320 research outputs found

    Bear Series #24: Bear Dreaming

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    Isaiah\u27s Model House

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    Exploring Childhood: Discovering Teens

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    This is a study of a practicum-based child development curriculum for eighth grade students in a middle school setting. One hundred students were tested on self-image concepts and attitudes toward young children after they had been exposed to the curriculum. The experimental group was involved in the Exploring Childhood course which gave them experience in actual child care agencies in the community. The control group students used the more traditional child development unit in the home economics program. Testing showed that the experimental group made significantly higher self-concept scores than the control group. There was no significant difference between the two groups in their attitudes toward young children

    Bear Series #32: Many Polar Bears Paddling

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    Legal Education: The Last Academic Bastion of Sex Bias?

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    The divine craftsman : a comparative study of Bezalel\u27s divine endowment and craftsmanship in the ancient world and its implications in Isaiah 11: 1-9

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    Equality between the Sexes in the 1980\u27s

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    Any discussion of equality under the law must necessarily revolve around the equal protection clause. Therefore, this discussion will indicate first where equal protection analysis has succeeded ineffectively dealing with sex discrimination and the significance of the judicial policy behind these successes. Secondly, the failures of the equal protection clause will be examined with specific attention to the five methods in which the equal protection clause has failed to eliminate laws discriminating on the basis of sex. Finally, the failures of the equal protection clause will be illustrated as starting points for work in the area of sexual equality in the 1980\u27s

    The Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act: How Can Non-Marital Children Be Protected?

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    Parental kidnapping has been called one of the most subtle and brutal forms of child abuse. In response to the seriousness of the problem of childsnatching and its increasing incidence in this country, steps have been taken on both state and federal levels. The UCCJA was approved by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and by the American Bar Association in 1968. By 1984 it had been enacted in all states and the Virgin Islands. Virtually all states have also enacted criminal parental kidnapping statutes. In 1980, Congress passed the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act (PKPA), which not only strengthened the provisions of state laws but also contained additional safeguards against childsnatching

    The Role Of The Law Guardian In A Custody Case Involving Domestic Violence

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    A law guardian for a child has an extremely difficult job, one that arguably requires a higher degree of diligence than that of an attorney representing a competent adult. Yet, under New York law, the role of the law guardian for a child involved in a custody is not clearly defined. When domestic violence is involved, the law guardian\u27s role becomes crucial. The role of the law guardian for a child in a custody case involving domestic violence has been expanded as a result of the enactment of chapter 85 of the 1996 Laws of New York. This article outlines the statutes, cases and rules governing law guardians in New York and discusses how Chapter 85 affects the law guardian\u27s role

    The Role Of The Law Guardian In A Custody Case Involving Domestic Violence

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    A law guardian for a child has an extremely difficult job, one that arguably requires a higher degree of diligence than that of an attorney representing a competent adult. Yet, under New York law, the role of the law guardian for a child involved in a custody is not clearly defined. When domestic violence is involved, the law guardian\u27s role becomes crucial. The role of the law guardian for a child in a custody case involving domestic violence has been expanded as a result of the enactment of chapter 85 of the 1996 Laws of New York. This article outlines the statutes, cases and rules governing law guardians in New York and discusses how Chapter 85 affects the law guardian\u27s role