyl ([C-11]DED), binding to enzyme monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) which is overexpressed in reactive astrocytes during AD, corresponds to expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin, i.e., two well-established markers of astrogliosis, during A beta pathology progression. APP(ArcSwe) mice (n = 37) and wild-type (WT) control mice (n = 23), 2-16-month old, were used to investigate biomarkers of astrogliosis. The radioligand, [C-11]DED, was used as an in vivo marker while GFAP, vimentin, and MAO-B were used to investigate astrogliosis and macrophage-associated lectin (Mac-2) to investigate microglia/macrophage activation by immunohistochemistry of the mouse brain. A beta and GFAP levels were also measured with ELISA in brain homogenates. The intrabrain levels of aggregated A beta and reactive astrocytes were found to be elevated in APP(ArcSwe) compared with WT mice. GFAP and vimentin expression increased with age, i.e., with A beta pathology, in the APP(ArcSwe) mice. This was not the case for in vivo marker [C-11]DED that showed elevated binding of the same magnitude in APP(ArcSwe) mice compared with WT mice at both 8 and 16 months. Further, immunohistochemistry indicated that there was limited co-expression of MAO-B and GFAP. MAO-B levels are increased early in A beta pathology progression, while GFAP and vimentin appear to increase later, most likely as a consequence of abundant A beta plaque formation. Thus, [C-11]DED is a useful PET radioligand for the detection of changes in MAO-B at an early stage of AD progression but does not measure the total extent of astrogliosis at advanced stages of A beta pathology

    PCR guide for construction products and works - Specifications to and evaluation of EN 15804

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    The main question handled in the project ‘Robust LCA’ is how to use LCA for a robust comparison of construction products or any construction works. The project is divided into two parts where the first part deals with a general introduction to methodology problems related to LCA and what we here call ‘choice of system perspective’. The latter aspect deals with the question when to use to use attributional or consequential LCA. An LCA typology is developed in this part of the project, where different ISO 14044 methodologies are classified. The typology also deals with what question these different methodologies address. The second part of the project, given in this report, deals with commonly methodology aspects that are important to find consensus about. These methodical aspects selected and handled here are based on a workshop result. Already existing standards is used as a baseline to describe the current best common practice. The main LCA methodology used as basis for this work is EN 15804, a so call ‘core PCR’, (product category rules) for all constructions products. However, since the common goal within an LCA case study is to use a harmonized method in the entirely study, such PCR are valid for all products and services used in the life cycle of any construction works. For instance, this implies that the impact from different energy wares is to be handled with the same methodology as used for the construction products. This PCR guide includes specifications to EN 15804, as well as the potential development for aspects that are not handled in this standard today. The outlined suggestions and recommendations are the result of a series of workshops, with delegates from different parties within the Swedish building material, construction and real estate sector, including civil engineering work. The PCR guides have been subject to an open consultation that was closed on the 20th of October 2013, where all parties have had the possibility to put forward their opinions. The final recommendation in this report is based on a common understanding within the project group and takes into account the submitted written contributions to the open consultation (version dated 2013-09-18). The recommendation therefore describes the current consensus in the Swedish group participating in this project. Moreover, the PCR Guide was also sent to some EPD program operators (EPD Norway, International EPD system, Institut Bauen und Umwelt (Germany)) and the working group behind EN 16485. This was done to create an opportunity to bring forward dissenting opinion to the specifications given here. Please note that this report shall not be regarded as a PCR, but as an inspiration for future development of such work.This report is only available in English