6,829 research outputs found

    ¿Cambiarán las elecciones la política de Washington respecto a Cuba?

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    Hay marcadas diferencias entre la visión de guerra fría respecto a Cuba promovida por John McCain y el enfoque más flexible planteado por Barack Obama. En vísperas del 50 aniversario de la Revolución Cubana, EEUU y Cuba siguen enzarzados en una larga guerra fría que probablemente siga, de alguna manera, independientemente de cual de los dos candidatos presidenciales llegue a la Casa Blanca e independientemente de si Raúl Castro gobierna la isla con eficacia o ineptitud. Las decisiones que el próximo presidente norteamericano tome sobre Cuba dependerán hasta cierto punto de la influencia de sus partidarios cubano-norteamericanos y de la coyuntura política en Cuba

    Characterization of CoRoT target fields with BEST: Identification of periodic variable stars in the IR01 field

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    We report on observations of the CoRoT IR01 field with the Berlin Exoplanet Search Telescope (BEST). BEST is a small aperture telescope with a wide field of view (FOV). It is dedicated to search for variable stars within the target fields of the CoRoT space mission to aid in minimizing false-alarm rates and identify potential targets for additional science. CoRoT's observational programm started in February 2007 with the "initial run" field (IR01) observed for about two months. BEST observed this field for 12 nights spread over three months in winter 2006. From the total of 30426 stars observed in the IR01 field 3769 were marked as suspected variable stars and 54 from them showed clear periodicity. From these 19 periodic stars are within the part of the CoRoT FOV covered in our data set

    Results from the Exoplanet Search Programmes with BEST and TEST

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    Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg (TLS) has started to operate a small dedicated telescope - the Tautenburg Exoplanet Search Telescope (TEST) - searching for transits of extrasolar planets in photometric time series observations. In a joint effort with the Berlin Exoplanet Search Telescope (BEST) operated by the Institut fuer Planetenforschung of the "Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)" at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence (OHP), France, two observing sites are used to optimise transit search. Here, we give a short overview of these systems and the data analysis. We describe a software pipeline that we have set up to identify transit events of extrasolar planets and variable stars in time series data from these and other telescopes, and report on some first results.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, contributed paper to the "Solar and Stellar Physics Through Eclipses" conference, eds. O. Demircan, S.O. Selam, B. Albayrak (Turkey, March 2006

    Variability survey in the CoRoT SRa01 field: Implications of eclipsing binary distribution on cluster formation in NGC 2264

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    Time-series photometry of the CoRoT field SRa01 was carried out with the Berlin Exoplanet Search Telescope II (BEST II) in 2008/2009. A total of 1,161 variable stars were detected, of which 241 were previously known and 920 are newly found. Several new, variable young stellar objects have been discovered. The study of the spatial distribution of eclipsing binaries revealed the higher relative frequency of Algols toward the center of the young open cluster NGC 2264. In general Algol frequency obeys an isotropic distribution of their angular momentum vectors, except inside the cluster, where a specific orientation of the inclinations is the case. We suggest that we see the orbital plane of the binaries almost edge-on.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Structure and dynamics of a model glass: influence of long-range forces

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    We vary the amplitude of the long-range Coulomb forces within a classical potential describing a model silica glass and study the consequences on the structure and dynamics of the glass, via molecular dynamics simulations. This model allows us to follow the variation of specific features such as the First Sharp Diffraction Peak and the Boson Peak in a system going continuously from a fragile (no Coulomb forces) to a strong (with Coulomb forces) glass. In particular we show that the characteristic features of a strong glass (existence of medium range order, bell-shaped ring size distribution, sharp Boson peak) appear as soon as tetrahedral units are formed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. To be published in J.Phys.: C

    A model integrating longshore and cross-shore processes for predicting long-term shoreline responses to climate change

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    We present a shoreline change model for coastal hazard assessment and management planning. The model, CoSMoS-COAST (Coastal One-line Assimilated Simulation Tool), is a transect-based, one-line model that predicts short-term and long-term shoreline response to climate change in the 21st century. The proposed model represents a novel, modular synthesis of process-based models of coastline evolution due to longshore and cross-shore transport by waves and sea level rise. Additionally, the model uses an extended Kalman filter for data assimilation of historical shoreline positions to improve estimates of model parameters and thereby improve confidence in long-term predictions. We apply CoSMoS-COAST to simulate sandy shoreline evolution along 500 km of coastline in Southern California, which hosts complex mixtures of beach settings variably backed by dunes, bluffs, cliffs, estuaries, river mouths, and urban infrastructure, providing applicability of the model to virtually any coastal setting. Aided by data assimilation, the model is able to reproduce the observed signal of seasonal shoreline change for the hindcast period of 1995–2010, showing excellent agreement between modeled and observed beach states. The skill of the model during the hindcast period improves confidence in the model’s predictive capability when applied to the forecast period (2010–2100) driven by GCM-projected wave and sea level conditions. Predictions of shoreline change with limited human intervention indicate that 31% to 67% of Southern California beaches may become completely eroded by 2100 under sea level rise scenarios of 0.93 to 2.0 m

