262 research outputs found

    Le climat scolaire à l'école primaire : étude de l'influence des variables de milieu sur sa perception par les élèves de 6 à 8 ans

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    http://www.ijvs.org/files/Revue-12/05-Younes-IJVS-12.pdfInternational audienceCet article présente une étude de la perception du climat scolaire par 697 élèves âgés de 6 à 8 ans de 22 écoles primaires françaises. Les résultats montrent que les élèves ont une perception positive de leur école. Si la grande majorité se sent bien à l'école, une minorité est en souffrance. Le sentiment de bien-être est lié à la qualité des relations sociales et aux conditions de milieu. On observe aussi un impact favorable des pratiques éducatives et de la formation des enseignants

    Knocking on heaven's door : are novel invaders necessarily facing naive native species on islands ?

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    The impact of alien predator species on insular native biota has often been attributed to island prey naivete (i.e. lack of, or inefficient, anti-predator behavior). Only rarely, however, has the concept of island prey naivete been tested, and then only a posteriori (i.e. hundreds or thousands of years after alien species introduction). The presence of native or anciently introduced predators or competitors may be crucial for the recognition and development of adaptive behavior toward unknown predators or competitors of the same archetype (i.e. a set of species that occupy a similar ecological niche and show similar morphological and behavioral traits when interacting with other species). Here, we tested whether two squamates endemic to New Caledonia, a skink, Caledoniscincus austrocaledonicus, and a gecko, Bavayia septuiclavis, recognized and responded to the odor of two major invaders introduced into the Pacific islands, but not yet into New Caledonia. We chose one predator, the small Indian mongoose Herpestes javanicus and one competitor, the cane toad Rhinella marina, which belong respectively to the same archetype as the following two species already introduced into New Caledonia in the nineteenth century: the feral cat Felis catus and the golden bell frog Litoria aurea. Our experiment reveals that geckos are naive with respect to the odors of both an unknown predator and an unknown competitor, as well as to the odors of a predator and a competitor they have lived with for centuries. In contrast, skinks seem to have lost some naivete regarding the odor of a predator they have lived with for centuries and seem "predisposed" to avoid the odor of an unknown potential competitor. These results indicate that insular species living in contact with invasive alien species for centuries may be, although not systematically, predisposed toward developing adaptive behavior with respect to species belonging to the same archetype and introduced into their native range

    Cricket community acoustics: a new tool to detect invasive ants.

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    Relatório curricular de mestrado (Análises Clínicas), apresentado á Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de CoimbraO presente trabalho apresenta as atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito do estágio curricular, inserido no Mestrado em Análises Clínicas da Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbra. O referido estágio realizou-se no Laboratório de Análises Clínicas do Centro de Saúde Militar de Coimbra, de Dezembro de 2014 a Maio de 2015, sob a orientação do Dr. Mário João Roque. Neste relatório serão apresentados os métodos usados na execução das análises, a sua importância clínica, a organização diária e o sistema de gestão de qualidade implementado no laboratório. Serão desenvolvidos de modo mais detalhado os sectores de hematologia e bioquímicaThe present work exposes the activities developed in the internship within the context, of the Master´s degree of Clinical Analysis, of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra. The training was performed at the Clinical Analysis Laboratory of Centro de Saúde Militar of Coimbra, from December to May 2015, under the supervision of Dr. Mario João Roque. In this report will be present the methods used in the execution of laboratorial assays, the clinical interest of the laboratory test, the daily organization and quality management system implemented in the laboratory. This report presents a more detailed description of the hematology and biochemistry sector

    Bunbury Basalt: Gondwana breakup products or earliest vestiges of the Kerguelen mantle plume?

