91 research outputs found

    The Impacts Of Interest Expenditure On Income Distribution and An Application On The Factors Distorting Income Distribution: An Empirical Analysis For Turkey

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    Income inequality and poverty have emerged as the most important socio-economic problems for these times. Turkey, since the 1980s, meets public sector deficits by internal borrowing. To meet interest costs incurred for borrowing with tax revenues, which is an important source of the government, and gradually increase the share of the indirect taxes in tax revenues is an accurate indicator of an income transfer from public to the owners of capital. This study will focus on internal borrowing interest payments. The distribution of the recipients of internal borrowing, the share of interest payments in domestic debt stock of the state are evaluated, and by examining the course of interest payments over the years, will be focused on the effect on income distribution. In addition, the effect of the distribution of tax burden on income distribution will also be analyzed. And finally, in this study, the factors distorting the income distribution will be analyzed and the Topsis Model which is conducted over the period 2002-2015. Findings are in accordance with the Gini Coefficient results. Accordingly, income distribution indicated a more equitable distribution during the period when the domestic debt interest payments, unemployment rates, the share of indirect taxes, inflation and interest rates were decreasing


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    Günümüzde, enerji sosyal ve ekonomik gelişmenin en temel girdilerinden birisi haline gelmiştir. Kömür, doğalgaz petrol vb. enerji kaynaklarının sınırlı olduğu gerçeği göz önünde bulundurulursa, enerji kaynaklarının verimli kullanılması gerekliliği yadsınamaz. Ülkelerin enerji kullanımı ile alakalı geleceği göz ardı etmeyen, sağlıklı ve kararlı politikalar üretmesi gerekmektedir. Büyük ölçekli sanayi tesislerinin üretim yapabilmesi için enerji vazgeçilmez bir üretim faktörü durumundadır. Büyümeye sağladığı katkı, enerjinin bir gelişmişlik ölçütü olarak kullanılmasına olanak sağlamıştır. Bu yüzden gelişmiş ülkeler enerji üretim ve tüketimine büyük önem vermektedir. Artan bu öneminden dolayı enerji tüketimi ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişki birçok çalışmaya konu olmuştur. Türkiye gibi enerji üretimi, enerji tüketimini karşılayamayan ülkeler için ise durum çok daha stratejik politikaların gerekli olduğunu göstermektedir. Dünya’nın en pahalı petrolünün satıldığı ülkemizde, petrol, doğalgaz ve elektrik gibi büyük öneme sahip girdiler üzerine getirilen vergilerin, üretici maliyetleri üzerine etkilerinin detaylı bir biçimde ele alınması gerekmektedir. Enerji maliyetlerinin çok arttığı bir ortamda, küresel rekabette dezavantajlı duruma düşen üreticiler, sadece yerel Pazar için ürün üretebilir, dolayısı ile üretim miktarında gözle görülür bir azalma meydana gelebilir.Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de 1970-2009 dönemleri arasında yıllık verilerle, enerji tüketimi ile ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişkiyi yapısal kırılmalı modeller aracılığı ile incelemektir. Çalışmada kullanılan verilerden Reel Gayrı Safi Yurt İçi Hasıla, Gayrı Safi Sermaye oluşumu ve İhracat verileri Dünya Bankası’nın web sitesinden, Toplam Enerji Tüketimi verileri ise Dünya Enerji Konseyi’nin web sitesinden alınmıştır. Bunun için öncelikli olarak Zivot-Andrews Z-A yapısal kırılmalı birim kök testi uygulanmış olup, serilerin birinci farkında I 1 durağan oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Z-A birim kök testinden sonra Gregory-Hansen eşbütünleşme analizi yapılmış, seriler arasında uzun dönemde eşbütünleşme bulunmuştur. Bulunan bu eşbütünleşme seriler arasında en az bir nedensellik ilişkisinin olabileceğini göstermiştir. Granger nedensellik analizi sonucunda, Reel Gayrı Safi Yurt İçi Hasıla’dan sermayeye, enerji tüketiminden sermayeye, ihracattan Reel Gayrı Safi yurt İçi Hasıla’ya, ihracattan enerji tüketimine ve yine ihracattan sermayeye doğru tek yönlü nedensellik ilişkisi bulunmuş olup, buna karşın enerji tüketimi ile ekonomik büyüme arasında herhangi bir nedensellik ilişkisine rastlanmamıştır

