132 research outputs found

    Fragmentomic cfDNA Patterns in Noninvasive Prenatal Testing and Beyond

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    The release of fetoplacental cell-free DNA (cfDNA) into the maternal bloodstream opened up new avenues towards noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for aneuploidies, hereditary DNA mutations and other pregnancy-related developmental disorders. Increasingly, cfDNA catches interest for its noninvasive screening value in other areas as well, including oncology. Although there are indications that cfDNA fragmentation is a non-random process, the etiology and different structural aspects of cfDNA are still not well known. The emerging field of cfDNA fragmentomics investigates the existence of tissue and disease specific cfDNA signatures and the chemistry and biology underlying the fragmentation process. This review sheds light on recent developments in cfDNA fragmentomics and illustrates their significance in NIPT improvement and beyond.We discuss aspects of fragment size distributions, epigenetic correlations and putatively enriched cfDNA fragment-end compositions. Combinatorial fragmentomic efforts have provided more insights into the roles of different enzymes that contribute to the fragmentation process in the tissue of origin and in the bloodstream. Altogether, these studies revealed multiple fragmentomic-related biomarkers that can be used to make noninvasive screening and other types of clinical use of cfDNA more robust, by raising its distinctive capacities. This includes multiple complementary approaches to determine the fetal fraction, a key determinant in NIPT. Furthermore, these developments translate to a better understanding of the encountered cfDNA patterns and will catalyze the expansion of screening possibilities in NIPT and beyon

    Feasibility of preconception screening for thalassaemia in Indonesia: exploring the opinion of Javanese mothers

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    Background. Thalassaemia has become a major public health issue in Indonesia. It has been estimated that up to 10% of the population carries a gene associated with beta-thalassaemia. Currently, there is no formal recommendation for thalassaemia screening. This study aimed to explore awareness of thalassaemia, and to explore attitudes regarding carrier testing among Javanese mothers. Methods. A quantitative questionnaire, designed using constructs of the Theory of Planned Behaviour, was applied cross-sectionally. Results. Out of 191 mothers who were invited, 180 agreed to participate (RR 94%), of whom 74 had a child affected with thalassaemia. Both attitudes towards receiving information about thalassaemia, and attitudes towards carrier testing were very positive. Awareness of thalassaemia was poor. Mothers, both those with and without an affected child, had barely heard of thalassaemia, nor of carrier testing. However, all mothers, including those with an affected child expressed high levels of interest in carrier testing. Respondents did not perceive that they had any control over carrier testing, and feared stigmatization and being discriminated against if their carrier status was identified. Attitudes towards carrier testing explained 23% of future reproductive intentions, in addition to perceived stigmatization, education level and ‘mother’s age’ (R2 0.44; p 0.001). Conclusion. Responding mothers expressed high levels of interest in receiving information on both thalassaemia and carrier testing. The less educated and the more deprived they were, the keener they were to receive this information. Overall, awareness of thalassaemia was low. Even mothers with affected children seemed unaware of the inheritance pattern and the recurrent risk of having an affected child in a subsequent pregnancy, showing the need for genetic counselling in Indonesia. It is therefore recommended not only to raise awareness about thalassaemia, but to improve the education of healthcare professionals as well. Keywords: thalassaemia; carrier screening; Javanese mothers; genetic awareness; Theory of Planned Behaviour (TpB); awareness; Indonesi

    Additional value of advanced ultrasonography in pregnancies with two inconclusive cell-free DNA draws

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    Objective: We aimed to evaluate the additional value of advanced fetal anatomical assessment by ultrasound in pregnancies with twice inconclusive noninvasive testing (NIPT) due to low fetal fraction (FF). Methods: We performed a multicenter-retrospective study between 2017 and 2020 including 311 pregnancies with twice inconclusive NIPT due to low FF ≤ 1%. Women were offered invasive testing and advanced fetal anatomical assessment at ≤18 weeks' gestation. Ultrasound findings, genetic testing, and pregnancy/postnatal outcomes were evaluated. Results: Ninety-two/311 (29.6%) women underwent invasive testing. Structural anomalies were diagnosed in 13/311 (4.2%) pregnancies (nine at the first scan and four at follow-up). In 6/13 (46.2%) cases, genetic aberrations were confirmed (one case of Trisomy 13 (detectable by NIPT), two of Triploidy, one of 16q12-deletion, HCN4-mutation and UPD(16) (nondetectable by NIPT). Genetic aberrations were found in 4/298 (1.3%) structurallynormal pregnancies (one 47XYY, two microscopic aberrations, one monogenic disorder found postpartum). Structural anomalies in genetically normal fetuses (2.0%) were not more prevalent compared to the general pregnant population (OR 1.0 [0.4–2.2]). Conclusion: In pregnancies with twice inconclusive NIPT due to low FF, fetal structural anomalies are not more prevalent than in the general obstetric population. The detailed anatomical assessment has the added value to detect phenotypical features suggestive of chromosomal/genetic aberrations and identify pregnancies where advanced genetic testing may be indicated

