71 research outputs found

    Medenî Usûl Hukukunda yabancılık unsuru ve sonuçları

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi Hukuk Bölümü, 2015.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Bilkent University, 2015.Includes bibliographical references leaves 311-344.This thesis dealt with foreign element and its results in Civil Procedure. In this context, first, foreign element is defined, and then qualification issue is analyzed. In addition, dogmatic justification of lex fori principle is examined. Finally, the results of the foreign element in each procedural term and institution is examined. Specifically the applicable law for concrete cases is analyzed.Erdoğan, ErsinPh.D

    Perkütan lazer disk dekompresyonu: 197 olgunun retrospektif analizi ve literatürün taranması

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    AIM: Percutaneous laser disc decompression (PLDD) is a one of the well-known minimal invasive treatment methods of disc herniations. The aim of this study is to present our clinical experience and to show the benefits of this technique. MATERIAL and METHODS: A total of 197 patients, who met the criteria of PLDD, underwent treatment between 2007 and 2009. The data of the patients was reviewed retrospectively. Among them, 107 (54.3 %) patients were male and 90 were female with a mean age of 46.34 years (ranged between 23 and 86 years). Seventy-two patients underwent one level PLDD, 112 (56.8 %) patients two levels PLDD and 13 patients three levels PLDD procedures. The mean follow-up time was 42 months. RESULTS: Among the 72 patients, the level of PLDD was L3-L4 in 4 patients, L4-L5 in 39 patients and L5-S1 in 29 patients. L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels were the most common 2-level PLDD locations in 71 patients. Twenty-five (12.7 %) patients underwent microsurgical discectomy after PLDD. The procedure was repeated in 3 patients. Discitis secondary to possible thermal injury occurred in 2 (0.1%) patients and this complication was improved with conservative treatment. CONCLUSION: PLDD is a safe and effective procedure in the treatment of discogenic pain if the patient met the selection criteria. However, this technique is not an alternative to open surgery

    In-situ cranioplasty after microvascular decompression: A technical note

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    Cranioplasty is not only performed for cosmetic reasons but also for physiological requirements to balance the cerebral hemodynamics and to protect the brain from external traumas. Methyl methacrylate is one of the most preferred materials for cranioplasty. It is usually prepared out of the surgical site and therefore modelling of the cranioplasty material to fit the bone defect is sometimes difficult. In this technical note, we present our new technique of cranioplasty with methyl methacrylate in which the material is prepared on site of the bone defect and very easily shaped. Fixation materials are not needed. This technique is especially suitable for posterior fossa surgeries after craniectomy

    Dejeneratif spondilolistezis, spinal stenoz, lomber kompresyon fraktürü olan yüksek riskli hastalarda spinal anestezi ile posterior lomber stabilizasyon cerrahisi

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    AIm: Spinal anesthesia is an appropriate technique for lumbar spine surgeries of two to three hours duration. The aim of this study is todocument our experience on spinal anesthesia administered to the patients with degenerative lumbar spine.Ma terIal and Methods: A total of 497 patients underwent spinal stabilization surgery with spinal anesthesia for degenerative lumbarspinal disorders in an 8-year period. Spinal anesthesia was performed at the L3-L4 or L4-L5 level and subarachnoid block was achieved with15 mg of 0.5% plain bupivacaine with 2 µg of fentanyl and 0.2 mg of epinephrine. There was no failure of anesthesia. The patients wereclosely monitored for complications associated with the SA technique and especially hypotension and bradycardia but no gross alterations incardiovascular stability were noted.Results: Among the 497 patients, 139 were male and 358 were female with a median age of 51 years. The average anesthesia durationwas 130 minutes and the average operative time was 85 minutes. In the postoperative period 36 patients has nausea (7.2%) and 18 of themhad vomiting (3.6%) that required one dose of antiemetic. No spinal headache was observed and 36 (7.2%) patients complained of urinaryretention. All recovered with urinary cannulation within 24 hours. No respiratory complication occurred and no patient died.ConclusIon: Spinal anesthesia is a safe and effective procedure for the lumbar spinal stabilization surgery, especially in high-riskpatients.Proper precautions should be taken in order to achieve an effective anesthesia for these operations

    Endothelins: Vasoactive Peptids

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    Local endocrine factors (autacoids, paracrine agents), which are secreted from vessel’s endothelium, provide to arrange of vascular tonus. Some of these factors cause vessel relaxation (vasodilator) such as nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin-I2 (PGI2); some others cause vessel spasm (vasoconstrictor) such as endothelin (ET)-1 and angiothensin-II. Described in 1988 by Yanagisawa and at al., ET-1 synthesized in vessel endothelium; with its long lasting effect and slow releasing, it is presently one of the strongest vasoconstrictor agents contrary to NO. ET, derived from vessel endothelium is ubiquitous peptide, acts as promitogens and plays an important role during embryonic development. Existence of three distinct genes for ET has been determined which are called ET-1, ET-2, ET-3 and encodes three distinct peptides. However, ET-1 is the isopeptide which is found in greatest concentration in the blood and mainly synthesized by the human endothelium. All three ET isoforms include four cysteine residues, which connect to disulphide bonding (Cys1-Cys15; Cys3-Cys11). ET-1, which has twenty-one amino acids residue, realizes biological effects via cell surface ETA and ETB reseptors, which are 7-transmembrane receptors coupled to G-proteins. ET receptor antagonists submit a new therapeutic area for serious diseases such as congestive heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, arterial hypertension, prostate hypertrophy, prostate cancers, preeclampsia, atherosclerosis and renal failure