    The role of alternative energy and globalization in decarbonization prospects of the oil-producing African economies

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    This study assesses the environmental impacts of the energy mix of mainly oil-producing African nations. The economic aspects of decarbonization prospects were also viewed from the perspectives of fossil energy dependence among the countries. More insights on the impacts of energy mix on decarbonization prospects were also provided on a country-specifc analysis basis via the application of second-generation econometric techniques in assessing carbon emission levels across the countries between 1990 and 2015. From the results, only renewable resources proved to be a signifcant decarbonization tool among the understudied oil-rich economies. Moreover, the consequences of the trio of fossil fuel consumption, income growth, and globalization are diametrically opposed to achieving decarbonization as the rise in their usage signifcantly acts as pollutant-inducing tools. The validity of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) conjecture was also upheld for the combined analysis of the panel countries. The study thus opined that the reduction in conventional energy dependence will enhance environmental quality. Consequently, given the advantages of the geographical locations of these countries in Africa, concerted strategies for more investment in clean renewable energy sources like solar and wind were suggested to policymakers among other recommendations.publishedVersio

    Winter sports awareness levels of students taking ski lessons

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    This study examines the winter sports awareness levels of the students who take the optional ski course at Erzurum Technical University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, and Faculty of Engineering, according to various variables. The data were collected from the students who took the optional ski course in the 2021-2022 academic year with the help of questionnaires. A total of 145 students, 87 male, and 58 female students, participated in the study using the quantitative research model. A questionnaire technique consisting of two parts was used in the research. In the first part, the "Personal Information Form" was used to determine the demographic characteristics of the participants. The "Winter Sports Awareness Level Scale" was used in the second part. Frequency analysis, kurtosis, skewness test, One-Way Anova analysis, t-test, and correlation analysis were used in the study. The study found a moderate, positive, and significant relationship between the sub-dimensions of winter sports awareness levels. According to the gender variable of the students participating in the study, no significance was found in the awareness levels of winter sports. According to the department variable, in the affective sub-dimension, the engineering faculty students were significantly higher than the sports science faculty students. In addition, according to the variable of where you live, it was determined that the students living in the cities were significantly higher than those living in the villages at the level of winter sports awareness. As a result, it can be said that the gender variable is not a distinguishing variable on the level of winter sports awareness. According to the age variable, it was determined that the winter sports awareness levels of the students aged 23-25 were significantly higher than the students aged 26 and over

    Winter sports awareness levels of students taking ski lessons

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    This study examines the winter sports awareness levels of the students who take the optional ski course at Erzurum Technical University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, and Faculty of Engineering, according to various variables. The data were collected from the students who took the optional ski course in the 2021-2022 academic year with the help of questionnaires. A total of 145 students, 87 male, and 58 female students, participated in the study using the quantitative research model. A questionnaire technique consisting of two parts was used in the research. In the first part, the "Personal Information Form" was used to determine the demographic characteristics of the participants. The "Winter Sports Awareness Level Scale" was used in the second part. Frequency analysis, kurtosis, skewness test, One-Way Anova analysis, t-test, and correlation analysis were used in the study. The study found a moderate, positive, and significant relationship between the sub-dimensions of winter sports awareness levels. According to the gender variable of the students participating in the study, no significance was found in the awareness levels of winter sports. According to the department variable, in the affective sub-dimension, the engineering faculty students were significantly higher than the sports science faculty students. In addition, according to the variable of where you live, it was determined that the students living in the cities were significantly higher than those living in the villages at the level of winter sports awareness. As a result, it can be said that the gender variable is not a distinguishing variable on the level of winter sports awareness. According to the age variable, it was determined that the winter sports awareness levels of the students aged 23-25 were significantly higher than the students aged 26 and over

    Population Growth of Bosmina longirostris Fed Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus subspicatus in Different Densities

