146 research outputs found

    Constructivist and Structuralist Foundations: Bishop's and Lawvere's Theories of Sets

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    Bishop's informal set theory is briefly discussed and compared to Lawvere's Elementary Theory of the Category of Sets (ETCS). We then present a constructive and predicative version of ETCS, whose standard model is based on the constructive type theory of Martin-L\"of. The theory, CETCS, provides a structuralist foundation for constructive mathematics in the style of Bishop.Comment: 28 page

    Constructing categories and setoids of setoids in type theory

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    In this paper we consider the problem of building rich categories of setoids, in standard intensional Martin-L\"of type theory (MLTT), and in particular how to handle the problem of equality on objects in this context. Any (proof-irrelevant) family F of setoids over a setoid A gives rise to a category C(A, F) of setoids with objects A. We may regard the family F as a setoid of setoids, and a crucial issue in this article is to construct rich or large enough such families. Depending on closure conditions of F, the category C(A, F) has corresponding categorical constructions. We exemplify this with finite limits. A very large family F may be obtained from Aczel's model construction of CZF in type theory. It is proved that the category so obtained is isomorphic to the internal category of sets in this model. Set theory can thus establish (categorical) properties of C(A, F) which may be used in type theory. We also show that Aczel's model construction may be extended to include the elements of any setoid as atoms or urelements. As a byproduct we obtain a natural extension of CZF, adding atoms. This extension, CZFU, is validated by the extended model. The main theorems of the paper have been checked in the proof assistant Coq which is based on MLTT. A possible application of this development is to integrate set-theoretic and type-theoretic reasoning in proof assistants.Comment: 14 page

    Internalising modified realisability in constructive type theory

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    A modified realisability interpretation of infinitary logic is formalised and proved sound in constructive type theory (CTT). The logic considered subsumes first order logic. The interpretation makes it possible to extract programs with simplified types and to incorporate and reason about them in CTT.Comment: 7 page

    Coequalisers of formal topology

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    We give a predicative construction of quotients of formal topologies. Along with earlier results on the match up between of continuous functions on real numbers (in the sense of Bishop\u27s constructive mathematics) and approximable mappings on the formal space of reals, we argue that formal topology gives an adequate foundation for constructive algebraic topology, also in the predicative sense. Predicativity is of essence when formalising the subject in logical frameworks based on Martin-Löf type theories

    Categories with families and first-order logic with dependent sorts

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    First-order logic with dependent sorts, such as Makkai's first-order logic with dependent sorts (FOLDS), or Aczel's and Belo's dependently typed (intuitionistic) first-order logic (DFOL), may be regarded as logic enriched dependent type theories. Categories with families (cwfs) is an established semantical structure for dependent type theories, such as Martin-L\"of type theory. We introduce in this article a notion of hyperdoctrine over a cwf, and show how FOLDS and DFOL fit in this semantical framework. A soundness and completeness theorem is proved for DFOL. The semantics is functorial in the sense of Lawvere, and uses a dependent version of the Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra for a DFOL theory. Agreement with standard first-order semantics is established. Applications of DFOL to constructive mathematics and categorical foundations are given. A key feature is a local propositions-as-types principle.Comment: 83 page

    On Equality of Objects in Categories in Constructive Type Theory

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    In this note we remark on the problem of equality of objects in categories formalized in Martin-L\"of's constructive type theory. A standard notion of category in this system is E-category, where no such equality is specified. The main observation here is that there is no general extension of E-categories to categories with equality on objects, unless the principle Uniqueness of Identity Proofs (UIP) holds. We also introduce the notion of an H-category, a variant of category with equality on objects, which makes it easy to compare to the notion of univalent category proposed for Univalent Type Theory by Ahrens, Kapulkin and Shulman.Comment: 7 page

    Computable decision making on the reals and other spaces via partiality and nondeterminism

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    Though many safety-critical software systems use floating point to represent real-world input and output, programmers usually have idealized versions in mind that compute with real numbers. Significant deviations from the ideal can cause errors and jeopardize safety. Some programming systems implement exact real arithmetic, which resolves this matter but complicates others, such as decision making. In these systems, it is impossible to compute (total and deterministic) discrete decisions based on connected spaces such as R\mathbb{R}. We present programming-language semantics based on constructive topology with variants allowing nondeterminism and/or partiality. Either nondeterminism or partiality suffices to allow computable decision making on connected spaces such as R\mathbb{R}. We then introduce pattern matching on spaces, a language construct for creating programs on spaces, generalizing pattern matching in functional programming, where patterns need not represent decidable predicates and also may overlap or be inexhaustive, giving rise to nondeterminism or partiality, respectively. Nondeterminism and/or partiality also yield formal logics for constructing approximate decision procedures. We implemented these constructs in the Marshall language for exact real arithmetic.Comment: This is an extended version of a paper due to appear in the proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS) in July 201

    Constructing categories and setoids of setoids in type theory

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