172 research outputs found

    Outcomes of the distal intraarticular humeral fractures treated by olecranon osteotomy

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    Objectives: To evaluate the management and outcome of intraarticular fractures of the distal humerus treated by open reduction and internal fixation using the olecranon osteotomy technique. Materials and methods: Twenty-one patients with in-traarticular fractures of the distal humerus were treated by open reduction and internal fixation. The mean age of the patients was 41.6 years and the mean follow-up pe-riod was 25.3 months. All fractures were type C accord-ing to the AO/ASIF fracture classification system. Chev-ron type olecranon osteotomy was performed within 12-24 h after the injury in all cases but 4 of them. Physical and radiological examination of patients with the appro-priate range checks were made.Results: All fractures united within average duration of 3.2 months. Excellent or good results were found in pa-tients less than 50 years-old, in women, when passing time from injury to surgery was within 12 hours and when early mobilization was achieved. The complica-tions were seen as 2 (9.6%) transient neuropraxia of the ulnar nerve, 2 (9.6%) failure of fixation, 1 (4.8%) het-erotopic ossification and 1 (4.8%) olecranon non-union. Fracture type (C1) and time from occurrence of injury to surgery (<12 hours) are the main prognostic factors for achieving the excellent/ good functional results.Conclusions: The critical factors for a successful out-come of intraarticular fractures of the distal humerus in-cluded meticulous surgical technique, stable internal fix-ation, surgical experimentation and early controlled postoperative mobilization

    Outcomes of the chondral lesions of knee treated by microfracture technique and effective factors on the results

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of the microfracture technique in the treatment of chondral lesions.Materials and methods: A retrospective study was performed in 26 patients who had treated by arthroscopic microfracture technique for chondral lesions in the femoral condils between January 2003 and 2007september in our department. There were 11 females and 15 males with mean age of 37.2 years (range from 23 to 56 years). The average time between beginning of complaints and operation were 9.7 months (range from 3 to 35 months). The average of chondral lesions size were 1,6 cm2 (range from 0.7 to 2.4 mm2). The average follow-up period was 24.3 months (ranged from 10 to 44 months). Patients assessed according to subjective patient satisfaction and Lisholm scale at preoperative and postoperative time.Results: The mean Lysholm score increased from a preoperative 56.9 (range from 43 to 72) to a postoperative 77.9 (range from 62 to 100) (p<0.05). The rating was excellent in 9 patients (34.6%), good in 7 (27%) and fair in 10 (38.4%) according to Lysholm scale. All patients were satisfied with their knee function. The results of MRI taken at postoperative sixth month were proportional with patient’s satisfaction and Lysholm scores.Conclusion: Patients with excellent or good results had short symptom period, small chondral lesion and young age. Applied early microfracture technique in treatment of chondral lesions was a low cost, effective and successful treatment modalit

    Serum vitamin D levels in newborn with clavicle fracture

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the possible role of vitamin D on the clavicle fracture in the newborn. Materials and Methods: This retrospective crosssectional study was conducted between 2018-2020. Infants who were admitted to neonatal intensive care unit due to the clavicle fracture were included. Infants who did not have a fracture, but were admitted to the hospital for reasons instead of exclusion criteria were included as the control group. Birth weight, height, head circumference, gender, gestational week, delivery type, other clinical findings such as brachial plexus paralysis in the infant, maternal age, number of pregnancies, risk factors time to diagnosis were recorded. According to the serum 25-OH vitamin D levels, newborns were classified as having normal vitamin D status (>30 ng/mL), vitamin D insufficient (between 20-30 ng/mL), or deficiency (<20 ng/mL). Groups were compared for the vitamin D levels, the demographics and clinical characteristics. Results: A total of 48 infants were included. The groups did not differ in terms of demographics. Age of diagnosis ranged from postnatal 1 to 6 days of life. Serum calcium levels were significantly lower in the case group. Although phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase levels did not differ between groups, vitamin D levels were significantly lower in the case group. Conclusion: This study shows that newborns with clavicle fracture had lower vitamin D levels. Cautious palpation of the clavicle can catch the fracture before the hospital discharge even there is no evident symptom and serum vitamin D level of those infants should be checked in order to detect the possible deficiency timely

