49 research outputs found

    PPS: Privacy-preserving statistics using RFID tags

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    As RFID applications are entering our daily life, many new security and privacy challenges arise. However, current research in RFID security focuses mainly on simple authentication and privacy-preserving identication. In this paper, we discuss the possibility of widening the scope of RFID security and privacy by introducing a new application scenario. The suggested application consists of computing statistics on private properties of individuals stored in RFID tags. The main requirement is to compute global statistics while preserving the privacy of individual readings. PPS assures the privacy of properties stored in each tag through the combination of homomorphic encryption and aggregation at the readers. Re-encryption is used to prevent tracking of users. The readers scan tags and forward the aggregate of their encrypted readings to the back-end server. The back-end server then decrypts the aggregates it receives and updates the global statistics accordingly. PPS is provably privacypreserving. Moreover, tags can be very simple since they are not required to perform any kind of computation, but only to store data

    Forward Integrity and Crash Recovery for Secure Logs

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    Logging is a key mechanism in the security of computer systems. Beyond supporting important forward security properties, it is critical that logging withstands both failures and intentional tampering to prevent subtle attacks leaving the system in an inconsistent state with inconclusive evidence. We propose new techniques combining forward integrity with crash recovery for secure log data storage. As the support of forward integrity and online nature of logging prevent the use of conventional coding, we propose and analyze a coding scheme resolving these unique design constraints. Specifically, our coding enables forward integrity, online encoding, and most importantly a constant number of operations per encoding. It adds a new log item by XORing it to forward-securely selected kk cells of a table. If up to a certain threshold of cells is modified by the adversary, or lost due to a crash, we still guarantee recovery of all stored log items. The main advantage of the coding scheme is its efficiency and compatibility with forward integrity. A key contribution of the paper is the use of spectral graph theory techniques to prove that kk is constant in the number nn of all log items ever stored and small in practice, e.g., k=5k=5. Moreover, we prove that to cope with up to n\sqrt{n} lost log items, storage expansion is asymptotically constant in nn and small in practice. For k=5k=5, the total size of the table is only 12%12\% more than the simple concatenation of all nn items. We instantiate our scheme into an abstract data structure which allows to either detect adversarial modifications to log items or treat modifications like data loss in a system crash. The data structure can recover lost log items, thereby effectively reverting adversarial modifications

    Oblivious Substring Search with Updates

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    We are the first to address the problem of efficient oblivious substring search over encrypted data supporting updates. Our two new protocols SA-ORAM and ST-ORAM obliviously search for substrings in an outsourced set of n encrypted strings. Both protocols are efficient, requiring communication complexity that is only poly-logarithmic in n. Compared to a straightforward solution for substring search using recent “oblivious data structures” [30], we demonstrate that our tailored solutions improve communication complexity by a factor of logn. The idea behind SA-ORAM and ST-ORAM is to employ a new, hierarchical ORAM tree structure that takes advantage of data dependency and optimizes the size of ORAM blocks and tree height. Based on oblivious suffix arrays, SA-ORAM targets efficiency, yet does not allow updates to the outsourced set of strings. ST-ORAM, based on oblivious suffix trees, allows updates at the additional communications cost of a factor of loglogn. We implement and benchmark SA-ORAM to show its feasibility for practical deployments: even for huge datasets of 2^40 strings, an oblivious substring search can be performed with only hundreds of KBytes communication cost

    Mixed-Technique Multi-Party Computations Composed of Two-Party Computations

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    Protocols for secure multi-party computation are commonly composed of different sub-protocols, combining techniques such as homomorphic encryption, secret or Boolean sharing, and garbled circuits. In this paper, we design a new class of multi-party computation protocols which themselves are composed out of two-party protocols. We integrate both types of compositions, compositions of fully homomorphic encryption and garbled circuits with compositions of multi-party protocols from two-party protocols. As a result, we can construct communication-efficient protocols for special problems. Furthermore, we show how to efficiently ensure the security of composed protocols against malicious adversaries by proving in zero-knowledge that conversions between individual techniques are correct. To demonstrate the usefulness of this approach, we give an example scheme for private set analytics, i.e., private set disjointness. This scheme enjoys lower communication complexity than a solution based on generic multi-party computation and lower computation cost than fully homomorphic encryption. So, our design is more suitable for deployments in wide-area networks, such as the Internet, with many participants or problems with circuits of moderate or high multiplicative depth