    The Berlin Exoplanet Search Telescope II. Catalog of Variable Stars. I. Characterization of Three Southern Target Fields

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    A photometric survey of three Southern target fields with BEST II yielded the detection of 2,406 previously unknown variable stars and an additional 617 stars with suspected variability. This study presents a catalog including their coordinates, magnitudes, light curves, ephemerides, amplitudes, and type of variability. In addition, the variability of 17 known objects is confirmed, thus validating the results. The catalog contains a number of known and new variables that are of interest for further astrophysical investigations, in order to, e.g., search for additional bodies in eclipsing binary systems, or to test stellar interior models. Altogether, 209,070 stars were monitored with BEST II during a total of 128 nights in 2009/2010. The overall variability fraction of 1.2-1.5% in these target fields is well comparable to similar ground-based photometric surveys. Within the main magnitude range of R[11,17]R\in\left[11,17\right], we identify 0.67(3)% of all stars to be eclipsing binaries, which indicates a completeness of about one third for this particular type in comparison to space surveys.Comment: accepted to A

    Pre-discovery observations of CoRoT-1b and CoRoT-2b with the BEST survey

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    The BEST wide-angle telescope installed at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence and operated in remote control from Berlin by the Institut fuer Planetenforschung, DLR, has observed the CoRoT target fields prior to the mission. The resulting archive of stellar photometric lightcurves is used to search for deep transit events announced during CoRoT's alarm-mode to aid in fast photometric confirmation of these events. The "initial run" field of CoRoT (IRa01) has been observed with BEST in November and December 2006 for 12 nights. The first "long run" field (LRc01) was observed from June to September 2005 for 35 nights. After standard CCD data reduction, aperture photometry has been performed using the ISIS image subtraction method. About 30,000 lightcurves were obtained in each field. Transits of the first detected planets by the CoRoT mission, CoRoT-1b and CoRoT-2b, were found in archived data of the BEST survey and their lightcurves are presented here. Such detections provide useful information at the early stage of the organization of follow-up observations of satellite alarm-mode planet candidates. In addition, no period change was found over ~4 years between the first BEST observation and last available transit observations.Comment: AJ, accepte

    The Opinion-Policy Nexus in Europe and the Role of Political Institutions

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    A strong link between citizen preferences and public policy is one of the key goals and criteria of democratic governance. Yet, our knowledge about the extent to which public policies on specific issues are in line with citizen preferences in Europe is limited. This article reports on the first study of the link between public opinion and public policy that covers a large and diverse sample of concrete public policy issues in 31 European democracies. The findings demonstrate a strong positive relationship and a substantial degree of congruence between public opinion and the state of public policy. Also examined is whether political institutions, including electoral systems and the horizontal and vertical division of powers, influence the opinion‐policy link. The evidence for such effects is very limited, which suggests that the same institutions might affect policy representation in countervailing ways through different mechanisms

    The BAST algorithm for transit detection

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    The pioneer space mission for photometric exoplanet searches, CoRoT, steadily monitors about 12000 stars in each of its fields of view. Transit detection algorithms are applied to derive promising planetary candidates, which are then followed-up with ground-based observations. We present BAST (Berlin Automatic Search for Transits), a new algorithm for periodic transit detection, and test it on simulated CoRoT data. BAST searches for box-shaped signals in normalized, filtered, variability-fitted, and unfolded light curves. A low-pass filter is applied to remove high-frequency signals, and linear fits to subsections of data are subtracted to remove the star's variability. A search for periodicity is then performed in transit events identified above a given detection threshold. Some criteria are defined to better separate planet candidates from binary stars. From the analysis of simulated CoRoT light curves, we show that the BAST detection performance is similar to that of the Box-fitting Least-Square (BLS) method if the signal-to-noise ratio is high. However, the BAST box search for transits computes 10 times faster than the BLS method. By adding periodic transits to simulated CoRoT data, we show that the minimum periodic depth detectable with BAST is a linearly increasing function of the noise level. For low-noise light curves, the detection limit corresponds to a transit depth d~0.01%, i.e. a planet of 1 Earth radius around a solar-type star.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in A&