    Diagnosis of Fanconi Anemia: Mutation Analysis by Next-Generation Sequencing

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    Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare genetic instability syndrome characterized by developmental defects, bone marrow failure, and a high cancer risk. Fifteen genetic subtypes have been distinguished. The majority of patients (≈85%) belong to the subtypes A (≈60%), C (≈15%) or G (≈10%), while a minority (≈15%) is distributed over the remaining 12 subtypes. All subtypes seem to fit within the “classical” FA phenotype, except for D1 and N patients, who have more severe clinical symptoms. Since FA patients need special clinical management, the diagnosis should be firmly established, to exclude conditions with overlapping phenotypes. A valid FA diagnosis requires the detection of pathogenic mutations in a FA gene and/or a positive result from a chromosomal breakage test. Identification of the pathogenic mutations is also important for adequate genetic counselling and to facilitate prenatal or preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Here we describe and validate a comprehensive protocol for the molecular diagnosis of FA, based on massively parallel sequencing. We used this approach to identify BRCA2, FANCD2, FANCI and FANCL mutations in novel unclassified FA patients

    Trial by Dutch laboratories for evaluation of non-invasive prenatal testing. Part I—clinical impact

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    Objective: To evaluate the clinical impact of nationwide implementation of genome-wide non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in pregnancies at increased risk for fetal trisomies 21, 18 and 13 (TRIDENT study). Method: Women with elevated risk based on first trimester combined testing (FCT ≥ 1:200) or medical history, not advanced maternal age alone, were offered NIPT as contingent screening test, performed by Dutch University Medical laboratories. We analyzed uptake, test performance, redraw/failure rate, turn-around time and pregnancy outcome. Results: Between 1 April and 1 September 2014, 1413/23 232 (6%) women received a high-risk FCT result. Of these, 1211 (85.7%) chose NIPT. One hundred seventy-nine women had NIPT based on medical history. In total, 1386/1390 (99.7%) women received a result, 6 (0.4%) after redraw. Mean turn-around time was 14 days. Follow-up was available in 1376 (99.0%) pregnancies. NIPT correctly predicted 37/38 (97.4%) trisomies 21, 18 or 13 (29/30, 4/4 and 4/4 respectively); 5/1376 (0.4%) cases proved to be false positives: trisomies 21 (n = 2), 18 (n = 1) and 13 (n = 2). Estimated reduction in invasive testing was 62%. Conclusion: Introduction of NIPT in the Dutch National healthcare-funded Prenatal Screening Program resulted in high uptake and a vast reduction of invasive testing. Our study supports offering NIPT to pregnant women at increased risk for fetal trisomy. © 2016 The Authors. Prenatal Diagnosis published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2016 The Authors. Prenatal Diagnosis published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Noninvasive Prenatal Test Results Indicative of Maternal Malignancies:A Nationwide Genetic and Clinical Follow-Up Study

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    PURPOSE: Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for fetal aneuploidy screening using cell-free DNA derived from maternal plasma can incidentally raise suspicion for cancer. Diagnostic routing after malignancy suspicious-NIPT faces many challenges. Here, we detail malignancy suspicious-NIPT cases, and describe the clinical characteristics, chromosomal aberrations, and diagnostic routing of the patients with a confirmed malignancy. Clinical lessons can be learned from our experience. METHODS: Patients with NIPT results indicative of a malignancy referred for tumor screening between April 2017 and April 2020 were retrospectively included from a Dutch nationwide NIPT implementation study, TRIDENT-2. NIPT profiles from patients with confirmed malignancies were reviewed, and the pattern of chromosomal aberrations related to tumor type was analyzed. We evaluated the diagnostic contribution of clinical and genetic examinations. RESULTS: Malignancy suspicious-NIPT results were reported in 0.03% after genome-wide NIPT, and malignancies confirmed in 16 patients (16/48, 33.3%). Multiple chromosomal aberrations were seen in 23 of 48 patients with genome-wide NIPT, and a malignancy was confirmed in 16 patients (16/23, 69.6%). After targeted NIPT, 0.005% malignancy suspicious-NIPT results were reported, in 2/3 patients a malignancy was confirmed. Different tumor types and stages were diagnosed, predominantly hematologic malignancies (12/18). NIPT data showed recurrent gains and losses in primary mediastinal B-cell lymphomas and classic Hodgkin lymphomas. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography were most informative in diagnosing the malignancy. CONCLUSION: In 231,896 pregnant women, a low percentage (0.02%) of NIPT results were assessed as indicative of a maternal malignancy. However, when multiple chromosomal aberrations were found, the risk of a confirmed malignancy was considerably high. Referral for extensive oncologic examination is recommended, and may be guided by tumor-specific hallmarks in the NIPT profile