    Türkiye'de subklinik mastitisli pırlak koyunlardan izole edilen stafilokoklarda metisilin direnç ve panton-valentine lökosidin genlerinin prevalansı

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    This study aimed to investigate the presence of mecA and pvl genes in 47 Staphylococci previously isolated from 464 half-udder milk samples belong to 235 Pirlak sheep screening for subclinical mastitis. The species from Pirlak sheep used in the present study included: 13 S. aureus, 13 S. epidermidis, six S. xylosus, five S. chromogenes, three S. simulans, three S. hyicus, two S. warneri, one S. lentus and one S. saprophyticus. A total of 10 strains (21.3%) were determined to harbour mecA gene, of these, two (4.2%) also contained pvl gene. The strains carrying mecA gene were found to be S. aureus (3/13), S. xylosus (3/6), S. epidermidis (2/13), S. lentus (1/1) and S. hyicus (1/3). The presence of pvl gene was determined in a total of eight strains (17.0%), six (12.8%) of these were alone. Of pvl positive strains, three, three, one, and one were S. aureus, S. xylosus, S. simulans and S. hyicus, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first study showing the presence of mecA and pvl genes in the Staphylococci isolated from Pirlak sheep with subclinical mastitis in Turkey.Bu çalışmada, subklinik mastitis yönünden taranan 235 Pırlak koyuna ait 464 meme lobu süt örneğinden daha önce izole edilen 47 Stafilokok türünde mecA ve pvl genlerinin varlığının araştırılması amaçlandı. Çalışmada, Pırlak koyunlardan izole edilen 13 S. aureus, 13 S. epidermidis, altı S. xylosus, beş S. chromogenes, üç S. simulans, üç S. hyicus, iki S. warneri, bir S. lentus ve bir S. saprophyticus suşu kullanıldı. Toplam 10 suşun (%21,3) mecA geni taşıdığı, bunlardan ikisinin (%4,2) ayrıca pvl genine de sahip olduğu belirlendi. mecA geni taşıyan suşlar S. aureus (3/13), S. xylosus (3/6), S. epidermidis (2/13), S. lentus (1/1) ve S. hyicus (1/3) olarak bulundu. Toplam sekiz suşta (%17,0) pvl geni belirlenirken, bunlardan altısının (%12,8) bu geni tek başına taşıdığı tespit edildi. pvl pozitif suşların üçü S. aureus, üçü S. xylosus, biri S. simulans ve biri S. hyicus olarak belirlendi. Bilgimize göre, bu çalışma Türkiye'de subklinik mastitisli Pırlak koyunlardan izole edilen Stafilokoklarda mecA ve pvl genlerinin varlığını gösteren ilk çalışmadır

    Hipohidrotik ektodermal displazili bir hastanın protetik tedavisi: Bir olgu sunumu

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    Üst çenesinde oligodonti ve alt çenesinde anodonti görülen hipohidrotik ektodermal displazili (HED) 13 yaşındaki erkek hastanın konvensiyonel protetik yaklaşımı rapor edilmiştir.Fonksiyonel, psikolojik, ekonomik ve estetik faktörler tedavi planlamasında dikkate alınmıştır. Üst çenede kanal tedavili sürekli santral kesicilerden ve sürekli 2. molar dişlerin kroşelerinden destek alınarak hareketli bölümlü protez alt çenede de hareketli tam protez klinik olarak planlanmıştır. 5 sene sonraki takibinde, hasta çenesini kapatırken protruzyona alışmış ve ön bölgede retansiyon kaybı yaşamış fakat protezlerinden memnun olduğunu ve konuşmasının düzeldiğini söylemiştir.Bu vaka HED görülen büyümekte olan hastalarda konvansiyonel protetik tedavi yaklaşımını rapor etmektedir. İmplant destekli protez yaptıramayan ya da uygun olmayan çocuk hastalarda bu tedavinin faydalı psikolojik etkileri vardır ve bu tedavi stomagnatik fonksiyon, estetik ve fonasyonu arttırmaktadır