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    In this study, the effects of the different densities of Chlorella vulgaris (0.05 x 106, 0.1 x 106, 0.2 x 106, 0.4 x 106, or 0.8 x 106 cells/ml) and Scenedesmus subspicatus (0.05 x 106, 0.1 x 106, 0.2 x 106, or 0.4 x 106 cells/ml) on culture of the water flea, Bosmina longirostris, were investigated. The experiment was carried out in a photoperiod of 16 h light:8 h dark at 25±1°C. At the beginning of the experiment, one B. longirostris individual (<24 h old) was put into each vessel, and the number of individuals and rate of population increase were determined for 30 days. Increasing the food density increased the number of individuals and the rate of population. The maximum number of B. longirostris individuals (7.1±2.08 ind/ml) and maximum rate of population increase (0.2±0.004/day) was in the group fed 0.2 x 106 cells/ml S. subspicatus. The effect on the number of the individuals was statistically significant (p<0.05)

    An Empirical Retrospect of the Impacts of Government Expenditures on Economic Growth: New Evidence from the Nigerian Economy

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    The impacts of public expenditures on economic growth have been revisited in this paper with respect to capital expenditure, recurrent expenditure and the government fiscal expansion in line with support for the budgetary allocations to various sectors in the context of the Nigerian economy. The Pesaran ARDL approach has been applied to carry out the impact analysis using annual time series data from 1981 to 2017. Empirical findings support the existence of a level relationship between public spending indicators and economic growth in Nigeria. Incisively, recurrent expenditures of government were found to be significantly impacting on economic growth in a negative way while the positive impacts of public capital expenditures were not significant to economic growth over the period of the study. Further results from the granger causality test reveal that fiscal expansion of the government that is hinged on debt financing is strongly granger causing public expenditures and domestic investment with the latter also granger causing real growth in the economy. We, therefore, provide some important policy recommendations following the results of the empirical analysis

    Association between C-peptide level and microalbuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Purpose: Latest studies suggest that C-peptide may have a beneficial biological role on diabetic nephropathy. The aim of this study is to analyze whether there is an association between serum C-peptide level and microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Materials and Methods: We enrolled 184 T2DM patents and 46 healthy subjects in this study. Clinical variables and routine biochemical tests along with serum C peptide levels measured after an overnight fasting. Serum C peptide levels between 1.1 and 4.4 accepted as normal. 24-hour-urine samples were investigated and values between 30-300mgwere recorded as microalbuminuria. Pearson correlation analysis were used to determine associations between continuous variables. Results: C peptide levels were not significantly difference in T2DM patients compared to healthy controls. Serum C peptide levels showed positive correlation with insulin and microalbminuria with the Pearson correlation analysis. However, there was no significant association between other variables and C peptide levels. Conclusion: A correlation was found between microalbuminuria and serum C-peptide in this present study. Findings suggest C-peptide is related with renal complications of T2DM patients

    Türkiye’de Vergi Yükünün, Enflasyonun ve Vergi Affı Beklentisinin Kayıt Dışı Ekonomiye Etkisi Üzerine Ampirik Bir Uygulama 1985-2012

