4,813 research outputs found

    Predictors of Gains During Inpatient Rehabilitation in Patients with Stroke- A Review.

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    Stroke remains a major cause of disability. The cost of stroke rehabilitation is substantial. Understanding the factors that predict response to inpatient stroke rehabilitation may be useful, for example, to best individualize the content of therapy, or to maximize the efficiency with which resources are directed. This review reviewed the literature and found that numerous variables were associated with outcome after inpatient stroke rehabilitation. The strongest evidence exists for factors such as age, stroke subtype, nutritional status, psychosocial factors such as living with family prior to stroke or presence of a caregiver. Functional status on admission, urinary incontinence, post-stroke infection, and aphasia each can also impact prognosis. Strengths and weaknesses of cited studies are considered in an attempt to inform design of future studies examining the factors that predict response to inpatient rehabilitation after stroke

    Androgen Receptor-CaMKK2 Axis in Prostate Cancer and Bone Microenvironment

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    The skeletal system is of paramount importance in advanced stage prostate cancer (PCa) as it is the preferred site of metastasis. Complex mechanisms are employed sequentially by PCa cells to home to and colonize the bone. Bone-resident PCa cells then recruit osteoblasts (OBs), osteoclasts (OCs), and macrophages within the niche into entities that promote cancer cell growth and survival. Since PCa is heavily reliant on androgens for growth and survival, androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) is the standard of care for advanced disease. Although it significantly improves survival rates, ADT detrimentally affects bone health and significantly increases the risk of fractures. Moreover, whereas the majority patients with advanced PCa respond favorably to androgen deprivation, most experience a relapse of the disease to a hormone-refractory form within 1-2 years of ADT. The tumor adapts to surviving under low testosterone conditions by selecting for mutations in the androgen receptor (AR) that constitutively activate it. Thus, AR signaling remains active in PCa cells and aids in its survival under low levels of circulating androgens and additionally allows the cancer cells to manipulate the bone microenvironment to fuel its growth. Hence, AR and its downstream effectors are attractive targets for therapeutic interventions against PCa. Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 (CaMKK2), was recently identified as a key downstream target of AR in coordinating PCa cell growth, survival, and migration. Additionally, this multifunctional serine/threonine protein kinase is a critical mediator of bone remodeling and macrophage function, thus emerging as an attractive therapeutic target downstream of AR in controlling metastatic PCa and preventing ADT-induced bone loss. Here, we discuss the role played by AR-CaMKK2 signaling axis in PCa survival, metabolism, cell growth, and migration as well as the cell-intrinsic roles of CaMKK2 in OBs, OCs, and macrophages within the bone microenvironment

    QCD Radiative Corrections to the Leptonic Decay Rate of the B_c Meson

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    The QCD radiative corrections to the leptonic decay rate of the BcB_c meson are calculated using the formalism of nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) to separate short-distance and long-distance effects. The BcB_c decay constant is factored into a sum of NRQCD matrix elements each multiplied by a short-distance coefficient. The short-distance coefficient for the leading matrix element is calculated to order αs\alpha_s by matching a perturbative calculation in full QCD with the corresponding perturbative calculation in NRQCD. This short-distance correction decreases the leptonic decay rate by approximately 15%15\%.Comment: Changed Eq. 2 to read 1/(8 \pi), put in a missing i M_{B_c} in Eq. 18, and put in a normalisation factor of 2 M_{B_c} in Eq. 19

    Unique molecular identifier-based high-resolution HLA typing and transcript quantitation using long-read sequencing

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    HLA typing provides essential results for stem cell and solid organ transplants, as well as providing diagnostic benefits for various rheumatology, gastroenterology, neurology, and infectious diseases. It is becoming increasingly clear that understanding the expression of patient HLA transcripts can provide additional benefits for many of these same patient groups. Our study cohort was evaluated using a long-read RNA sequencing methodology to provide rapid HLA genotyping results and normalized HLA transcript expression. Our assay used NGSEngine to determine the HLA genotyping result and normalized mRNA transcript expression using Athlon2. The assay demonstrated an excellent concordance rate of 99.7%. Similar to previous studies, for the class I loci, patients demonstrated significantly lower expression o