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V. In this contribution, we investigate the role of a mantle plume in the genesis of the Bunbury Basalt using high-precision 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and whole-rock geochemistry, and by using crustal basement thickness of the eastern Indian Ocean and the western Australian continent. The Bunbury Basalt is a series of lava flows and deep intrusive rocks in southwestern Australia thought to be the earliest igneous products from the proto-Kerguelen mantle plume. Nine new plateau ages indicate that the Bunbury Basalt erupted in three distinct phases, at 136.96±0.43 Ma, 132.71±0.43 Ma and 130.45±0.82 Ma. All Bunbury Basalt samples are enriched tholeiitic basalts with varying contributions from the continental lithosphere that are similar to other Kerguelen plume-products. Based on plate reconstructions and the present geochronological constraints, the eruption of the oldest Bunbury Basalt preceded the emplacement of the Kerguelen large igneous province by at least 10-20 m.y. Such age differences between a precursor and the main magmatic event are not uncommon but do require additional explanation. Low crustal stretching factors beneath the Bunbury Basalt (ߘ1.4) indicate that decompression melting could not have been generated from asthenospheric mantle with a normal chemistry and geotherm. An elevated geotherm from the mantle plume coupled with the geochemical similarity between the Bunbury Basalt and other Kerguelen plume-products suggests a shared origin exists. However, new age constraints of the oldest Bunbury Basalt are synchronous with the breakup of eastern Gondwana and the initial opening of the Indian Ocean at ca. 137-136 Ma, which may mean an alternative explanation is possible. The enriched geochemistry can equally be explained by a patch of shallow mantle beneath the southern Perth Basin. The patch may have been enriched during Gondwana suturing at ca. 550-500 Ma, during early rifting events by magmatic underplating or by intruded melts into the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. This enriched geochemical signature would then be sufficient to trigger decompression melting from passive rifting between Greater India and Australia with no contribution from the Kerguelen hotspot. We conclude that although the proto-Kerguelen hotspot is certainly a possible explanation for the genesis of the Bunbury Basalt, decompression melting of an enriched patch of subcontinental lithospheric mantle is an alternative theory

    The ArT\'eMiS wide-field submillimeter camera: preliminary on-sky performances at 350 microns

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    ArTeMiS is a wide-field submillimeter camera operating at three wavelengths simultaneously (200, 350 and 450 microns). A preliminary version of the instrument equipped with the 350 microns focal plane, has been successfully installed and tested on APEX telescope in Chile during the 2013 and 2014 austral winters. This instrument is developed by CEA (Saclay and Grenoble, France), IAS (France) and University of Manchester (UK) in collaboration with ESO. We introduce the mechanical and optical design, as well as the cryogenics and electronics of the ArTeMiS camera. ArTeMiS detectors are similar to the ones developed for the Herschel PACS photometer but they are adapted to the high optical load encountered at APEX site. Ultimately, ArTeMiS will contain 4 sub-arrays at 200 microns and 2x8 sub-arrays at 350 and 450 microns. We show preliminary lab measurements like the responsivity of the instrument to hot and cold loads illumination and NEP calculation. Details on the on-sky commissioning runs made in 2013 and 2014 at APEX are shown. We used planets (Mars, Saturn, Uranus) to determine the flat-field and to get the flux calibration. A pointing model was established in the first days of the runs. The average relative pointing accuracy is 3 arcsec. The beam at 350 microns has been estimated to be 8.5 arcsec, which is in good agreement with the beam of the 12 m APEX dish. Several observing modes have been tested, like On-The-Fly for beam-maps or large maps, spirals or raster of spirals for compact sources. With this preliminary version of ArTeMiS, we concluded that the mapping speed is already more than 5 times better than the previous 350 microns instrument at APEX. The median NEFD at 350 microns is 600 mJy.s1/2, with best values at 300 mJy.s1/2. The complete instrument with 5760 pixels and optimized settings will be installed during the first half of 2015.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. Presented at SPIE Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII, June 24, 2014. To be published in Proceedings of SPIE Volume 915

    In-plane nanoelectromechanical resonators based on silicon nanowire piezoresistive detection

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    We report an actuation/detection scheme with a top-down nano-electromechanical system for frequency shift-based sensing applications with outstanding performance. It relies on electrostatic actuation and piezoresistive nanowire gauges for in-plane motion transduction. The process fabrication is fully CMOS compatible. The results show a very large dynamic range (DR) of more than 100dB and an unprecedented signal to background ratio (SBR) of 69dB providing an improvement of two orders of magnitude in the detection efficiency presented in the state of the art in NEMS field. Such a dynamic range results from both negligible 1/f-noise and very low Johnson noise compared to the thermomechanical noise. This simple low-power detection scheme paves the way for new class of robust mass resonant sensor

    Substantivity of mouth‑rinse formulations containing cetylpyridinium chloride and O‑cymen‑5‑ol: a randomized‑crossover trial