    EMQN best practice guidelines for the laboratory diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) comprises a group of inherited disorders characterized by bone fragility and increased susceptibility to fractures. Historically, the laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis OI rested on cultured dermal fibroblasts to identify decreased or abnormal production of abnormal type I (pro)collagen molecules, measured by gel electrophoresis. With the discovery of COL1A1 and COL1A2 gene variants as a cause of OI, sequence analysis of these genes was added to the diagnostic process. Nowadays, OI is known to be genetically heterogeneous. About 90% of individuals with OI are heterozygous for causative variants in the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes. The majority of remaining affected individuals have recessively inherited forms of OI with the causative variants in the more recently discovered genes CRTAP, FKBP10, LEPRE1,PLOD2, PPIB, SERPINF1, SERPINH1 and SP7, or in other yet undiscovered genes. These advances in the molecular genetic diagnosis of OI prompted us to develop new guidelines for molecular testing and reporting of results in which we take into account that testing is also used to ‘exclude' OI when there is suspicion of non-accidental injury. Diagnostic flow, methods and reporting scenarios were discussed during an international workshop with 17 clinicians and scientists from 11 countries and converged in these best practice guidelines for the laboratory diagnosis of OI

    Clinical impact of additional findings detected by genome-wide non-invasive prenatal testing:Follow-up results of the TRIDENT-2 study

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    In the TRIDENT-2 study, all pregnant women in the Netherlands are offered genome-wide non-invasive prenatal testing (GW-NIPT) with a choice of receiving either full screening or screening solely for common trisomies. Previous data showed that GW-NIPT can reliably detect common trisomies in the general obstetric population and that this test can also detect other chromosomal abnormalities (additional findings). However, evidence regarding the clinical impact of screening for additional findings is lacking. Therefore, we present follow-up results of the TRIDENT-2 study to determine this clinical impact based on the laboratory and perinatal outcomes of cases with additional findings. Between April 2017 and April 2019, additional findings were detected in 402/110,739 pregnancies (0.36%). For 358 cases, the origin was proven to be either fetal (n = 79; 22.1%), (assumed) confined placental mosaicism (CPM) (n = 189; 52.8%), or maternal (n = 90; 25.1%). For the remaining 44 (10.9%), the origin of the aberration could not be determined. Most fetal chromosomal aberrations were pathogenic and associated with severe clinical phenotypes (61/79; 77.2%). For CPM cases, occurrence of pre-eclampsia (8.5% [16/189] vs 0.5% [754/159,924]; RR 18.5), and birth weigh

    Next-generation sequencing-based genome diagnostics across clinical genetics centers: Implementation choices and their effects

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    Implementation of next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS) technology into routine diagnostic genome care requires strategic choices. Instead of theoretical discussions on the consequences of such choices, we compared NGS-based diagnostic practices in eight clinical genetic centers in the Netherlands, based on genetic testing of nine pre-selected patients with cardiomyopathy. We highlight critical implementation choices, including the specific contributions of laboratory and medical specialists, bioinformaticians and researchers to diagnostic genome care, and how these affect interpretation and reporting of variants. Reported pathogenic mutations were consistent for all but one patient. Of the two centers that were inconsistent in their diagnosis, one reported to have found 'no causal variant', thereby underdiagnosing this patient. The other provided an alternative diagnosis, identifying another variant as causal than the other centers. Ethical and legal analysis showed that informed consent procedures in all centers were generally adequate for diagnostic NGS applications that target a limited set of genes, but not for exome- and genome-based diagnosis. We propose changes to further improve and align these procedures, taking into account the blurring boundary between diagnostics and research, and specific counseling options for exome- and genome-based diagnostics. We conclude that alternative diagnoses may infer a certain level of 'greediness' to come to a positive diagnosis in interpreting sequencing results. Moreover, there is an increasing interdependence of clinic, diagnostics and research departments for comprehensive diagnostic genome care. Therefore, we invite clinical geneticists, physicians, researchers, bioinformatics experts and patients to reconsider their role and position in future diagnostic genome care