    Secure Logging with Crash Tolerance

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    Forward-secure logging protects old log entries in a log file against an adversary compromising the log device. However, we show that previous work on forward-secure logging is prone to crash-attacks where the adversary removes log entries and then crashes the log device. As the state of the log after a crash-attack is indistinguishable from the state after a real crash, e.g., power failure, the adversary can hide attack traces. We present SLiC, a new logging protocol that achieves forward-security against crash-attacks. Our main idea is to decouple the time of a log event with the position of its resulting log entry in the log file. Each event is encrypted and written to a pseudo-random position in the log file. Consequently, the adversary can only remove random log events, but not specific ones. Yet, during forensic analysis, the verifier can replay pseudo-random positions. This allows to distinguish a real crash (last events missing) from a crash-attack (random events missing). Besides a formal analysis, we also present an evaluation of SLiC as a syslog server to indicate its practicality

    Private Collaborative Data Cleaning via Non-Equi PSI

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    We introduce and investigate the privacy-preserving version of collaborative data cleaning. With collaborative data cleaning, two parties want to reconcile their data sets to filter out badly classified, misclassified data items. In the privacy-preserving (private) version of data cleaning, the additional security goal is that parties should only learn their misclassified data items, but nothing else about the other party\u27s data set. The problem of private data cleaning is essentially a variation of private set intersection (PSI), and one could employ recent circuit-PSI techniques to compute misclassifications with privacy. However, we design, analyze, and implement three new protocols tailored to the specifics of private data cleaning that significantly outperform a circuit-PSI-based approach. With the first protocol, we exploit the idea that a small additional leakage (the size of the intersection of data items) allows for runtime and communication improvements of more than one order of magnitude over circuit-PSI. The other two protocols convert the problem of finding a mismatch in data classifications into finding a match, and then follow the standard technique of using oblivious pseudo-random functions (OPRF) for computing PSI. Depending on the number of data classes, this leads to either total runtime or communication improvements of up to two orders of magnitude over circuit-PSI

    Strain: A Secure Auction for Blockchains

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    We present Strain, a new auction protocol running on top of blockchains and guaranteeing bid confidentiality against fully-malicious parties. As our goal is efficiency and low blockchain latency, we abstain from using traditional, highly interactive MPC primitives such as secret shares. We focus on a slightly weaker adversary model than MPC which allows Strain to achieve constant latency in both the number of parties and the bid length. The main idea behind Strain is a new maliciously-secure two-party comparison mechanism executed between any pair of bids in parallel. Using zero-knowledge proofs, Strain broadcasts the outcome of comparisons on the blockchain in a way that all parties can verify each outcome. Strain\u27s latency is not only asymptotically optimal, but also efficient in practice, requiring a total of just 4 blocks of the underlying blockchain. Strain provides typical auction security requirements such as non-retractable bids against fully-malicious adversaries

    Constant Communication ORAM with Small Blocksize

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    There have been several attempts recently at using homomorphic encryption to increase the efficiency of Oblivious RAM protocols. One of the most successful has been Onion ORAM, which achieves O(1) communication overhead with polylogarithmic server computation. However, it has two drawbacks. It requires a large block size of B = Omega(log^6 N) with large constants. Moreover, while it only needs polylogarithmic computation complexity, that computation consists mostly of expensive homomorphic multiplications. In this work, we address these problems and reduce the required block size to Omega(log^4 N). We remove most of the homomorphic multiplications while maintaining O(1) communication complexity. Our idea is to replace their homomorphic eviction routine with a new, much cheaper permute-and-merge eviction which eliminates homomorphic multiplications and maintains the same level of security. In turn, this removes the need for layered encryption that Onion ORAM relies on and reduces both the minimum block size and server computation