5 research outputs found

    Frequency-Dependent Social Transmission and the Interethnic Transfer of Female Genital Modification in the African Diaspora and Indigenous Populations of Colombia

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    Wepresentaquantitativeaccountbasedonethnographicanddocumentary research of the prevalence of female genital modification (FGMo) in the African dias- pora and indigenous populations of Colombia. We use these data to test hypotheses concerning the cultural evolutionary drivers of costly trait persistence, attenuation, and intergroup transmission. The uptake of FGMo by indigenous populations in Colombia is consistent with frequency-dependent hypotheses for the social transmis- sion of the FGMo trait from the African diaspora population in the period following the era of slavery in Colombia. The prevalence and severity of practices related to FGMo decline with level of sociocultural integration into mainstream Colombian culture. Our results provide empirical support for the cultural evolutionary models proposed by Ross et al. (2015) to describe the transmission dynamics of FGMo and other costly traits. Analysis of costly trait dynamics contributes knowledge useful to applied anthropology and may be of interest in policy design and human rights monitoring in Colombia and elsewhere

    Disparate Antibiotic Resistance Gene Quantities Revealed across 4 Major Cities in California: A Survey in Drinking Water, Air, and Soil at 24 Public Parks

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    Widespread prevalence of multidrug and pandrug-resistant bacteria has prompted substantial concern over the global dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). Environmental compartments can behave as genetic reservoirs and hotspots, wherein resistance genes can accumulate and be laterally transferred to clinically relevant pathogens. In this work, we explore the ARG copy quantities in three environmental media distributed across four cities in California and demonstrate that there exist city-to-city disparities in soil and drinking water ARGs. Statistically significant differences in ARGs were identified in soil, where differences in blaSHV gene copies were the most striking; the highest copy numbers were observed in Bakersfield (6.0 × 10-2 copies/16S-rRNA gene copies and 2.6 × 106 copies/g of soil), followed by San Diego (1.8 × 10-3 copies/16S-rRNA gene copies and 3.0 × 104 copies/g of soil), Fresno (1.8 × 10-5 copies/16S-rRNA gene copies and 8.5 × 102 copies/g of soil), and Los Angeles (5.8 × 10-6 copies/16S-rRNA gene copies and 5.6 × 102 copies/g of soil). In addition, ARG copy numbers in the air, water, and soil of each city are contextualized in relation to globally reported quantities and illustrate that individual genes are not necessarily predictors for the environmental resistome as a whole

    Rising Sun: Prioritized outcomes for suicide prevention in the Arctic

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    The Arctic Council, a collaborative forum among governments and Arctic communities, has highlighted the problem of suicide and potential solutions. The mental health initiative during the United States chairmanship, Reducing the Incidence of Suicide in Indigenous Groups: Strengths United Through Networks (RISING SUN), used a Delphi methodology complemented by face-to-face stakeholder discussions to identify outcomes to evaluate suicide prevention interventions. RISING SUN underscored that multilevel suicide prevention initiatives require mobilizing resources and enacting policies that promote the capacity for wellness, for example, by reducing adverse childhood experiences, increasing social equity, and mitigating the effects of colonization and poverty