18 research outputs found


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    Vodnik Jemen predstavlja temeljne naravno- in družbenogeografske značilnosti ter zgodovino te še vedno skrivnostne države na skrajnem jugu Arabskega polotoka. Priporočena pot vodi iz glavnega mesta Sane v puščavsko notranjost dežele, ter naprej prek vadijev Hadramaut z mestom nebotičnikom Šibamom in Doan do obale Arabskega morja ter po njej do vročega, kolonialno pomembnega Adna. Na zahodu države pot dvakrat prečka Jemensko višavje, najprej na poti iz Adna prek Taiza do obale Rdečega morja in nato na povratku iz pokrajine Tihama prek gorovja Haraz v Sano. Zadnji del poti je namenjen spoznavanju Sokotre, velikega, zlasti floristično izjemno zanimivega otoka v Indijskem oceanu, ki upravno spada k Jemnu

    Geomorphosite assessment

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    Geomorphosites comprise natural features and processes, which can carry a certain value, whether that be scientific, aesthetic, historical, cultural, social, economic or other. With the intention of reducing the subjective impacts and enabling a mutual comparison, several assessment methods burst onto the scene. The article mentions four procedures of geomorphosite assessment on the basis of Slovene methodology. Which assessment method seems most adequate, depends on the research aims. For the needs of nature protection, greater emphasis should be put on scientific and management aspects, with additional emphasis on the social component or the cultural value to guarantee a more comprehensive study

    Loss of natural heritage from the geomorphological perspective – Do geomorphic processes shape or destroy the natural heritage?

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    This study deals with geomorphological natural features (geomorphosites) relative to the natural processes that create, shape, or destroy such features. As a rule, geomorphologic processes are geographical constants in the landscape although some, due to their high magnitude or low frequency of occurrence, can be seen as an exception (e.g., natural disasters). The importance of geomorphosites is relative to their size, rarity (spatial distribution), and duration (existence in time), which depend on both the frequency and magnitude of geomorphological processes and on the standards of the observer. Human influence and perception of geomorphosites is also important in this regard

    The beauty of landforms

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    This article determines which landforms attract people the most and whether one can speak of collective patterns in the aesthetic evaluation of a landscape. It therefore concerns enjoying the beauty offered by a more or less reshaped natural environment. This study is based on the Triglav Lakes Valley (Dolina Triglavskih jezer) in Slovenia which, due to the few man-made changes introduced there, includes hardly any anthropogenic “unnecessary noise.” The online survey included more than six hundred people and used photos of various landforms. Lakes were found to be the most attractive to the respondents, and fractured rock areas were the least attractive

    Stakeholder conflicts in the Tivoli, Rožnik Hill, and Šiška Hill Protected Landscape Area

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    Green areas and especially their distribution and composition are the key factor that makes urban people’s lives more comfortable and healthier. Even though Ljubljana residents also have many other green areas at their disposal in their immediate vicinity, the area of Rožnik Hill and Tivoli Park as an urban forest with dispersed park features continues to be the most popular recreational destination, with roughly 1,750,000 visits per year. In 1984 it was designated a protected landscape area through an ordinance. In the past decades, a number of conflicts have arisen in this area between various stakeholders, such as landowners, park users, and specialist services, which is why these types of areas require careful and prudent management

    A methodological basis for landscape interpretation: the case of the Ljubljana Marsh

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    Landscape interpretation is one of the best-suited and established forms of informing and raising the awareness of visitors and local residents. The literature contains only rare examples of useful methodology that could help managers with the initial steps of interpretation. A methodological basis for landscape interpretation is presented, using the case of the Ljubljana Marsh. The form consisting of eight thematic categories is a useful tool for identifying suitable topics and selecting the right interpretation tools. Using this form, managers will reach their final interpretation goal more easily: to make people recognize the landscape and protect it against inappropriate changes

    Assessing the suitability of planned garden-plot areas in Ljubljana

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    This article examines garden plots in Ljubljana to present the planning of this self-sufficient vegetable production activity, which developed mostly spontaneously in all urban environments in and around Ljubljana. Some residents of Ljubljana, the Slovenian capital, are involved in this activity not so much because of economic necessity but because it provides recreation and relaxation, meets their need for direct contact with nature, and offers them an opportunity to produce healthy food. Typically, older people are involved in this activity, among which the number of highly educated people is unexpectedly high. The majority are happy with the plot-gardening situation. The city government has begun systematically removing garden plots in unsuitable locations, and has drafted a proposal to organize gardening areas in a way that does not pollute the environment, and at the same time provide them with suitable infrastructure. We evaluated the appropriateness of the planned locations in the draft City Municipality of Ljubljana Zoning Implementation Plan on the basis of the fulfillment of key exclusion and attraction criteria that were established based on survey answers included in support of the decision-making with the help of GIS tools. Decision-making by consensus, inclusion of public stakeholders, and establishing dialog between the city government and garden-plot users will need to be ensured in carrying out this plan