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    Background: The efficacy of mouth-rinses strongly depends upon their substantivity. The use of natural and nontoxic products that avoid secondary effects is gaining interest in preventive dentistry. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the substantivity of two formulations of mouth-washing solutions based on cetylpyridinium (CPC) and O-cymen-5-ol. Methods: This was a randomized, double-blind, crossover trial conducted at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Barcelona. Bacterial re-colonization was followed by live/dead (SYTOTM9 + propidium iodide) bacterial staining and measured by confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluorometry. Unstimulated saliva samples were collected from 16 healthy individuals at baseline saliva and then, at 15 min, 30 min and 1, 2, 3, and 4 h after the following mouth-rinses: (i) a single, 1-min mouth-rinse with 15 ml of placebo (negative control); (ii) a single, 1-min mouth-rinse with 15 ml of CPC (0.05%) ; (iii) a single, 1-min mouth-rinse with 15 ml of O-cymen-5-ol (0.09%); (iv) a single, 1-min mouth-rinse with 15 ml of CPC (0.05%) + O-cymen-5-ol (0.09%). Results: Proportion of dead bacteria was significantly higher for all mouthrinses during the first 15 min compared to baseline (CPC = 48.0 ± 13.9; 95% CI 40.98-56.99; p < 0.001, O-cymen-5-ol = 79.8 ± 21.0; 95% CI 67.71-91.90; p < 0.05, CPC + O-cymen-5-ol = 49.4 ± 14; 95% CI 40.98-56.99; p < 0.001 by fluorometry and 54.8 ± 23.0; 95% CI 41.50-68.06; p < 0.001, 76.3 ± 17.1; 95% CI 66.36-86.14; p < 0.001, 47.4 ± 11.9; 95% CI 40.49-54.30; p < 0.001 by confocal laser scanning microscopy, respectively). Nevertheless, after 4 h, CPC + O-cymen-5-ol was the only one that obtained significant values as measured by the two quantification methods used (80.3 ± 22.8; 95% CI 67.15-93.50; p < 0.05 and 81.4 ± 13.8; 95% CI 73.45-89.43; p < 0.05). The combined use of CPC + O-cymen-5-ol increased the substantivity of the mouthrinse with respect to mouthrinses prepared with either of the two active products alone. Conclusion: The synergistic interaction of CPC and O-cymen-5-ol prolongs their substantivity. The resulting formulation may be as effective as other antimicrobials, such as triclosan or chlorhexidine, but without their undesirable secondary effects. Thus, mouthrinsing products based on Combinations of CPC and O-cymen-5-ol may replace in the near future Triclosan and Chlorhexidine¿based mouthrinses

    Shocked monazite chronometry: integrating microstructural and in situ isotopic age data for determining precise impact ages

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    Monazite is a robust geochronometer and occurs in a wide range of rock types. Monazite also records shock deformation from meteorite impact but the effects of impact-related microstructures on the U–Th–Pb systematics remain poorly constrained. We have, therefore, analyzed shock-deformed monazite grains from the central uplift of the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa, and impact melt from the Araguainha impact structure, Brazil, using electron backscatter diffraction, electron microprobe elemental mapping, and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Crystallographic orientation mapping of monazite grains from both impact structures reveals a similar combination of crystal-plastic deformation features, including shock twins, planar deformation bands and neoblasts. Shock twins were documented in up to four different orientations within individual monazite grains, occurring as compound and/or type one twins in (001), (100), (10 1 ¯) , {110}, { 212 } , and type two (irrational) twin planes with rational shear directions in [ 0 1 ¯ 1 ¯ ] and [ 1 ¯ 1 ¯ 0 ]. SIMS U–Th–Pb analyses of the plastically deformed parent domains reveal discordant age arrays, where discordance scales with increasing plastic strain. The correlation between discordance and strain is likely a result of the formation of fast diffusion pathways during the shock event. Neoblasts in granular monazite domains are strain-free, having grown during the impact events via consumption of strained parent grains. Neoblastic monazite from the Inlandsee leucogranofels at Vredefort records a 207Pb/206Pb age of 2010 ± 15 Ma (2σ, n = 9), consistent with previous impact age estimates of 2020 Ma. Neoblastic monazite from Araguainha impact melt yield a Concordia age of 259 ± 5 Ma (2σ, n = 7), which is consistent with previous impact age estimates of 255 ± 3 Ma. Our results demonstrate that targeting discrete microstructural domains in shocked monazite, as identified through orientation mapping, for in situ U–Th–Pb analysis can date impact-related deformation. Monazite is, therefore, one of the few high-temperature geochronometers that can be used for accurate and precise dating of meteorite impacts

    Frequency fluctuations in silicon nanoresonators

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    Frequency stability is key to performance of nanoresonators. This stability is thought to reach a limit with the resonator's ability to resolve thermally-induced vibrations. Although measurements and predictions of resonator stability usually disregard fluctuations in the mechanical frequency response, these fluctuations have recently attracted considerable theoretical interest. However, their existence is very difficult to demonstrate experimentally. Here, through a literature review, we show that all studies of frequency stability report values several orders of magnitude larger than the limit imposed by thermomechanical noise. We studied a monocrystalline silicon nanoresonator at room temperature, and found a similar discrepancy. We propose a new method to show this was due to the presence of frequency fluctuations, of unexpected level. The fluctuations were not due to the instrumentation system, or to any other of the known sources investigated. These results challenge our current understanding of frequency fluctuations and call for a change in practices