480 research outputs found

    Sublethal toxicant effects with dynamic energy budget theory: application to mussel outplants

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    We investigate the effectiveness of a sublethal toxic effect model embedded in Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory for the analysis of field data. We analyze the performance of two species of mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis and M. californianus, near a diffuser discharging produced water in the Southern California Bight, California. Produced water is a byproduct of oil production consisting of fossil water together with compounds added during the extraction process, and generally contains highly elevated levels of pollutants relative to sea water. Produced water negatively affects the production of somatic and reproductive biomass in both mussel species; we show that these negative effects can be quantified with our DEB-based modeling framework through the estimation of toxic effect scaling parameters. Our analyses reveal that the toxic impact of produced water on growth and reproduction of M. californianus is substantially higher than for M. galloprovincialis. Projections of the expected lifetime production of gonad biomass indicate that the environmental impact of produced water can be as large as 100%, whereas short-term assessment without the use of DEB theory projects a maximum effect of only 30%

    The Parkes HI Survey of the Magellanic System

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    We present the first fully and uniformly sampled, spatially complete HI survey of the entire Magellanic System with high velocity resolution, performed with the Parkes Telescope. The final data-cubes have an rms noise of sigma ~ 0.05 K and an effective angular resolution of 16 arcmin. The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) are associated with huge gaseous features with a total HI mass of M(HI) = 4.87 10^8 M_sun [d/55 kpc]^2, if all HI gas is at the same distance of 55 kpc. Approximately two thirds of this HI gas is located close to the Magellanic Clouds (Magellanic Bridge and Interface Region), and 25% of the HI gas is associated with the Magellanic Stream. The Leading Arm has a four times lower HI mass than the Magellanic Stream, corresponding to 6% of the total HI mass of the gaseous features. We have analyzed the velocity field of the Magellanic Clouds and their neighborhood introducing a LMC-standard-of-rest frame. The HI in the Magellanic Bridge shows low velocities relative to the Magellanic Clouds suggesting an almost parallel motion, while the gas in the Interface Region has significantly higher relative velocities indicating that this gas is leaving the Magellanic Bridge building up a new section of the Magellanic Stream. The clouds in the Magellanic Stream and the Leading Arm show significant differences, both in the column density distribution and in the shapes of the line profiles. The HI gas in the Magellanic Stream is more smoothly distributed than the gas in the Leading Arm. These morphological differences can be explained if the Leading Arm is at considerably lower z-heights and embedded in a higher pressure ambient medium.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Vocal signals facilitate cooperative hunting in wild chimpanzees

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    Cooperation and communication likely co-evolved in humans. However, the evolutionary roots of this interdependence remain unclear. We address this issue by investigating the role of vocal signals in facilitating a group cooperative behavior in an ape species: hunting in wild chimpanzees. First, we show that bark vocalizations produced before hunt initiation are reliable signals of behavioral motivation, with barkers being most likely to participate in the hunt. Next, we find that barks are associated with greater hunter recruitment and more effective hunting, with shorter latencies to hunting initiation and prey capture. Our results indicate that the co-evolutionary relationship between vocal communication and group-level cooperation is not unique to humans in the ape lineage, and is likely to have been present in our last common ancestor with chimpanzees

    Supernova Remnants and Star Formation in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    It has often been suggested that supernova remnants (SNRs) can trigger star formation. To investigate the relationship between SNRs and star formation, we have examined the known sample of 45 SNRs in the Large Magellanic Cloud to search for associated young stellar objects (YSOs) and molecular clouds. We find seven SNRs associated with both YSOs and molecular clouds, three SNRs associated with YSOs but not molecular clouds, and eight SNRs near molecular clouds but not associated with YSOs. Among the 10 SNRs associated with YSOs, the association between the YSOs and SNRs can be either rejected or cannot be convincingly established for eight cases. Only two SNRs have YSOs closely aligned along their rims; however, the time elapsed since the SNR began to interact with the YSOs' natal clouds is much shorter than the contraction timescales of the YSOs, and thus we do not see any evidence of SNR-triggered star formation in the LMC. The 15 SNRs that are near molecular clouds may trigger star formation in the future when the SNR shocks have slowed down to <45 km/s. We discuss how SNRs can alter the physical properties and abundances of YSOs.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, Accepted for publication in the August 2010 edition of the Astronomical Journa

    The CO-to-H2 Conversion Factor From Infrared Dust Emission Across the Local Group

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    We estimate the conversion factor relating CO emission to H2 mass, alpha_CO, in five Local Group galaxies that span approximately an order of magnitude in metallicity - M31, M 33, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), NGC 6822, and the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). We model the dust mass along the line of sight from infrared (IR) emission and then solve for the alpha_CO that best allows a single gas-to-dust ratio (delta_GDR) to describe each system. This approach remains sensitive to CO-dark envelopes of H2 surrounding molecular clouds. In M 31, M 33, and the LMC we find alpha_CO \approx 3-9 M_sun pc^-2 (K km s^-1)^-1, consistent with the Milky Way value within the uncertainties. The two lowest metallicity galaxies in our sample, NGC 6822 and the SMC (12 + log(O/H) \approx 8.2 and 8.0), exhibit a much higher alpha_CO. Our best estimates are \alpha_NGC6822 \approx 30 M_sun/pc^-2 (K km s^-1)^-1 and \alpha_SMC \approx 70 M_sun/pc^-2 (K km s-1)-1. These results are consistent with the conversion factor becoming CO a strong function of metallicity around 12 + log(O/H) \sim 8.4 - 8.2. We favor an interpretation where decreased dust-shielding leads to the dominance of CO-free envelopes around molecular clouds below this metallicity.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, 15 pages, 7 figure

    Sub-millimeter Observations of Giant Molecular Clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud: Temperature and Density as Determined from J=3-2 and J=1-0 transitions of CO

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    We have carried out sub-mm 12CO(J=3-2) observations of 6 giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) with the ASTE 10m sub-mm telescope at a spatial resolution of 5 pc and very high sensitivity. We have identified 32 molecular clumps in the GMCs and revealed significant details of the warm and dense molecular gas with n(H2) ∌\sim 103−5^{3-5} cm−3^{-3} and Tkin ∌\sim 60 K. These data are combined with 12CO(J=1-0) and 13CO(J=1-0) results and compared with LVG calculations. We found that the ratio of 12CO(J=3-2) to 12CO(J=1-0) emission is sensitive to and is well correlated with the local Halpha flux. We interpret that differences of clump propeties represent an evolutionary sequence of GMCs in terms of density increase leading to star formation.Type I and II GMCs (starless GMCs and GMCs with HII regions only, respectively) are at the young phase of star formation where density does not yet become high enough to show active star formation and Type III GMCs (GMCs with HII regions and young star clusters) represents the later phase where the average density is increased and the GMCs are forming massive stars. The high kinetic temperature correlated with \Halpha flux suggests that FUV heating is dominant in the molecular gas of the LMC.Comment: 74 pages, including 41 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ
