230 research outputs found

    Dosimetric study of the radiolectric influence of humans into complex environments through determistic simulations and the implementation of a simplified model

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    The research presented in this thesis falls under the framework of dosimetry and deterministic estimations. A dosimetric study is carried out with the aid of a 3D Ray Launching simulation technique, by means of an in-house developed code at UPNA. Dosimetry is defined as the calculation of the absorbed dose when a tissue is exposed to electromagnetic radiation, in this case, non-ionizing radiation. It has reached a great importance since a part of the society starts to show concern about the exposure of people to artificial exposures caused by mobile phones or Wi-Fi networks. In fact, some entities (administrations and health bodies) are involved in the regulation and the release of guidelines about this subject. The objective of this thesis is to study dosimetry through 3D Ray Launching simulation technique, calibrating it by the implementation of several scenarios where the simulation tool is tested throughout the comparison of theoretical and measurement results. A simplified human body has been also developed with the aim of employing it in different scenarios, performing dosimetric estimations and providing insight on its influence in the electromagnetic power distribution inside an indoor scenario. Finally, obtained results are compared with different guideline thresholds giving an idea of the compliance of the law when usual wireless communication systems are emitting.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Tecnologías de las Comunicaciones (RD 1393/2007)Komunikazioen Teknologietako Doktoretza Programa Ofiziala (ED 1393/2007

    The Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey IX: Data Release 2 and Outer Galaxy Extension

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    We present a re-reduction and expansion of the Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey, first presented by Aguirre et al. (2011) and Rosolowsky et al. (2010). The BGPS is a 1.1 mm survey of dust emission in the Northern galactic plane, covering longitudes -10 < \ell < 90 and latitudes |b| < 0.5 with a typical 1-\sigma RMS sensitivity of 30-100 mJy in a 33" beam. Version 2 of the survey includes an additional 20 square degrees of coverage in the 3rd and 4th quadrants and 2 square degrees in the 1st quadrant. The new data release has improved angular recovery, with complete recovery out to 80" and partial recovery to 300", and reduced negative bowls around bright sources resulting from the atmospheric subtraction process. We resolve the factor of 1.5 flux calibration offset between the v1.0 data release and other data sets and determine that there is no offset between v2.0 and other data sets. The v2.0 pointing accuracy is tested against other surveys and demonstrated to be accurate and an improvement over v1.0. We present simulations and tests of the pipeline and its properties, including measurements of the pipeline's angular transfer function. The Bolocat cataloging tool was used to extract a new catalog, which includes 8594 sources, with 591 in the expanded regions. We have demonstrated that the Bolocat 40" and 80" apertures are accurate even in the presence of strong extended background emission. The number of sources is lower than in v1.0, but the amount of flux and area included in identified sources is larger.Comment: 36 pages, 16 figures, accepted to ApJS. Data available from http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/BOLOCAM_GPS

    Evaluation of electromagnetic dosimetry of wireless systems in complex indoor scenarios with human body interaction

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    In this work, the influence of human body within the estimation of dosimetric values is analyzed. A simplified human body model, including the dispersive nature of material parameters of internal organs, skin, muscle, bones and other elements has been implemented. Such a model has been included within an indoor scenario in which an in-house 3D ray launching code has been applied to estimate received power levels within the complete scenario. The results enhance previous dosimetric estimations, while giving insight on influence of human body model in power level distribution and enabling to analyze the impact in the complete volume of the scenario.The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of project FASTER, funded by the Consejería de Industria, Gobierno de Navarra

    La carrera de geología en la Universidad de Chile

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    Se presenta la historia de la fundación y del desarrollo de las actividades de enseñanza e investigación en Geología en la Universidad de Chile. Estas se iniciaron con Ignacio Domeyko, uno de los fundadores de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas y, posterior Rector de la Universidad, entre 1867 y 1883. Como profesor de Geología fue sucedido por Johannes (Juan) Brüggen, creador del Instituto de Geología y autor de “Fundamentos de la Geología de Chile” en 1950. A su retiro lo sucedió su alumno, el ingeniero de minas Jorge Muñoz Cristi. En 1952, participó junto con el geógrafo Humberto Fuenzalida y otro ingeniero de minas, Héctor Flores, en la creación del Curso Especial de Geólogo, posteriormente transformado en Escuela de Geología y, finalmente, en Departamento de Geología en 1968. El desarrollo de las actividades docentes y de investigación se vieron favorecidos en gran medida con la participación de investigadores extranjeros venidos de Alemania, Argentina, Checoslovaquia, Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, Francia, Italia, Japón y Rusia. Hasta la fecha se han titulado de Geólogo más de 1.200 egresados y se han graduado unos 150 Magísteres y 50 Doctores, que han contribuido enormemente al desarrollo económico, social e intelectual de Chile

    Analysis, Design and Empirical Validation of a Smart Campus Based on LoRaWAN

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    [Abstract] Internet of Things (IoT) applications for smart environments demand challenging requirements for wireless networks in terms of security, coverage, availability, power consumption, and scalability. The technologies employed so far to cope with IoT scenarios are not yet able to manage simultaneously all these demanding requirements, but recent solutions like Low-Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) have emerged as a promising alternative to provide low-cost and low-power consumption connectivity to nodes spread throughout a wide area. Specifically, the Long-Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) standard is one of the most recent developments, receiving attention from both industry and academia. This work presents a comprehensive case study on the use of LoRaWAN under a realistic scenario within a smart city: a smart campus. Such a medium-scale scenario has been implemented through an in-house-developed 3D ray launching radio planning simulator that takes into consideration traffic lights, vehicles, people, buildings, urban fixtures, and vegetation. The developed tool is able to provide accurate radio propagation estimations within the smart campus scenario in terms of coverage, capacity, and energy efficiency of the network. These results are compared with an empirical validation in order to assess the operating conditions and the system accuracy. Moreover, the presented results provide some guidelines for IoT vendors, network operators, and city planners to investigate further deployments of LoRaWAN for other medium-scale smart city applicationsXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-045Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Agencia Estatal de Investigación; TEC2016-75067-C4-1-

    Evaluation of electromagnetic interference and exposure assessment from s-Health solutions based on Wi-Fi devices

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    In the last decade the number of wireless devices operating at the frequency band of 2.4GHz has increased in several settings, such as healthcare, occupational, and household. In this work, the emissions fromWi-Fi transceivers applicable to context aware scenarios are analyzed in terms of potential interference and assessment on exposure guideline compliance. Near field measurement results as well as deterministic simulation results on realistic indoor environments are presented, providing insight on the interaction between theWi-Fi transceiver and implantable/body area network devices as well as other transceivers operating within an indoor environment, exhibiting topological and morphological complexity. By following approaches (near field estimation/deterministic estimation), colocated body situations as well as large indoor emissions can be determined.The results show in general compliance with exposure levels and the impact of overall network deployment, which can be optimized in order to reduce overall interference levels while maximizing system performance.This work has been funded by the contract CA12/00038 of Technical Support Research of the Health Strategic Action, under the National Plan R&D&I 2008–2011 References