173 research outputs found

    Implications of runaway globalisation in the Seychelles

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    At a time of rampant globalisation, large-scale operations are favoured over smallscale production in the main domains of the economy. This has political effects: domination by the big over the small is sought in both old and new ways; and cultural effects that influence from outside – such as Netflix, tourism and travel abroad – are intensified in the globally integrated information society. This in turn affects the media, language and self-identity, as well as being decisive for strategies in diplomacy, human security, planning and domestic politics. This article analyses the situation of the Seychelles in the 21st century: a small state, dependent on inputs from the outside world, and victim of a new form of colonialism. The country may still have potential to ‘punch above its weight’ and to hold its own, in spite of the disembedded, abstract economy of scale dominating this integrated, networked, accelerated, globalised world. For this to happen, a recognition and analysis of current changes are needed.N/

    A philosophy for our times

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    Contribution to the Forum Teaching Anthropology in the Secondary School, Anuac, vol. 5, n° 2.Contributo al Forum Teaching Anthropology in the Secondary School, Anuac, vol. 5, n° 2

    What is European about European anthropology?

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    The elusive and contested idea that there exists such a phenomenon as a European anthropology, and not least the ongoing discussion about it, reflects and contributes to the general, no less ongoing debates about European identity, the potentials and shortcomings of the European Union and questions concerning the boundaries and processes of exclusion and inclusion within Europe. However, the subject of this special section is not merely, or even mainly, the idea of Europe. It also (and perhaps mainly) concerns the characteristics of anthropology. Indeed, I shall argue that the ongoing conversation about a European anthropology mirrors theoretical debates and controversies within anthropology itself, sometimes in surprising ways. Let us begin with language.L’idea sfuggente e contestata che esista un fenomeno come una antropologia europea, e non ultimo il dibattito in corso su di essa, contribuisce e riflette dibattiti generali, non meno aperti, sull’identità europea, le potenzialità e le carenze dell’Unione e le questioni concernenti i confini e i processi di esclusione e inclusione nel Continente. Tuttavia, questa sezione tematica non ha per oggetto semplicemente, e neanche principalmente, l’idea di Europa. Essa riguarda, forse maggiormente, le caratteristiche dell’antropologia in generale. Sosterrò, infatti, che la discussione in corso su una antropologia europea rispecchi, in modi talvolta sorprendenti, dibattiti teorici e controversie all’interno dell’antropologia stessa. A partire dalla lingua

    Lessons from the Pandemic: A Window of Opportunity?

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    In this conversation, which took place in December 2021, we attempted to take stock of what the pandemic represented. The reader will recall that across the world, including both Italy and in Norway, we were still in the midst of the pandemic: it was unclear and impossible to predict how we might continue with our daily lives. This conversation tries to find the leitmotif of an experience that united the whole world. From both authors’ point of view, we wanted to try and make people see an opportunity within a crisis (following one of the principles of the overheating approach)

    Acceleration and Cultural Change. Dialogues from an Overheated World

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    This open access book includes socio-anthropological and anthropo-sociological conversations between one of the world’s leading anthropologists, Thomas Hyland Eriksen, and a young scholar, using his groundbreaking "overheating" approach.This book includes socio-anthropological and anthropo-sociological conversations between one of the world’s leading anthropologists, Thomas Hyland Eriksen, and a young scholar, using his groundbreaking "overheating" approach. From the pandemic to the spread of nationalism, from the Anthropocene to the Homogenocene, the authors discuss the most urgent issues of current society: e.g., the loss of biological and cultural diversity owing to the forces of globalisation; and the emergence of new forms of diversity through globalisation and migration; the intersectional dimension of climate change; the incredible rising of anger demonstrations around the world and resentful, overheated identities often linked to right-wing nationalism; the way digital devices have changed the meaning of temporality in people's life-worlds; the regulatory and competitive pressures on universities which are a result of many factors in the intersection of globalisation, massification and marketisation; youth's weakened belief in progress connected to changes in the contemporary world, such as growing inequality, political alienation and environmental destruction; recent pathbreaking research and original theory in sociology and anthropology related to the changes in an overheated world; and what post-Coronavirus social life might become. Highly topical, engaging and written in a conversational style, this book is a must-read for social scientists and discerning lay persons who want a fresh perspective on understanding the critical issues of our time

    The Sexual Life of Nations. Notes on gender and nationhood

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    Karen Fog Olwig: Global Culture, Island Identity: Continuity and Change in the Afro-Caribbean Community of Nevis

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    Karen Fog Olwig: Global Culture, Island Identity: Continuity and Change in the Afro-Caribbean Community of Nevis Anmeldes af Thomas Hylland Erikse

    El estatus epistemológico del concepto de etnicidad

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    John Liep og Karen Fog Olwig (red.): Komplekse liv: Kulturel mangfoldighed i Danmark

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    Komplekse liv: Kulturel mangfoldighed i Danmark. Anmeldes af Thomas Hylland Eriksen. &nbsp
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