    A clinical analysis of microvascular decompression surgery with sacrification of the superior petrosal venous complex for trigeminal neuralgia a single-surgeon experience

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    AIM: To report the surgical outcomes in patients with trigeminal neuralgia (TN) who underwent microvascular decompression (MVD) with superior petrosal vein sacrification. MATERIAL and METHODS: Data from 63 patients, whose information was obtained from a group of 113 patients who underwent surgery from 2008 to 2018, were reviewed retrospectively by the first author who was not part of the surgical team, and the pain conditions were evaluated objectively. RESULTS: Following surgery, pain relief occurred in 84% of patients during the early postoperative period and in 69.8% of patients during long-term follow-up. The major offending vessel was the superior cerebellar artery. CONCLUSION: MVD surgery, in particular for patients with typical pain, is one of the most effective treatment strategies for TN. Superior petrosal vein sacrification is a safe method that helps neurosurgeons to visualise the surgical area and perform a better work-up. Neurosurgeons should not be afraid to carry out superior petrosal vein sacrification

    Neurovascular compression of the left rostral ventrolateral medulla: clinic findings and surgical result

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    Neurovascular compression syndromes of the rostral ventrolateral (RVL) medulla occur rarely. These syndromes reveal different clinical symptoms such as trigeminal neuralgia, hemifacial spasm, and glossopharyngeal neuralgia. We presented a case of 49-year-old male patient with left-sided trigeminal neuralgia, hemifacial spasm, and arterial hypertension. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and angiography (MRA) showed a large tortuous basilar artery. Microvascular decompression (MVD) was successfully performed to decompress the nerves and the RVL medulla oblongata. Postoperatively, the patient had no trigeminal neuralgia and hemifacial spasm and his arterial blood pressure measurements were in normal limits without medication. An elongated basilar artery with compression of the brainstem is a much rarer condition. Our case demonstrated that if the patients have cranial neuropathies with arterial hypertension such as trigeminal neuralgia, hemifacial spasm, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, the patients should be carefully examined and profoundly evaluated with thin slice MRI especially posterior fossa. We emphasize that MVD is the gold standard in neurovascular compression syndromes

    Vagal nerve stimulation effects on generalized-partial seizures and medication in adult drug-resistant epilepsy patients

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    AIm: The aim of this study was to find out if vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) affect the generalized-partial seizure count and medical treatment in adult drug resistant epilepsy patients. Mater Ial and Methods: Twenty adult patients who were diagnosed with drug-resistant epilepsy were investigated retrospectively for vagal nerve stimulator implantation between 2001 and 2010 at the Neurosurgery Departments of Ufuk University and Gulhane Military Medical Academy. The effects of vagal nerve stimulation on generalized-partial seizures and medical treatment was scored and if a significant difference was found, a comparison was made by Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test and Pairwise. For all the group analyses, the statistical significant rank was accepted as a p value <0.05. Bonferroni correction was made when it was needed during pairwise comparisons. Results : VNS significantly decreased the scores of generalized-partial seizures. There was no decrease in the doses of antiepileptic drugs and the medical treatment was resumed as before the implantation. The results were correlated with the relevant literature. ConclusIon: VNS is an alternative treatment option for drug resistant epilepsy for patients who are not ideal candidates for surgery or are not healed after epilepsy surgery

    The Sariçiçek Howardite Fall in Turkey: Source Crater of HED Meteorites on Vesta and İmpact Risk of Vestoids

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    The Sariçiçek howardite meteorite shower consisting of 343 documented stones occurred on 2 September 2015 in Turkey and is the first documented howardite fall. Cosmogenic isotopes show that Sariçiçek experienced a complex cosmic ray exposure history, exposed during ~12–14 Ma in a regolith near the surface of a parent asteroid, and that an ~1 m sized meteoroid was launched by an impact 22 ± 2 Ma ago to Earth (as did one third of all HED meteorites). SIMS dating of zircon and baddeleyite yielded 4550.4 ± 2.5 Ma and 4553 ± 8.8 Ma crystallization ages for the basaltic magma clasts. The apatite U-Pb age of 4525 ± 17 Ma, K-Ar age of ~3.9 Ga, and the U,Th-He ages of 1.8 ± 0.7 and 2.6 ± 0.3 Ga are interpreted to represent thermal metamorphic and impact-related resetting ages, respectively. Petrographic, geochemical and O-, Cr- and Tiisotopic studies confirm that Sariçiçek belongs to the normal clan of HED meteorites. Petrographic observations and analysis of organic material indicate a small portion of carbonaceous chondrite material in the Sariçiçek regolith and organic contamination of the meteorite after a few days on soil. Video observations of the fall show an atmospheric entry at 17.3 ± 0.8 kms-1 from NW, fragmentations at 37, 33, 31 and 27 km altitude, and provide a pre-atmospheric orbit that is the first dynamical link between the normal HED meteorite clan and the inner Main Belt. Spectral data indicate the similarity of Sariçiçek with the Vesta asteroid family (V-class) spectra, a group of asteroids stretching to delivery resonances, which includes (4) Vesta. Dynamical modeling of meteoroid delivery to Earth shows that the complete disruption of a ~1 km sized Vesta family asteroid or a ~10 km sized impact crater on Vesta is required to provide sufficient meteoroids ≤4 m in size to account for the influx of meteorites from this HED clan. The 16.7 km diameter Antonia impact crater on Vesta was formed on terrain of the same age as given by the 4He retention age of Sariçiçek. Lunar scaling for crater production to crater counts of its ejecta blanket show it was formed ~22 Ma ago