133 research outputs found

    Raman studies of suspensions and solutions of singlewall carbon nanotubes

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    Raman spectroscopy is used to probe the structure and electronic properties of nanotubes dispersed in a liquid phase. We show that the radial breathing modes are upshifted in suspensions due to the molecular pressure of the solvent. On the other hand, we directly probe charge transfer in solutions of nanotube polyelectrolytes and its reversibility after oxydation in air

    Nanotube-based systems for broadband optical limiting: towards an operational system

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    Nanotube-based systems are good candidates for optical limiting against broadband laser pulses. We explore new routes to improve their limiting performances. We show that the diameter of the nanotubes is a key factor to control the performances. On the other hand, we demonstrate that chemically modified nanotubes can be mixed with organic chromophores, leading to high performance composite limiting systems which are particularly efficient in the nanosecond regime due to the cumulative effects of nonlinear scattering and multiphoton absorption

    Multi-spectroscopic investigation of the structure of single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    We present a multispectroscopic structural study of various nanotube samples with different tube diameters. We determine for each sample the mean bundle and tube diameter as well as the tube diameter distribution. The possibility to work on SWNT of various structural characteristics opens new opportunities to correlate the nanotube structure and their physical properties.Comment: Conf\'{e}rence : 8 au 15 mars 200

    Broadband optical limiting optimisation by combination of carbon nanotubes and two-photon absorbing chromophores in liquids

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    International audienceWe report here on the optical limiting studies performed with nanosecond laser pulses on several families of multiphoton absorbers in chloroform, with carbon nanotubes suspended in solutions. Performances of these samples are compared with those of simple multiphoton absorber solutions and carbon nanotube suspensions, and the differences observed are interpreted in terms of cumulative NLO effects and adverse aggregation phenomenon

    Small Angle Neutron Scattering of Aerogels: Simulations and Experiments

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    A numerical simulation of silica aerogels is performed using diffusion-limited cluster-cluster aggregation of spheres inside a cubic box (with periodic boundary conditions). The volume fraction cc is taken to be sufficiently large to get a gel structure at the end of the process. In the case of monodisperse spheres, the wavevector dependent scattered intensity I(q)I(q) is calculated from the product of the form factor P(q)P(q) of a sphere by the structure factor S(q)S(q), which is related to the Fourier transform of g(r)−1g(r)-1, where g(r)g(r) is the pair correlation function between sphere centers. The structure factor S(q)S(q) exhibits large-qq damped oscillations characteristics of the short range (intra-aggregate) correlations between spheres. These oscillations influence the I(q)I(q) curve in the qq-region between the fractal regime and the Porod regime and quantitative comparisons are made with experiments on colloidal aerogels. Moreover, at small-qq values, S(q)S(q) goes through a maximum characteristic of large range (inter-aggregate) correlations. Quantitative fits of the maximum in the experimental I(q)I(q) curves of base-catalyzed aerogel are presented. In the case of polydisperse spheres, I(q)I(q) is calculated directly from a single aggregate simulation. It is shown that increasing polydispersity shifts the location of the cross-over between the fractal and Porod regimes towards low qq-value.Comment: RevTex, 9 pages + 11 postscript figures, compressed using "uufiles". Proceeding of the 4th International Simposium on Aerogels (To appear in J. of Non-Cryst. Solids

    PLoS One

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    INTRODUCTION: The Temprano and START trials provided evidence to support early ART initiation recommendations. We projected long-term clinical and economic outcomes of immediate ART initiation in Cote d'Ivoire. METHODS: We used a mathematical model to compare three potential ART initiation criteria: 1) CD4 <350/muL (ART<350/muL); 2) CD4 <500/muL (ART<500/muL); and 3) ART at presentation (Immediate ART). Outcomes from the model included life expectancy, 10-year medical resource use, incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) in /yearoflifesaved(YLS),and5−yearbudgetimpact.WesimulatedpeoplewithHIV(PWH)incare(meanCD4:259/muL,SD198/muL)andtransmittedcases.Keyinputparameterstotheanalysisincludedfirst−lineARTefficacy(80/year of life saved (YLS), and 5-year budget impact. We simulated people with HIV (PWH) in care (mean CD4: 259/muL, SD 198/muL) and transmitted cases. Key input parameters to the analysis included first-line ART efficacy (80% suppression at 6 months) and ART cost (90/person-year). We assessed cost-effectiveness relative to Cote d'Ivoire's 2017 per capita annual gross domestic product (1,600).RESULTS:ImmediateARTincreasedlifeexpectancyby0.34yearscomparedtoART<350/muLand0.17yearscomparedtoART<500/muL.ImmediateARTresultedin4,500fewer10−yeartransmissionsper170,000PWHcomparedtoART<350/muL.Incost−effectivenessanalysis,ImmediateARThada10−yearICERof1,600). RESULTS: Immediate ART increased life expectancy by 0.34 years compared to ART<350/muL and 0.17 years compared to ART<500/muL. Immediate ART resulted in 4,500 fewer 10-year transmissions per 170,000 PWH compared to ART<350/muL. In cost-effectiveness analysis, Immediate ART had a 10-year ICER of 680/YLS compared to ART<350/muL, ranging from cost-saving to an ICER of 1,440/YLSastransmissionratesvaried.ART<500/muLwas"dominated"(aninefficientuseofresources),comparedwithImmediateART.ImmediateARTincreasedthe5−yearHIVcarebudgetfrom1,440/YLS as transmission rates varied. ART<500/muL was "dominated" (an inefficient use of resources), compared with Immediate ART. Immediate ART increased the 5-year HIV care budget from 801.9M to $812.6M compared to ART<350/muL. CONCLUSIONS: In Cote d'Ivoire, immediate compared to later ART initiation will increase life expectancy, decrease HIV transmission, and be cost-effective over the long-term, with modest budget impact. Immediate ART initiation is an appropriate, high-value standard of care in Cote d'Ivoire and similar settings

    Low CD4 count plus coma predicts cryptococcal meningitis in Tanzania

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Largely due to the lack of diagnostic reagents, the prevalence and clinical presentation of cryptococcal meningitis in Tanzania is poorly understood. This in turn is limiting the impact of increased fluconazole availability.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We evaluated a cohort of 149 consecutive HIV-infected adult inpatients presenting with headache or altered mental status for clinical features, CD4 count, cryptococcal infection, and outcome. Cryptococcal meningitis was diagnosed via India ink and latex agglutination assay of CSF (<it>n </it>= 24 and 40 positive, respectively). Associations between cryptococcal meningitis and clinical features were evaluated by t-test. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive likelihood ratio of such features were determined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cryptococcal meningitis was associated with confusion, social withdrawal, seizures, fever, tachycardia, meningismus, oral candidiasis, and low Glasgow coma scales and CD4 count. CD4 count < 100/μl provided the highest sensitivity for the diagnosis (93%), coma (Glasgow coma scale ≤ 8) provided the highest specificity (84%), and the combination provided the highest positive likelihood ratio (3.8). All cryptococcal meningitis patients were initiated on 800 milligrams of fluconazole daily and 50% survived to discharge, however no clinical or laboratory findings correlated with prognosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Cryptococcal meningitis is common among Tanzanian HIV inpatients presenting with headache or altered mental status. Purely clinical features are insensitive for establishing the diagnosis or prognosis. We advocate expanding laboratory capacity for cryptococcal antigen testing to maximize survival.</p
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