    Interpretacija okolja na primeru Ljubljanskega barja

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    The monograph treats an environmental interpretation which is not only one of the most effective processes for informing and raising the awareness of visitors to and residents of protected areas, but also one of the most demanding and complex ones. The case of the Ljubljana Moor (Ljubljansko barje) is used to analyze the relationship between people and nature from various perspectives and to present a possible approach to interpreting this cultural landscape. In 2008, the area was protected and designated the Ljubljansko barje Landscape park. A detailed analysis of the Iška River basin was performed in order to demonstrate how various interpretation tools can be used to interpret the environment for real and virtual visitors in various age groups.Monografija obravnava interpretacijo okolja, ki je eden od najbolj učinkovitih, a hkrati zahtevnih in kompleksnih procesov informiranja ter ozaveščanja obiskovalcev in lokalnih prebivalcev na (za)varovanih območjih. Na primeru Ljubljanskega barja smo z različnih vidikov osvetlili odnos med človekom in naravo ter predstavili možen pristop interpretacije te kulturne pokrajine, ki je bila leta 2008 zavarovana kot Krajinski park Ljubljansko barje. S podrobnejšo analizo smo na primeru porečja Iške prikazali, kako lahko z več različnimi interpretacijskimi orodji ponudimo interpretacijo okolja tako realnim kot virtualnim obiskovalcem različnih starostnih skupin. Interpretacijska orodja, ki se med seboj dopolnjujejo, obsegajo Pot ob reki Iški – »Okljuk« z informativnimi tablami in brošuro, prosto dostopne e-lekcije z didaktičnimi navodili in priporočili za učitelje, prosto dostopno elektronsko Barjansko banko terenskih nalog in zasnovo Učilnice na prostem – »Meander«. Predstavljena interpretacijska orodja je mogoče prenesti v različne slovenske pokrajine, namenjena so zlasti izobraževanju mladine

    Dolina Triglavskih jezer

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    In 1924, the Triglav Lakes Valley was designated a protected area, which is today part of the central area of extensive Triglav National Park. The lakes give a special character to the valley, which also stands out for its other natural features. In terms of nonliving nature, this volume presents some of the valley’s geological, geomorphological, and hydrological characteristics, and, in terms of living nature, it presents its vegetation, focusing on botanical characteristics and forest. The volume also discusses the human presence and its impact on the appearance of the landscape.Leta 1924 je bilo v Dolini Triglavskih jezer vzpostavljeno zavarovano območje. Danes je del osrednjega dela obsežnejšega Triglavskega narodnega parka. Dolini dajejo poseben pečat jezera, izstopa pa tudi po drugih naravnih posebnostih. V okviru nežive narave so v knjigi predstavljene nekatere njene geološke, reliefne in vodne značilnosti, v okviru žive narave pa rastje, s poudarkom na botaničnih značilnostih in gozdu. Knjiga predstavlja tudi človekovo prisotnost in njegov vpliv na videz pokrajine

    Geomorfološka dediščina v Dolini Triglavskih jezer

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    This volume analyzes the relief of the Triglav Lakes Valley and evaluates the landforms in terms of nature protection. The central part of the study consists of two parts: a relief analysis and landform evaluation. Due to the fragmentation of relief forms, their different sizes and greater nature protection importance of areas with high density and diversity of forms, the relief is assessed according to 17 unified geomorphological units. The assessment employed the Swiss method, which comprises central (scientific) assessment criteria (rareness, representativeness, integrity and paleogeographical value) and is supplemented by additional criteria (ecological, aesthetic, cultural and economic value). The result of the relief analysis and the evaluation of geomorphological units is the cartographic, tabular, pictorial, and descriptive presentation of geomorphosites in the Triglav Lakes Valley. In addition, proposals are presented for conferring the status of natural value and protection.Monografija se osredotoča na reliefno analizo Doline Triglavskih jezer in naravovarstveno vrednotenje reliefnih oblik. Osrednji del raziskave je sestavljen iz reliefne analize in vrednotenja reliefa. Zaradi drobljenja reliefnih oblik, njihove zelo različne velikosti in večjega naravovarstvenega pomena območij z veliko gostoto in raznovrstnostjo oblik, je relief ovrednoten po 17 enovitih geomorfoloških enotah. Uporabljena je švicarska metoda, ki jo sestavljajo osrednja oziroma znanstvena merila vrednotenja (redkost, tipičnost, celovitost, paleogeografska vrednost), dopolnjena z dodatnimi merili (ekološka, estetska, kulturna, ekonomska vrednost). Rezultat reliefne analize in vrednotenja geomorfoloških enot je kartografski, tabelarični, slikovni in opisni prikaz območij geomorfološke dediščine v Dolini Triglavskih jezer. Podana sta predloga podelitve statusa naravne vrednote in zavarovanja