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    Kayıt dışıekonomi, hukuki olarak belgelenemeyen ve Gayri Safi Yurt İçi Hasıla GSYİH hesaplamalarında dikkate alınmayan, resmi kayıtlara giren tüm ekonomik işlemler ve faaliyetleri ifade eder. Kayıt dışıekonominin ortaya çıkmasındaki temel nedenler dört grupta toplanabilir. Bunlar: • Aşırıvergi yükü, enflasyon, ekonomik istikrarsızlık ve krizler gibi finansal ve ekonomik nedenler • Vergi affı, yolsuzluk, rüşvet ve kamu muhasebe servisinin yetersizliği gibi yönetimsel ve hukuki nedenler • Kentlere göç, güvenlik olmamasıve nüfus politikalarında eksiklik gibi sosyal ve psikolojik nedenler • Siyasal istikrarsızlık ve popülist politikalar gibi siyasal nedenler Kayıt dışıekonomiye yol açan tüm bu negatif etkenlere rağmen, kayıt dışıekonominin ekonomik büyümeyi pozitif ya da negatif etkilediğine dair tam bir fikir birliği yoktur. Bu duruma rağmen, kayıt dışıekonomiyi önlemek için bazıpolitikalar geliştirilmelidir. Faiz oranlarının düşürülmesi, vergilendirme sisteminde bazıreformlar yapılması, dolaylıvergilerin toplam vergiler içindeki payının azaltılması, istihdam üzerindeki vergilerinin minimum seviyeye getirilmesi, vergi hakkında farkındalığın arttırılmasıve siyasal istikrarsızlıktan kaçınılmasıbu politikalar arasındadır. Bu çalışmada, kayıt dışıekonomi ile vergi yükü, enflasyon ve vergi aflarıarasındaki ilişki, 1985 ve 2012 dönemi yıllık verileri bazında incelenmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılan kayıt dışıekonomi verileri genişletilmişparasal oran yöntemine göre hesaplanmıştır. Bu değişkenin alınmasının sebebi parasal oran yöntemlerine göre yapılan hesaplamalar içerisinde genişletilmişparasal oran yönteminin kayıt dışıekonomiyi hesaplarken nakit işlemler yanında vadesiz mevduat hesaplarınıda modele katarak kayıt dışılığıhesaplamasıdır. Diğer taraftan, vergi yükü verileri, toplam vergi gelirlerinin GSYİH’ya oranıile hesaplanmışve veriler Maliye Bakanlığıweb sitesinden alınmıştır. Tüketici fiyat endeksi değerleri Türk İstatistik Kurumunun veri tabanından elde edilmiştir. Vergi affı, vergi kanunlarıyürürlüğe girdiği periyotlar bazında kukla değişken olarak modeline dâhil edilmiştir. Kurulan ekonometrik modeli sonucu, ilk olarak verilerin durağanlığıbelirlenmişve daha sonra değişkenler arasındaki ilişki regresyon denklemi sayesinde ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Yapılan nedensellik testi sonucunda; vergi yüklerinden kayıt dışıekonomiye doğru tek taraflıbir nedenselliğin olduğu %10 anlamlılık düzeyinde ortaya çıkmıştır. Bununla birlikte enflasyonun vergi yükünü etkilediği yönündeki nedensellik ilişkisi de tek taraflıolarak anlam ifade etmektedir. Ekonometrik sonuçlardan elde edilen genel durum gösteriyor ki, kayıt dışıekonomiyi azaltmak için düzenlemeler, vergi yükünü hafifletmeye, fiyat istikrarının sağlanmasına ve vergi affıbeklentisini ortadan kaldırmaya yönelik yapılmalıdır

    Investigation of Serum Folate-Receptor-1 in Patients with Non- Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Objective: Histopathological overexpression of folate receptor-1(FOLR1) involved in folate transport in cell growth has been reported in various cancers. Increased serum FOLR1 (sFOLR1) has also been reported in epithelial ovarian cancer. The aim was to investigate sFOLR1 levels in non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) patients and the response prediction of the standard chemotherapy targeting folic acid metabolism. Methods: In this prospective study, sFOLR1 levels were investigated in 30 healthy individuals and 60 patients with stage4 malign metastatic NSCLC before and after standard chemotherapy. The commercial immunoassay(ELISA) kit was used for the analysis of sFOLR1. Serum carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA), vitamin B12, and folate levels were also investigated. Results: In NSCLC patients sFOLR1 levels were significantly higher(p<0.001) than the healthy individuals. After 3 months of standard treatment, sFOLR1 was significantly lower than pre-treatment values in NSCLC patients(p<0.001). Diagnostic accuracy was strong in the differentiation of NSCLC patients from healthy individuals(AUC= 0.966). with the cut-off point of 82.45 pg/ml, the sFOLR1 level was performed with 95% sensitivity and 99% specificity. Pretreatment sFOLR1 levels were significantly lower in patients with-response to standard chemotherapy(p<0.01). The best predictive value was determined as 393.80 pg/ml. At the end of the 401 days, a significant difference was found in patients with high sFOLR1 predictive value. The median overall survival(OS) duration was 288 days for all patients (95% GA 198.13-377.87). Median progression-free survival(PFS) was 321 days(95% GA 211.90-430.10). Conclusions: For monitoring standard chemotherapy with drugs targeting folic acid metabolism, sFOLR-1 levels be an biomarker