    Multi-Mission Power Analysis Tool (MMPAT) Version 3

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    The Multi-Mission Power Analysis Tool (MMPAT) simulates a spacecraft power subsystem including the power source (solar array and/or radioisotope thermoelectric generator), bus-voltage control, secondary battery (lithium-ion or nickel-hydrogen), thermostatic heaters, and power-consuming equipment. It handles multiple mission types including heliocentric orbiters, planetary orbiters, and surface operations. Being parametrically driven along with its user-programmable features can reduce or even eliminate any need for software modifications when configuring it for a particular spacecraft. It provides multiple levels of fidelity, thereby fulfilling the vast majority of a project s power simulation needs throughout the lifecycle. It can operate in a stand-alone mode with a graphical user interface, in batch mode, or as a library linked with other tools. This software can simulate all major aspects of a spacecraft power subsystem. It is parametrically driven to reduce or eliminate the need for a programmer. Added flexibility is provided through user-designed state models and table-driven parameters. MMPAT is designed to be used by a variety of users, such as power subsystem engineers for sizing power subsystem components; mission planners for adjusting mission scenarios using power profiles generated by the model; system engineers for performing system- level trade studies using the results of the model during the early design phases of a spacecraft; and operations personnel for high-fidelity modeling of the essential power aspect of the planning picture

    Spin- and charge-density waves in the Hartree-Fock ground state of the two-dimensional Hubbard model

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    The ground states of the two-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model are studied within the unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) theory. Magnetic and charge properties are determined by systematic, large-scale, exact numerical calculations, and quantified as a function of electron doping hh. In the solution of the self-consistent UHF equations, multiple initial configurations and simulated annealing are used to facilitate convergence to the global minimum. New approaches are employed to minimize finite-size effects in order to reach the thermodynamic limit. At low to moderate interacting strengths and low doping, the UHF ground state is a linear spin-density wave (l-SDW), with antiferromagnetic order and a modulating wave. The wavelength of the modulating wave is 2/h2/h. Corresponding charge order exists but is substantially weaker than the spin order, hence holes are mobile. As the interaction is increased, the l-SDW states evolves into several different phases, with the holes eventually becoming localized. A simple pairing model is presented with analytic calculations for low interaction strength and small doping, to help understand the numerical results and provide a physical picture for the properties of the SDW ground state. By comparison with recent many-body calculations, it is shown that, for intermediate interactions, the UHF solution provides a good description of the magnetic correlations in the true ground state of the Hubbard model.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figure, 0 table

    Perturbative QCD Fragmentation Functions for BcB_c and Bc∗B_c^* Production

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    The dominant production mechanism for bˉc{\bar b} c bound states in high energy processes is the production of a high energy bˉ{\bar b} or cc quark, followed by its fragmentation into the bˉc{\bar b} c state. We calculate the fragmentation functions for the production of the S-wave states BcB_c and Bc∗B_c^* to leading order in the QCD coupling constant. The fragmentation probabilities for bˉ→Bc{\bar b} \rightarrow B_c and bˉ→Bc∗{\bar b} \rightarrow B_c^* are approximately 2.2×10−42.2 \times 10^{-4} and 3.1×10−43.1 \times 10^{-4}, while those for c→Bcc \rightarrow B_c and c→Bc∗c \rightarrow B_c^* are smaller by almost two orders of magnitude.Comment: Latex, 12 pages, 3 figures available upon request, NUHEP-TH-93-

    Anomalous Exponent of the Spin Correlation Function of a Quantum Hall Edge

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    The charge and spin correlation functions of partially spin-polarized edge electrons of a quantum Hall bar are studied using effective Hamiltonian and bosonization techniques. In the presence of the Coulomb interaction between the edges with opposite chirality we find a different crossover behavior in spin and charge correlation functions. The crossover of the spin correlation function in the Coulomb dominated regime is characterized by an anomalous exponent, which originates from the finite value of the effective interaction for the spin degree of freedom in the long wavelength limit. The anomalous exponent may be determined by measuring nuclear spin relaxation rates in a narrow quantum Hall bar or in a quantum wire in strong magnetic fields.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex file, no figures. To appear in Physical Revews B, Rapid communication
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