    Er:YAG lazer uygulamasının Cr-Co alaşımı ve polimetil metakrilat arasındaki makaslama bağlantı kuvveti üzerine etkisi

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    Background: The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of Er:YAG laser treatment on bond strength between Cr-Co alloy and the acrylic resin. Methods: A total of 36 square-shaped metal alloy test specimens (10x10x3 mm) were prepared. Specimens of each alloy were randomly divided into three treatment groups (n=12). Specimens, left untreated were grouped as control, air abraded with Al2O3 and Er-YAG laser irradiated. Autopolymerized resin discs of 4 mm diameter and 5 mm in height were fabricated and aplicated on alloy specimens. The bonded specimens were stored in distilled water for 24 hours at 37&deg;C in a humidor. They were then mounted in a loading jig and debonded in shear using a universal testing machine at a cross-head speed of 0.05 mm/min. The data were statistically analyzed. Results: Among the three test groups the highest bonding values were obtained in sandblasted test specimens. Although, laser irradiated test specimens showed significantly higher test results compared with control group, they showed lower values than sandblasted test specimens. Conclusion: Laser treatment is not effective as Al2O3 sandblasting for improving bond strength between the alloy and acrylic resin.Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Er:YAG lazer uygulamasının Cr-Co alaşım ve akrilik rezin arasındaki bağlantıya etkisinin araştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Toplamda 36 adet 2 kare şeklinde metal alaşım test örneği hazırlanmıştır (10x10x3 mm). Örnekler rastgele 3 farklı yüzey işlemi grubuna ayrılmıştır (n=12). Yüzey işlemi uygulanmamış grup kontrol grubu, Al2O3 ile kumlanmış grup ve Er:YAG lazer uygulanmış grup olarak ayrılmıştır. 4 mm genişliğinde ve 5 mm yüksekliğinde otopolimerizan akrilik rezin metal örneklere uygulanmıştır. Yapıştırılan örnekler distile suda 24 saat 37°C' de bekletilmiştir. Daha sonra üniversal test makinesinin yükleme ucuna yerleştirilmiş ve 0.05 mm/dk hız ile kopana kadar itme uygulanmıştır. Data istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular: Üç test grubu arasında en yüksek bağlantı değerleri kumlanmış örneklerde elde edilmiştir. Lazer uygulanmış test örnekleri kontrol grubundan istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek değerler gösterse de kumlanmış örneklerden daha düşük değerler göstermiştir. Sonuç: Metal alaşım ve akrilik rezin arasında bağlantı dayanımının güçlendirilmesi için lazer uygulaması Al2O3 ile kumlamadan daha etkili değildir

    Abattoir-based survey of mastitis in cattle in Afyonkarahisar province

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    Sunulan çalışmada çeşitli nedenlerle sürüden uzaklaştırılan dişi hayvanlarda mastitis insidensinin ve mastitise neden olan etkenlerin belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Çalışma 104 inek ve düveye ait toplam 416 meme lobu üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. Klinik mastitisli ve sağlıklı gözüken meme lobları kayıt edildi. Kör, fonksiyonel olamayan ve papilloma saptanan 54 adet meme lobuna ait süt numuneleri alınmadı. Aseptik koşullarda toplam 362 meme lobuna ait süt numunesi bakteriyel identifikasyon amacı ile mikrobiyoloji laboratuvarına ulaştırıldı. Altmış iki adet klinik mastitisli meme lobuna ait süt numunelerinin 33'ünde (%53,23) üreme saptanırken, 29'unda (%46,77) üreme saptanamadı. Klinik mastitisli olmayan 300 meme lobu süt örneğinin 124'ünde (%41,33) üreme belirlenirken (subklinik mastitis), 176 tanesinde (%58,67) üreme belirlenemedi. Klinik mastitis olgularında en sık izole edilen mikroorganizmaların Koagülaz negatif Stafilokoklar (KNS) (%17,74) olduğu ve bunu sırasıyla Escherichia coli (%8,06), Staphylococcus aureus (%6,45), Corynebacterium ulcerans (%6,45) ve Candida spp.'nin (%6,45) takip ettiği saptandı. Subklinik mastitis olgularından en sık izole edilen mikroorganizmaların ise KNS türleri (%47,58) olduğu ve bunu sırasıyla Candida spp. (%15,32) ve Corynebacterium bovis’in (%5,65) izlediği belirlendi. KNS türleri arasında en yaygın etkenin Staphylococcus capitis olduğu tespit edildi. Sonuç olarak, mezbahaya çeşitli nedenlerle kesim amacıyla getirilen dişi hayvanlarda mastitis oranları oldukça yüksek olarak saptandı. Sunulan çalışma, Afyonkarahisar bölgesinde mezbaha şartlarında mastitise neden olan etkenlerin belirlenmesine yönelik ilk çalışmadır.The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of mastitis and to determine causative agents of mastitis in cattle at an abattoir. The present study was carried out on the 416 mammary quarters of 104 heifers and cows. Animals with clinical mastitis and no clinical signs of mastitis were noted. Since 54 mammary quarters were blind, non-functional and had papillomas, milk samples were not collected. A total of 362 quarter milk samples were aseptically collected from the animals and submitted to microbiology laboratory for bacterial identification. In 62 milk samples with clinical mastitis, 33 clinical mastitis samples (53.23%) were culture positive, while 29 of clinical mastitis samples (46.77%) yielded no growth. In 300 milk samples with non-clinical mastitis, 124 milk samples (41.33%) were culture positive (subclinical mastitis), whereas 176 (58.67%) milk samples were culture negative. In clinical mastitis, the most frequently isolated species were Coagulasenegative Staphylococci (CNS) (17.74%), followed by Escherichia coli (8.06%), Staphylococcus aureus (6.45%), Corynebacterium ulcerans (6.45%) and Candida spp. (6.45%). In subclinical mastitis, the most commonly isolated species were CNS (47.58%), followed by Candida spp. (15.32%) and Corynebacterium bovis (5.65%). Among the CNS, the most common species was Staphylococcus capitis. In conclusion, the rate of mastitis among the animals examined at an abattoir was quite highly. To our knowledge, this is the first study to describe the bacterial agents causing mastitis at an abattoir in Afyonkarahisar

    Değişen öğretim programları ve sınıf içi normlar

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    Extended AbstractRationale of the study: Turkish curricula have been undergoing a massive change since 2005, especially at primary level. The new curricula set forth certain basic skills that every student at primary level needs to acquire; these skills are: critical and creative thinking, communication, questioning, problem solving, use of information communication technologies, initiation and use of Turkish language eloquently. However, research (Bingolbali et al., 2008; Ozmantar et al., 2008) shows that teachers working at this level experience difficulties in teaching such skills to the students. Hence, the need to help teachers for that matter is obvious. Having recognized this need, this study makes use of the notion of social classroom norms proposed by Cobb and his colleagues (Yackel and Cobb, 1996; Cobb et al., 1997) and suggests that teaching students such skills requires the establishment of certain classroom norms in line with the target skills. Classroom norms could be considered as tacit rules shaped by the interactions and dialogues amongst the agents in the classroom. The norms involve how students and teachers view themselves with regard to teaching and learning activities and what kinds of roles are assigned to the members of the classroom. Norms also reflect value judgements and determine what is important in a classroom regarding teaching and learning.The purpose of the study: This paper aims to demonstrate how the notion of social classroom norms can be used to enable the teachers to get students equipped with the basic skills (e.g. critical thinking and questioning skills) that the new curricula set forth.Method: This is a qualitative study which involves document analysis. To determine the kind of classroom norms, official documents concerning the new curricula are subjected to the content analysis. Further to this, literature (Cobb et al., 1997; Tsai, 2004 & 2007) on classroom norms is examined and the norms developed and used in classrooms by others are evaluated along with the basic skills. The analyses are carried out independently by each of the authors who determined such norms as they think are necessary for basic skills to develop. The determined norms are later compared and contrasted along with the targeted skills by the curricula. The norms are finalized through the agreement of all the authors and the relations between the determined norms and every each of basic skills are detailed.Results: The analyses of the official documents and details of the basic skills given in those documents lead to the development of eight classroom norms which, we believe, need to be existent in each and every classroom concerned with teaching the students these skills. The determined norms are as follows:1.      Explanation of the ideas (i.e. solutions, arguments and explanations)2.      Justification of the arguments3.      Sharing the ideas without any fear4.      Making real effort to understand the others’ ideas5.      Stating agreement or disagreement with the ideas shared in the classrooms6.      Stating explicitly what is understood and what is not7.      Developing alternative solutions8.      Questioning the validity of the argumentsThese norms are closely related to each other and every one of them needs to be established in the classrooms in order to create an environment in which students find opportunities to gain the basic skills that the new curricula aim. The use and importance of these norms are exemplified through dialogues obtained from Cobb et al’s (1997) study. The dialogues take place in a mathematics class where a teacher tries to establish similar norms as proposed in this study. The dialogues are examined in terms of both the norms and the basic skills in such a way to exemplify the relationships amongst them.Discussion: The discussion addresses teachers with regard to creating particular classroom cultures through the determined classroom norms and how these norms can be used to help students to obtain the basic skills. It is argued that the new roles that the curricula assign to the teacher and students during the teaching and learning activities require a dramatic change in the classroom interactions and this in turn necessitates the establishment of classroom norms accordingly. This is particularly important given the fact that norms reflect what is valued during the learning and what is expected of students. The paper also discusses the importance of creating awareness for teachers with regard to the importance of classroom norms and suggests designing in-service teacher professional development programs. However, it is pointed out that the duration of such programs and the methods employed to enable teachers to appreciate the significance of these matters are issues of great importance. İlk&ouml;ğretim seviyesinde, 2005 yılında yenilenen &ouml;ğretim programları, &ouml;ğrencilerin bazı beceriler (eleştirel d&uuml;ş&uuml;nme ve araştırma-sorgulama becerileri gibi) kazanmasını hedeflemiştir. Bu &ccedil;alışmada, s&ouml;z konusu becerilerin &ouml;ğrencilere kazandırılmasına y&ouml;nelik olarak, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan &ouml;ğretim programları incelenerek sınıf i&ccedil;inde oluşturulması gereken bir takım normlar belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen &ldquo;sınıf i&ccedil;i normlar&rdquo; ile programların hedeflediği her bir beceri arasındaki ilişki sınıf ortamında elde edilmiş veriler &uuml;zerinden &ouml;rneklendirilmiştir. Son olarak, sınıf i&ccedil;inde oluşturulması gereken normların, &ouml;ğrencilerin bahsedilen becerileri kazanabilmelerine nasıl katkıda bulunacağı tartışılmıştır

    Network Forensics of RPL-Based Attacks

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    IoT devices, which are increasing in highly manner day by day, are now in everywhere in our life. WSNs are used together with IoT devices to monitor real environments. In this study, attacks against WSNs were carried out. The attack chosen for this study is a flood attack. In addition, solution suggestions for this attack are presented. In this context, firstly reference and attack packages have been collected, and then the collected packages have been compared with the reference packages and forensic investigations have been carried out. The result of the evaluation has shown the importance continuous monitoring on 24/7 basis and detecting abnormal behaviors in IoT traffic with forensics analysis for preventing attacks